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Invasion Hubris of Empires | The Cold War | Invasion of Ilum [Empire vs. Alliance]


Sahar Sahar , Korvan Toldreyn Korvan Toldreyn , Valery Noble Valery Noble , Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze

"This isn't you, Rakaan. The blood of these innocent people should not be on your hands. I know that you don't want it."

Entombed within the fabrics of his cloak, Rakaan stood beside Sahar. Yet there was such minimal relaxation to his stance, instead stiffened as if made from marble; a statue, forced to strike the same pose for a millenia. His face had shrunk once confronted by the bitter winds, the frozen air - Rakaan had worn the scowl for some time before then, however. Ever since the deployment to the Tion Cluster, ever since those words burrowed into the corners of his mind. Hate, that was all the once-Jedi felt now.

"You have a strength greater than I, you always have - but you are blind to it. That anger, that fear - it is trying to keep you from seeing."

His eyes surveyed the endless trench with a callous indifference. In the thousands, the battallions of stormtroopers numbered with their armoured units, set for war, as harvester drills swallowed memories of his youth. In the caves his new Empire carved into, devoured, mutilated, Rakaan had collected his own crystal. Blue, a beautiful blue. Instead, his saber hummed a white and synthetic blade now. The cost of all that fire, of all that fury, and all that fear. Blinded to it, until Rakaan confronted Korvan on New Alderaan. It was revealed to him then, and it was nothing short of sickening.

Rakaan tightened his hold over the hilt of his lightsaber.

"I am sorry, Rakaan."

He bowed his head and allowed himself to do little else than watch his feet as slow, measured steps had separated him from Sahar. Distant by a few metres more, and with not one eye to look back. Rakaan sharply inhaled, the sting of the cold air burned his throat. Forced to swallow the lump that arose within it. The now-Imperial wished it was said in place of a paltry excuse, but there was pain in those words; so much pain, an unmistakable ache. Rakaan hated Korvan for it, but to what end? He could not bring himself to strike his old master down.

Worse yet, he believed him.

"They urged me you would return yourself, that you were strong enough."

Rakaan closed those fiery eyes with another inhale, one far deeper. I am strong. He reached out into the Force, into that ethereal plane, and felt that plague upon his mind made manifest. Both of them, the physical and the one that poisoned his mind. The darkness that swelled within him, the cause of all that raw power and the cost of it - it poisoned his thoughts and drowned the part of himself that reached for the light, lost beneath black waves and red strikes of lightening.

I am strong enough. Like a beacon, their familiar presence called to him from an unknown location, one Rakaan could not see. I will show them.

His eyes opened and his head swivelled across to Sahar, an almost hurried stride had closed the short distance between them. "They're here." Rakaan said knowingly with an all too determined look to his eye, "Be ready for them." It sounded like an order, one a maybe more level-headed Rakaan would have opted out of. But the smiling boy Sahar had once met was gone now, it seemed, a storm had taken his place.

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They appeared from the shadows.

Like armored and helmeted wraiths, with the intent of slaughter, the Imperial troopers confronted the group of Padawans that had been traversing the tunnel. The last thing Jand had said to Kara was to avoid using the emergency codes on the datapad, to avoid being discovered, but that seemed to be the least of their problems. The group didn't appear to be the typical Imperial stormtroopers, they were different - hardened, grizzled, displaying a confidence, in armor that wasn't standard from what Jand had seen.

Corin took the fore, likely in a show of protection for the others, as he had been charged with their well-being for the Ilum excursion. That initial mission had now altered, drastically, with the revelation of the Imperial presence deep within the cave systems, and the strip-mining that took place. Without hesitation, Jand's lightsaber was brought from his belt in an instant, as the young Nagai activated the blade with a snap-hiss. Ahead, further down the tunnel, some troopers opened fire, to which Jand focused on the deadly energy bolts that sizzled through the tunnel space.

It was time to battle.

"I will join the forward defense," Jand shouted over the cacophony of blaster whines and lightsaber hums. "Corin, I am to your right!"

Jand rolled forward between a pair of Padawans, to push through to the front, as he brought his blue blade in a swinging arc; several blaster bolts were intercepted, as the young Nagai warrior's martial instincts and lifetime of training kicked in. His innate dexterity and speed would certainly help, especially in the tunnel confines of the fight, and with deft and precise shifts and angles of his blade, Jand continued to deflect bolts away from those behind him - though there were no attempts at return deflection, there wasn't time for that just yet, so instead the swatted energy was sent into the cave walls with sparks and puffs of rock.

For the moment, Jand's only concern was defense.

He wanted to give the others time to fallback.

And when they did, when the less combative Padawans were away, the Nagai would move in for the kill...


Location: Ilum, Caverns
Objective: Disrupt the Mining Operation - Don't Panic - Survive
Equipment: Climbing Picks, Knife, and whatever else makes sense for Ilum survival gear
Engaging: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard (GA) - Lily Stevens | Katja Javik Katja Javik (Empire)

Jand Talo Jand Talo 's hand had grabbed Kara’s a moment before she could send the message to Master Noble. In her haste she hadn’t given thought to the technical aspect that could’ve given their position away. The blonde was frustrated however, as it meant another means of communication was out of their reach-

Kara froze when she heard that telltale sound of metal scraping against metal. She felt a cold chill run down her back, and knew damn well that wasn’t because of the weather.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... like rats -- always snooping around where they shouldn't be."

Slowly and cautiously, the blonde stood up and turned around to face the Imperial. Kara glanced around at her fellow Padawans, settling on Silas who was the closest to her. Hal Vaiken’s follow up however, had the young woman snap her attention back to him.

SCAR Squadron? Oh…you are fething kidding me…

She had never personally encountered them, only heard stories. Her previous life had run the risk of crossing paths with the group whenever they had crossed into NIO-Empire territory. Fortunately, her tenure during that line of work had never been that unlucky.

One by one, each member of SCAR had revealed themselves, and each time Kara wanted to step back. Problem was, they were backed to a ledge overlooking the Imperials mining operation. Their only option was to scram left or right, and at the very least there was a sizable number of them together. Horrible as a thought that was. The Padawans technically outnumbered the elite squad.

In numbers yes, but in skill? Definitely not.

Kara saw a lightsaber ignite from the corner of her eye. She turned to look at Silas, immediately noticing the teenager had tensed up, his posture rigid and ready to fight. He almost seemed to be glaring daggers at one in particular. A question formed at the tip of her tongue, but instead she flinched as Silas intercepted the rifle fire intended for them.

Silas!” She hissed/yelled, watching as he rushed ahead towards the enemy. Kara hadn’t exactly a tactician’s mind, but even she knew you shouldn’t just run in while you were surrounded by the enemy. The blonde cursed, but had to quickly dive to the ground to evade the blaster fire aimed her way.

Kara scrambled to her feet, ducking and weaving the best she could to avoid getting hit by Katja. Sometimes utilising the other Jedi around; those that actually had lightsabers, as a defensive barrier. The blonde eventually caught sight of Silas again, hiding behind a large rock moments before leaping over it and charging his target.

Damn it Silas, we need to work together!

There was a sizable open space between her and Silas, enough for a certain pistol-wielding Imperial to take advantage of. Kara didn’t hesitate to start sprinting towards the nearest rocky cover. As Kara moved, she reached out in a panicked reflex. A nearby crate, small; but sizable enough for two hands, suddenly lurched up into the air. For a moment it seemed suspended, until it got thrown straight towards Katja.



Wearing: xxx
Weapon: xxx x2​
Enemies: Koda Fett Koda Fett | Varm Nul Varm Nul
War was one of those things Judah was intimately familiar with. As a Jedi he should not hae been. But his life’s mission had been to see an end to the Sith, a reality he knew was not attainable in his lifetime. The cycle which had played out over millennia had repeated itself several times leading Judah to believe in one infallible truth. Good needed evil. Without it how did anyone know what was truly good?​
Many knew Judah to be a sarcastic, trollish, sort of character. His antics provided many with a laugh or an eye roll. His cheek still stung when he thought about the slap he earned from Valery Noble Valery Noble by commenting on her perfect … asset… in front of a room full of Jedi, many of which sided with the enemy that now attacked Ilum.​
Judah was not the kind to say “I told you so,” well, actually he was exactly the kind. Should he see any of those same individuals on the battlefield he would be sure to remind them exactly what his opinion was of the NIO now turned Empire.​
Eyes turned to the massive Boulder, Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor . The man was as steady a Jedi as Judah knew. His convictions were unwavering, even if his ego was as large as his… pectorals. Right, that was likely something Judah should not say out loud, but he was certainly tempted to. The inner troll still wanted what it wanted. This was war however, and the only thing impish about Judah for this fight was his smile at the suggestion they have some fun.​
“I’m game if you boys are.”
It did not take long for Judah to realize what Caltin meant as the others began to clear a path toward the weapon.​
“Loser buys drinks when we get home,” he asked as Judah sent one ship careening into another. “That makes 2 already.”
A waggle of his brows as he looked at the other two Jedi with him let him know a little about his competitive nature. Judah let out a cheerful laugh as set himself to concentrate like only a Lesan could. Beginning the movements of the forms his master had taught him, Judah focused on the space around their ship and the combatants that would seek to take them out before they could reach their destination.​
“Let’s have some fun boys!”

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Caedyn Arenais


Objective III: Sabotage the Superweapon aboard the Imperial Flagship.
Inventory: Jedi Garments of Rebirth | Armistice Staff Lightsaber.
Allies: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Domina Prime Domina Prime | Judah Lesan Judah Lesan .
Opposition: Koda Fett Koda Fett | Varm Nul Varm Nul | Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan .
Supporting Cast: "The Vagabond" Heavy Patrol Cruiser | "Vagabond" Senior Officers.

As soon as "The Vagabond" Heavy Patrol Cruiser had exited Hyperspace, the vessel and accompanying Alliance Fleet had come under heavy weapons fire from the Imperial Vessels standing between them and the world of Ilum. Among the enemy Fleet was the Onager II-class Star Destroyer armed with what appeared to be a powerful turbolaser of some kind, a superweapon that dwarfed the firepower of the Vagabond's own arsenal.

"Evasive!" Captain Gene Whayeson called on to her Lieutenant Helmsman, Tine Henders. The Vagabond lurched in response to Tine's reaction, veering off to the starboard in order to avoid taking a hit from the incoming weapons fire.

"What is that!?" exclaimed Kara Mason, the senior head of security aboard the ship and responsible for the boarding of hostile vessels.

"Shields to bow!" Gene shouted again, while her second in command, Loni O'Jakri was busy at his station redistributing power to prioritize the front of the vessel's defensive capability. "Shields are holding, but if that ship's not immobilized we won't be for much longer" he spoke quickly and firmly, the first signs of tension starting to show in his demeanour. Loni wasn't an overly expressive man, but the sight of a ship with such immense capabilities the moment they had dropped out of hyperspace was not a reassuring one.

"Keep us at range and cover the transports until they break orbit. Focus Ion Weapons fire at that Destroyer. Do what you can to slow her down!" the Captain ordered.


Caedyn Arenais had joined the strike team aboard the “Scientia” Class Shuttle en route to the surface of Ilum when the call went out informing the special forces unit of a new priority target aboard one of the larger Imperial Capital Vessels. Whatever the Empire’s new weapon was, Caedyn didn’t require any further convincing of the threat, knowing enough about the history of the Imperials to recognize their need to redirect their attention to the Fleet.

While Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor piloted their shuttle, doing his best to avoid being taken apart by a Tie Squadron coming in on an intercept course, Caedyn’s attention moved to the wrist-worn Navi communications device.

Whayeson, this is Arenais. Copy?” Caedyn spoke quickly, his transmission being sent out upon the frequency of the Vagabond Heavy Patrol Cruiser for the Captain of the vessel.

Loud and clear, Caedyn. You boys have a Squadron on your six” Gene Whayeson’s voice came back over the comm’s, causing Caedyn’s gaze to glance ahead to where Caltin sat at the helm of the shuttle.

That’s not all we got!” He responded with an edge of sarcasm, soon clarifying; “Intelligence has informed us of a Superweapon aboard the Imperial Flagship. We’re redirecting our unit to breach and board. Can you provide covering fire on our approach?”.

No Shit. We're staring at it. She's already engaging the Fleet. We'll do what we can but we need that weapon dealt with immediately or we're not going to last long out here”.

"Just get us there" Caedyn replied grimly speaking, reading the tension in Gene's voice.

Caedyn once again looked to the helm of the Shuttle and called to the Jedi Master Vanagor, “We'll have some cover en route, you do the rest” he spoke confidently, knowing full well that he could more than rely on the Jedi Master’s skill and experience. Both he and Caltin had shared service with the Order of the Silver Jedi, and now with the New Jedi Order of the Alliance. Caedyn had never been given a reason to doubt in the man, quite the opposite, he had come to rely on Caltin as a friend and ally.

Meanwhile, aboard the "The Vagabond", Gene Whayeson shouted across the bridge to Lieutenant-Commander Kara Mason, “Mason, long-range Ion weapons fire on my mark” the Captain ordered while forwarding the coordinates of the Scientia Shuttle and its expected trajectory; “Cover that shuttle, we’ve got friendlies onboard”.

Whayeson then turned to her second, Commander Loni O’Jakri, “Once they're in, focus all fire on Imperial support. I want that strike team getting out in one piece”. The Zabrak Commander gave a firm nod in response, manning his station and sending word forward to their helmsman, Tine Henders. The Heavy Assault Cruiser’s thrusters engaged with greater impulse as the vessel turned to pitch its broadside guns towards the Imperial Fleet.


Orik Dakari

Imperial Military Police

Operation Black Ice
908th Legion, 303rd Forward Security Battalion, 1st Company, 1st Platoon, Section 1

Equipment: Snow Armor
Tags: Hall Mannarra Hall Mannarra

Pressing down hard on the push to talk key of the radio handset in his grasp, the TC shouted into the device, barely suppressing his fear. <”Any station any station! This is Charlie Three-Two! we’re cut off from the rest of our element and taking heavy fire from all directions! Charlie Three-Four is immobilized! We’re at grid: Zero! Six! Five! One! Five! Niner! I repeat! -”> a loud explosion would cut into the young sergeant’s transmission before he could read back his grid coordinates; the tank trembled as the shockwave of an explosion washed over them all, weathered away mostly by the tough armor of their tank. A high explosive anti-tank warhead shot by one of the RPG teams had struck the explosive reactive armor on the side armor of their vehicle. <”We’re surrounded! ALLIANCE TROOPS ARE CLOSING IN ON US! WE NEED INFANTRY SUPPORT!”> The man pleaded for support, desperation for reinforcements laden in his voice.

Standing their ground, the men fought bitterly, alone in the defense of their comrades for now, against a foe that possessed numerical advantage over them, who were also equipped to knock out an armored tank such as theirs.

But they would not go down without fighting!


"Mount up! Mount up!" Sirens wailed as a flurry of activity stirred OP Bravo-8 once the call came down the line: heavy hostile contact was made all across the Scar and surrounding regions, confirmed by reports from Hall Mannarra Hall Mannarra 's convoy and Michael Barran Michael Barran 's FOB. The QRF scrambled from their bunks and the ready rooms to their transports.

Sergeant Orik Dakari and his platoon were part of the QRF, and halted near the command Turbo Tank while he checked with the Control Room huried in the heart of the Obervation Post's emplacements

<"DC-1, is the distress call verified?"> Orik switched his helmet's radio frequencies as he stopped by the tank, signalling his men to hurry up.

<"Grid confirmed; We're the closest post to them.">

The post commander, a newly promoted Stormtrooper Lieutenant, ran up to Orik.

"Sergeant, I can spare our walkers for your QRF. We can hold down the fort."

Orik shook his head.

"No time, sir. We need to reach the convoy quickly, and we shouldn't leave the walkers straggling behind the tanks," Orik clarified, signalling his men to hurry up with loading heavy weapons into the second Turbo Tank.

The Lieutenant nodded.

"Then take some extra men," the Lieutenant pointed out some stormtroopers rushing to the second tank. "We'll keep the walkers here as fire support to defend the OP. Good hunting, sergeant."

Orik saluted the lieutenant and entered his tank's transport compartment, staying on his feet by holding the rails along the side as the others strapped themselves in.

<"Roller-8-1, we are mounted up."> The driver of the first tank announced as the last man of the group entered.

<"Roller-8-2, ready to move off in thirty seconds.">

<"Basel-8-1 to Roller-8-2, make that ten seconds. Roller-8-1, move out now.">

Orik settled into his seat as the turbo tank rolled out onto the snow plains. Looking around at the understrength platoon, he wondered where

While most of the 908th's on-planet elements were grouped with FN-999 's command on the eastern pass, the 303rd FSB was stretched across the entire Legion's area of operations, dispersed as support and security elements. Orik and his Platoon had been assigned to Observation Rotation; based in a medium-sized outpost away from FOBs, and rotated between Observation Posts. They had not seen another soldier from the Battalion for weeks now, though they had their fair share of escorting convoys to and fro or keeping watch from their OPs.

Despite the danger of the operation and the harsh conditions of the planet, Orik and his MPs had settled into something close to a peaceful routine. It had taken some time for the others to get used to operating outside of Army Combat armour and in "real" stormie armour, but given the conditions of Ilum, there were few complaints.

"Sarge, what are we expecting?" Corporal Teph asked, balancing his blaster rifle between his knees as the tank rumbled on at full speed.

Orik brought up the holomap onto their visors. He was still getting used to the functionalities of the new equipment.

"OP sensors and on-the-ground reports detect at least three dozen emplacements placed along this ridge line to the south of the convoy. Repeaters and heavy weapons confirmed, and unconfirmed reports of fast movers and armour. For the latter, stay sharp and stay low, let the tanks handle 'em. Clear?"

"Crystal." He could hear Horne's smirk through his helmet. The others chuckled. Good. Levity would keep their nerves from getting shot to hell. Most of the newer members had not seen action with the Battalion on Nirauan, and he needed every advantage.

<"Basel Actual, Roller-8-2 has caught up, hundred metres trailing."> The driver notified.

"Stay mobile, and take the path along this ridge," Orik marked on his visor's map. "We'll flank the ambush and break it up; we also don't want to be caught by their defensive echelons." Orik had some experience dealing with insurgencies and hit-and-run combat; charging headlong to aid an ambushed ally was the second most common way to get ambushed by secondary echelons guarding the approaches to a main force.

<"ETA, 90 seconds.">

<"Check your weapons and armour seals, we are going in hot. Roller-8-1, can we raise the convoy?">

<"We can broadcast, but receiving on our end is a mess.">

<"We'll chance it."> Orik switched comms to the emergency frequency/

<"Charlie Three Two, Bravo-8 Patrol is on-station. Be advised, multiple contacts moving along southern ridgeline. Moving to intercept.">

He could only hear a garbled response, but it seemed to at least be a response. Orik looked again at the markings on the map. Galactic Alliance units. In truth, he was not happy to be fighting the Alliance and he could not really get mad at them for doing this at this time; the Empire did intrude on their territory, and a key world at that. Fellow Imperials would howl for blood for less.

His HUD lit up as they approached the marked grid square. His command radio could pick up live broadcasts from the convoy by now.

<"ETA, 30 seconds.">

<"Fast mover, 300 metres!"> Orik could hear the tank gunner's call bleeding into the tank commander's mic.

"Brace for combat!" Orik called out to the others in the transport compartment.

The tank shook as the overwhelming firepower of the Tank's cannons let loose. Orik was given access to look through the tank's external cams, and watched an Alliance landspeeder destroyed by the firepower, its debris flying apart as the tanks rolled past. The tanks were moving upslope now, heading towards the top of the ridgeline.

<"Roller-8-1 to Basel-Actual, we're looking at a whole lotta infantry emplacements along the line. Suggest disembarkation while we provide fire support.">

<"Roger. Relay to 8-2, drop ramps now.">

"MPs! Weapons at the ready! We're going in hot!" He yelled as the others got to their feet and lined up at the ramp.

"No half measures!" came the ISF battle cry.

The tank's ramp dropped and the biting cold blew into the transport compartment with overwhelming force, almost tipping Orik over as he rushed out into the battlefield. From outside, the tank's cannons were loud enough to shake Orik inside his armour as he opened fire with his blaster at two figures silhouetted against the sky along the top of the ridgeline 30 metres away. The snow in the air was so thick they could barely see beyond that range without thermals.

<"Fan out! Section 2 down the left, the rest with me!"> The MPs, without time to form into proper fireteams, simply charged the line of Alliance soldiers arrayed in a loose line along the rocks, supported by the tank's firepower. Orik closed with the nearest anti-tank launcher that looked out over the other side of the ridge towards the Imperial convoy: a tripod-mounted missile launcher manned by three soldiers. Firing from the hip, he took down one of the soldiers before he slammed into another. The force was enough to send the Alliance soldier tumbling off the sheer side of the ridge.

The third unholstered his pistol and fired. The impact of the bolt on Orik's armour sent him stumbling back before he returned fire. The soldier ducked out of the way, falling into the snow before another Imperial soldier shot him in the back.

The second tank rolled to a stop further along the ridge and disembarked the stormtroopers. Unlike the disorganised rush of the MPs, these soldiers moved quickly and inefficiently in small groups, closing fast with the Alliance foxholes and covering each other's advances. Had they been wihout armoured support, Orik's group would have suffered worse losses.

<"Keep going, don't give them time to regroup!"> Orik ordered. The other MPs followed him to clear the eastern side of the ridge while the stormtroopers advanced further west, digging out the stubborn defences of the Alliance soldiers.

<"Armoured vehicles to the south!"> The command tank warned. Orik looked up and around watched a shell slam into the side of the command turbo tank from the south. Comms and sensor equipment that had been welded on in the past few weeks were blasted off the frame of the tank but it held steady. As the Imperial tank fired into the blinding snow, the tank commander warned the infantry again:

<"Speeders flanking from your 10 o' clock. Keep low, we gotta deal with the tank.">

<"IMPs, take cover!">

From out of the snow came two landspeeders, zooming past the turbo tank even as it moved off to engage in high-speed combat with the Alliance tanks hidden beyond the veil of snow. They circled around, their back-mounted guns opening fire. Two MPs were caught out of position, one going down for good.

<"Sarge, how do we deal with these guys!?"> Mhlant, one of the new guys, yelled.

<"Ajreo, get your fireteam to take control of the toys the Alliance left for us! The rest of you provide covering fire!"> The MPs closest to the emplacements broke out of cover, wresting the abandoned heavy repeaters and missile launchers off the frozen corpses of the Alliance soldiers they had only just killed. Orik was one of them, struggling to wade through the snow quickly before the landspeeders came back around to gun them down again.

He dived onto a heavy repeater drilled into the hard rock below the snow and used his weight to swing it around to face south, towards the speeders. The first landspeeder to come in range met a hail of blaster fire from the MPs that had taken cover, and a missile into its front grille, destroying it almost immediately.

<"Fireteam 3 and 4, come up to the ridgeline and man the emplacements!"> Fortunately for them, the landspeeders got the message and sped away further south.

Orik handed the repeater over to another soldier and looked north. From this vantage point they could easily see the convoy to the north, and he quickly made visual contact with Hall's armour. Even though the anti-tank teams on this ridge were neutralised, Alliance armour was still below them.

<"Basel-8-Ecks, we have cleared the western edge. Commencing counter-suppression."> Orik could see and hear the stormtroopers far to the left, having taken control of Alliance equipment, fire down on the Alliance tanks below them.

<"Basel-8-1 to Charlie Three Two, we have secured southern flank.>

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“No generous mind delights to oppress the weak, but rather to cherish and protect.” -Anne Bronte

Defenses the closer they were getting to the flagship, were tigthening exponentially, he was a capable pilot (though his "larger than his pectorals" ego would say otherwise. ;)) but he could not avoid what was going to happen on the way in.

Chief… get your team into the cargo bay and secure it. That thing is rated to protect you in a drop of ten-thousand feet. You’ll be fine.

“All due respect, Master Jedi…” She said, getting up… “What the hell are you planning?”

I’m planning for your team to get into a safe location and secure yourselves in a similar model shuttle designed for Omega Squad. You can trust me.

Two TIEs cut across the bow of the shuttle, instinctively the big man pulled back on the controls and a fighter slammed into the shuttle’s aft. The ship held up though and kept forward momentum but she was indeed not airworthy and needed to land a lot faster than he wanted to. Reaching out himself, the massive Jedi Master “caught” a TIE, immobilizing it, crumpling the solar panels before sending it flying into the defensive cannons right next to the Imperial Flagship’s landing bay.

He did have a hand in designing this shuttle and knew that even with the shuttle’s damage everyone was alright… for now. As the shuttle was zooming in, full speed, one last shot of the guns hit the shield generators that kept enemy ships from entering the flagships landing bay. This shot had to land. They were going in hard.


The shuttle did indeed make it into the landing bay, but slammed hard into the deck. The moment it did this, the big man Force-Pushed against the viewport sending it flying. Once the space was clear he leaped out, grabbing and engaging Conservator his long-handle lightsaber and immediately began redirecting any incoming blasterfire.

As the shuttle slid across the deck and took out a TIE Bomber, he landed on his feet and charged at incoming Marines. The Special Forces Operators exited and went to work as did the other Jedi, no doubt.

Now’s your chance to run! He hadn’t drawn his weapon on any of the Marines yet, though they were firing on him. None moved until in one rolling fell swoop the massive Jedi Master cut three of their weapons in two.

They ran.

Looking back at his colleagues, he smirked. Always have to do it the hard way, don’t they?

FRIENDS: Judah Lesan Judah Lesan | Caedyn Arenais | Domina Prime Domina Prime | Galactic Alliance and Allies
FOES: Koda Fett | Varm Nul | The Galactic Empire.


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island


Lieutenant Sara 'Meteor' Roche
GADF Marines, 222nd Nova Corps, 121st (Augmented) Battalion, 3rd Company, 3rd Platoon, 1st Squad

Objective: Break the Imperial line
Equipment: REC/STA-02 Advanced Shocktrooper Armour, REC-RCG/01 "Reaper" Particle Beam Chainblaster w/ grenade launcher, REC-DC/04 "Feverwasp" Particle Blaster Pistol, C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife, REC-VC/01 Tactical Visor; Starship Model
ENGAGING: FN-999 Sid Berik Sid Berik

Surely enough, the Alliance's army arrived in droves. From atop their fortified pass, the 908th's losses were relatively light. Still, limited by the range of their flamethrowers and their secondary firearms, the battle was quite literally a firery affair.
He leveled his rifle, the incoming Alliance assault teams peppering their line with fire, grenades and hate and discontent.

When the Navy won't, the Army can. When the Army can't, the Marines will.
-Unknown Starfighter Corps pilot
Sara ducked and dived head-first into an enemy foxhole as the earth around her turned into an inferno. Her platoon had made it past the sacrificial first lines, but it did little good. All around her the trench line and supporting foxholes erupted into flame and steel as the Alliance assault crashed into a prepared Imperial defense. Fortunately, the Alliance was not unprepared for pitched battle. Walkers, heavy troopers, air support. Unfortunately, those three were either a no-show or were taken down in the first skirmishes.
That was until, his unit, his platoon was nearly wiped out and had to reconnect with the nearby 908th just for hope of surviving.
The early clashes were more costly than expected, and while the screening units of the 908th were chewed to a pulp, it only gave Nines more time to prepare. The battle was now a brutal, close-combat affair as the contact line reached the trenches. Fists and blades, flame and slug.

Sara pushed herself up off the wet trenches, soaked in frost that had been melted by the imps, spotting several said imps pouring down the trench that connected the foxhole to the main fire trench. She reared up and opened fire with her Chainblaster, pouring fire down the trench. Two of them were caught out of position and fell to the hail of fire while the rest fell back, giving her squad time to get out of the killing zone on ground level and into the foxhole with her.

"Bryne, Sriff, prep charges and lead the way!" The two heavy armoured soldiers nodded and took point, grenades prepped. As the squad moved up the trench, the pair tossed charges- no mere grenades this time, but entire explosive charges- around the corner into both directions of the trench branching out of the junction. Two roaring explosions were added to the cacophony of battle, and the squad charged forward, alternating to the left and right branches. At these close quarters, every shot was lethal, and the Marines fought their way past the defending imps to secure their stretch of the trench with two casualties.

There was no time to mourn the fallen; already the imps were rushing forward from the next trench, and from further down the line. Sara planted herself at one of the junctions, her Chainblaster suppressing any attempts to flank this section of the line.

"Teruk, where's the rest of the platoon?"

"Pinned down!" Teruk had access to the squad's status relay network, and was trying to raise the Platoon Commander.

Sara took her eyes away from the trench to the map at a corner of the HUD; most of the rest of the platoon were struggling forward. Some had made it to the same fire trench as Sara, but most of the others were pinned downslope at the screening foxholes or caught in the open hiding behind rocks and broken walkers for cover.

"FLAMER!" Sriff yelled. A wave of heat bathed over the trench as flametroopers stormed past the chokepoint Sriff was defending; red and white, they charged forward past the heavy trooper and into the squad's trench section.

Sara swivelled around and opened fire, a hail of bolts cutting through one trooper. The other two turned and let loose, forcing the Marine to fall backward, away from the junction and deeper into uncleared enemy-held trench.

One of the flametroopers advanced on her, almost taunting her by shooting flame directly onto the twisted barricades that blocked him from Sara, causing it to slowly melt as flames seemed to rush around it, orange tendrils reaching out to her.

"Screw you." Sara dropped her Chainblaster and rolled to the side, pistols in hand and firing. A lucky shot clipped the flametroopers helmet and he staggered back, enough for her to follow it up with aimed shots at his weapon. Flammable gas gushed out as the mechanisms broke and the flametrooper rushed backwards, away and back to the others.

Sara lunged for her Chainblaster and got to her feet, now chasing him back with a spray of bolts that punched through his armour and sent him down for good.

She returned back to the section of the trench her squad was in, and she spotted them retreating to the foxhole. Flanking the flametroopers, who in their eagerness chased the Marines down the connecting trench single-file, Sara decided to risk it.

"Get down!" She calibrated for grenade launcher and fired into the back of the nearest flametrooper.

A shockwave of heat and air sent her off her feet, sprawled into the recently melted slush of the dirt. Her ears rang even with the dampeners in her helmet, such was the volume of the explosion.

When her eyes and ears stopped vibrating she could hear something.

"LT... you good?"

Sara accepted Bryne's proferred hand and got to her feet. The flametroopers had... disappeared, and the connecting trench was now almost as wide as a foxhole was deep. In a radius around the blast zone no snow was left.

"Better than those guys... Let's not waste this opportunity. Teruk, where's the nearest friendly section? Let's show the imps what happens when they mess with the Alliance."
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Wearing: xxx
Weapon: xxx
Arm: xxx
Allies: Lyann Nadnia
Enemies: Iseri Tanaka Iseri Tanaka | Sharad Dhavale Sharad Dhavale

Breath turned to cold vapor as Justice sighed. The task was a simple one, but simple did not always mean easy. The kyber crystals were being harvested by the Empire, or their agents, and it was Justice’s task to keep them from getting off the planet with the valuable formations. They had been stolen right from under the Alliance’s nose, and why the New Jedi Order did not know about it sooner was a mistake that needed to be rectified. There should have been a temple or an outpost on Ilum, despite its frigid temperature.

It was not the only thing on his mind. Justice had left someone behind, someone he found himself caring for much more deeply than he first anticipated when they had met. Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn had managed to do more than worm his way into the padawan’s heart, but they were connected. It was no longer a chore to sense her presence, even the small part of it which emanated from the crystal she had given him to wear around his neck. It was hard to think he had left her behind when he could sense her with him, but they were apart and he wanted to return in one piece and without injury.

Another padawan was with him. Justice had not met this one before, and she was young. Lyann Nadnia would likely be green, but the task was one which she should not have any problem with. Just pulled the macrobinoculars from his eyes and handed them to the young girl beside him.

“I think they are taking a break, and that,” he pointed to the tank believed to be carrying some of the missing crystals, “is our target. We need to eliminate the escort and steal our crystals back.”

Simple assignment, but not easy.

“I did not even bother to count how many there are because I am guessing we are outnumbered. I can call for some back up.”

He should have called for that before tracking the company. They would have to follow have to intercept them soon.

“This is Justice Lesan calling for a unit or something,” okay so he had not done this much himself either. “We have identified the tank carrying the stolen crystals, but they have an escort. Maybe send a distraction or something.”

“Sure thing, Commander Lesan,” a voice came back on the comm. “Would you like ground support or air support?”

“Whatever can get rid of the escorts without blowing up the tank. Oh and we are going to engage in like… thirty seconds so, send the back up now.”

It was likely stupid, but it was what they had. At least he had his lightsaber and could run fast with the force. Hopefully the girl could keep up.

“You ready?”

Kyell Laysel



Location: Ilum
Tag: Miri Nimdok | Hacks Hacks

It was only a matter of time until the call to return to action came.

After losing an arm on New Aldera, Kyell was given as much time as he needed to recover and get used to his new cybernetic arm, but he wanted nothing more than to make up for all his failures. He had lost a part of his body, he had lost a close friend and he was starting to doubt his place among the Jedi more and more. But Master Yenna had encouraged him to keep going, and with Miri being quite persistent about going with him, he decided giving up was no option.

So together with Miri Nimdok, he traveled to Ilum and accepted a more unusual assignment — they weren't going to defend the crystal caves directly, but search for a hacker who had been disrupting Alliance communications. False information had been fed into the network, resulting in much heavier losses and inefficient troop deployments.

It had to be stopped.

<I'm worried about what they're going to do with it. Probably build some kind of weapon, like some have done in the past,> he frowned and shook his head quickly to set that aside for now. They had a mission to focus on, so they couldn't get distracted by what was happening all around them.

<I got a location marker from the Temple, we should be getting closer,> he continued as he walked through what looked like the remains of an ancient outpost. With how far back Ilum's history extended, it was hardly surprising but it definitely didn't make their jobs easier. Eventually, though, they found themselves staring at an isolated building not far ahead. The location marker was pointing right on top of it, and the Force only confirmed his feelings.

<I don't see or sense any guards, but they might have defenses inside, sheltered against the cold.> He grabbed his lightsaber and made sure to move ahead of Miri, as their strategy had shifted into him fighting up-close while she could use her pistols from behind him, <Stay close.> He flashed a smile and guided her towards the entrance.


Varm Nul

ꜰᴀsᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅʀᴀᴡ? ᴡᴇ'ʟʟ sᴇᴇ

Equipment (in Possessions) | Post #1
A contract had come in from the Empire, which had offered work to mercenaries and bounty hunters.

The job offer had been simple, work alongside Imperial forces in the Ilum System, and handle any 'issues' that came up as a result. Fairly standard fare, really, nothing Varm Nul hadn't done before for a number of employers. This was just another payday, especially since the Duros was skeptical about anyone trying to interfere with the Imperials, given the presence they had on Ilum. If anyone showed, it would likely be Galactic Alliance or - worse - the Jedi Order. And far be it for Varm Nul to do a lax job, and so he had come prepared to tackle either threat.

As it was, Varm Nul had also teamed up with a fellow bounty hunter, someone quite infamous with a fierce reputation:

Koda Fett.

The pair had worked together in the past, so both were familiar with the other, and had a decent synergy when it came to combat. Between the two, Varm Nul felt fairly confident in handling threats from the Galactic Alliance or the Jedi Order, especially with the combined effectiveness of their individual armame--


--an explosion resounded throughout the vessel corridors that Varm Nul and his companion walked, which seemed to emanate from the hangar bay section of the Star Destroyer. It also seemed a number of armored troopers were headed that way, too. So, with a sigh, the Duros turned to the other and raised an eyebrow ridge, as he stared at the T-visor with red eyes.

"Looks like we're up," Varm Nul muttered, as he adjusted his wide-brimmed hat and started to walk in that direction at a quickened pace. "What do you think? Grunts or Forcies?"

The distant sound of battle started to filter through the metallic walkways, which included some troopers that ran in the opposite direction to the confrontation, to which Varm Nul grunted. Whatever it was in the hangar ahead must have been intimidating, if it managed to send some Imperials running for cover; but there were also more troopers that ran toward the disruption, so whoever was nearby causing problems wasn't out of the Sarlacc pit just yet.

Still, that meant there was a challenge ahead.


Without another word, Varm Nul pulled his twin LL-30 Blaster Pistols from his holsters and raised them, ready to step into the muck...




The rope was a generous offer, but a part of Mira wished he had not. If she was just stuck down here, she would have been essentially able to sit out on this wretched mission. Unfortunately, the enemy ironically saved her from that option. In terms of his blindness, Mira was sure that the Force aided him in freely getting around. Yet, she still was unwilling to fight him. For now at least. But he meant to stop the drills, the drills Mira herself wished were not here. Mira considered to go back to her old posting and take care of any wounded. And yet...

Calling her family's lightsabers to her hips via the Force, she pulled her messy hair back and pulled her helmet over her face. She started climbing, and made it to the top. Once there, she nodded in respects, "I appreciate your help."

Then she tilted her head. Beneath her visor, she was frowning at this man. The Galactic Alliance were acting so holy, like the precious victims. And while Mira was sickened by the Empire's actions today, she understood the reasons behind the attack, and why they were attacking who they were attacking. Mira had joined the New Imperial Order, and not the Galactic Alliance, for good reason.

"But please, you act as if the Galactic Alliance is blameless."

Still, she turned away, with no intention of fighting. She needed to go check on the troops she had been alongside. Make sure that the storm troopers and younger squire were alright. The direction the Jedi came from suggested that he found her unit. And he came out victorious. Being a healer, with a gentle heart deep down, she would focus on supporting her fellow soldiers.

"I am thankful for the help. I owe you this once. I'll leave you to your devices, I need to check back on the men you likely fought."

If the blind Jedi would not make any turns to strike, Aoki would swiftly make way to where her old posting was, to help and heal survivors of this man's attack. She had no interest in protecting those drills, in honesty. She was, however, intent on keeping her fellow men safe. And that was worth fighting for today.

Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Michael Barran Michael Barran

Castor E-196

Imperial Naval Special Forces


Master Sergeant Castor E-196
Imperial Navy Special Forces Command; Attached to SCAR

Objective: n e u t r a l i z e
Allies: Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken Lily Stevens Margo Liaeris Margo Liaeris Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar
Enemies: Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire Calix of Thyrsus

"SCAR Squadron, each one of you owes me a hundred Jedi scalps--" he called out to those behind him.


"Might as well start collecting now."

In the gloom of the caves, the ELITE waited, motionless, his sensors tracking an aged Jedi and his young Padawan as they finished their sabotage of one of the Empire's drills. He waited and watched the clock.

Now they stood in the midst of a smoking drill unit, Alliance soldiers taking prisoners, executing resistors and evacing wounded.

Unlike most others self-righteous Imperials, Castor could not muster a reaction to the executions. It was effective, plain and simple. Can't fault the enemy for that. Well, Castor would fault them for being the enemy in the first place.

Hopefully, they didn't see our strike in.
He continued watching the clock on his HUD. The Jedi were wrong. SCAR was waiting for them, and Castor had already made some... adjustments to the drill mine.

"It's hard to defend against a suckerpunch, Master?"
The drill unit continued to smoke, but the Jedi would have noticed something wrong. The smoke volume was intensifying, and it carried heat. So much heat. The Alliance soldiers milling about, ready to move out and continue the next part of their strike were totally unaware. They thought the difficulty was making it to the drill.

Talk about a suckerpunch, kid.

The drill exploded without warning, its residual power units overloaded by Castor's tampering. Given the ultra-dense material of the drill, the vast amounts of power needed to power it and the unstable crystal residue coating its insides, the explosions ripped across the cave network, annihilating the nearest Alliance soldiers, while sealing the rest away from the Jedi as the cave network collapsed.

From above, Castor let loose from his alcove with the grenade launcher of his modular blaster, aiming it at the wall and floor around the Jedi so that they could not directly push it away, and so the blasts would impact them all the same as they sent rock shrapnel all over.
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Following her training with Shai Maji Shai Maji , Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla , and several others on Kestri, Valery finally returned to the front, strengthened by a new perspective she had gained during her journey away from more familiar territories. The purpose originally had been personal preparations for the war with the Maw, but now another conflict had fired up with the Empire, and she found herself returning to the planet she had sworn to protect as Watchmen.

Together with Dagon and Korvan, she was going to be joining Alliance forces there to stop the Empire's crystal mining operations, but after setting foot on the planet of ice, she felt something else in the Force. A glimpse as to what her real purpose here could be, and what effects their actions and decisions could have on the future.

"He's here," Valery said as she glanced in Korvan's direction. Not long ago, the two had met on Coruscant to discuss his former Apprentice, and there they had agreed to work together to either stop him or even turn him away from his current path if they could somehow reach what they felt inside. Deep down, there was some kind of conflict, and Korvan knew better than anybody else that all this bloodshed wasn't something his Apprentice stood firmly behind.

This battle was going to have profound effects on the future.

Glancing past Korvan, Valery's eyes finally settled on Dagon, who had agreed to join them as well. She offered her friend a brief smile and turned her eyes down into the large trench filled with machinery. Powerful Force presences were out there, waiting for Jedi or soldiers to strike, and she was ready to confront them.

"If we can focus down the Imperial Knights, I trust the others to take care of the rest."


Location: Western Kyber Mountains, Ilum
Objective: Provide CAS
REC-AP/01 "Javelin" Speeder ver. Snow
Callsign: Revenant Four
ALLIES: Two - Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos , Three - Addison Porte Addison Porte , Five - Kelly T. Perris , Six- Mylo Thorne
ENEMIES: Delilah Jones Liam Docherty

Shar was growing to like this.

Flying in atmo was generally less stressful. No void, reliable gravity, easier maneuver through banking. He'd even considers cracking open the window but, well, even he wasn't that stupid.

But what Shar was really taking a liking to was the mission profile; it was good to know his CAS was directly helping those on the ground, and strafing and bombing soft-skinned targets was a lot less dangerous than a Star Destroyer. Shar pulled out of a dive as he strafed several APCs, watching the smoke rise through the blinding snow.

Perhaps Revenant needs to mix with task forces more...

Just then, the computer as a number of marks began to appear on his computer, black dots replicating like organisms on his screen. "Looks like the cavalry have arrived. Two, Four, help out the others with starfighter cover."

<Lock and fire lasers, ladies. Burn 'em up.>

Kaul saw the lumbering beasts known as Imperial Walkers beginning to make their move. "These Imp bastards are allergic to improvements, are they?!" He chuckled. "I'm going to engage the squad! Cover me Shar!"

And of course, Shar was stuck with escort duty. He'd never been particularly good at dogfighting; that's why the Corps stuck him in its most armoured starfighter and told him to shoot the biggest target. But someone had to do it, and Shar was happy to help.

The radar blipped as TIEs showed up, kicking through the snow.

"Joker, get back here, we have incoming TIEs!"

The fast-moving TIEs were vectoring into the battlespace quickly. They were too close for Echo to re-arrange. Shar grunted as he pulled on the stick, the Javelin turning into the TIEs. His mind raced as he tried to re-orient himself to the matchup, as it was totally different to his usual experience; he now held the edge in Maneuver and speed, while the enemy held the advantage in firepower. He would have to bait them into a turnfight or make use of improved energy retention.

Shar maintained his altitude as he spiraled down and towards the rear of the TIE, opening fire with his laser cannons. It clipped the shields of one of the Vanguards, and though he was not religious, he muttered a prayer as he did the one thing a B-Wing pilot never did against TIEs; he picked one of the TIEs and chased it, keeping close and trying to out-turn with it. The Javelin's superior turning and speed performance allowed him to out-turn the TIE as its pilot tried to shake Shar off. The Gossam breathed heavily as his g-suit compressed around him, keeping him awake as he pulled heavy-Gs turning and using his speed to keep up with TIEs attempt to climb out of the turnfight.

The targeting computer beeped continuously, as the cannons easily locked on at this close-range. Even with its lower power output, the close-range and continual hits from the cannons whittled the TIE down before punching holes in the cockpit, destroying it. Shar gasped as he levelled out, g-forces easing off, his eyes dodging to his scope to check for incoming TIEs. He did not want to be caught by any of the other TIEs using this chance to take a dive at him, laying in with superior firepower.

"Flight, we have TIEs mixed in. Evasive maneuvers!"
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Kelinna Tryn



ALLIES: Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken | Margo Liaeris Margo Liaeris | Kriegan Tavlar Kriegan Tavlar | Katja Javik Katja Javik | Castor E-196 Castor E-196 | TE
ENGAGING: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Kara Jade Kara Jade
GEAR: Armour | Sniper rifle | Pistol | Rifle | Vibroblade | Vibroknife | Grenade loadout



The newest SCAR addition stepped up next to her.

Their combined firepower had the desired effect until...

"I never will!"

Arrogant boy.

But then a bunch of stones was sent towards her. She flinched her arm upward just as the energy shield in her vambrace deployed. Not that it deflected everything. Some stones still pelted her armour, which was just an inconvenience instead of doing damage.

With the shield raised to deflect the stones, it was incidentally in a relative position to intercept the blue lightsaber that came humming out of the dust.
"You're confidence would be your grave, kid!" Lily gritted. With only one hand holding the rifle, she did the only thing she could - she slammed it into his gut to get him away from her before jumping back.

In the movement, she slung back the rifle while pulling the Streiter-hilt from her belt. As she touched ground, she flicked out the blade. It was then her eyes caught the girl that had been next to him attempting to crawl towards him.
<Spectre, fry that girl!> she started as she settled into a stance to await Silas.

<I'll gut the other one.> she then growled, her visor on the boy.


Miri Nimdok

<Just what the galaxy needs. Another superweapon,> Miri muttered sarcastically.

Following the location marker, Kyell and Miri infiltrated the remains of an ancient outpost. The ice of Ilum had preserved it, frozen it in time… or so it seemed.

As they ventured nearer, it became apparent that the facility, while in a state of disrepair, was no longer silent. Power fluctuations showed up on scanners, and warmth was being produced by machinery that had long lain dormant.

<Someone managed to get this place up and running again,> Miri remarked. <Must be our target’s doing.>

Kyell made a good point about possible defenses inside. Miri drew her pistols. <If you insist...> she said slyly, following close behind him as they headed deeper into the research station…

Location: Ilum
Enaging: Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres
Equipment: In bio

It was inevitable that something like this would happen.

As much as Amani had hoped otherwise. There were enough troubles plaguing the galaxy that a head-to-head with the Empire was superfluous. But with the Maw still licking their wounds from Tython, it seemed the Iron Curtain was ready to be broken.

Up until this point, Amani had actually remained almost completely distant from Imperial-related politics, her career focused almost entirely on Sith threats. The strip mining of Ilum was nothing short of hubris, however, and Alliance response was swift. Perhaps if they could punish such a brazen attack here and now, future incursions would be given second thought.

Wishful thinking.

Amani had joined the assault at the main dig site, which was a massive undertaking entirely its own. Warrens of tunnels and trenches that seemed to stretch endlessly. The Empire wasted no time pillaging Ilum, and salting the earth behind them. And somewhere within this scar, there was an entire class of unsupervised padawans caught in the middle. That was perhaps Amani's most pressing concern, and no small part of her eagerness to take part. As she navigated the complex, the dim sounds of warfare kept her on her toes. No enemies in sight, for the moment. That, however, would quickly change.

Amani took notice of what appeared to be some kind of control room. Information was valuable, doubly so if it might lead her to the missing students. It would be worth at least a look. But just as she stepped inside, she immediately stopped. Another woman, undeniably Imperial, was already at work transmitting data. Amani cleared her throat to get her attention, "I don't suppose I can convince you to step away from that console?"

Can't say she didn't ask nicely first.


F I S T _ O F _ T H E _ E M P I R E
Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt Wolfram Triko


An ambush could freeze even the most hardened of warriors' blood. Ensnare his feet like frostbite and chill his bones. It was by far one of the most ruthless and hopeless situations an army could find itself in. Cut from any opportunity of reprieve, formations sown into chaos and the looming maw of inevitable death. It was only you and your will. Your grit.

But this was the 501st. The elite of the elite. The troopers among troopers. Donning wings of victories still echoing through the annals of time.

They weren't surrounded by the Alliance.

The Alliance was surrounded with them.

The frequency of heavy guns pounding the land and explosions thundering across the sky had slowly abated, replaced by the clanging of blades and bayonets. Plasma canisters of exhausted ammo littered the area, side by side with their dead owners. Fallen bodies lay strewn across the torn, scorched earth cursed by the remorseless bloodlet of war. Cracked visors revealed eyes drunk in stupor, some still alive unable to bear the reality of their untimely death.

Once they had all been comrades sharing trenches that spread thousands of systems as they marched to war against the Sith. The wisp of empathy was suffocated by the steel grasping his heart. Peace and Order in the galaxy could not be achieved by those meek of heart.

The songsteel blade brushed his cloak, wiping away the blood of an Allied trooper left to die with his guts out in the open. And onto the next one. He shuffled through the masses leaving a crimson trail in his wake. The cries of newborn orphans and wails of widows echoed with the dying screams of men cut by the Amaxine's sword.

Death made manifest.

The ground consecrated with the souls of the departed offered a reprieve brief enough for him to notice something new enter the fray. An automaton, at first glance, or rather someone in a suit much akin to those Zero-G stormtroopers donned. His eyes behind the half-black, half-orange helmet narrowed at the sight of slugs tearing through a rank of stormtroopers in the near distance. This was not something mass-produced, clearly indicated by the general's scanners. He was not even certain whether it was an Alliance make at all.

Whatever it was -- it had to be dealt with.

The Empire had to break through the ambush and march onward towards the Drilling Command Center.

:: Triko, rally your men and make a gap out of the encirclement. :: he ordered Wolfram Triko through the comms before switching a channel to the general's own adjutant. :: Tycho, get an AT-AT on that target. Now! :: Saul said before transmitting the metadata of the designated enemy to the SIC. :: And have someone bring me the anti-tank and cryo guns immediately. ::

:: Roger that, Sir. ::

The general glanced at the skies, trailing the fast pursuit of Allied and Imperial fighters in the air. Cards to play. His gaze then shifted towards the man of steel ( Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt ) in the distance just as an AT-AT fired a double salvo of heavy laser fire at him.

He patiently observed.

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