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Invasion Hubris of Empires | The Cold War | Invasion of Ilum [Empire vs. Alliance]



"~=No, of course not. Not even maybe, an' certainly not as part of Dooku's court, it only means you don't align with the current ruler - an' in this matter specifically, you are not alone. Also, yes; its that mentor you haven't met in person yet, as I am not the primary tutor in this regard.... Being more specific, I'm Michael Barran, last surviving son of the fool who dragged us here.=~"

Mira's eyes widened more as she continued to yank her hair, though lighter than before. Her pounding heart echoed off the cave of her ribcage. The cave of ice surrounding her. That reply was immediate and certain. And it made her weak with security. Even the child of this charge's leader was against his judgement. As someone who had always agreed with and followed her father, Mira had to admit respect that someone saw past the man who raised him, the man he likely looked up to. Mira was furthermore assured that she was justified, and that she was not in a losing battle. Not emotionally at least. For she still was on Ilum, during its defiling.

When another voice called from above, she looked up in shock. Aoki was usually so dignified, so regal. But now? Her helmet and lightsabers wer cast on the ground. She was on her knees. Her hair was yanked and tangled, gripped by her shaking hands. Her brown eyes gazed up at the man who happened across her in her weakness. He knew. He knew she was doubting the Empire, and he was targeting that weakness. Puffs of air escaped her mouth as she sat on the cavern floor. She closed her lips, gulping hard. So much was crashing into her. The sound of the drills was absent, finally. The cave she was in cried out to her. And all these voices in her head.

She lowered her hands from her head, glaring up at the man. Usually so dignified, was felt unbecomed in his blind gaze. She stood up, staggering but still on her feet. "How very kind of you to target me in a state I would rather none see me in."

Puffs of visible breath swirled around her face. She mellowed just a little, "Revenge is not my preferred method of dealing with wrongs committed."

Barran has managed to remind Aoki, just enough, of where she did stand with the Empire. The reasons she had joined in the first place, despite being raised on Atrisia. She narrowed her eyes, "I question why I am here. I question the methods of my kin. But..."

"I know why I am in the Empire."

She stood straighter, not happy that someone was here to prey on her emotions. "I do not wish to hear you try and manipulate me. Neither, do I wish to fight you. You are blind. I will not fight you with the unfair advantage of sight."

She had a sense of honor, after all. She was very aware that as a Force Sensitive individual, he had the aid of the Force. Even then, she did not want to fight a blind opponent, an opponent she would have an unfair advantage over. Naive, perhaps, but she was not some cheating brute. She was an Imperial Knight, and a warrior trained by a noble father. Unlike Michael Barran, she had a father to look up to.

Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Michael Barran Michael Barran
Grand Inquisitor of the EOTL


Deployed Forces (25,000m)
Capital Ships
11x Aspis Pocket Carriers
87x Aculeo Mini Carriers
10x Voland Class Space Submarines (Stealth).

452 Total Squadrons

4x Squadrons of Argus SAWACs ECCM/Command and Control Squadrons
336x Squadrons of Howling Harrier Multirole Fighters
112x Squadrons of Strike Eagle Fighters


Helpful TL;DR Tactical Map/Summary (as of this post)

TL;DR Aculia backs up Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan w/ her fleet and strikecraft in reserve, launches an attack with stealth submarines against GA's picket line/lighter ships with stealth torps, stealth subs scatter as torps are fired changing their pre-torpedo direction to help avoid return fire. See helpful tactical map and post. Lmk if I messed up somewhere.

Aculia paced back and forth on the bridge of her flagship, the HMS Valiant, her stomach turning slightly as she reflected on the irony and perhaps what some might consider the blatant hypocrisy of her position in this particular battle. Despite being a proponent of democratic reforms in her own home territory of the Elysium Empire at the edge of the galaxy to check Rex’s more autocratic tendencies, and having been noted for helping stop the tyrannical Maw at the Battle of Tython, today she was siding with the Empire in their occupation of Ilum. Fighting against the Galactic Alliance, the preeminent non-authoritarian power in the galaxy. Not to mention the Jedi, who, despite her misgivings with them as being hopelessly naïve and idealistic, she did not loath nor particularly wish to kill, and upon whose holy world her allies desecrated today.

But it was the Empire who offered her the paycheck this day, while the Alliance had been radio silent towards her, perhaps out of apathy, perhaps out of overconfidence, perhaps out of a simple disdain towards using mercenaries. And at the end of the day to take care of her people back home at the other end of the galaxy far from the comfy and prestigious position at the center of the galaxy the Alliance enjoyed, she needed credits. If she had to swallow her tongue and pride to do so, so be it, because at the end of the day, her allegiance was to those who looked to her to protect them and their families.

And we shall earn that money, and one day, we may no longer have to fight.

“Captain Severin, have our forces been deployed as I have instructed?”

“Yes, Admiral. Per your orders, we have assembled behind Moff Korvan’s forces, split into three equal strike forces. One on his right flank, one on his left, and one behind him in reserve. The standoff gravity well generators have been turned on-there will be no micro jumping directly on top of our carriers today. We mostly have Howling Harriers deployed for the flexibility they offer, along with some Strike Eagles to further ensure space superiority. They will wait in place and guard their positions until you order otherwise.”

She gave him an affirming nod. She was not here today to use the majority of her forces to hunt down and destroy the GA fleet. She was here to protect Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan 's flanks and his superweapon, and crush the hopes of GA admiral that they could simply swarm or ambush the Moff with superior amounts of strikecraft or ships. There was one exception to that, however…

“And the Voland Classes?” She inquired.

“They have your orders and have been deployed forward in five pairs, cloaked, and awaiting the arrival of any GA forces. They understand your orders on engagement, distance, and tactics.”

“Good. For what we had to sacrifice in order to get the technology and funding to make them, let us hope they perform well.”

“Sir! ARGUS scans have detected incoming Alliance forces! Korvan’s fleet is opening fire! Power fluctuations detected coming from the Reckoning! It seems they are beginning to power it up!”

Aculia watched as her chief ally today, Moff Korvan, opened fire with an impressive opening salvo towards a Galactic Alliance fleet egressing from hyperspace, scoring several hits although perhaps jumping the gun a little bit early as some of the fire seemed premature. A few of the Alliance screening vessels went down along with the shields of their own Star Destroyers flaring brightly against the Imperial fire, but held. Still, she doubted that slight folly would matter all that much in the course of the battle, if the Empire’s superweapon could do what her brief analysis of it from her earlier position suspected it could. And what she and her fleet were here to help it do.

“Keep our forces steady, Captain Severin. Korvan can handle return firepower of that magnitude with his own ships. We’re to risk our lives only if necessary.”

Moving over to her command chair and settling in, she began to breathe slowly, and calmly. She had found she had a latent talent for battle meditation, and had been fostering it during and since Tython. She was far from a master of it, of course: experience leads to mastery, and these kinds of large scale battles were still relatively new to her, but every little bit of courage she could give to those under her command would help.

Meanwhile, in the void of space forward of the Imperial forces and the XIII Battlegroup, scattered around the likely projected entry points of the Galactic Alliance forces the Voland Class Space Submarines lurked in five pairs, cloaked with the latest in advanced stealth technology from the Eternal Empire. They had been ordered to keep quiet and conceal themselves since they had first deployed to the space around the planet, scouting and keeping watch for any sizeable GA fleets that might appear, and engage targets of opportunity with their new, specialized stealth space torpedoes. And just such an opportunity arrived when a particularly ambitious, or perhaps stupid, Galactic Alliance Admiral jumped straight into the system and began to go head to head with Korvan immediately. No scouts, no advance force, nothing.

What a bold and interesting strategy, not unlike the Mawites, although to their credit they are smart enough to have brought smaller screening capital ships, unlike them. I guess one can afford these kinds of losses when you have the manpower and industry that the Alliance has...

Per her earlier standing orders, the submarines began to shift their trajectories towards the Alliance Fleet of Pa'Kar Sang that had jumped out of hyperspace, took some fire from Korvan, and begun to scramble their own strikecraft. Two of them swiftly moved above the enemy fleet, two of them laterally behind, two below, and two each flank, keeping a fair amount of distance between each submarine. And then, silently in the void of space, they began to carry out their orders.

The first order of business was to destroy the ability of this particular Alliance fleet to hunt them easily once they became aware of their presence. Unfortunately that meant leaving their juicy heavier ships alone for now, while their corvettes and cruiser pickets were hopefully sent to a cold, icy grave in space. Silently ejecting with strong propelled air pressure from their tubes, the launch hidden from enemy sensors by the submarine’s own cloaking device, the Orel Stealth Torpedoes seamlessly and silently switched on their own fields the moment they exited their motherships’, moving at a relatively modest pace towards the unsuspecting Alliance picket vessels, which they would continue to do until they met their arming distance.

Immediately after the launches, the submarines began to swiftly make major course corrections from their previous trajectories, some erring to bank hard to the left, others to the right, some going in reverse, some up, and some down in a kind of peculiar coordinated chaos away from the Alliance fleet. Anything to shake up where they had been going before-because when the torpedoes did reach their arming distance, turn off their cloaking device, and engage the thermal plumes of their rockets, it would not be difficult to get a sense of where the previous bearing and heading of their mother vessels were-and to direct return fire, even if they could not see or sense exactly where they were.

As this was occurring, Severin continued to feed tactical data to Aculia noting that one of the Alliance vessels in particular had decided to launch a large amount of strikecraft, including Z-95 Headhunters, X-Wings, Y-Wings, and some kind of what she assumed must be heavy bombers.

“Ask Korvan if he requires some assistance in dealing with them or if he can handle them. We are, after all, mostly in reserve.”

As she did so, and as the Alliance forces began to counterbattery Korvan’s and move toward the middle of his forces, the Orel Torpedoes reached their arming distance, which was programmed to be a moderate distance from the center of the enemy formation. All of the numerous, fast, and deadly torpedoes dropped their cloaking devices in favor of anti-point defense shielding, engaged their rocket boosters with massive thermal plumes, and began to streak in large amounts toward the enemy corvettes and light cruisers from seemingly all directions-which would definitely light up on their sensors. If things went according to plan this would devastate the smaller ships enough that the Alliance fleet would try to have to hunt her swift and maneuverable subs with their bulky Star Destroyers instead-or worry about another potential wave of heavier torpedoes hitting them from behind while they engaged Korvan to the front.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tags and let me know if I need to change anything here/account for people actions/ or tag more people on Discord or PM! I'm friendly! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pa'Kar Sang Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan Jadwiga Drozd Jadwiga Drozd .

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NIO | Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken | Lily Stevens | Margo Liaeris Margo Liaeris | Castor E-196 Castor E-196 | Katja Javik Katja Javik
NJO | Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo | Ariana du Couteau Ariana du Couteau




With a metallic lock and vacuum seal, he screwed his eyes shut and opened them for his vision to be brought alight with the bright heads up display of the stormtrooper visage. Immediately his vision was filled with a sensory overload of information. Ammunition and equipment accounted for along with the vital signs and equipment read offs of himself and four tabs allowing quick access for the same of each member of his platoon. Each friendly highlighted in a cobalt sheen over their forms as he looked them over, his carbine ever characteristically slung over his chest with his right hand grasping the pistol grip of his blaster.

Today would be pivotal. A chess move on a galactic board. There was no doubt that he'd be looking down the sights of Jedi, Alliance. He was primed and ready to put down and kill sons of the Starbird before him. It was a difficult matter to handle. In his upbringing, they were friends and allies. A great deal of the subject matter at MIMIC implied they'd be at the front flank to flank with Jedi and GADF allies- at the height of the Bastion Protocols. Emperor Fel rid of all that- there was Empire and there was nothing else. The age of complacency and compromise had ended. While the crown remained unsteady- the blades were sharp and the enemy present.

The enemy ultimately, didn't matter. So long as it was another lockstep stride in the ever eternal march of Imperial progress- it didn't matter.

Jedi Padawans, the ever eager and bright eyed neophytes of the virtuous order would be the mark of the hunt today. As the ever venerable drill continued its process to dig further into this vaunted world for its Kyber prize, Enigma platoon was set to defend their position until the avenue of resource extraction was open- at which point they could have their own.

SCAR Squadron kicked open the door of retaliation toward the Jedi, the contact markers coming alight in Kriegan's hud as soon as Reaper made first contact with an ever unfortunate Jedi scum. Tavlar was next up to spur further confusion and chaos among the jedi. It was anything but an even exchange- as persistent as the 501st were- even the most novice Jedi were exceedingly lethal.

With the several highlights of his second squad lighting up the opposite end of the chamber the Empire had managed to funnel the Jedi into coming to light nearby, Tavlar took aim down the sights and unfurled a burst of superheated punishment in the direction of one of the Jedi padawans, utilizing their favored light stick as a means of keeping a consistent sight on his enemy- neglecting the usual fear of deflection as the particle beams from his carbine would splash on impact with the superheated light. Crucifing any fear or relent in his engagement of the force users he fired once more before giving his next command.

<"Smoke out. Execute."> Tavlar commanded with a motion of his hand and a word of command before two of his troopers lobbed smoke grenades in the general area of the Jedi's approach and with another motion of his hand- Tavlar set his squad to split and flank their position. These willful Padawans would be face first into the gauntlet.

Miri Nimdok


Over the crest of a snowdrift came Miri. Clad in white fur for warmth against Ilum’s chill and with her dark hair braided to keep it out of the way, she looked like one of the mercenaries the Imps had hired to fight for them. But for once, Miri wasn’t marching into battle for money.

Ilum, a world of great value to the Jedi due to its abundance of kyber crystals, was being invaded. Kyell would be there to defend the planet, and Miri was going with him as promised—whether he liked it or not.

The landscape around her was pale. White snow, white crystals, white drills.

<There go the Imperials mining the kyber,> she said, glancing toward Kyell.

But the mining operations weren’t their target. The pair had been assigned to hunt down a hacker who was disrupting the Alliance battlenet. They were able to track the source of the disturbance to a particular area, but no more than that…


Location: Caverns, Enroute to Mining Operation, Ilum, Unknown Regions
Unit: Task Force Ysalamiri
Equipment: (also linked below in post) Armor, Thorns, Cross Cryo Projector, Ebony, Ravager, FDS-17A Assault Magrifle
TASK FORCE Y: IVI IVI | Tiric Sar'andor | Driver Driver | Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo | Phaineve Halseigh Phaineve Halseigh | Vyn Daldoure Vyn Daldoure

Cold. Ice. Mines. Of course the Cold War opened up here of all places. And it was the Empire trying to dig up as much Kyber Crystals as they could. What weapons they had in mind that needed such vast amounts he wasn't sure, but it was worth a lot of lives and resources to get them. Which only meant more work for those trying to stop them. Of course Dominik, aka "Guns Galore", wouldn't be here if it weren't for the presence of Imperial Knights. Force Users who weren't Sith or anything like the Maw had, but Force Users were bad enough. Going on an all out brawl against a group was near suicide if you didn't have the right gear. Even being trained against them most of his life and fighting them as a practical career, he still preferred to encounter them from a mile away with a high powered rifle. Or maybe from even farther, triggering a bomb on their ship mid-hyperspeed to strand them in the void of space. That was the safest way to deal with them. However, they were still flesh and blood. And lead still tore them apart.

Of course, that was how safe he felt when he was told that he could kill them. Orders to take them alive if possible? Arrest them? These were Force Users, and enemy combatants. They would hardly just let cuffs be slapped on their wrists. That's why he brought something far more useful than any cuffs. It was on the magnetic plate on the back of his armor. A little gift from everyone's biggest enemies, The Maw. Right next to it was his alchemized sword, Ebony. On his left forearm was twenty or so Thorns, just ready to be deployed. Around his wrist on the inside of his armor, pressed uncomfortably against his skin, was his Amulet that would hide him even further from Force Sensitives and offer further protection if he needed it. On his right thigh was holstered his Mirrorverse Pistol, and in his hands was an Assault Magrifle. Normally he'd carry in his DC-17m system, but Force Users meant sabers, and that meant blasters were nigh to useless. Trying to arrest somebody with a weapon easily defeated doesn't work. A slug going through their gut or leg can be more persuasive. Sure, not having the grenade launcher would make him more uneasy, but that pretty much spelled death in a general area. He was meant to arrest as many as he could. Still sounded like suicide.

At Tiric's order Dominik moved up at the same time Dulcet did, flanking him. Dominik kept his rifle ready and pointed forward as they moved. "Can't believe these rules of engagement." His voice came through the voice modulator. "But I suppose these aren't exactly the guys we were made to take down. Just going to be hard taking them alive." Of course, if they didn't want to go alive Dominik would happily find an excuse to oblige them. "What can we expect ahead, do you think Golden?" Tiric was the one that always got the details first.

Location: Ilum, Caverns
Objective: Disrupt the mining operations
Tags: Lily Stevens / Kara Jade Kara Jade
They were all traveling calmly one minute, only for everything to get derailed the next. Before they got close to the mining operations, Iris mentioned that there were no crystals left. First, it sounded impossible at first as they came up to the ledge, but after glaring down at their work it all began to make sense. Silas was going to say something smart, yet unwanted visitors from the shadows appeared to bring their plans to a stop.

Silas snapped his body around to the soldiers and instantly took out his saber, igniting it and preparing for the worst they had to throw at him. Then, that same dastardly voice made him grunt in frustration. It was her, the same woman he had fought against on New Alderaan. He couldn't see her through the visor, but the voice that came from it was unmistakable "You... did you not lear-" but before he could finish her gun pointed right at him and fired a burst of blaster fire his way.

Silas gritted his teeth and swiftly weaved in and out of the volley until he was able to dive behind some rocky cover. He didn't see where the girl standing next to him had gone, but he needed to somehow get close enough to put some pressure on her "I never will!" he shouted back, a phrase that could have meant many things.

Looking to his right saw a pile of small rocks that had been left over from the mining efforts, something which could provide an ample distraction. Without warning, he opened his hand and grasped them using the force, flinging them over towards her in the hopes of keeping the gun out of action enough to get close. With hell breaking loose all around him, he quickly jumped over the rock and ran right at her at frightening speed to slice down at her weapon before spinning his body to swing at her head.
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Sola raced through the icy tunnels, Imps hot on her tail. She'd gotten separated from the greater group of padawans after running afoul of a large trooper patrol and found herself stranded and alone, sprinting through machine-made tunnels while Imperials chased impotently behind her. Her hearts were pounding in her hands and arms and legs and chest, a thousand tiny engines pulsing and pumping in tandem.

Not from fear, for the young Atoan did not know fear, but from adrenaline-tinged excitement and righteous anger. They coursed through her like a current, electrifying her very bones. With every breath inward she drew in from the Force as if drinking from a pool. With every breath outward she let it suffuse her being, flowing down into her limbs like water winding down a river.

Just whose idea was it to send a bunch of padawans to investigate the disturbance on Ilum? 'Don't worry, the Masters had said. No harm will come to you, they said.

What a bunch of dolts.

Blaster bolts whooshed over her head, singeing the air. Focus, Sola! No time for complaining, even in your head. She was gaining ground on the Imps. Well, most of them. One in particular was proving quite tenacious.

He wasn't an Imp though. He was a Mando. She'd glimpsed his armor when she first fled from the patrol. The distinctive T-visor was hard to miss.

And he was massive, truly massive, more like a monster than a man. She could hear him thundering through the warrens behind her like some great, lumbering beast. Air hissed from the vents of her rebreather and her jet boots whined as she put on a burst of speed. The cavern widened into a vast cave up ahead. She'd dart in, get the high ground, and see what was what. No way she was getting cornered in a tunnel. She'd make her stand in the cave and maybe find her way out in the process.

Alright you big lout. Let's rumble.


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Traumatized Carrier-Loving Mess

[Rear Admiral Liedran Kathause]
[74th Expeditionary Flotilla]

Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan , Pa'Kar Sang , Jadwiga Drozd Jadwiga Drozd , Aculia Voland Aculia Voland , Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana , Velran Kilran Velran Kilran , And, uh, other folks, sorry

(AP: Armor Plating, SH: Shielding, SF: Starfighter Squadrons)

The analogy of crossing an Event Horizon was something present on her mind, quite frequently, these days. At a certain point on your approach to a singularity, you’d be engulfed by that invisible border, reeled by the phenomena’s claws with no hope of escape. The daily goings-on of the broiling Alliance-Imperial war painted that rather grim and vivid image for the majority of her staff. Walking through the corridors of her flagship, it wasn’t difficult to hear the whispers of her crew, those fearful, nervous speculations of how the conflict would progress.

She hated how right they were.

The Rear Admiral was an imposing figure at the center of her CIC, a battle-worn woman clad in a heavy-looking cobalt coat. The glow of the sea of holograms around her painted Liedran in a bright spectacle, the occasional beam of light ricocheting from where her sleeve met her wrist and flickering into the eyes of an onlooker. D'Nea was staring, in defiance of her more typical professionalism, her mind briefly taken back the engagement behind the admiral's missing hand. Liedran interrupted the captain's stare with a solemn shake of her head; it seemed to do the job, and without another word, both officers returned to their duties.

Though, neither could help but toss the occasional, concerned glance.

The 74th, at the command of its flag officer, was split into two task forces. Lightmaker held dead center of the first, her bustling armament of megamaser and turbolaser cannons firing in concert with the batteries of the surrounding ships. Mere kilometers underneath the former's thick, blinding barrage, the second task force sailed forth, their comparatively lighter weapons firing off wild and scattered swathes across the ranks of the Imperial fleet. They moved in parallel with elements of Pa'Kar Sang's vanguard, mass driver slugs bursting from the bows of the light destroyers as they ducked and weaved under the cover of the more durable Novellas. The majority of the flotilla's fighter complement would follow in the wake of these blockade-disruptors, scores of bombers and strike craft awaiting the moment in which they would lunge forth and wreak havoc across the Imperial lines.

Lightmaker continued to rumble. Though her shields held in stark defiance of the Imperials' barrages, raw kinetic energy managed to seep through and rock the carrier from side to side. Liedran braced herself against a neighboring console, her prosthetic clamping around its rim while she tapped at the screen, magnifying and rotating the surrounding holographic battlemap.

The shapes of Alliance and Imperial vessels were rendered with an overlay of data from the fleet's infrared scanners, distinct reddish pixels fluctuating with every salvo from the combatants' enraged guns.

She was thankful her scanner techs had calibrated the command interfaces for that kind of processing. The overlay made her witness to a build-up of thermal energy expanding from the depths of the Imperial formation. She zoomed in, watched the interfaces lag a bit to render a more detailed image of the sector in question, and with a grim stare watched the Empire's rumored project come online. Under the guise of a traditional Onager-class vessel, Naval Intelligence indicated the destroyer carried the firepower of a far, far greater fleet killer. She shuddered to think of the damage that twisted amalgamation would inflict on the Alliance fleet, or, gods forbid, the planet below.

"Get me an in-depth readout of that Onager. Advise all ships to prepare for evasive maneuvers." For the moment, she deactivated her holograms. Liedran's eyes flickered slightly as she readjusted to the new lighting around her, but her first officer would find that the odd motions did little to soften her gaze.

"Contacts off aft-- Looks like they've just cloaked!" A tactical officer's alert drew both senior officers' eyes toward its source. In the following seconds, both were on the move, meeting each other in front of the lieutenant's console. On the glowing screens, Holden displayed a snapshot of the previous scans; arranged in an arc hanging over the Alliance formation, weak and undetailed signatures were frozen in time. Despite the lack of information readily apparent to any of the witnesses, it wasn't hard to assume the stealth ships had already disgorged a healthy salvo of torpedoes. The inability of either Lightmaker's visual or othersuch sensors to detect anything rushing from the pinpointed sectors of the map... well... indicated that the projectiles were also cloaked. Liedran sighed in frustration. They'd just have to brace for impacts, study the residual radiation, and start scanning for such trails as the battle progressed.

Minutes later, Liedran was back to her station at the center of the bridge, once more surrounded by a battlesphere littered with red and blue hues. The aura around that Onager... looked so much brighter than when last she checked.

Pure, undiminishing fear engulfed the admiral's expression as a similarly bright beam shot out from the vessel's spine, diving into the guts of the Alliance fleet.

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Objective: Hubris of Empires
Location: Ilum - Subterranean Tunnel
SCAR: Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken | Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar | Castor E-196 Castor E-196 | Lily Stevens
NJO: Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Cailen Corso Cailen Corso

Deep in her soul, Margo knew this operation was more than what it was advertised to be, yet she had not expected this... The elite soldiers of SCAR emerged from the shadows, with Hal dramatically sharpening his vibroblade against his vambrace as they did so. The supersoldier’s black-hued mask covered her features, and just as well that it did - the expression lining her face was of pure, unadulterated...


Unlike some of the others, Stalker had never served alongside the fabled Jedi. Most of her deployments prior to joining SCAR were amongst her Death Trooper unit, and at most were in situations wherein members of their unit were embedded within regular stormtrooper fireteams. Her experience had been similar within SCAR, with the exception of the occasional run-in with a member of the Imperial Knights.

Be that as it may, as was the case with countless trillions of sentients throughout the galaxy; she had heard stories. Stories of guardians of both peace and justice in the galaxy; of those who denied self in favor of others. Even as the daughter of a humble farmer, the Sith Empire had not been so successful to stifle tales of the heroics of legendary Jedi. Her father had tucked her into bed with stories detailing the adventures of Jolee Bindo in the days of the Old Republic, or of Luke Skywalker and his underdog tale of restoring balance to the galaxy; and redeeming his own father Darth Vader in the process.

Those stories alongside countless others had given her hope for a better future even as her family toiled under the yoke of the Sith. The patriots of the New Imperial Order movement had taken that place as she grew of age, and up until now she had hardly spared a thought as to the heroes of her childhood...

...only for those memories to come crashing down here, and now; even as the barrel of her particle rifle pointed at the group of padawans before her. Her lensed eyes focused on them - on the sheer youth in their face. If she had to guess, many of them were likely not much older than fourteen or fifteen. ‘This has to be a bloody mistake...’ she thought to herself. But before she could say anything, Hal’s words had answered any lingering doubt in her mind.

"SCAR Squadron, each one of you owes me a hundred Jedi scalps--"

Her helmet tilted fractionally in his direction, with Margo hardly believing what she was hearing. Sure, technically, these were Jedi, but...

But they were kids! This wasn’t a battlefield where they were asking for trouble. This... this looked like a damned field trip.

"Might as well start collecting now."

"Don't mind if I do."

‘Good soldiers follow orders.’ She could hear the voice of her old instructor even as Reaper’s own words echoed through the cavern with murderous intent.

"Hope you said goodbye to your parents."

Margo wanted to protest; wanted to say something to stop this before they crossed the point of no return. This wasn’t war. No... this felt like murder. Just as she was about to say- no, shout as much to the others, something inside of her seemed to... take over. She felt a... calmness begin to prevail over her, as well as a focus that caused her feelings of reservation to recede into the background. Rather than her own mental voice screaming in protest, all she could hear were the same words being spoken by her instructor.

‘Good soldiers follow orders.’

Rather than young teenagers and borderline children, these padawans began to seem more...

More like a threat that needed to be ‘taken care of’.

The voice inside of her that was kicking and screaming, hoping against all hope to warn her off began to grow quieter... and quieter...


Now, all she could see was her father’s face, gazing down at her as she took in a strained breath from her respirator several years ago. She was plunged into a tank of some fluid, a dull pain racking her body as the doctors had... done things.

Things to make her stronger, and more lethal.

Things to make her a Death Trooper.

“Copy that.” she heard herself say. It felt odd, but less so as it had before. In the span of moments between their arrival and the opening shots loosed by Reaper, Margo had seemed to suppress whatever misgivings had befallen her mere moments prior. Instead, her eyes lensed eyes craned over to form of a young male padawan, standing alongside a slightly older female padawan.

Wordlessly, the SCAR trooper snapped her rifle square against them both, and unleashed with a series of three round bursts - high intensity particle rounds surging toward them in quick succession, and with deadly precision.

Good soldiers follow orders.

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The Empire
Imperial Security Bureau
Equipment: Armour, Pistol, Vibroknife, Thermal Detonators x2, Stun Grenade x2
Engaging: stimky Amani Serys
The pillaging of the sacred world of Ilum served greater purpose than a mere insult against the Jedi or a message to the Alliance which solidified both sides' positions in the schism of war. The mining of the crystals served as a tactical endeavour but the details - she didn't know. Even as an ISB agent, she didn't have a level of clearance that allowed her knowledge of the highest military functions. Those were reserved for Moffs and other military figureheads on a need-to-know basis.

While no top secret information could be found in the mining complex - The Empire was not delusional enough to believe their operations wouldn't face retaliation at some point - information they had gathered detailing the extent of their operations on the planet was like pieces of a puzzle and the Alliance couldn't be afforded a single piece.

Removed largely from the frontline of the battle, much to her relief, she was in a temporarily abandoned control room, transferring information from the database, ready for extraction. She was not so far from the battle that she had the luxury of silence but the sound of blasterfire was distant - at least for now.

Though she hoped to avoid encountering any Jedi, it was a possibility that she was prepared for. After her recent return to the Empire following rescue by a group of Jedi, she became much more understanding of them, even grateful towards the ones that saved her life. While the Alliance were still their enemies, she viewed Jedi as a separate entity which had unfortunately become politically embroiled with the Alliance.

Still, her loyalty remained to the Empire.

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Sōla Taan Sōla Taan

Grendel was having a good day he'd been supporting Imperial troops in the field as extra muscle and the cold of Ilum didn't bother the massive Dowutin. There had been a brief scuffle in the tunnels with some Jedi and unfortunately Grendel had become separated from the Imperials, he'd spotted a running Jedi afterwards and decided to give chase.

He was now becoming quite irritated as he pursued that damn fleeing Jedi through the icy tunnels, only catching glimpses before she disappeared around a corner. Entering a large cave Grendel had finally gotten a good look at the fleeing Jedi as she had stopped and turned to face him, bloody hell she's tiny what is she 8 thought Grendel. Cracking his neck and drawing both his vibro-axes Grendel pointed one of them at the tiny Jedi.

"If you've finally stopped running shall we have a proper fight" rumbled Grendel.

It was not her place to provide a moral compass in times of war. Everyone had their own truth.

If the Alliance was content with sending child soldiers to fight their battles for them, then who was really in the wrong when their Padawans didn't come home?

She cared little about debating the morality of such a command, whether in the face of battle or not. The faith she held in her superiors was greater than any personal qualms.

She had shown an unwavering loyalty throughout her training and service which had served her well. She had never faced any repercussions for her actions, no matter how abhorrent some considered them, not from the Alliance and not from the ISB.

Immediately upon command, she gave a curt nod of acknowledgement, not taking a moment to consider her actions before taking them. "Roger that." She replied. While not a sadist by any means, she was ruthless and efficient, acting on necessity and commands.

Alongside her comrades in SCAR Squadron, she stepped out into the presence of the intruding Jedi, without a sense of urgency. If not because of her own merits, she held confidence in her allies. She had seen them in action before and she would not want to be at the end of their barrel.

Raising her weapon, she aimed towards the two nearest Jedi, focussing her attention on the young woman while her companion directed his attack towards her own ally.


Snow sucks.

Kaul grew up in a Temperate environment in Dantooine so trying to adjust inside a frozen hellhole in Illum was near impossible. Sadly, this planet was important to the Alliance, so it was all hands-on deck which was stupid. "Aw man," Kaul moaned trying to maintain control of his Snowspeeder as he felt his cockpit shaking from the winds. This starfighter was nowhere near as good as the X-Wing, it had weak shielding and was had limited maneuverability when it came to dogfights. The only strength the Speeder had was that it was adaptable to the cold. In that case, Kaul would rather take his chances with the X-Wing.

"Roger that Thorne," Kaul said seeing multiple green blaster bolts firing upon them. The cockpit rumbled violently followed by a loud alarm. "Are you fracking me?!" Kaul yelled weaving his way through the array of fire. "One hit and my shields are already down?! I swear man this Speeder was made on a budget or something!"

There was no time to continue to whine though, Kaul opened fire downing one bogey. A smirk formed on Kaul's face as he saw the damaged TIE fighter caked in flames hurling down to the icy abyss below. A small yet glorious explosion was seen while the Pilot waited for Mylo's orders. "Annnnnd I see the calvary."

Kaul saw the lumbering beasts known as Imperial Walkers beginning to make their move. "These Imp bastards are allergic to improvements, are they?!" He chuckled. "I'm going to engage the squad! Cover me Shar!"


Mylo Thorne, Addison Porte Addison Porte , Shar Sieu Shar Sieu , Kelly T. Perris

Sabe Aner (Enemy)
ALLIES: GA | Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause | Pa'Kar Sang
ENGAGING: Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan |
GEAR: In bio
  • Flagship:
  • Support:
  • Front:
    • 4x Rancor-Class Cruisers:
      • The Rancor (100% | 100%)
      • The Sunderance (100% | 100%)
      • The Vision (100% | 100%)
      • The Trinity (100% | 100%)
  • Flank:
    • 8x Acklay-Class Frigates:
      • The Acklay (100% | 100%)
      • The Herald (100% | 100%)
      • The Dawn (100% | 100%)
      • The Huntress (100% | 100%)
      • The Avenger (100% | 100%)
      • The Chimera (100% | 100%)
      • The Nebula (100% | 100%)
      • The Erebus (100% | 100%)
  • Compliment:


Entering from the left flank of the Imperial Blockade, more to the rear, several Frigates dropped out of hyperspace. A number of Cruisers soon followed suit, then two Star Destroyers. Finally, the flagship of the Mandalorian fleet emerged after the others along with a special friend. The Enclave had made its presence known, and Clan Krayt was leading the charge with its mothership.

:: Attention, Alliance fleet. This is Jos Krayt of the United Enclave Navy. Let us know where you need support. :: Came the Kel Dor’s voice over the comms as weapon emplacements swiveled and targeted the Imperial ships. ”Is the trap ready?” He asked one of his officers. The warrior gave a nod as his T-visor looked up at the Alor.

He could feel the emotions onboard the ship. Some were torn on this decision to attack their comrades in the Empire. But they pushed on, stuck to their posts, and readied for battle.

”Sir, I’m picking up an unusual scan from one of their ships. It seems to be packing a very big gun…” An officer spoke up, drawing Jos’ attention. :: All ships, be advised. An Onager is top priority. Evasive maneuvers, get in close. :: He looked at his men on the bridge for a moment.

:: Open fire. ::

The fleet shuddered as every weapon emplacement opened fire, targeting the aft sections of the bigger Imperial vessels. The Frigates took off like glorified starfighters, zooming along at top speed to avoid targeting from the bigger guns as their cannons harassed the smaller picket ships.

The Cruisers were far more reckless, closing the distance to practically brawl with the Star Destroyers of the Empire. But the bigger ships, they hung back as their turbolaser and ion cannons challenged the might of the Imperial blockade, with the Vhipirheim just behind the two Verminoth-Class ships, shielding their interdictor cruiser.

"Prime the solar cannons... we might need them." Jos ordered one of his officers.

"Yes sir." He responded, turning to face his gunnery terminal. All the while, the fleet pressed its aggressive and ruthless assault on the Imperial blockade.




Sion was dazed from... everything.

So much turmoil, pain, emotions around them. It was all the young Padawan could do to withdraw deep within himself. Only allow a trickle of awareness out, which was entirely focused on the presence of Gabriel Pryce. Sion didn't know him, apparently taken around the time he had been captured on Teta before being rescued, but Ridor spoke of him and shared some personal affects.

Just enough so that he would know what to look for.

Suddenly he felt himself be yanked backwards. He blinked, looking around wildly, before realizing his Master had pulled him away from the danger yet again. "Oh!" Sion would have blushed, if not for the fact his face was already red. Red from the scar, red from the frigid cold biting into his cheeks.

"Thank you, Master! Yes!" The apology already welled up at the back of his throat.

Shoved back hard.

If he kept doing that, he wouldn't ever end apologizing.

"Closer, I can feel him! He's..." It was difficult to make out anything more than direction and ambiguous distance. "Higher, we will need to climb, Master... and I think?" Sion grimaced as he shook his head. "I think he is in battle, I am not sure how long he will have. We should get a move on it." The soldiers of Tortuga Company didn't need to be told twice by their Captain. As best as they could, they'd open up a breach for them, keeping the fire off of them so that the two Jedi could rush through.

The large Togruta first and her smaller Padawan after.

It was all going okay as far as Sion was concerned.

Until a deafening presence caused him to stumble and pause in his tracks. He whirred around, eyes squinting, trying to penetrate the walls and obviously failing. "Master... there is someone else... others in these tunnels." Sion tried to swallow, but had a difficult time with it. "The same feeling when I was fighting that Sith Lord... but more."

A glance to Ridor.

"They are right on the path to Padawan Pryce."

Allies: Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor (Currently) | Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo (Eventually)
Targets: Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce
Enemies: Enyo Typhos Enyo Typhos (Thankfully not directly)


Abandoned Research Station,
Hallowed Scar, Ilum

The control room was miserably cold. When Hacks had arrived, lugging behind her a meticulous setup of monitors, micro-keypads, and more cables than one could count, she had immediately tried to find a heating system. The research station, a location she had chosen for its isolation, had been long abandoned over the centuries. She was a slicer, not an AC technician, so when she saw the state of the temperature control unit she resigned herself to the cold.

She had connected her computers to the ancient terminals that were once used by scientists to study Ilums subsoil. Frost had claimed the facility, snowdrift gathered in corners of the room. The warmth of her monitors and resurrected terminals brought some minor comfort to the slicer as she had continued to establish her territory for the coming weeks of operation - an operation she was not yet aware would be cut short.

The Empire had hired her for a simple task. Monitor and disrupt the Galactic Alliance communications network. It was a logical choice for them to hire the slicer, a woman experienced with Alliance network security. At one time in her career she had sliced into the Galactic Alliance senate, and earlier the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Her long career within the Corporate Authorities of Denon was further assurance of her skill in the task.

When the last terminal had come online, and the connection cables between her computer and her cranial implant had been plugged in, directly connecting her mind to the Net, it was too late for the Empire. She had spent the opening minutes of the battle establishing connections to the Alliance battlenet to feed false information on Imperial fleet and ground force numbers and deployment.

Hacks employed scrambler programs to scatter her location from counter-slicers, worm malware that multiplied rapidly and ate through raw data on the Alliance net. Her computing power was supreme, her response times superhuman. Her advanced cybernetic enhancements had turned the woman into a walking supercomputer. Twenty fingers beat a furious rhythm on her keypads. Her plastic eyes twitched with micro-movements, detected by her datagoggles and translated to commands, and her AJ^6 brain implant allowed mental control of her computers. Multitasking taken to the extreme.

Such ability came not just from cybernetics, but Hutt spice that burned through her artificial veins. Used syringes lay about the floor, her mind raced to keep up, heart slamming against her chest. Warnings flashed across her monitors, someone had just tried to ping her location. She quickly shut down the intrusion as her Cerberus program retaliated, and then she focused her attention elsewhere.

Unaware to the slicer, the Jedi had gained just enough intel to narrow her location.

Miri Nimdok Kyell Laysel
Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
Location: Ilum
Equipment: Arete Talisman of Iron Fists
Opposing: Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira

His eyebrow raised slightly at the response from the young woman, the slightest huff of amusement escaping his lips. She might have been the first person he met who actually took his blindness into consideration. Most others either didn't realise he was blind due to the confidence in which he moved about, or already correctly assumed that he was using the Force to compensate.

"Sight's not as much of an advantage as you may think."

He wasn't quite sure how she thought she had some kind of advantage over him. But hey, if she wasn't interested in drawing her sword and trying to cut his head off, power to her. Means she was actually capable of higher levels of thought beyond mindlessly following orders. Putting her head and shoulders above the average Imperial.

Shame about the sheer hostility she showed to someone asking her a simple question. That said, he wasn't really of the mind to try and convert people right now. Let her have her internal doubts, or she can decide to come to terms with the nation she served. If a few words from him were enough to set her off, then perhaps her faith was not as ironclad as she thought.

Ultimately, it didn't matter to him. He had a job to do. As she was now, full of doubt and inner conflict, she was hardly a threat. The nearest drill was already shut down and she could hardly reactivate it by herself.

"Alright then." He said, standing up as he took a step away from the lip of the pit, vanishing from sight for a moment. A faint rustling noise was heard before one end of a rope was tossed over the edge of the hole, dangling a few inches away from Mira.

"Come on, I'm not leaving you here." He called out, holding onto the other end of the rope. "And as you said, you're not going to fight me, that means I get to move on to the next drill. You can just.... sit here and justify all this to yourself I guess."

Everybody wins. Aaran gets to keep targeting the Imperial infrastructure. Mira got to do whatever it was she wanted. Maybe try to internally justify the looting of a sacred world. The enslaving of living conduits of The Force for the desires of petty and foolish men. Whatever it was that helped her sleep at night.

But hell, if her mind was made up on her stance, then Aaran wasn't going to waste time trying to convince her. He had other things to deal with. Namely taking out every drill between him and his Padawan so he could make sure they were alright.


GEAR : Beskar'gam | Amulet of Many | ENCL-21 Ra'ntisr Heavy Blaster Pistol | I'dadr
ALLIES : Siv Dragr Siv Dragr | Mandalorians
HOSTILES : OPEN | Everyone

A warzone was scarcely Volo's ideal environment. Not that he was an inept fighter, not that he was inexperienced, not that it wasn't in his very nature as a Mandalorian; he was a more than capable fighter, he'd held his own against Dark Lords innumerous, he was a veteran of Panatha and a stout Mandalorian from birth.

It was for all of these reasons, and none, that he wished to be as far from warzones as possible. The horrors did not haunt his mind as they once had; the Netherrealm had shown him far more twisted and vile things, and he had no aversion to that. No, it wasn't fear or trauma that kept him away from what had been the proving grounds of countless ancestors. It was wisdom.

He was the Karjr Guildmaster, who seeded discord and chaos amongst the enemies of the Enclave, who found secrets as though they floated on the breeze. He wasn't a foundling, without achievement or higher duty. Not many years ago, he would've lead the charge, but age and responsibility had wisened him. Reckless behaviour, with his duties, carried consequences.

One of his many duties was to serve as Taskmaster, handing out assignments and missions. Missions which, though not always, could dishearten the Hunter to receive it. It was nothing new, and he was too hard of will to feel guilt for it. The Empire had been strip-mining Ilum, and the Enclave needed to know why. So Volo sent a small number of Karjr to investigate, including one of his best.

When Siv Dragr Siv Dragr , the best he had, called it a suicide mission... Volo had responded, much like he had with every other sarcastic and gloom-bound response he'd already received in his short tenure. He brushed it off, and told his own brother to get on with it. The Karjr had built themselves around the concept of unpredictable danger, even their most basic tasks could prove inarguably fatal.

That's why he was there. Why he had broken free of the workaholic stupor that had, especially in recent months, bound him to their Headquarters on Kestri. More and more often Volo had found himself using his status as an excuse, if for an otherwise noble cause. Enclave Space was tumultuous enough at present, and often demanded his full attention. The escape, even to a battlefield, was a welcome one.

He'd chosen to take a less complex path into the heart of the Hallowed, his recently-upgraded Howler' Basilisk War Droid had been outfitted with a stealth generator which got him onto the planets surface. He'd rucked the rest of the way, using the Deathseeker Code to get past patrols and the like. Volo hadn't been waiting long when Siv finally emerged from a smaller maintenance tunnel into a moderately sized waystation.

"I hope you've got an idea of where you're going, because I've been staring at this map for twenty minutes and I still don't understand chit."

The Guildmaster was leant up against the durasteel wall, the sliced terminal next to him and the datapad in his hand indicating he'd been there a while. It would've been quite surprising that he'd been there a while, seeing as he wasn't meant to be there at all. The last time he'd contacted Siv, his brother was already on planet and Volo was back on Kestri.

Shoving the datapad into a pouch and moving off the wall, he offered his cybernetic hand to pull Siv up and out of the cramped maintenance tunnel.​


Iris Arani Iris Arani Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken


Trial by fire.

From embers, to an inferno. Even on a world carved from ice and coated in snow. The frozen and eternal winter wints blew in from the vast, endless trench as the hot exhaust flew in and melted away at the caverns. The same ones the Padawan and his peers had become ensnared within, with Imperials on all sides. Corin remembered those words, everyone comes back, and with members of the infamous SCAR squadron encircling them all... the mortality rate plummeted, like a stone in a lake with such little chance of retrieval. Cut off, alone, this was to be their stand.

" Jem Fossk Jem Fossk !" His voice cut out over the sounds of the blaster bolts deflected by his blue-bladed saber with his head forced to pivot over his shoulder for no more than second several times, "Come on! You can do this!"

Corin failed to understand it, whatever it was. He remembered all her experience in combat from before, from the moment she thrust that blade into his side and sent his once considerably smaller frame off of a shattered skyscraper, off towards an abyss. It was there, like muscle memory, and yet she was a trapped insider her own mind. All she needed was a shove, and that was all Corin could offer. Forced to re-engage the Imperial with the sudden and sharp increase in accurate, speedy fire.

He circled about the best one could, content to continue the effort to block as many bolts as Corin could manage. Some could maybe take their leave out from behind him, to rush back to the surface, to find the masters and inform them of their new Imperial foes. If he died, so be it, it was a better death than a needle infested arm with a face in the gutter.



Allies: NIO l FN-999
Enemies: Galactic Alliance l TBD
Objective: Repel Enemy Assault from 908th Trench

He had spent nearly a year in training.

This school, this base, that camp. Waiting for transport, leave, paperwork, administrative duties. Cleaning details, this that and the other- with the promise of war coming to him. You'll have your time, they would say. The Sergeants, the Veterans, medals on their chests and beaming with pride about the heroes of the Empire, the fall of the Emperor, and the bastard Sith and the conniving Jedi.

All Sid wanted to do was his time, his duty, what he signed up to do. To make sure that he did his part for the Empire, for the blanket that provided him and his family warmth. He never had a romantic view of war, perhaps the heroes of it, but never war itself.

He underestimated the noise. Even through his helmet, the noise was deafening in all directions. His squad was being sent into a further point of the trench they created, dug in deep in the permafrost. Defying the Jedi's holy site was enough of an insult, but to create a position for them to attack- well that was something else that gave Sid just the tiniest bit of pride.

That was until, his unit, his platoon was nearly wiped out and had to reconnect with the nearby 908th just for hope of surviving.

He leveled his rifle, the incoming Alliance assault teams peppering their line with fire, grenades and hate and discontent. A grenade nearby sent a Corporal flying, knocked back against the ice from the concussive force alone. Sid prepped a grenade in reply, tossing it wide and high over the trench- finding purchase in the permafrost.

The resulting explosion would be the first men that Sid Berik would ever claim the lives of. Writhing in pain and screaming for their mothers, Sid felt a twang of guilt, before recalling that they were trying to do the same to him. A Sergeant grabbed Sid, ushering him further down the line. They had to hold the position, had to hold it, per the orders of 999 himself. His rifle clattered against his chest, held in place by a sling as he broke into a sprint, sliding to avoid the incoming fire.

An Alliance soldier jumped into their trench, landing on top of Sid. Sid only found this out when his bodyweight gave out from under him, and he was thrown to the ground face-first. The Alliance soldier grabbed the back of Sid's helmet, slamming it several times into the permafrost. Panicking, flailing, Sid grabbed the other man's ankle, and ripped as hard as he could forward, grabbing for any part of his leg he could. Their line was being assaulted, broken in.

They were in for a fight now.

Pressing a palm against the cloth covering his face, the man reached up to Sid's helmet, trying to rip it from his head. Sid, meanwhile, was pinning the man's right arm, which was going for a knife on his chest. Sid groaned, shifting his body weight, his planting firm on the man's hip, driving his bodyweight into him. The bitter fight lasted for what felt like an eternity, before a nearby Stormtrooper curb-stomped the Alliance soldier, leaving him still in the permafrost. Sid looked up, but didn't have time to give a thankful nod. He picked up his rifle, and took his position back on the line.

They had to hold.

They would hold.

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