Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hyperion Ascendant - SJO Dom of Hex Y32

- The Origin

[SIZE=10pt]The original [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Antarian Rangers[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] of Antar 4 have approached the Silver Order begging for assistance after escaping a blockade around their world. A pocket empire known as the Thalian Hegemony has conquered Antar system for its wealth of natural resources for its growing war machine. The mostly anarchist society of the native [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Gotals[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] was unable to match the might of an organized military, but they still resist in the form of insurgency. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Meanwhile, on the [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Dead Moon of Antar[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], the Hegemony works to recover the wreckage [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Malevolence[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and reverse engineer the technology of its ion pulse cannon. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The SJO has decided to assist the Gotals, deploying a task force to break the blockade the Hegemony has established around all the inhabited moons of Antar, and stop the empire from gaining the power of the Malevolence[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Objectives: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Break the Hegemony’s blockade over Antar and secure [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]the wreckage[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] of the Malevolence[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] on the dead moon. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The Thalian Hegemony has a fairly large battlegroup in the [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]system (~15km) to protect a strategic asset, formations spread out among[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] each of the six moons of Antar. Their battlegroup in orbit consists of refurbished ships from the Galactic Republic, as well as more modern ships purchased on the open market. Their ships may be slightly outdated compared to the Silver Spacy, but they are still quite formidable and manned by experienced naval officers once part of the Galactic Republic.

The Gotals have indicated that as the Hegemony has dug in, that several surface emplacements and terrestrial squadrons based have been sighted throughout the six moons. It is confirmed that the dig site for the [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Malevolence[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]is has[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] its own dedicated theater shield as an added layer of protection. Caution is advised when first entering the system, and reconnaissance recommended before jumping in with all forces.

An enemy comp will be provided by me after contact. Hostile reinforcements should be expected as the eventual battle progresses. [/SIZE]


Truuine - Terror in the Medical Ward
[SIZE=10pt]Prime Minister Darius Wen has been battling a strange illness for some time. The illness had suddenly appeared as if from thin air roughly two years prior to the events taking place. Around that time an individual named, Marina Corsair had begun working at the official’s offices. She oversaw managing the Prime Minister’s meetings and daily schedule. Suspicions were there, but Ms. Corsair came from a loyalist family – prestige and education protected her from further investigation. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Darius,[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] slowly deteriorated in front of his staff and family. There were rumors that a Doctor had found a breakthrough with an illness that was like the Prime Minister’s[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]. Doctor Mark Carson agreed to see if the procedure could stop what has been deemed as “Scleroderma”. The procedure and the sickness that plagued the Prime Minister needed to remain unknown to the public. For as long as he could, Darius kept his illness quiet with the help of his head advisor, Raya Peak and head of security, Michael Statham. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The Prime Minister had enemies, he was making waves with reforming the people – trying to make things better. He had a policy that would improve life for both [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Patrolian[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and the Settlers from Karkaris. The Prime Minister being Karkarodon himself and most of his staff being so, many Patrolian felt that the [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Karkarodons[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] were trying to edge them out of the planet’s resources. Both species being immigrants it was a constant fight for the world.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]If they were to find out he was undergoing treatment, they would have a prime target.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]Prime Minister Darius Wen: Born and raised on Truuine, wishes for a better world were both the Patrolian and Karkarodons lived in peace. Being a Karkarodon himself has caused rifts with his Patrolian citizens.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Marina Corsair: Second Generation native to [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Truuine had heard stories of the Karkarodons having a negative effect for her people, the Patrolians. She was hired on by Darius himself to try and help him gain favor with the Patrolians[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]. She is always quiet and with Darius becoming ill around the time of her employment, whispers followed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Doctor Mark Carson: A proud Patrolian and a genius in pathology. Has his reservations for helping a Karkarodon, but he does his best to keep his prejudice in check.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Raya Peak: a first generation Karkarodon, she has worked with Darius from the start of his political career, she has always been at his side even when things were on the down. She remains at his side with Darius’ wife and family doing her best to keep things quiet and calm for the Prime Minister.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Michael Statham: Not much is known about this Karkarodon. He doesn’t speak [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]often,[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] but is always there to protect the Prime Minister when needed. He was the first to alert the staff of the problems Darius was experiencing.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]The Silver Service Corps has deployed a small team to assist in local physicians in curing Prime Minister Wen. Because of the tense political situation on Truuine, additional Jedi and Rangers have been deployed to beef up security at the hospital and watch over the SSC physicians as they do their work.

Help figure out a cure to Wen’s illness or assist hospital workers i[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]n[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] other cases. If on the security detail, keep an eye out for trouble. As it has been stated, Wen has many enemies that would love nothing more than to capitalize on his condition. [/SIZE]

((Special thanks to [member="Charlie Nooran"] for crafting the Truuine objective. As always, if you don't see something you like, then bring your own objectives.))
Few weeks prior:

[SIZE=10pt]The sound of a pen gliding over a tablet echoed around the small office. Dr. Hyonu worked quickly applying his research into a data cloud that was provided by the SJO. He had a recent break through and was utterly excited. He was so excited that he had given his staff and his padawan a couple of days off. As he finished uploading the last file, he had received a phone call. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Hello?” A voice he hadn’t heard in some time came over and the Doctor’s look became serious. He nodded with a few “mhms” and then hung up the phone. The line died and he then turned it over to call his apprentice. “Assistant Rachel, I hope you didn’t have plans - we are heading out as soon as you pack.” [/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]Objective 2: Terror in the Medical Ward[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Present day.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Hyonu had been at the hospital helping his colleague prepare for the operation that was going to be happening today. It was going to fuel his research with priceless data, it would have been a crime to pass this opportunity up. Rolling his shoulders back he looked over the data and began to write out the things he needed. It seemed some of the disease was affecting the Prime Minister’s heart. He was one of the few specialists that was summoned here to help. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Hmm, heart doesn’t look too bad I can go first and it means we don’t have to leave him on the machine for too long..” He mumbled quietly under his breath. If Rachel had tagged along she would have been glued t the man’s side, especially with how dangerous the situation could become if word got out that the Prime Minister was ill and preparing for a life risking surgery. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“You have any questions?” [/SIZE]

[member="Lucent Echo"] [member="Rachel Taff"] [member="Samara Raine"]

Samael Snowsong

A few weeks earlier....

Rachel was setting up a few experiments she had plans to mess with. She was writing out notes when she hear her master receive a call. Although he had given her a few days off Rachel decided she had enough time off going to her nephew's wedding with [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]. Besides she had her own experiments to finish up. Most of them were to increase possibilities for weapons she might encounter and ways around them.

As her master called to her she had just finished the first of her experiments. "But, I was going to do more experiments try to think ways to help our rangers around weapons and gear I have seen on the battlefield. But if it is that important then my tests can wait." She picked up a go bag that she had ready as she was never sure when they would get called out for something new or different.


Objective 2: Terror in the Medical Ward

Present day...

Rachel stayed with her master the whole time, managing to talk the staff into allowing her to keep her weapons on her even as she was in a nurses uniform. She looked over the data with her master as well. According to everything it was a heart disease however it also only appeared two years ago. She looked over the data once more before coming to a possible conclusion of a genetic defect within the man's family that only appeared recently as it wasn't unknown.

She quietly touched her lightsaber whip. It was a relatively new weapon of hers put she was glad to have it by her side right now. She listened to her master mumble about the mans heart and how he could go about it before turning and asking her any questions. "Just one, has the idea that this is a genetic defect been looked into yet as it seems rather random he would suddenly gain it two years ago out of the blue. Just a though." She would say making sure she was ready for the up coming procedure.

[member="Hyonu Ye"], [member="Lucent Echo"]

Location: Deep Space just outside of the Prindaar System
Complement: Battlegroup Wyyyschokk

It was the Wookiee's first command as a full member of the Silver Spacy. He was still experimenting with fleet composition, but for now, the ships he'd brought with him to the rendezvous would be, at least from what information he'd been given, enough. The bridge of the Gaaraddik, his new Tenchu Kai-class Battlecruiser, seemed a much different fit from that of the Shadowclaw, the least change of which was the lack of his droids. Instead the Silver Spacy had its own dedicated fleet staff, the majority of them human, though at least amongst his crew on the bridge he spotted a few Twi'leks, a fellow Wookiee, and a Zeltron.

The second difference was that the entire ship needed its life support systems active at all times. With an entirely droid crew and garrison the Shadowclaw had the benefit of being able to vent at any time and wipe out boarding parties. No such tactic could be employed here, nor could that extra power be diverted elsewhere. He hoped it wouldn't be too much of an issue. The Wookiee had come to like the crew he found himself in command of, he'd hate to see their lives and his own put in danger because of a power shortage to weapons or shields.

"Coordinates are prepared for the final jump, Captain," his navigational officer reported. Dev was a capable officer, and Errreembuhr put trust in the man's skills at plotting jumps. "Shall I give the order for the battlegroup to jump?"

"No, not just yet," the Wookiee replied, pacing the bridge slowly. "We'll go in with recon ships and a few escorts. Two of our Munificents, four Syrens, and all of the scout ships. It'll give us enough protection if we're attacked right out of the gate to hold off until we can get the rest of the group into the system."

"Understood Captain," replied Aisha, one of the Twi'leks aboard his bridge crew and their communications officer. "I'll relay the command to the ships immediately."

Before long the scouting group found themselves through hyperspace and inside of the system, the gas giant of Antar staring them in the face, a massive world uninhabited. The scout ships got to work with their sensors, all information transmitted back to the Gaaraddik as it came through.

[member="Lucent Echo"]

Ciana Teigra


Objective 2: Terror in the Ward

While Ciana had experience in surgery, Karkarodons were completely alien to her and so she imagined the fine government of Truuine wouldn't care much about her getting her hands on the Prime Minister. So she had content herself to simply observe "Science Man" as he got to work with his assistants and local physicians. Since their first encounter on Maanan, she had long since learned his name as Hyonu Ye from Joseon (Kiribi), but she would always think of him as that ornery Science Man.

Currently, she sat with Doctor Carson in an adjacent observation room, trying to get a better understanding of Karkarodon physiology.

"Karkardons are normally quite amazingly resilient to disease," the Patrolian explained as he brought up a holoprojection of a cutaway. "Consequently, we don't know much on how to help them when they do get sick."

Ciana nodded, scribbling along with her datapad. "I take it that they have a similar makeup to sharks as far as their immune system goes?"

"Yes that's right. In place of marrow producing bones, or lymph system, they have specialized tissue that is constantly pumping out anti-bacterials and other compounds to thwart infections. That means their system can react immediately to foreign agents, while a human immune system, for example, won't have its marrow start producing anti-infection agents until after the fact."

"That's quite impressive. On Kiribi, we have medical implants that work in a similar fashion. So no one has really thought to look more closely into this? Seems like an amazing opportunity is being missed here."

"Yes I said we've never had much reason to look into the subject, so it wasn't a priority."

Carson trailed off and focused on his monitor, clearly feeling awkward about something.

She didn't need to be a psychic to know what was going on. It wasn't that the thought hadn't ever occurred to the Patrolian.

He chose not to pursue it.

Even the most enlightened individuals could be affected by more base prejudices. Such was the sad reality of nature.

[member="Rachel Taff"] [member="Hyonu Ye"] [member="Samara Raine"]
Objective 1

Yuroic was in the middle of training on the command ship. The room he had was spacious and allowed him to perform more acrobatic techniques as he jumped around and flipped in the air. His body was now back in peak physical condition, his mind was less well, there were nightmares he had of dark horrors. He couldn't place them and often never knew what they were about but he woke up in a panic of sweat, sometimes tears as well. For now, he focused on pushing himself, he wanted to train harder so he could be the best fighter he could be. Today, he was focusing on Ataru, it was his weaker Form but he was better it than most, worse than those who solely dedicated to it though, significantly worse than them.

After he trained till sweat was pouring off him, Yuroic grabbed a towel and dried himself off. Scratching his beard, he thought about the mission they were on today. There was a blockade and Yuroic was part of a team to help the natives break through. Normally, Yuroic would steer clear from ship based mission, he had no clue how to organise a fleet and he had less than stellar skills in flying a ship, even though he had one of his own. Unfortunately, he was trying to show the Order how useful he was, Yuroic was desperate to become an important part of the Silver Order. His Master was never part of the council or Grand Master, but Yuroic had this primal ambition to do well. To prove those in his past who said he'd never become anything.

His role in this was purposefully small, he didn't want to leap in a big role and fail because he still had no clue how to do things. Instead, this gave him a chance to see how it was all done. Moreso, any chance for flying would be excellent. After he had dressed himself in dark green robes, Yuroic headed to the hangar, he wanted to check on his starfighter. It was small but nippy, something Yuroic could use to get out of danger quickly. If Yuroic was ever to upgrade, he knew there were several areas he could but its armour was good quality metal. That was something of a priority, he wanted a good defense than offense, gave him more room to breath if he was hit. Looking around the hanger, Yuroic looked at his starfighter, unsure where to start.

Objective 2

[SIZE=10pt]Hyonu carefully added milk to his tea one drop at a time. He focused on it listening to his assistant speak about the genetic defect. Frowning he nodded and sighed heavily. “We have considered it. Karkarodon’s are amazingly resilient to just about every sort of disease and genetic defects. They’re a wonder to study, I wish I had more experience.” He continued to drop in milk till the moment the tea turned a lovely light brown color. A small smile spread across his face as he admired his work and then placed the milk down. Had he done it? Carefully he used his pinky to stir the drink and then suck on the appendage. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Drying it with a napkin, he looked to Rachel. “From examination it seems like it had been creeping up for some time. Its as if it started off slow and now has been something that has grown rapidly.” Sliding images towards the girl, he pointed at the organs. “These here are normal, healthy organs of the Prime Minister, but then there’s this” He pulled his tablet and showed the girl as well. The organs looked stiff and almost as if someone had drawn a still image. “They’re hardening up.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Sipping his tea, he hummed happily with a soft smile curling at the corners of his lip. For a moment he had found happiness. Remembering that he was here for official work, he set the tea down and exhaled heavily. Something bothered him, there was so much that could force this to happen and he didn’t want to think the most outrageous thing, but it was something they had to consider. He kept his opinion to himself for the time being. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Rachel, can you go find Dr. Carson and…” Exhaling his smile faded. “Dr. [member="Ciana Teigra"]” As he spoke the woman’s name he made sure every syllable was formed with his mouth. They had an interesting first encounter and she had tagged along for this mission. “We should be comparing notes soon.” [/SIZE]

[member="Rachel Taff"]

Samael Snowsong


Objective 2: Terror in the Medical Ward

[member="Hyonu Ye"] little habits always seemed curious to her. Slowly dropping milk into tea one careful drop at a time almost as if he was adding acid to water. It was so curious to watch. She listen to her master sigh as she asked the question. She thought it was a fair question. The first thing anyone would have done would be check genetic records. She wasn't here to diagnose but that didn't mean she wouldn't guess. She was surprised to hear the species was resistant to disease and genetic defects.

"So if they are resistant to disease and genetic defects then it means someone has purposely done this." She said looking over the organs as they were normal then hard. She thought for a while before coming up with another theory "So is it possible it is a slow acting poison that has created this, and if so how long has it been placed into his system for?" She looked again over it, trying to figure out what it could possibly be.

She would look at her master as he began asking her to find the doctor then stopped. She looked up from the pad seeing [member="Ciana Teigra"]. She immediately knew what to do, remembering how they had acted back on maanan with each other. "Of course master, I will immediately find Dr Carson and ask him to come with me so you can explain your ideas." Before leaving she would nod to the other Dr. "Doctor Ciana, good to see you again. Please excuse me." She would say moving past the woman going to find the good doctor and keep herself away from the battle that was about to commence.

Ciana Teigra


Objective 2:
Terror in the Medical Ward

Carson continued to his new mute act, so Ciana busied herself reviewing Wen's records as entering the hospital for treatment, comparing against healthy tissue samples as a baseline. After some studying, she was finally able to get a rough idea of how a Karkarodon's body was supposed to work.

There was steady deterioration of the body, a stiffening of the organs, especially those related to the Karkardon's version of a cardiovascular system. The cause of it all seemed to be those same compounds being pumped out by the always-on immune system that Carson had just told her about. An attack on the body by the immune system itself.

An auto-immune disease was pretty easy to figure out, but the exact cause was the real mystery here. She was going to guess Science Man had an idea, or he wouldn't be trying to operate.

It looked like was time to compare notes with her favorite surly doctor.

She continued on with her research until Ye's apprentice came for her. Apparently, Science Man actually wanted her for something.


She followed Taff to another room, Carson not far behind, then the Chiss just skipped away to leave all the doctors alone.

"Mister Ye, what a surprise," she said, a big grin on her face. "I had planned on just observing your operation, but I'm more than happy to be here right with you all the same. So, do you need something?"

[member="Rachel Taff"] [member="Hyonu Ye"]

[SIZE=10pt]Objective 2: Terror in the Medical Ward[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Hyonu sipped his tea and thought about his Apprentice’s idea. It was as if she read his mind – it had to be something that was administered slowly over time so that it would be undetected. If the Prime Minister was poisoned with a heavy dose, it would have killed him and they would have been doing an autopsy not trying to save his life. Watching Rachel do as she was told, the others entered the room. Of course, Dr. Teigra entered first with that grin of her’s on her face. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“It’s Doctor Ye.” He corrected quickly, just as she did when they had first met. How could she forget his credentials, silly woman. He set his tea down and folded his arms in front of her chest as she continued to speak. Observing? She had planned on just watching? The man’s face showed his disappointment and confusion at her plans for the trip. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“You have…” He paused – he was close to complimenting her and he wanted to avoid such things. “I’m sure you have some ideas to share with us. You…are a doctor and a scientist…” Turning his head he mentally scolded himself, it sounded like a compliment no matter what he did. Either way he had to deal with it. As long she stayed on her side of the room, he would be as pleasant as he could be. Though from the corner of his eye, he noticed Ms. Rachel decided she wasn’t going to stick around. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“There’s no escaping Ms. Rachel. Especially when you have a brilliant idea!” A forced smile spread across his face as he could reach out and catch his apprentice and drag her back into the room. Leaning close to her he sharply whispered “You can’t leave me alone…you’re my apprentice.” It was obvious the man didn’t want to be left alone with Ms. Teigra, mostly because the woman could twist his words around and confuse him. There was a little pleading look in his face as he looked at Rachel, then presented her to the doctors. “Rachel, tell them what you told me earlier. About the uh about the – you know” He waved his hands trying to find the words. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Dr. Carson frowned seeing the antics that was unfolding. He had a deep respect for Dr. Ye, but handing it off to a padawan? A Chiss even, the doctor shook his head and sighed. “Tell us, what your ideas are. It seems your Master trusts you enough" [member="Rachel Taff"] [member="Ciana Teigra"][/SIZE]
Do or not do, there is no try
Objective 1
peps: [member="Errreembuhr"]

Tharr was nervous, this was the first time he had an entire ship under his command. The scout corvette was a small ship compared to the rest of the fleet but it was one of the fastes.

"Lieutenant, we have our orders, we are going to scout ahead with a small part of the fleet and report back as soon as we arive."
That was his com officer talking, a Duros with blue skin and red eyes.

"Put me on the ships com."

"Done sir"

"This is Junior Lieutenant Tharr Hei, we are making the jump to hyperspace, all soldiers are to report at their battle stations and prepare for battle. Over and out.".

-I hope they didnt notice how nervous I was.- Thought the Zabrak, the last thing he needed was a crew that didn't trust him.
As soon as the AI calculated the hyperjump, all of the scouting party jumped to hyperspace and came out with the gas giant of Antar staring them in the face. The scout ships got to work with their sensors, all information transmitted back to the Gaaraddik as it came through.
Objective 1
Location: Trandosha -> Antar system
Allies: [member="Tharr Hei"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Errreembuhr"]
Enemies: Thalian Hegemony

"Hotelier, we're in position, ready for takeoff"

"If there are any of us surviving, and any rooms left, I shall have you rent out a room or two once this is over, and bill the night to the ISAF"

Not so long after this last trip to the battlefield, Varindar found herself elsewhere in the thick of the action once again. She expected that, in long-range recon, the bomblet generators would be of use, and that would allow her superiors, such as Gen. Xeraic, Adm. Errreembuhr and, of course, Gen. Med-Beq for any ground assault, even though she knew the latter would not personally deploy if the circumstances didn't warrant it. Once the pre-flight checks are made, Varindar had her squadron, eight heavy fighters, assigned to recon duty. She thus took off and, after a while of climbing out of orbit, made the jump to lightspeed towards Antar, hoping that none of the pilots would get queasy enough to vomit in flight. But if they survived this operation, they will definitely deserve a meal at a five-star restaurant. Once they were in position to get their mission profile, it was time for them to review what they were looking for. And yet, it was a little bizarre: it was tantamount to using dive-bombers for recon, whereas interceptors were a better fit, regardless of whether or not they had tow cables.


Samael Snowsong


Objective 2: Terror in the Medical Ward

Rachel listened to her master's reply to the woman. It was like listen to a bull in a china shop as he stumbled around his words. She in her head was not surprised by this being in a lab all day was hardly a way to live life especially when he could barely speak to the other doctor with him. Dr [member="Ciana Teigra"] let her go and she was almost out when her master [member="Hyonu Ye"] caught her. As he did he said she had a brilliant idea. "if it's so brilliant why don't you say it then, they respect you more." she said very quietly to her master.

He caught her off guard with the fact she was his apprentice and he couldn't be in the same room as Dr Ciana. Okay so he didn't say the last part but the spirits with her did and so did his body language. She gave her master a look that said "you clearly need more time out of the lab if your fumbling before a simple woman. Even if she is a doctor." She then mentally regathered herself as the local doctor doubted her even with her master's trust behind her.

She looked directly at the local doctor as she said it as if showing him that he was being an unruly and unreliable child that was throwing a tantrum and she was explaining why he couldn't do that because he was too old for it. "What my master is referring to is the idea that due to the prime minister species being resistant to disease and genetic defects. I thought could it possibly be a slow acting poison that has only just begun acting now because it is finally in fatal doses in his blood stream. It means that someone has been doing it for quite sometime and also would mean you wouldn't be able to have detected earlier on because the amount of the poison would be too low to notice."

She would then turn to her master asking "Is that what you were thinking master?" She didn't add the part about he wasn't able to get it out with Dr. Ciana around. She hoped they would take her idea seriously and not toss it aside simply because her master was a social shut in.

Location: On board the Hyperion Ascendant

Objective: 1

There was nothing quite like a new ship, there was a smell to it, fresh and untainted, the air processors not yet loaded with the scent of countless being. The thrum of the engines and the feel of the controls. Everything seemed to have that little bit of extra polish, but it lacked...character. The small build-up of traditions and quirks that built up to define a ship. To make it unique, even within its class. The Hyperion hadn't yet built up those little things yet, the traditions still forming through countless hour of drills and the little tricks and shortcuts. But as for quirks...John glanced to his left as a lightning bolt struck the ground next to him before bursting apart in an explosion of light, leaving an armoured man standing next to him. "A tad melodramatic there." "I do have to have some fun you know." "Zeus...did EX put you up to flashing in behind my crew members?" "I plead the fifth."

The man set back in the command chair as a laugh slipped from his lips as he turned to face the view screen. "What's our status?" "We should be dropping out of hyperspace in...3...2...1..." A bright flash lit up the darkness of space after ship after ship flashed into existance in space one after the other as the second fleet settled into existence. "Ensign, give me an open frequency, let's let people know we're here."

"To all ships in the area, this is Commodore John Locke of the Silver Jedi. We are here at the request of the Antirian Rangers, all Hegemony forces, stand down and prepare to be boarded by our forces. Your blockade of Antarr is illegal and we do not intend to allow you to prosecute the planet and the civilians there any longer. I repeat, please surrender your vessels and pull back your forces and power down all weapons." With a cutting motion the man turned his head to glance at the avatar standing next to him, "Zeus, link us in with all Silver Jedi forces in the area and start bringing up the tactical net, if The Hegemony forces so much as sneeze I want to know about it and be prepared. All hands, take us to red alert, raise shields and power up our weapons but don't lock any targets yet. I want them to know we mean business but, lets not push them over the edge just yet."

1 x Hyperion Ascendant (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
4 x Akula Class Star Destroyer
- Night Whisper (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Providence: (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Majestic: (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Hope: (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
2 x Chernobog Artillery Carrier
-Rebellion (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Hannibal (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
3 x Kossak Class Star Destroyer
- Matador (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Rebellion (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Avenger (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
3 x Mirial Escort Cruiser
- Paradise (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Vision (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Hawk (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
3 x Okami Class Cruiser
- Blade (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Dagger (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Burn (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
2 x Tangler Interdiction Frigate
- Centurion (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Karnack (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
5 x Meteor Class Frigate
- Proximo (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Coyote (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Armada (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Trinity (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Typhoon (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
3 x Argonaut Class Carrier
- Templar (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Siren (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)
- Lupus (Shields: 100% Hull: 100% Actions: In Formation)

Ciana Teigra


Objective 2: Terror in the Medical Ward

She was successful in triggering Ye, though she wondered if the irony had been lost upon Science Man. He was just so...uptight that it seemed like he seemed to stumble over every word and looked like he was about to seize up. This nerd was definitely the sort more comfortable with his machines than other people.

It looked like he couldn't bear to talk to her anymore, so he had his apprentice present her hypothesis on what was happening to the minister. Her idea was that there was some kind of slow-acting poison that had been fed to Wen over time, which is why no one noticed his deteriorating condition until it was too late.

"That's a very good explanation," she complimented. "From my initial review of his records, it appears that Wen is currently plagued by some kind of abnormal autoimmune response. But I'm not familiar with Karkaradonan physiology, so it was hard to determine the trigger. As we already know that they usually don't get sick, we can probably narrow down the source of the toxin if that's what it is. Pesticides, excitotoxins, bisphenol, etc. In high concentrations, these substances can all be quite deadly, but they often pass under the radar as they're often common byproducts of food processing."

She tapped her chin. "If possible, we need to analyze his diet for the past six months or so, up to now. I'm sure the hospital has some kind of record of this, then it would be easy enough to figure out what he eats at home or in the office from bills."

She looked over at Science Man. "What do you think?"

This time there was no teasing, her question quite sincere as she was becoming more invested in the case, a puzzle beginning to be unraveled.

[member="Rachel Taff"] [member="Hyonu Ye"]

Objective 2: Terror in the Medical Ward
[[member="Ciana Teigra"] [member="Rachel Taff"] ]

It had seemed that Rachel didn’t want to be back in the room for some reason, but Hyonu knew it would be a good learning experience for her, also she could be someone he spoke to instead of the other woman. He couldn’t figure out why she got to him like she did. At times it felt like she went out of her way to torment him, make him fumble over his words, and to over think. Hyonu would have to figure this out another time, they had to work together and the faster they did the faster they could solve this.

Rachel delivered her idea and Hyonu nodded. She was on the right track from what his research had told him. There was for once in his life a genuine smile crossing his usual annoyed face. They were on the same wave length and it seemed that Ciana was there as well. She reiterated the physiology of the Karkaradons and Hyonu nodded in agreeance with her findings. He had only worked on a few before in his career, but experience on the species relied on Dr. Carson – who oddly seemed uninterested.

Hyonu examined his old friend and tried to make out what this aloof nature was coming from. It was odd and seemed out of place. Ciana broke his concentration as he nearly dropped his tea on him, but he gracefully saved it making it look as if he didn’t almost spill it. “Ah yes, job Rachel, it was exactly what was on my mind.” He pushed the tea onto the table a bit more so he didn’t spill it. “Mrs. Teigra, I echo my assistance’s hypothesis. The fact that after examining the Prime Minister’s genetic history dating back a few generations – nothing like this has ever occurred.” Mentioning of the genetic profiling, Dr. Carson cleared his throat and then took a sip of some water he brought with him. Hyonu continued.

“Because of this I have a firm belief that he has been poisoned for some time now – it would have to have been for some time – with the natural defenses of the Karkaradon species it could even be years that he had the poisonous substance being given to him.” Looking to Ciana, he nodded. “We should be able to get a hold of that information for you. The Prime Minister’s closest staff is in the hospital with us. They would have that information for you.” The man nodded and removed his communicator from his pocket and turned his back to the group. Bringing it to his ear, he rather coolly called the body guard, Michael Statham.

A conversation occurred quietly and then he closed his device and shoved it back into his pocket. Reaching for his tea he took a sip. “Both Raya Peak and Marina Corsair should be heading up. They should be here very soon, so you can ask for the information you need.” After his moment of making eye contact with Dr. Teigra, he made sure to not do it again as he continued to drink his tea, till it was all gone in one gulp. He was extremely thirsty for some reason at this very moment.

Raya another Karkaradon headed towards the room, she was well put together and had an air of professionalism. Following her close behind was Marina Corsair, she was a Patrolian – it was obvious she was young and was closer to an intern in the hierarchy. She was responsible for the Prime Minister’s daily schedule. Both would eventually enter the room, Marina making an odd eye contact with Dr. Carson.

Another part of the hospital…
A small group of surgical aids and nurses began prepping the room. Over seeing them was another one of the Prime Minister’s guards. Like Marina, this guard was also a Patrolian. Most likely hired on by the Prime Minister and Raya to help boost his popularity with the fish like race. As the aids and the nurses continued to work, the guard turned his back and in an instant – a group entered and quietly “removed” the current staff and replaced them with others.
The room continued to be prepared and the guard returned to viewing the work – pretending like nothing happened.

Location: Antar
Objective: Opposition - Defeat the Jedi Warmongers


Captain Zacquis, Hegmony Battlegroup Commander​

There was always a legitimate chance that the Hegemony would become the target of reprisals over Antar, so the battlegroup in
system was always kept in a state of elevated alert patrols running constantly.

Consequently, the first formation of warships that emerged in the system
was immediately detected by the passive sensors of an LSR flight (4) fixed at various lagrange points around Antar and its moons. Alerts were transmitted and over blind band, then the stealth vessels shifted positions using only their repulsors to avoid easy detection by firing up their primary ion drives.

Captain Zacquis was immediately awakened shortly thereafter, then groggily drifted into the command center of the Sazabi still clad in his pajamas, golden bathrobe, and shiny black boots hastily threw on. Of course, his chromed faceplate was in place as usual as he had slept right in it.

“Let me guess,” he asked he walked over to the ops table, hands tucked behind his back. “The Silver Jedi have come to town.”

“Transponder codes seem to confirm it,” his XO Lehan replied. “At the very least, they’re not with us.”

“It’s them alright, no one else cares about this place if it no longer has anything to do with Commenor. This is the birthplace of their Ranger serfs, after all.”

He squinted as he looked at the readouts being spit out by the battle analysis computer. One flotilla of mixed ships, the largest no bigger than a heavy cruiser. A few of the ships were of indeterminate-class, but altogether it still didn’t look like much of a threat. He could wipe them out with a single carrier line.

Was that all?

He soon received his answer as the mother of all fleets reverted behind the first flotilla. Now the Sazabi was tracking the new contacts directly, and what it showed him was quite jaw-dropping.

At the head of this fleet was a dreadnought, one of the largest ships that the Captain had ever seen. Rounding out what was presumably the flagship was a total force several times greater than his own.

He knew of the battlecruisers and dreadnoughts that the Silver Jedi possessed, but he never thought
they would throw one of the single largest ships in the galaxy at him, at Antar of all places.

There were a few audible gasps inside the bridge and even some cursing. Zacquis himself was usually good about keeping his bearing, but he could feel his stomach knot up a bit as he looked on at the ops table in silence.

He had definitely miscalculated.

“ communication from the Silver forces,” a comm officer almost croaked.

“Put it on over the speakers.”

Yes sir.”

A few moments later, a recording of the Silver’s transmission played, a message from a Commodore Locke. As he listened, he let out a huff of amusement. Such arrogance, as if they had already won.

More silence as he thought up a plan. There would be no surrender of his force, but then he couldn’t just run either. Antar was important for its vast stores of natural resources, including the gas giant itself. Then there was
Malevolence. With its power, entire fleets could be crushed. No, that was too much to leave on the table.

After the initial shock of the sheer numerical and technological supremacy on display before him, his composure was regained, and he had something.
“These Jedi could have thousand times our numbers, but it wouldn’t matter,” he mused aloud. “They’re much too soft.”

“I want all Lines and their escorts to descend
moonside. Right over the largest population centers. I want them so close to the ground that they’re almost touching. All those big ships the Silvers brought won’t mean diddly now - they wouldn’t risk the collateral. That should even out the fight as they’re limited in their response. I expect they’ll engage us with their attack craft and marines in atmo, but here we hold the advantage with the air defense network established in the largest cities. This alone won’t win us the fight, but will help us survive long enough to receive reinforcements from Gydine.”

He turned to another officer at the table. “What’s the status on Kelah and the Malevolence?”

“The Zeniac is still loading up the components. She claimed it was at three-quarters of the way there the last time I checked in.”

“Well, tell the Witch to put some pep in her step. She has an hour to grab whatever she can and get out of dodge.”

“Right away, sir.”

“Very good, now everyone get to it. Activate ECM after we call for reinforcements.”

Lehan and the other commands shuffled away, disseminating his orders among the battlegroup. Soon enough, ships began to descend, and the ECM was activated in an attempt to cripple the Silver’s ability at targeting and communication. Very basic from the outset, brute force jamming across all frequencies not being used by the Hegemony.

On the surface of Antar 4, Antar 5, and the Dead Moon, surface emplacements were warming up, those great equalizers that would even give dreadnoughts a run for their money. Secondary emplacements - mobile flak guns, AA tanks, and SAMs - bristled in anticipation of combat.

As for the dead moon itself, a lone destroyer - Zeniac - and a few escorts hovered over the wreckage of the Malevolence, lines of freighters coming streaming in and out of its main hangars. In addition to the air defenses on the ground, Zeniac enjoyed the protection of a theater shield overhead. Short of another moon or asteroid slamming into the surface, the Destroyer was quite secure for the moment. How long that would last, however, was anyone’s guess.

The Hegemony hadn’t answered the Silver’s hails, but their actions spoke volumes. They would only be removed by force.

Order of Battle (Kinda messy, I’ll clean it up later)

Antar 4

Antar 5
Dead Moon
8x Kobold Blastboats
Location: BFF-1 Bulk Freighter Corusca Voyager, approaching the dead moon of Antar
Objective: 1
Allies: [member="John Locke"] | [member="Varindar Asyt"] | [member="Errreembuhr"] | [member="Tharr Hei"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Enemies: [member="Lucent Echo"]

Gir stood on the cramped bridge of the freighter, watching the Hemegony forces react to the sudden incursion of the Silver Jedi. The watched the ion trail disappear from one of their blockier ships as it descended into the atmosphere. A calculated move, not one full of bravado, but one that is risky nonetheless. But the rewards if they can pull it off will substantial. But maybe they're closer to securing the Malevolence than we know. A baritone voice boomed from behind him.

"Have you seen enough?"

Nearly two meters tall and with the temperament of a half-pacificied rancor, Grisdasch Tulor seemed the sort not accustomed to waiting. Gir slowly turned on his heels to face the ace pilot. Dark eyes in a swarthy face glared down at him.


Gir tapped a button on his comlink, setting the freighter to fly on autopilot, "Now we're set."

The man grunted in approval before turning back to reenter the maintenance hallway. Gir followed closely behind. The freighter had never been designed to enter combat, nor did Gir want to press his luck in that endeavor. As Ariela had once observed, Gir was "not Corellian". That thought brought a brief smirk onto his face as he and nearly a dozen other pilots clad in Directorate and Silver Spacey flight suits entered through retrofitted airlocks on either side of the corridor. Gir jumped through one and clambered up into faintly illuminated inside of a cargo container. Gravity disappeared, and with a quick push, he found himself gliding to the sleek form of a Mistral Fighter. He quickly entered the craft, strapped in, and closed the canopy as Grisdasch went down the roll call list. It was finally his turn.

"Silverwing Eight present and in the green..."

Seconds later, the cargo containers detached from the Voyager and floated away into the void, revealing the freighter's secret cargo of starfighters to the outside world. A dozen Mistral fighters and a quartet of Gale Heavy Fighters jetted away from their surreptitious mothership. He briefly glanced out of his canopy at the descending hegemony ships. A bit late on our exit, maybe that's my fault..but we should have surprise for a brief second. He glanced at his sensor screen, and immediately realized that at least several of the other fighters had sensor jammers equipped. The enemy would realize that something was there, but they might not be entirely what that was for a few seconds. That might be enough for the Mistrals of Silverwing Squadron and the Gales of Thunderstruck Squadron to make their approach without being completely lighted up by SAM batteries.

"Have you seen enough?"
Location: Aboard the Gaaraddik
Complement: Battlegroup Wyyyschokk

The arrival of the Hyperion Ascendant put a smile on the Wookiee's face, especially given the information picked up by his scout ships advanced sensors. Their gathered fleet was more or less equal to the size of his entire battlegroup, though they weren't coming at them full force, a reaction likely spurred on by the arrival of the dreadnought. Various groupings were moving into atmosphere, likely to make themselves harder targets for the larger ships they'd brought along.

"Sir, we're picking up significant power readings from the surface," reported Lieutenant Morrigen. "Four, Five, and the Dead Moon appear to be powering ground-based weaponry as well as theater shields."

"Smart," the Wookiee replied, watching the energy readings on his terminal. "Pulling back their capital ships to make us come down to them and face losses in the process." A rapid bleeping began, accompanied by a flashing light. "Let me guess, they're attempting to jam communications?"

"Correct, Sir."

"Good, this wouldn't be fun if there weren't a challenge. Activate the mesh network and relay all gathered information to [member="John Locke"] aboard the Hyperion Ascendant. And bring in the rest of the battlegroup. We'll need them all."

With a nod of agreement the communications officer got to work, taking mere seconds to activate their mesh network communications system, something Errreembuhr made sure to put onto all ships of his design after the technology had been made available to him. More information came across his screen as the rest of his battlegroup trickled into the system one by one, working themselves into formation.

"[member="John Locke"] this is Errreembuhr, captaining the Gaaraddik," he said into the communications system. "We're sending you our scout ships' preliminary reports now on enemy fleet composition and locations. It won't be easy getting to their ships once they've pulled back into atmosphere without incurring heavy casualties, it seems, and their base on the Dead Moon appears to have shield coverage. How should we proceed?"

1x Tenchu Kai-class Battlecruiser Gaaraddik (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
2x Akula-class Star Destroyers
  • Turgon (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Argon (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
5x Munificent X-class Heavy Cruisers
  • Annuminas (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Elostirion (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Eressea (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Sul (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Ithil (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
6x EF50 Assault Frigates
  • Portaak (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Bowvine (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Raballa (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Rogir-boln (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Keebada (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Skappi (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
10x Syren-class Corvettes
  • Agr (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Anakkona (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Can-cell (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Gnasp (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Gorryl (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Katarn (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Kinrath (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Leaflizard (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Netcaster (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Tach (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
4x EC15 Scout Corvettes
  • Dimilatis (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Waha (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Hornweed (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)
  • Fahla (Shields: 100% | Hull: 100%)

[member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Lucent Echo"] | [member="John Locke"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Varindar Asyt"]
Objective 1
Location: Antar system
Allies: [member="Gir Quee"] [member="Errreembuhr"] [member="John Locke"] [member="Tharr Hei"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Enemies: [member="Lucent Echo"]

"The enemy is retreating to the Dead Moon. However, we cannot press the attack on the ground and not just because they have a theater shield activated, and heavy anti-aircraft defenses are littering the ground around the Malevolence's wreckage"

"Your orders, Hotelier?"

"Stay on CAP around the fleet: the time has not come to attack just yet"

Poodoo. I hope Jessica has some shield-busting ammunition or else this expedition may prove to turn into a nightmare. I have faith in her to see it through, but she wouldn't attempt a landing when the airspace is still under contention, Varindar thought, while realizing that the Dead Moon was perhaps the most heavily fortified location in the system. However, the risk of collateral was pretty high and she knew that the position just wasn't the best for her allies. Even so, she knew that the surface-to-orbit batteries were having very poor traverse and cannot hit ships smaller than a heavy frigate with any reliability. Plus the crews being restless could cause a problem, even with the large number of squadrons on each side of the battle being fought in Antar's orbit. In the meantime, their bomblets were charging to full power, and thank the Force these bomblet generators couldn't hold more than one bomblet: charging a number of bomblets would render the generator liable to overheat quickly, and even up to the point they can kill the mount craft. Maybe the opportunity to strike will present itself at some point however.


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