Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Need A Sophos Update (Coryth) [past rp]

Coryth lofted a brow, looking most curiously at Siobhan, "So mean..." Still complaining a little!

At the next words, Coryth's eyes snapped open, "Oh thanks, that's entirely comforting. Completely makes this all better." The sarcasm oh so obvious in her tone. Redheaded snark had entered the building. "Just, ya know, if you suddenly get the munchies for brains, I'd like a little advanced warning to run like hell." She teased.

Coryth closed her eyes for what she thought was only a few minutes, but a fair bit more time had passed before she opened them again, quite groggy. The little redhead, seemed to have fallen asleep on her beloved friend. Blinking a few times, she yawned and stretched, trying to wake herself up a little faster.

Glancing around for Siobhan, she sighed softly before speaking, "I hope you're ready part two, the not so incredible journey." Having a feeling things might get messy and complicated from here on out. "I suspect this ... could possibly hurt a bit. Not that I mean for it to, but I'm playing guess work as to how to safely remove those things without harming you in the process."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Much to the disappointment of the fangirls, the whole falling asleep on Siobhan part was probably meant figuratively. This despite the fact that the brunette made an excellent pillow! Anyhow Siobhan was in the room when Coryth awoke, unsurprisingly. Because she was not a creepy and moderately boring vampire from My Summer Blood she had not been crepily staring at Coryth while she slept. Thank you, Moira Skaldi and Qae Shena for butchering that Anzati cult of Twilight vampires!

That said, Siobhan might have helped herself to another drink in the interim! Not enough to be more than a little bit tipsy. In response to Coryth's question she shrugged. She thought for a moment whether she should tell the short stack of fire about that one time where she had been healed by Sith magic after getting lots of her significant bones and limbs crushed by Lotek'k. The 'healing' had hurt just as much as aforementioned crushing. Then she decided against it and just nodded.

"It' ok. I'm ready for it. Little bit of pain...or a hell of a lot of pain won't stop me. And I know I'm in good hands here."
Coryth nodded again, "Just figured I'd warn you first, much rather not end up tossed against the wall. I'm not sure the boat would survive."

"Not craving brains yet, are you?" Trying to lighten the mood a tiny bit.

Finally Cory took a deep breath, knowing one way or another this was going to have to get done and delaying it would not be wise for anyone involved. Grabbing the small blue crystal once more, she scooted over next to Sio, "Remember, something soft if I pass out..."

Once again with great care, Coryth sunk down into the force and let it wash through her as she laid her hand back upon Kerrigan's shoulder. Slowly, she worked her way back into the woman's mind and soon to the darkened place she'd discovered earlier. Fleeting images of memories that were not her own passed Coryth by as she moved through. It took a bit longer for her to follow that singular lead to the first of the nanites floating about in her mind. Don't like this... Coryth thought to herself. Right now, she didn't want to spook Siobhan any more than she likely had already.

Now she reached out taking only a single nanite and pulling it away from the others... Better to test on one and see what happens before she ventured to getting them all. Pushing herself, she dove further into the force, as far as she could go, to view the little thing in as much detail as she possibly could. "Will be tearing one apart, shortly." She whispered. If all went well, the nanite would be shredded to pieces, useless and yet still small enough to not cause any harm anywhere else in the body. In time the bodies defenses would filter out any remaining pieces and all would be well... In theory. Her brow knitted together, as she concentrated, and quickly she crushed the little bugger with help of the Force, watching as tiny individual molecules floated away freely and seemingly harmlessly.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

The redhead came, the redhead saw, the redhead tore apart. This extremely plagiaristic line is not at all meant as a lame attempt at terribly obvious innuendo. Well, it sounded like a normal day for a redhead. Her techniques would tear the nanites apart! They would bend to her. This hurt them!

Now that this post is plagiaristic enough perhaps we shall actually move on. While Coryth was probing around inside her Siobhan had been successfully resisting the craving to devour brains. Upon reflection, did technobeasts even eat...anything? Come to think of it, did it even make sense for zombies to seek such a form of nutrition? After all, they were, well, dead. Would they even be able to digest said brains properly? It certainly did not make them any smarter. All these were interesting questions, but they were not on Siobhan's mind at present.

As Coryth gripped the little nanite tight and utterly shredded it into pieces, leaving only tiny individual molecules, small embers that could do no harm and would be no use for any Sith who might try to play games with Sio's mind via foul sorcercy, a strong surge of pain shot through Siobhan. Clearly the nanites were not willing to part with their host that easily, for apparently they liked swimming around inside her. Which, when one thought about it, sounded incredibly dirty. In any event as the sensation of pain struck her like a bolt of lightning she shook strongly under the pressure. But then there had already been lots of pain when Sasha supposedly forced all the nanites to vacate her body.

"I guess that one is...dead?" Siobhan asked when she finally got her breath back. "How many more to go?"
For all she could do, being this deeply entangled in another's mind, for an Empath and a Force user, was not a pleasant combination as the pain surged through Siobhan, Coryth too was stuck feeling the pain. A sharp yelp followed, threatening to break her fragile concentration. "Yes, dead and in a million pieces." Speaking softly though her tone was quite strained. "And I don't believe that you want the answer to that question." She sighed heavily, "Let's just go with, a lot." It'd have taken more time to actually count them, far more time than she wanted to spend.

Since pain had been the only truly adverse reaction, Cory figured that perhaps a less subtle method to being rid of the little bugs. The sledgehammer method, was the one she'd decide one."Going to just .... Uh, attack the rest." Still whispering, "All at once." Quick and painful, at least it'd be over. Hoping for the best, but expecting the worse, Coryth drew more power from the Force with the small crystal in her hand, it just being a source in which she could condense the Force, and use it at a much higher level than ordinary.

Not waiting for an objection, Cory slowly started to pull, and drag all the nanites she could find into one singular location. "On three." One more deep breath, suspecting this would hurt them both, really badly. Might as well rip the band-aid off all at once. "Three ... Two..." Skipping one, she worked quickly, taking the bundled grouping of nanites into her grasp with the Force. In one rapid attack, Coryth pounced on her targets, quickly crushing the good three dozen or so bugs left within Siobhan.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Siobhan might not be an expert on empathy, but she obviously understand enough to know that Coryth would be partaking in the pain she was feeling as well. It made her feel rather guilty, after all the pain the redhead had already been through. However, it was clearly not going to stop Coryth and Siobhan was not going to argue with her because that never went well!

And then Coryth used the super force healing magical equivalent of a sledgehammer. Siobhan could appreciate that! Then there was pain....lots of again. Actually that was a tremendous understatement. Waves of pain washed over her like a flood, excruciating agony as the nanites were gripped tight and crushed into tiny bits, ineffectual bits.

Siobhan shook and spasmed, feeling like she was being torn from the inside out. Dimly she hoped the effect would not be too bad on Coryth, though that was a vain hope, then as the deed was done she slumped. Fortunately if Coryth passed out there was a cushion behind her.
The level of pain that came hand in hand with her actions, was far greater than Coryth expected. Somehow she had barely hung on, gritting her teeth through the massive amounts of pain she felt through Kerrigan. By some miracle of miracles, Cory kept her concentration intact to the very last moment, seeing every last nanite destroyed She managed to withdraw from Siobhan's mind just in time to watch the woman slump down.

Quite dizzy, she glanced to her dear friend, feeling her head fall forward, nearly collapsing then and there. Something told her, that moving would not be the wisest of ideas. Especially not with her body already attempting to throw her into unconsciousness. Finally the little redhead gave up on the idea that she might be able to remain sitting up, and allowed for her body to slide down onto the bed, right against Siobhan. After all, she really didn't have the strength or energy to shift herself even a few inches on the bed.

"Siobhan?" She whispered groggily. "You alive?" Her concerns ever present. This task, had been so strange, odd to her, and still she wondered if anything could go wrong from here. Having never done this before, there was no telling if Sio would get off completely Scott-free, or if there'd be some lingering effects until the remaining particles or the nanites were flushed from her system.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

It took a while before Siobhan came to and shook off her dizzines as the pain died down. For some reason she felt the absurd desire to ask Coryth the most meaningful and profound words anyone could say in such a situation: 'Are you an angel?' This reminded her that she had neglected to make a comment about not liking sand because it is coarse and gets everywhere back on the beach.

Perhaps the nanites being shredded had fried a brain cell or two, but she managed to suppress it. So for several moments she just lay there, seemingly spent and drained after the nanites had been crushed into tiny pieces, hopefully to a point where they could no longer have an effect on her. Gradually consciousness returned to her, step by step. Her head was still painfully throbbing and hurting like hell, seemingly terribly insistent on conveying its displeasure to her. As if she had just suffered a speeder collision.

On the positive side there was a pretty redhead hovering above her and being sweet and concerned. There were definitely worse ways to wake up after having just gotten cyborg zombie nanites exorcised from one's body. "I'm...alive...alright. You ok? Are they gone?" she asked, concern evident in her words.
Coryth reached up, to rub at her face in a vain attempt to make the room stop spinning. Sighing in relief that it was over, and they'd both survived, she glanced to Siobhan as she seemed to come back around. "I'm .... fine." Closing her eyes, she knew very well she probably couldn't pull off 'fine' in that moment with utter exhaustion pulling at her. "Or at least I will be." There, that sounded better to her, less like she wasn't being completely truthful. "And yes, they are crushed, destroyed and won't be a problem any longer. Though, don't be surprised if you don't feel quite yourself in the next few days. Will take a bit for your body to be rid of the fragments that are left behind. Harmless fragments, but your body won't like them, so there is that."

The smile finally returned to the little redhead's face, despite her head throbbing, reminding her that rest and peace would be needed for a little while to recover. "Other than that, you should be fine." With a bit of care, Coryth sat up slowly, hoping the dizziness would fade soon enough. Reaching over, she laid a kind, comforting hand upon Sio's shoulder, "It's over." She said softly. "Just take it easy for a while alright? Don't think I have the energy to do this again anytime soon." Teasing a little on that.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

"Yes, ma'am. I know better than to piss you off," Siobhan said teasingly. Unfortunately, many people tended to forget that!

She tried to power through the headache that seemed in no mood to leave her head alone. Hopefully the dizziness would vanish soon, though she managed to sit up, giving Coryth a tired smile. She arched into the touch when she felt the redhead's gentle hand upon her arm. "'re such an angel, you know that? If there's anything I can do for you...just say."
"Good, I'm glad you learned your lesson on that." She managed a small chuckle, "Wouldn't want to have to yell at you, again."

Coryth smiled, her cheeks turning a very light pink, "Aww, aren't you sweet." Sighing, she glanced over to Siobhan, "I'm just glad you're alright. Can't do much about the headache, or the dizziness, but I'm sure that'll go away soon." Or so she hoped. "Right now, I don't need much, maybe a meal, something to drink, but that's about it. Everything else will come with rest."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

"Just speaking the truth, dear." Somehow Coryth's cheeks turning a shade of very light pink looked tremendously cute to her. Besides, there was the...glorious red hair. Siobhan felt like kissing her...

A frown creased her features and she fidgeted slightly. Somehow things felt very awkward. Perhaps this was a reflection of the dizziness and the incessant headache she was feeling. "You give so much to other people, Coryth. You should get something in return. Please don't take this the wrong way. Your boat's nice, I get what it means to you. I you restore it. Give it a new paint job, get repairs done and all that. I've got the creds for it and it's the least I can do."
Coryth couldn't help it, never had she been good at taking compliments. They'd always embarrass her a little, and leave her unsure of how to respond. "Thank you." She managed softly.

Then Sio presented an interesting offer. "Oh, Siobhan, I couldn't." She said sheepishly. If there was one thing she really was unsure of, was how to deal with credits being spent on her. Even if it was something she really needed. "That's far too much for any one person to spend on me." Truth be told, the boat needed the repairs and restoration, she just never had time, or the funds herself to do it. Only the most important things were what got taken care of.

"I mean, sure she needs it. But that's such a huge thing to do for me." Perspective, maybe Coryth needed a heavy dose of it. For all the things she'd done for others, rarely ever did she accept anything in return. But that didn't mean she wasn't malleable in that regard. It'd just take some convincing to do, perhaps a little insistence, but surely she'd eventually break down and let Siobhan do something for her, for a change.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

How am I ever going to get you into a spa? Siobhan wondered to herself. Far as she was concerned Coryth really needed perspective, though she tried to control herself. "Coryth, you regularly save people's lives, mine included, and do it without demanding anything in return. And you honestly think someone who's life you saved twice giving the cash to fix your boat up is too much?"

She sighed slightly, before reaching out and taking Coryth's hand. "Look, it's not like I'm strapped for credits. Don't know what to do with most of them...well, that's not true, I do. But that's almost always for my pleasure. I owe you a hell of a lot and this is the least I can do. It would make me happy."
Coryth frowned, a certain uneasiness became clear as Siobhan went on. "I-I... I," Sio had a point, one she hadn't really considered before. Healing was her life, everything else came secondary, even her own happiness or her own personal safety. "I just ... uh... I don't know. It doesn't seem right to accept such a gift for just doing my duty."

A heavy sigh followed, "I suppose you may have a point there. But it still feels so very strange, ya know?" She shrugged her shoulders, looking back to Siobhan, "I heal, because that is what the Force called me to do. I've never considered it something that could be repaid in kind."

Glancing between Kerrigan's hand, and to her eyes and back, Cory sighed yet again, not sure how to respond at all. "I know you're not. I guess, at the end of the day, I just don't want to be a charity case. Don't want to be someone looked at with sympathy or pity." Squeezing Siobhan's hand gently, Coryth looked down to the bed, still uncertain. "I don't know, I just have a hard time accepting such kindness, gifts. It's not the easiest thing for me. Maybe a matter of pride, I just don't know."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

" know I don't think of you as a charity or pity case. Only a fool would do that. And accepting help from someone else, someone who you've helped a lot, doesn't mean you're shirking your duty. Or commercialising it," Siobhan responded, giving Coryth's hand a gentle squeeze.

There was probably a tremendous gap between the two. After all, Siobhan was the very definition of hedonism and materialism. Likewise she was as far from selfless as could be imagined. "I'm just helping you out. So will you let me help you repair your boat?"
Coryth exhaled slowly, "I know, or at least I should know." Slowly she shook her head, "I suppose I have to concede, you've a good point. Wish I knew what made things like this difficult for me, it's .. almost annoying." The little redhead admitted.

Glancing back to Sio, Cory sighed one more time. "Well, she does need the work. And she's the closest thing I have to a real home. So, I might as well let the doll get treated right. Which means I'll have to let you help restore her to her better days." Her smile returned finally, "Maybe I need to get used to the idea of letting other people, friends, help me out from time to time. So, yes, I'll let you help." She gave Siobhan's hand one more squeeze before she let go, leaning back upon the bed.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Siobhan smiled very broadly as Coryth agreed. The short stack of fire would probably be able to feel the genuine happines reflected in her aura. Presumably the redhead, being a master empath and all that, would also be able to pick up on a few less than pleasant things radiating from it.

"Thanks, Coryth. I'll get to it right away," she promised. "And...if there's anything you need - I don't care what - don't hesitate to call. Far as I'm concerned you're family. Family helps each other out. And you'd be welcome to drop by on Kaeshana any time you like."
Coryth managed to smile in return, but only briefly. The happiness in her dear friend, was more than palpable for a spell but there was a dark undercurrent beneath it. Sensing that very current, her smile faded and she glanced away and down to her hands, to try and mask the expression. Something wasn't quite right with Sio, that much she could pick up on. As for what to do about it, right now she hadn't a clue. Maybe it's just fleeting? Really? Are you going to kid yourself? I'll give it time... Just don't wait too long. I just want to be wrong about this....For once.

"Thank you, Siobhan, it means a lot to me." Feigning the smile now, she did her best to put on a mask and shove away the undercurrents she had felt. They were definitely there, that much she knew. Just she held out hope that they did not mean what she thought them to. "And we are family, the closest thing I have to family is you and Hevana. Nothing is going to chance that. And I sure as hell ain't going to let that go easily." She said nudging Sio playfully.

Then she paused thinking about Kaeshana. "Siobhan ... I'd like to go to Kaeshana for a while. Sooner rather than later. I think ... I want to escape for a while. To not be a lone wanderer for a little while." She shrugged sadly, "It's started to get lonely out here, could really use family right now."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

"You're not alone, Cory. You have us. Never doubt that. I can take you to Kaeshana as soon as you want. Santaissa's changed a lot in recent years. You got to see the Tirathana Skyport. And there's beautiful oceans," Siobhan spoke softly. "There'll be a guest room for you at our villa. Tegs' and mine. And I think Hevana wants to join Firemane, so you can, well...spend time together."

It hurt a bit to see Coryth alone like this. Truth be told Siobhan did not understand her nomadic life style. It seemed like a recipe for her getting herself killed, but she was trying to be respectful of it. Hence why she had not tried to drag her to Firemane. Somehow it seemed to her like the redhead had not been entirely happy at the Pyre.

She did not pick up on the internal debate raging inside Coryth's mind, though she had noticed the uncertainty. "Is something wrong, Coryth? You know you can tell me everything."

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