Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob

Equipment: Arete Talisman of Iron Fists

The sheer, karking, audacity.
An open attack was obvious the moment the Imperials dissolved the Bastion Accords, for despite his optimistic and rather naive hopes, The Empire were just like their former masters, only backing agreements when it suited them, having no issue breaking any and all truces the moment it suited them. Ilum was a jab, a test, a taunt.
To the greater Alliance, the world wasn't that useful, it was out of the way, disconnected from the greater galaxy and had little strategic import. The main resource it could produce was not something the Jedi would be willing to let out into the market. Hell, the Imperials didn't even really need it. Kyber crystals could be found on other worlds in abundance, many of which fell under the Iron Curtain. But this was simply spite. Spite and the greed of petty men looking to pillage the sacred places of the galaxy for their short term material gains.
No. It seems this would not stand, Aldera was a warning for both sides, it should have stopped there. But it seems that like all things born of the Sith, base emotions ruled over common sense. The once proud, and some could say noble, New Imperial Order was swiftly devolving into nothing more than
rabid animals. Devouring everything in sight, lashing out at the slightest provocation
Below he felt, he could feel the planet cry out in protest. It had been a steady, quiet background noise since his feet first touched the snow. A lingering irritation at the edge of his senses, familiar but unclear. It was not until he received the rapid reports of the mining facilities across the world did he finally catch on.
His grip on the hilt of his blade tightened until the knuckles turned white as he stalked through the snow, the sheer white of his robes blending in with the background, rending him damn near invisible to the naked eye. His gaze set clearly on one of the outer mining rigs currently tearing tons upon upons of rock from deep underground, sifting through it to find the precious crystals buried within.
With a grunt, he leapt upwards from his hidden position, the Force carrying him to greater heights than his flesh would allow. Free hand grasping at the railing as he hoisted himself over and onto the platform proper.
And it seems the element of surprise was gone. Not that he really cared much for it. Part of him wanted the Imperials to know he was here. So quick they were to denote restraint as weakness, not ever considering that maybe, perhaps the reason that the Jedi held back so much was because they knew how powerful they were. And had no desire to become tyrants of the Galaxy.
He turned to gaze at the young man who was attempting to acost him. While his blindness stopped him from discerning exact details, he could tell from the sound of their voice, the eagerness and tension in their movements that they were young. Probably around the same age as the Padawans that had been sent to check out some of the caves earlier.
For a moment he wondered just how

The Padawans would be fine. Right now he needed to focus on his own objective. Shutting down this drill and then working his way deeper behind Imperial lines.
He barely even turned to look at the Imperial Squire as they charged him, letting out a roar with their saber held high. Opening their assault with a fearsome downward slash.
Which be promptly stepped around, the pommel of his sword already moving to slam into the young man's midsection. Knocking the wind clean out of their lungs.
"Sleep." He intoned, other hand moving to grasp their face as he allowed the Force to flood their mind, guiding the various parts of his brain to shut down and drive the man into a deep slumber. Despite his somewhat more agitated state, he wasn't here to go on a slaughter. He'd rack up a bodycount by the end of the day sure. But he wasn't going to go out of his way to take the life of a kid the same age as his own students.
The Stormtroopers who were currently raising their weapons at him on the other hand......
They were trained killers, drilled to obey any order, no matter how foul, without question. Who would engage him from range as opposed to close quarters where he could knock them out quickly.
"If you want. Put your weapons down and surrender. You have my word you'll be given fair treatment by the Alliance." Basic pattern recognition told him his offer would fall on deaf ears. But basic decency demanded that he make the offer regardless.
Their response was the flicking off of safeties and the hum of blaster rifles warming up.
His thumb pressed against the guard of his blade, unsheathing it by an inch. "Have it your way then. Galidraani rules until one of you says otherwise."
It didn't take too terribly long. The Stormtroopers were good, but in the end they were mortal men fighting a blatantly superhuman opponent in their ideal environment of a close quarters fight. With a flick of his wrist, the blood leapt off his blade, staining the snow around him in a neat semi-circle. He pulled some of his blows, leaving painful, but non-fatal blows to a few of them when he could.
But all of those men knew what they were getting into when they decided to invade this world. He did not relish the lives he took so far today. But it was a grim necessity to hopefully convince the Imperials that perhaps they were better off seeking other avenues of conquest and not picking a fight with a power that was perfectly capable of matching them.
Idly, he stretched his senses out further, trying to see if he needed to take care of any stragglers, a frown crossing his face as the echoes of distress reached him from deeper in one of the caves. Did someone get lost in there? A technician or a trooper that stumbled and fell?
The pragmatic thing to do would be just to leave them and move on. But even as the thought crossed his mind, he was already moving deeper into the mouth of the cavern. Enemy or not, he wasnt going to let someone starve or freeze to death in a cave.
The back of his neck itched again, as the phantom sounds reached his own supernaturally attuned senses. The echoes of the Force of such a holy world allowing him to listen in on someone else's own internal turmoil. His head craned over the edge of the pit where another Imperial Knight had fallen down in.
"Why are you still with the Empire!"
"A good question." He called down, standing crouched over the edge. "You really on board with all this? You don't really seem the type."