Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Will Burn You With My Righteous Fire!{Mandalorian Dominion of Contruum}


The children were stowed in a safe house. Not a bunker that was ready to repel attacks but instead a house that was set up for humanitarian aid. Leaving them there with food to eat and adults to tell their woes of the eerie attack was the best thing I could do for them. Then it was back on the street for me.

But now I am aware of new dangers lurking planetside, no doubt thanks to sith. My shield on my left arm I walk down the sidewalks heading for where some of the so called government heads are supposed to be holed up. but s I walk I hear a sound that sounded like a child or a small animal in distress. After what I just witnessed and was forced to partake of, I trust nothing. My sword was held in my right at the ready as I turned down the darkened alley.

Something feels off. An instinct that I've honed ... sometime in my forgotten past, but one I've come to trust. I'm not alone. Dropping into a crouch I move forward, my shield in front of my body and my eyes attempting to pierce the darkness. My foot moves a bottle that lets off a faint clank. Suddenly the alley is quiet but there is someone there.


Ordo stopped dead and took a quick knee. His weapon up in a heartbeat and he sighted along the length of the weapon as he cycled vision modes and looked for the source of the new sound. he saw something thermal scans on his HUD showed a form ahead and to the side. The person could be a local, or one of the many other groups that were in constant struggle over Contruum in the wake of the Republic's assault. Ordo was not here to kill, he had come to help these people and stabilize the place, so to that end he made a decision. He stood, stepped to the center of the alley, and lowered his weapon just enough to show he wasn't aiming at the person.

"This is Field Marshal Ordo of the Mandao'ade." He said through the old buy'ce speakers, "We are here to help, state your business and come out."

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
The prefab base was nearly complete and already the homeless and impoverished were beginning to lineup at the stations that were set up to get on the roster for relief. Most were happy that the relief included not just food and medical help but the offer of steady employment. However, there was always people who preferred their laziness to all else, but even they weren't turned away.

Aran had the MandalTech datapad and was offering jobs to any who wanted to sign on. The promise of a factory and employment on the world made many pleased.

"Can you work?" Aran asked a middle aged man.

"I was a foreman in a construction company." The man said with sadness in his eyes over the loss of his former life.

"How'd you like to be a foreman again?" Aran asked.

"How...I'd love it sir." He said his sad eyes lit up.

"Well you're hired. Gather anyone you can employ we have equipment unloading now you start today. We need homes worked on first then we'll work on the industrial areas." Aran said writing down his name and adding him instantly to the payroll, "Send us the expenditures and we'll cover food and housing for the crew you set up."

The man was overcome with emotion and hugged the Mandalorian before rushing along the line grabbing former coworkers and rushing to the large transports to get things organized.



The voice echoed out identifying himself as Field Marshal Ordo. I don't recognize the name but I do the title. My shield is still held between us but I allow my sword to lower no longer at the ready. Now I see him in the traditional beskar'gam and buy'ce. The weapon looks near as formidable as the man.

I ease into the light and into view. My rough leather coat and trousers with the combat boots don't make quite the same impression as the other man. "The name's Brick, Field Marshal. I'm mando'ad, despite my lack of armor. I'm reinforcements here. Trying to make a difference." The fact that he was a mando and that was nigh all he remembered wasn't something he offered so freely.

"I heard a child this way, ner vod." Ordo said as the sound of little feet came from a large dumpster. "Did you hear that?"

Ordo moved to the dumpster and flipped the lid back and earning a few screams as a result. In side were 3 children two girls and a boy that had tears on his cheeks.

"Brick, Can you get these kids some food." Ordo said as he pulled off his buy'ce and looked at the youngsters.

"It's ok kids, we're here to help."



"Lek". Trotting back to the front of the alley I rummage through one of the open food crates and reach in grabbing a few dehydrated packets of meat in the bottom along with a case of water. Trudging back to the dumpster I drop to a knee while I hand over three bottles of water. Then I open the pouches of meat and our in a measure of water, resealing the pouch and crushing the activation button on the side that began heating and rehydrating the meat.

"Here ner vod." Handing over the food I reach into an inner pocket of my jacket and pulled out three lumps of hard, rock candy. A small smile as I motioned to the kids. "A bribe. Candy usually works with kids." Standing I sheath my sword and look in either direction as in the distance explosions rock the earth lightly. Fires would have to be gotten under control. But the best way to regain a sense of stability was to find those in charge and get them actually working for the people. And then there was the case of those mutilated people who were nothing but ravagers of flesh now
She could just stand here with her mouth open looking at the building ablaze or she could do something. Anastasia chose the later and without giving it a second thought ran into the building to help those she could hear screaming.

Getting in wasn't that difficult as the door had already burned off but now that she was in all she could see was fire and smoke. Coughing she squinted a bit as she tried to see to no avail. The voices though, she could hear the screams of what sounded like a little girl. Wiping the sweat off of her brow she headed towards that sound which seemed as if it was coming from the stairs.

All around her the flames were growing and if she was smart she would just turn back now but instead she pressed on up the stairs. As she did she could hear a crack and than crash as another piece of the building fell.

[member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Basaba Willamina"] [member="Countess Calum Teramo"] [member="Neskar A'toll"]@ Rhodessa [member="Ordo"] [member="Brick"]
Arla was absolutely lost one moment she was following Strider and the next it was as if the scenery had changed and she was standing there with a bewildered unsure look on her face. The flames of the fire were building higher, taking more of anything that would burn.

Then she hit her comm, "This is Arla anyone need help?"

If she couldn't find strider than she would have to find a new group to move with it was not her day for certain, it had started well but so far it was not progressing in the way she thought it would.

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Brick"] [member="Ordo"] [member="Aran Ordo"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] @basaba williams
Moving down the streets the four mando'ade were lending hands where they could. A kilometer farther down and they met up with another food transport. Kal smiled from beneath his buy'ce as unspoken and unbidden the Beskar'ad began unloading and distributing to the hungry masses. An hour of work and the people were still coming. The turmoil these people had seen had given them an even greater need then many of the working mandos expected. But this was one of the reasons they were here. To help feed them. As well as to help with housing, clean watr sources, and that ever pesky government.

Hopping down from the bed of the fourth transport Kal removed his bucket and hooked it to the webbing of his belt. Sweat had streaked his face and yet this wasn't real work. Not like fighting or hammering a piece of metal into a beskad. But still this was why they were there.

Haran jumped down and landed lightly next to Kal, tapping the side of his helmet. With a spit Kal pulled on his buy'ce and heard the chatter. A building was in flames a few blocks down from them. Turning he filtered the viewer on his HUD until he saw the smoke. "You kids stay here. I'll go check it out."

Before they could grumble or say that he should go with one of them Kal was already pounding down the street.

Not exactly sure what he was running into his left hand pulled the Dissuader KD-30 from his left thigh and kept it low against his leg as he moved closer. Turning right at the next intersection he saw the building, stories high, and with flames coming from several of the windows. In front of the building was a tall figure in armor and he caught her voice over his helmet as it cycled through the channels.

"I guess I'm your back up darlin'. Name's Kal." As he spoke he scanned the building pausing as he couldn't see a difference between body heat and the flames. Switching tactics he found a transponder coming from inside."Osik. One of ours is in there. Help me with this will you love?" Running over to the powerbox to the building that was getting perilously warm Kal popped a vibroblade from his knuckle plates and sheared the cover off. Retracting the blade he began flicking through wires looking for one in particular.

"Got it!" Nothing happened. "Sithspit. Course it had to be the hard way. No power. Hey can you pop the plate off my left shoulder and grab that power cell for me. We're going to try to juice this building and maybe kick on the emergency sprayers. Just stick those to wires to the positive and negative and holler when it's ready. Then maybe you can buy this hero a drink eh?"

With a laugh he ran to a water line running parallel with the street and peeled off the grate to grab the shut off valve readying to turn it on when Arla told him to. Broadcasting into the building to whatever vod was in there, "Get ready for a shower ... hopefully."

[member="Arla Balor"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]
Arla was speechless she wasn't sure where he come from, and she wasn't sure why he sounded like something from the backwoods of Dagobah. "My back up" she nodded still unsure ok she thought to herself odd help was better than no help. She shook her head a bit but when he said one of their own was in trouble she was right there.

She did not know who it was at this moment but they'd find out, he was talking so fast she barely had time to digest every word, except shoulder, and power. Which she translated, she moved to pop the shoulder using the heel of her hand, with a pop it released, Arla reached inside for the power cell she moved to the two wires, setting the cell down first, she did not want curly hair. And then just as quickly he was running down the road, he is so energetic. She got the two wires holding each tightyly and then looking to Kal.."Ok here we go!" Arla touched the wires to the cell and prayed for rain.

She looked up, was there water? then she looked to Kal had he turned it on

[member="Kal Kandossii"]
When Arla said go he put his back into it. And snapped the lever right off. Cursing he pulled a wrench from his kama and unbolted the bolt holding the broken piece of lever on. Searching around the ground he found a nice metal bar that looked as it once was a part of a landspeeder's undercarriage. "You'll work", he muttered as he used the metal rod and placed it against the pipe.

With his other hand he fished around in one of his cargo pockets and pulled out a laser pen and held it up to focus the laser point against the makeshift lever. A quick spot weld and he torqued the bar feeling the water begin to rush from the pipe below. With a final grunt the waterway was all the way open and Kal pocketed the laser pen.

Jogging over to Arla he grinned as he removed his buy'ce and shook the blonde hair out of his eyes. "Now about that drink you were going to buy me?" He winked as he looked up at the tower to see a fine mist drift from some of the windows as the water systems kicked on.

[member="Arla Balor"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]
Coughing she wondered what in the galaxy had possessed her to do something so stupid as actually run into a burning building. She could have easily gotten some water and used a spell to calm the flames. It would have been better to go in at that point however instead of doing the logical thing Anastasia ran inside because she had heard a scream.

"I'm coming hold on," she yelled to the crying child as she continued carefully up the stairs to the second floor. The voice from what she was hearing was coming from one one the bedrooms on the right. Hopefully the little one could hear her and understand that help was on the way. Anastasia knew how scary flames and being alone was.

Once she stepped up onto the last step she felt the ground beneath her feet begin to crumble and break as the stairs began to fall. Silently cursing to herself she reached up and grabbed the railing trying to hoist herself up to the top. The young woman was not giving up that easy.

It was at about that time that she could see the flames begin to die down. There must be someone out there helping her which she was grateful for. Still she needed to get to the kid.

Pulling herself up she headed to the room where she saw a little girl huddled in the corner tears streaming down her face. She couldn't have been any older than Anastasia was when she lost everything and immediately she was taken back to that time in her life. "I'm going to get you out of here" she knelt down and reached for the girl to scoop her up.

[member="Arla Balor"][member="Kal Kandossii"]
[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Kal Kandossii"]

Arla sighed, "I guess I owe you a drink, name your poison" What could they find out here. Arla did look at the building water ran down the walls. "Is there anyone in there we need to help before we go off to find you something to drink?"

She did not recognize this guy and she wasn't sure if he was related to anyone she knew.
Grinning at the redhead Kal smirked. "Darn right. But yeah, we should help our vode, whomever they be, in the building." Replacing his buy'ce he turned to the building that was still smoking despite the water system. Looking at the side he saw an old catwalk with rusty ladders leading up to each new level. With a sigh he moved for the first set of rungs while transmitting o an open channel to his vod up above.

"Hey buddy. You want to make it to the south side of the building. There are windows leading to a fire escape, which sounds right handy about now." Pulling the ladder down it locked into position and he climbed up to the first level. Glancing in the window he busted out the glass. "Anyone inside? I'd recommend high tailing it out before you ed up a crispy!"

Looking down below he grinned within the confines of his helmet. "I'm thinking find some kind of whiskey. Burns like the dickens but feels good afterwards. What do you say?" Still smirking he climbed to the next level repeating his shout from below. The anchors set in the wall wobbled and he shook his head. Helping people o the surface was nice. Helping people not willing to help themselves was a bit of a frustration. "Time to go people!"

[member="Arla Balor"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]
[SIZE=12pt]Picking up the little girl she made her way to the door and to try to find a way out of here. The fire maybe put out however that did not mean that the building couldn’t just come crashing down on top of the two of them. The goal was to get them both out of there as quickly and safely as possible. It was going to be difficult knowing that there were no stairs that would take her down but she would figure it out.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]It would be possible to slide down what was left of the stairs now that she was looking at it straight on. Gently patting the back of the sobbing little one in her arms she sat down and pushed them off of the little ramp so that they could begin their decent. This would have been much more difficult if there had still been the fire but she would have been able to practice a spell or two than so she really wasn’t sure how great no flames were but she rather have the girl safe than practice her magic.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Exiting the building finally she scanned the area of townspeople for the little girls parents. It wasn’t long before a woman crying just as much as the little one started screaming something about her baby and came running to grab the little girl.[/SIZE]

[member="Arla Balor"] [member="Kal Kandossii"]

Neskar A'toll

Hail to the King, baby
There was little to call sophisticated about the dwellings of the poor wretches of Contruum. Poverty was rife, the everyman was Corellia's most dire in need of help. As was typical with beleaguered societies under a foot of oppression and a whip of tyranny, insubordination was to be expected. Rebellion, fermented in the minds of the many, was in the thoughts of all. But could it be that people so oppressed would even dare about uprising? Surely, for fear of repercussions, it was unlikely at best? Without outside help, this was inevitable. However, the Mandalorians were the outside help. They could show the populace that there was a way out, easy and ready to exploit. All they had to do was ignite the flames, light the tinder and keep the embers alight. It would be easy enough.

Neskar and his detachment were headed to the poorest district of the planet; the Commons. It was said that tensions were at boiling point. The government of Contruum could barely keep hold of the area. Neskar was sure that he could tip the balance. After conducting his series of hit and run strikes, he went to the FOB to collect a large company to undertake this mission. Using his newfound authority as a rally master, Neskar held full command over his company of around forty. They sped through the system at a blinding pace. His company would have to be swift in order to exercise advantage over this potential opportunity. With the people on their side, the Mandalorians could not possibly lose.


The stab of Kytarra's walking stick went piercing through the barren dirt, sending the collection of knuckle bones and polished stones to jingle. Behind her, mounted upon the beasts the witches had brought to heel under their hand, came slowly moving towards her. This was the vast collection of Allyan witches of Singing Mountain Clan and that of many others --- who chose to come with Kytarra with the Sky People.

Black teeth would bare upon that death field caused by Odium and Ashin, Kytarra's nostrils flaring as those milk white eyes bore upon that dark putrid area.

Her staff rose, and in that came the signal. Elders and spellweavers young and old began to slowly move around the edge of the deathfield. In this they would do their duty.

Purge the dark of the planet the only way they knew how.
Death Field
Dreaming River Clan

The signal had been cast. Silent statuesque witches would soon slip from their mounts. Among them, young Kadesh Tiamat, of Dreaming River Clan. Her white blonde hair glinted under the rays of the sun behind the large artful mask she wore.

Bare feet touched upon the ground, and her skin gave a recoil, shuddering at the sensation of the power of the Fanged God upon this place. The balance had been corrupted. That of the Wing Goddess nothing but a memory.

Much death had occurred here, leaving a taint upon the land. Around her, more Allyan witches began to take their place, moving into position for the enormity of the spell they were all united about to cast.
Singing Mountain Clan

The iridescent feathers would flutter upon the beskar helm decorated in witch fashion. Hematite, lapiz lazlu, knuckle bones, and polished amber would lightly jingle at the temples of the open faced helm, a single strip of metal shielding the nose down to the mouth.

Bright hazel eyes would cut like a knife through the open slits of the helm, the witch adorned in iridescent green and blue lizard skin armor. The Elder witch of Singing Mountain clan also went moving into position. Stoic. Quiet. Determined.

She knew exactly what had traversed here. What the gluttony of the Republic had ensued in the deaths of millions. How this had corrupted the very planet in itself, only to be corrupted further due to the actions of Odium and Ashin Varanin.

But the witches of Dathomir were here to correct what had been wronged. It would take them all, but they would purge that which stained Contruum's wounded core.
...never much wanted to see Contruum but now that he was here Naimes couldn't deny that it was a bit of a grim sight. The World was impoverished thanks to the Republic and the Mandalorians had come to make right everything wrong with it but it would take work. A lot of work. He was just a simple soldier which meant most of what he could do was teach the people how to use a weapon and invite them into the embrace of the Mando'ade the same as had been done for him some years prior but that wouldn't be enough. It was just as well though seeing as how Naimes was a bit on the abrupt side when it came to teaching anyone about anything...

...he'd touched down on the outskirts with several other Mandalorians before they made there way into the districts. Naimes wasn't dressed for heavy combat all he had on him was a scattergun meant to be as intimidating as it was oppressive in combat and a set of light tactical armor. Recon hear really. He didn't even wear a helmet. Walking through one of the districts the poor quality of life was relatively evident to the man as he went on his way while keeping his eyes sharp to his surroundings and his senses keen for any disturbances that might alert him to danger...

...he looked like he was on patrol. As was common with a soldier security was always the primary concern even if there were no imminent threats...

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