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I Need A Sophos Update (Coryth) [past rp]

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tegaea smiled warmly. “It is our pleasure, Coryth. You have been of great assistance to us both in the past, so this is the least we can do.”

She gestured for Coryth to walk beside them as they entered the villa. Tegaea pointed to the north west where the shining city of Santaissa and the palace therein.
“We have a somewhat nice view,” Tegaea said with amused understatement.

This one isn’t sure whether Mirien is here at this moment, so will make no mention of that other new arrival.

As they entered the villa a little white furball skittered over and sniffed the newcomer suspiciously. It was Grrbyrr, Siobhan’s little Jester, nicknamed by Tegaea, The Great Devourer.
<Hungry!> the little furry demanded of the newcomer and licked one of her feet.
Coryth smiled brightly, falling in stride beside Tegaea and Siobhan. "I'm just happy I could help at the time." She truly never expected a thing in return for her services, not even a thank you. So when it did happen, it always took the little woman by surprise.

"Somewhat a nice view?" She asked, a bit floored at the wonderful scenery. "I think I died and went to paradise." A soft chuckle followed, "I don't even think sunrises on the Corellian Sea, compare."

As they stepped into the Villa, Coryth's eyes lit up as she saw what could only be considered a white fluff-ball came racing her way. The redhead didn't even pay much mind to the lick it gave her bare foot as she knelt down to pet it. "Oh my gods! It's so ..." Cory paused.... and shook her head a moment, trying to figure out if what she thought happened, actually happened. "Wait ... did it just ... talk to me? Telepathically?" A hand came up to rub at her forehead, surely not, surely that did not just happen. "It's .... hungry?" She asked still seemingly a bit confused. "This has got to be the most cute, strange ... thing I've ever seen." Glancing back to Tegaea, and Siobhan she had another question. "What is it exactly?"

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Tegaea Alcori"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Siobhan smiled very broadly. "It's a Jester. He's called Grrbyrr," she said warmly as she bent down to scoop up the adorable white fluff-ball and pet it. For his part Grrbyrr wondered whether Siobhan's hand was edible and gave it a lick. He tended to go wherever he wanted in the room and he had seen all the girls that seemed to populate this house do that a lot!

"Isn't he cute?" Siobhan she asked in a tone that suggested she would not tolerate disagreement and that Grrbyrr was truly the cutest thing ever. "They have limited telepathy."

<< Hungry! Starving! >> Grrbyrr whined, looking at Coryth with white cute beady eyes. Hopefully she would be nicer than the other redmane, who was most mean! And did...strange things with his mistress.

"He's also like a bottomless pit," she said indulgently as she calmed forth an apple from a bowl on the table. In a blink of an eye it had entered her hand and been swallowed by the Jester, who seemed content at that for a moment, sending out feelings of happiness.

"What do we say now, Grrbyrr?"

The Jester seemed to think long and hard before replying. << Thanks. Still hungry! Redmane nice?"

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

Tegaea did not really like Grrbyrr much. To her he seemed a bottomless pit of narcissistic self-interest. And besides that, she still had a scar on her leg from when he’d bitten her hard after misunderstanding some of the religious practices of the Goddess Ardarvia.

Still, she indulged Siobhan’s interest in the little monster because otherwise she might suggest something worse, like adopting a child. Tegaea was vaguely aware she should feel more maternal, but she wasn’t that disappointed that she didn’t. There were plenty enough children in the galaxy, and she didn’t feel like raising another one.

“Yes, dear, he’s very cute,” she said, suppressing a sigh. “We’re starting a company to start selling them. If you wanted we can get you one.” Unfortunately I’m not allowed to sell this greedy guts, Tegaea thought to herself.
"A Jester, interesting name for their species." She said with a nod as she stepped forward to pet the fluffball. "It's absolutely adorable!" It seemed the little redhead might possibly have been getting attached to the furballs already. "So, it can talk to me, though limited, it talks to me." She was liking the idea more and more. "I love them already!"

Coryth was beaming brightly, probably the brightest she'd smiled in ages, seeming truly joyful at the little ball of fluff. She turned back to Tegaea, "Oh my goodness, Tegs, I'd love to have one of them. They are just far too cute!" In truth Coryth probably needed the companionship when she went off on long trips on her own. A pet would like do her some good. If only Coryth knew in the future what pets she'd be acquiring, like a Nexu, and an Acklay....

[member="Tegaea Alcori"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

For the record Siobhan had been very cross with Grrbyrr after he had bitten her wife. These days he troubled them a lot less during their nightly rituals. A Jester did have very shap teeth, unfortunately. "No worries, you're still and will always be the cutest. And the most important in my life!" she said to Tegaea, giving her wifey a kiss.

She was glad that Tegaea still put up with the adorable, little furball. As for adopting children, fortunately for Tegaea Siobhan was wholly lacking in maternal feelings and had no desire to take care of a young life. It just sounded so tedious and messy to her! Especially once a kid hit puberty. By contrast, Grrbyrr was fairly easy to handle since he just ate a lot.

"Exactly, they're so sweet! They can also communicate their feelings via telepathy. So you feel happier if they're happy. They just...really ate a lot," she smiled at that, clearly feeling joyful about Coryth's enthusiasm for the little monsters. Some companionship would really do the redhead some good when she was off wandering. "We can get you one. We have a new subsidiary for them, Firefarm." Who conveniently also sold fruit that Jesters did not eat. Ideal to supply planets that had been stripped of anything edible by Jesters.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]

Not that Firemane’s plan was to import Jesters to a planet, let them breed and consume all the food then offer their own, Jester resistant crops…. No, not at all! Now, if all will excuse this writer, they have some more Jester resistant plants to submit….

“We’ll get you one, Coryth,” Tegaea promised with a smile. “Grrbyrr’s affectionate once you’ve fed him. One time he got into the kitchens and ended up stuck inside as tureen of food. He managed to eat it all though, even if he nearly exploded.”
Grrbyrr had almost become a furry football that day when the Villa’s chef had found out. Only Tegaea’s intervention had prevented the furball joining the first Kaeshana Huttball tournament!

“Please come in, Coryth. Can we get you a drink?” She clicked her fingers and a pretty Eldorai girl appeared carrying a tray.
“This is Chesna. If you have anything you need or want whilst you’re here, ask her. She is most willing to accommodate. Breakfast is ready whenever you two are, I wasn’t sure if you’d eaten on the flight over.”

Chesna dropped a curtsey. "Greetings, Mistress Elaris, I am at your service!" Chesna said submissively. Though neither Tegs or Siobhan would be fooled by this trolling servant's tone.
"So adorable," Coryth declared, fetching an apple from the table and passing it over to the little munchkin, "Here you go, little guy." Though, he really didn't seem all that small to her! She just wanted the thing to like her a little bit!

"Oh Tegs, Sio, that would be amazing. I'd so love to have one out there wandering around. A pet, could be great for me." Coryth blinked as Tegaea told the story of the fluffball in the kitchen. "... ... Nearly exploded? Oh, the poor dear!" Yep, the redhead was hooked! "I'm so glad he's okay."

Coryth shook her head slowly, "Just water, nothing fancy."
"Hello Chesna, it's a pleasure." The redhead seemed completely oblivious to the trolling nature of the servant. She gave a glance to Siobhan, "Sounds delightful, can't say we've actually stopped to eat, in a while now." They'd been a little otherwise occupied, namely saving Siobhan's life. You were thinking something else weren't you? Shame on you, such a dirty mind.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Tegaea Alcori"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

And so Chesna, troll of trolls entered. The irony was that she had some...rather interesting illusionary abilities as well. It was very useful for...a variety of activities. Because kiddies might be watching this writer cannot explain further. By contrast, if this writer intended to describe Siobhan torturing people or something, that would be perfectly acceptable. This writer thinks there's a direct correlation between the massive wave of violent crime on Corellia amongst young people and the core worlds' belief that violence is family-friendly.

"Yeah, if you don't watch out he'll empty the kitchen, but I love the little guy. Not as much as I love you, of course!" she added to Tegaea for it was best not to get on Mistress Valora's bad side. Well, there were times when Siobhan liked to do that but again this writer cannot elaborate. This one thinks the silly kiddies should go do something productive.

Much to Siobhan's disappointment she had not been able to play crochet with Coryth, though it was certainly not due to lack of desire on the brunette's part. "Breakfast sounds great. If you need anything during your stay here, Cory, don't hesitate to call on Chesna or Harmony. You'll find them both most eager to accommodate and help you out in any way," she said that with a completely straight face.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

“I should hope so,” Tegaea said archly. “I can do much more than he does.”
Grrbyrr belched and spat out an apple seed.

Tegaea’s eyes narrowed, then she looked to Coryth. “Come this way, dear, breakfast is ready! Sio, sweetie, do you want to put Grrbyrr in his pen? Don’t want him getting into breakfast, do we?”

Breakfast was spread out on a large table, with Chesna helping seat the three ladies and offer them a variety of dishes.

“Dig in, Coryth, if you want anything else just let the kitchen know.”
"That is crazy that such a little fluffy ball could eat so much food!" Astonishing really to the tiny redhead.

Coryth's skin flushed a pale shade of pink, knowing too well what went on between the wife and wife duo. She shook it off quickly and tried to push the more lusty thoughts to the back of her head. None the less what had been seen in Sio's mind could not be unseen.

"Thank you Tegaea, it's quite kind of you." She said as she took her seat and quickly set to selecting a few things that she liked. The girl was far from picky, the life of nomadic healer kinda did that to you. If it was foodstuffs and remotely edible, Coryth was going to eat it.

"I can't help but be stunned by the beauty of Kaeshana. Clearly I should have come for a visit much sooner." She said with a smile, just happy to be there among friends.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Tegaea Alcori"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Coryth would have indeed gotten a glimpse of some rather...raunchy thoughts and images inside Siobhan's mind. Said thoughts would have also extended to herself. However, presumably she might have also found out that Siobhan thought she was a little badass. And hot when she got angry.

In any case Siobhan, who was quite hungry herself, quickly put Grrbyrr in his pen. He would not have to complain for long because it was quite likely that the breakfast would be too large for the three ladies to eat. So once they were gone he would just have to be quicker than the servants! Just as you should never piss off a redhead, you should never get between a Jester and his meal!

"It's a lovely planet and I'll make sure to show you all the good sights," she said warmly as she rejoined her wife and Coryth at the large table. "You're welcome here anytime."

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

“I would love to show you everything, Coryth. Sio and I have recently acquired a great little ship for travelling in atmosphere which can give you a great view of everything that goes on.”

<Hungry! Starving!> Grrbyrr complained, vainly trying to escape his pen.

Tegaea ignored the Great Devourer. Instead she helped herself to some breakfast.

“So what are your future plans, Coryth? Have you considered working with us on a more permanent basis?”
Coryth paused, "Flying? I think I'd need a drink or two for that." The little Jedi and flying had never mixed well, and usually have seriously dangerous consequences. Though, a drink or two usually got her calm enough to manage that fear. "But I'd still love to see more. Being out on the ocean on Corellia, eventually gets dull. Something new, would be a welcome change." After all she'd seen much of it in the past few years.

Her smile faded a bit as the conversation shifted to her future. She'd honestly not sat down and thought about it ever since she left Omega. The sad fact was, money was tight now, especially since she had no idea where her next paycheck would come from, so the store of funds she'd stolen from the Sith in unknown space, was being carefully hoarded to make it last as long as possible. "I've honestly, not given much thought to it." The little redhead shrugged, "Don't get me wrong, I love being a bit of a wanderer, and following a nomadic lifestyle. Unfortunately, that lifestyle comes with costs. And I've no income to make sure it can stay that way right now. When my funding rights out, and it will at the current rate. Once it does, that will be the end of it and I'll have to work like any normal being." She shuddered at the thought.

"Hmmm.... Working here?" There were certainly a few perks that came with that. "In what regard? I'm assuming as a healer in some form. But would you want me tied to the hospital... or something else?"

[member="Tegaea Alcori"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"I recall hearing you told Cira that if you had to spend three months in a hospital you'd get bored and turn stir crazy," Siobhan said with amused smile. She had not attended that talk when Coryth formally joined Omega Pyre, but had presumably heard about it. Back then Siobhan had still been a Colonel and in command of the elite unit, the Protectorate had still been a dominant power and seemingly unassailable. So much had changed since those days, which sometimes seemed simpler.

Of course, memories tend to be rose-tinted in such matters. Coryth's time with the Protectorate had been brief, something which had upset Siobhan a bit, but the redhead had still come back to save her life after the battle of Gehenna, something the Countess would never forget. Now they had all made their own future away from Fondor. "We'd love to have you with us, for as long as you like to be here, and we wouldn't expect you to be tied down in a hospital. I think having you out in the field and directly helping there is the best use of your skills. And, well, I get injured and mauled a lot. Does not mean you'll be dragged into every Firemane operation. The Eldorai also have healers who could learn a lot from you."

There was a pause before she spoke up again. "I'd like you to offer you something stable, Cory. You deserve it. Well, that's a hell of an understatement. I hope this does not sound patronising." If Siobhan came across as sounding a bit tentative, then that interpretation was not inaccurate. It was her impression at least that Coryth had not been entirely happy at the Pyre. Besides, pissing off redheads was not smart.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]

“Siobhan’s right, the Eldorai have capable healers, but they have not had much contact with the Jedi or other outside groups. Your abilities could help them advance their skills greatly. Other than that, we’d assign you either to one of our combat units or our HQ here to help deal with any patients necessary. But we’re open to suggestions here. We don’t have a healer at present.”

“But if you’d rather still wander free, we can organise an agreement where you work for us sometimes, go out at others. In lieu of some of the payment we can provide you a small ship without much trouble.”
"Stir crazy was a ... mild understatement. I've never been able to stand hospitals since I interned at sixteen, on Coruscant. All in a surgical ward for nearly a year, after the Jedi order figured out that they couldn't teach me anything else in regards to healing... So they thought me and sharp knives was a brilliant idea." The hospital had taaught her a few good things along the way. But there was also the nasty business of a bounty hunter that had come up in the process. Something she'd like to forget. She was also certain that the hospital was glad to have her gone, after the scalpel juggling incident. No one got hurt ... but it was rather amusing, for Coryth. Bored redhead, is bad for everyone, that much is a given.

She smiled a little bit, "Of all the things, I've actually never been able to share my healing knowledge with anyone else. Kids these days ... They just want to know how to swing a saber and cut a foot off... Never mind how to put the person back together that they just sliced up... No, that's not important at all." The sarcasm monster was out in full force, before Coryth smashed it back into it's proper box. "Truly though, I'd love to teach them what I know. Let someone have the benefit of my experiences."
She nodded slowly, "And field work was always more interesting. As long as I don't get shoved to the back of the pack for my protection which really isn't needed. Not when I can damn well protect myself. I'm not helpless, truly." Granted she had her moments where she needed help, but for the most part she could handle herself better than most Jedi these days. People underestimated her far too often. Though, she knew Siobhan and Tegaea didn't fall into that trap. They knew what redheads were like.

"No, Sio it's fine. Honestly, maybe I'm getting too old for the unknowns of life out there with nothing to my name. Maybe stability is what I need." She wondered that for a while if maybe settling down would be in her best interests.

She turned to Tegaea, "A combat unit would be great if I'm to be perfectly frank. Though HQ has its benefits too, especially if I'm to teach. Perhaps there is a middle ground between the two?"

Tegs last statement gave her pause. It'd be the end of an era if she stopped her wandering and remained on Kaeshana alone. A part of her knew the force would always call her into the galaxy for tasks, to help out others as the Force saw fit. Not to mention the visions of the future, futures that needed to be prevented. "I think, if I could have leave when the Force calls me out to the galaxy to aid others, which is arguably less common these days, I'd be happy to work for Firemane, and stay here. I only need that small freedom really." Coryth never needed much, just a tiny bit of freedom and leeway to do as her heart and the force desired of her.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Tegaea Alcori"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"Last thing you need is some knight in shining armour protecting you, Cory. Don't see how anyone could think that," Siobhan snarked. See, size matters not. Then again, she had already learned that way back during their mutual time at the Pyre in a rather vigorous training session that had ended in the training room suffering from considerable damage to its structural integrity. And unlike many Jedi these days it was terribly unlikely that Coryth would randomly decide to join the Sith at the drop of the hat, no matter how popular Treason Season was these days.

She gave the redhead a nod as she spoke. Truth be told Siobhan was a bit taken by surprise by her willingness to work for them, but what she said made sense and she was visibly happy about it. "I understand, Cory. We're not expecting you to be exclusively available for us. You can work for us part-time and we'll leave room for you to go out for others to help people. When you do, I'd just like you to leave us notice before you go. I know you don't need protection, but I'd worry otherwise."

Aww, wasn't she being sweet? Needless to say Siobhan had little conception of heeding the call of the Force, since she used it as a tool rather than serving it, hence why she's a Dark Jedi and all that, but she respected Coryth and as a consequence was trying to be respectful of her calling. "There's a certain degree of rotation going between our field units and HQ, so we can work something out for you and make sure you're available for the major assignments in the field. I could also attach you to my office. No worries, there'll be no paperwork or saluting, it'll just give you freedom for your assignments. I am out in the field a alot after all, and it'll cut through the paperwork if you want to take time off."

Hitherto Firemane had fielded four companies, rotating between active duty, Kaeshana and Dahomey. In the light of Firemane's recent expansion and the fact that it was extending operations to worlds such as Gehenna and Tabaqui, its forces would probably be significantly expanded. You see, even 'small elite groups' can't stay totally small!

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

“We can accommodate that very easily, I’m sure,” Tegaea commented. Having a skilled healer on standby sometimes was better than never, and it wasn’t like Coryth was a demanding sort.

“The Eldorai healers will listen, once you demonstrate your abilities they will even forget that you’re a monkeigh. The Eldorai healers are generally Priestesses of Ashira or Angelii medics, so they are always interested to learn new things…even if they don’t want to admit it!”

“So, if you’re happy with that, welcome aboard Coryth. We’ll get you an apartment sorted out down in the city. It’s only a quick speeder travel to here from Santaissa.”
"Yeah, no kidding. If only the rest of the galaxy understood that one." It bugged her how much people underestimated her. After all she was perfectly capable of caring for herself.

Coryth smiled softly, "Part-time in some regard could work out nicely. And of course, I understand completely. You have full permission to kick my tail if I don't do so." If anything that was probably the best deal she could have gotten. Someone would know where she was heading when she took off gallivanting across the galaxy. It was a safety net of sorts, even if others didn't think of it that way, she did.

"Well I certainly wouldn't mind being attached to your office." A small chuckle followed, "Would be kind of like the old days, maybe with less yelling at you." Coryth just had to tease her a little.

"Forget I'm a ..." She paused and shook her head. Eldorai certainly seemed a bit strange to her already. "I guess I can live with that. It's not like there are many in the galaxy even close to my skills in the healing arts. Only a shy few. Will be a nice change of pace for sure to help train and teach them. Most rewarding I'd imagine."

She nodded to Tegs, "Thank you, both." The job offer, certainly looked rather appealing to her. It's not like anyone else in the galaxy could or would give her such a fine offer. "I'd be a fool to turn this down." Her whole body seemed to relax a fair bit, like the weight of the galaxy had been lifted from her shoulders. "It would be my pleasure to work for you both. Help in whatever way I can."

[member="Tegaea Alcori"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

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