There was something infuriating about people sending in forces in another's territory - especially when those forces pledge allegiance to the same leader that said person does, and said person has supreme authority. Rendili resided directly in the center region of Darth Vitium's sector, the inner rim and within that was sanctioned by the Dark Lord to her. Yet here were the other voices marauding across Rendili as if they were the newest voice of the core regions and beyond - as if she didn't exist. If she had two hands she would have squeezed her left in her right. She didn't. Such was her insufferable defeat on Kashyyk, both planned and unwanted at the same time. As Alric spoke, albeit much more briefly than she hoped, Silara couldn't help but quietly stare at the back of his holographic head, although the feeling of longing she felt was not actively displayed on her face. "I believe it is time I showed you what happened to Coruscant after it was taken by the Sith, and Empress Teta. Then I will show you what occurred to those worlds during each subsequent invasion by the Republic, the Protectorate, and the Mandalorians." She replied nonchalantly, as if the response the Rendili woman had given her was expected - it was indeed what every Republic loyalist or brainwashed dissenter of the Sith recited in one form or another. And although the force was beyond reliable at this point, there was a reliability in displaying a simultaneous feed of the recordings she had personally made on the two planets of Coruscant and Teta, the two holographic displays placed directly astride the display of [member="Alric Kuhn"]. She would not interrupt him further, but she was tired of the baseless accusations of her peers being murderers and butchers. That title was generally reserved for the select few Sith Lords closest to the Dark Lord.
Such as herself.
The display of the two worlds showed an initial state of disrepair, as expected of a planet fraught with war for a time, but gradually it was built up to even greater heights with even better conditions than the republic, and while there was no blatant propaganda created by the One Sith Intelligence - a division which she generally tapped into herself - it was clear that it was not as terrible as the Republic screamed of. Silara was, of course, two identities in one body. It allowed her to traverse her own worlds without any unwanted false praise or unearned respect. While she was most certainly not the most pleasant of people - she was indeed seeking the greatest of evils in the galaxy - there was no notice of this in the way she acted on camera, mostly neutral in tone, if not slightly bubbly in personality. It was during the invasions by various other factions that the feeds changed drastically. Massacres through the streets, claims of honor-killings to rid the galaxy of civilians who claimed citizenship with the Sith. And then it all ended with a carefully created, high-quality, replica droid of herself being shot in the back of the base of her knee and then lit ablaze as she screamed. A horrific retelling of her own duel with [member="Graxin Rade"] on Kashyyk. She simply made several changes to appeal to those who viewed it - although the duel itself would have provided an excellent way to turn a Jedi to the Dark Side in the future, as he'd struck out at someone who refused to fight with the intention to kill. Such a hypocrite. "As you can see, the citizens of the once-Republic worlds in Sith space suffer worse treatment than those of Rendili now, and it is born out of the mistreatment by the Republic and others that those on the ground are taking out their frustration of your people. Had I arrived sooner, perhaps this could have been avoided." She explained, terminating the feed. "The reputation our people earn is unwarranted, and while the Sith Lords themselves may earn a reputation for killing the Jedi, it is the Republic that often turns on their own people when they do not turn against the One Sith's capitalist government. The butchering in the streets, the mutilation and torturing you see, that is the Republic's way of punishing their previous citizens. It is their way of spitting in the faces of those who did not fight to the death against a government that did not try to kill them to begin with." Silara continued, glancing down at her stub of an arm for a moment. "You will find us more organized than the Republic, more fair. You will receive the benefits that all do in the One Sith, as will your people. As someone who has the authority to do so, I can confirm that you can continue to run your planet exactly as you have up until now if you accept a peaceful annexing into the One Sith. Protection will also be provided, especially in these trying times." She concluded, looking towards Alric for either approval or for him to continue where he left off.
[member="Camellia Swift"] | [member="Alric Kuhn"]