Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Will Burn You With My Righteous Fire!{Mandalorian Dominion of Contruum}

On the third story of the catwalk he watched as the final people climbed down the rickety iron ladder. With a sigh of a job complete he made his way down too, each step causing the fire escape to groan under his weight. Once on the ground he resisted the urge to fall o the ground and kiss t for returning safely to it's embrace but that would be melodramatic and ruin his cool visage of Mr. In-control.

Hopping up onto a portion of pavement that had been displaced and shoved into the air he looked around those milling around. Families reunited hugged and mumbled words of thanks to the gods for their safety making Kal shake his head ruefully. It wasn't the gods it was us mandos you idgits, he mused.

Waving an armored arm he got their attention. "Okay people we need to move seven blocks up the road and one block east at the intersection. We will find nice pallets, hot food, and plenty of water." "And maybe something stronger for us working vode", he muttered under his breath. "Now let's get moving people. And body wanting to disagree with the move can look at my armor and then my guns and then decide if they want to argue. Those of you determined to whine can go speak with Arla who will be more then willing to listen to your complaints and make lists of anything you can't live without."

Smirking he moved his arms ushering the crowd to move. "Now mush!"

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Arla Balor"]
[member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

Arla was helping them along, directing them to safety. She looked up and saw Kal moving down as well. Fool she thought. She moved over to offer a hand. All of this family together, she watched them unite. She watched them cry for one another.

Her family, her adopted family, why did she feel so outside from them. Why could she not shake this feelings of...unwanted. She heard The Keeper's words again echoing through her mind. This was drenching her, seeping into her soul, darkness was finding its way in. And this was no spirit this was just her own misery finding her.

"Yes I will take all the complaints" She smiled as they all walked along.

"Kal however has promised to get each of you something to eat" even if it was ration bars he would get it.

Where was Ana now? She looked around for her.
[member="Neskar A'toll"]'s company of soldier included none other than Silas himself. Patiently the boy kept himself alert as he awaited his CO to arrive at the forward operating base. Methodically he cleaned and maintained the Ares MK5 he'd been issued, the rifle was his own, and he would hopefully put it to use in the years to come. Even with his brother's standing he'd still found himself in the third wave of troops, and had yet to see so much as an enemy prisoner. It wasn't that he wanted to kill, he simply wanted to prove his worth.

In addition to the battle rifle, on his left thigh rested a Westar-34, on his back were his tomahawks, and on his chest his knives. The boy was certainly prepared for a war in terms of equipment and physical readiness, but mentally, who knew.
Speaking of prepared for war, Ginnie Ordo had dropped in hot behind the Mandalorian line and snuck round in order to see some action. What could the girl say? She was a Mandalorian, and she could handle her own. She'd show everyone. Besides, now that her Daddy was out for the count, who was going to save Mandalore?

If [member="Ordo"] wasn't strong enough to fight, the tiny pyromancer would pick up her father's slack. She puffed herself up, which in her hot pink Beskar'gam wasn't all too impressive, and snuck up toward the others. Things were happening far greater than any understanding of a mere twelve year old, but this was one kid who wouldn't be stopped.

Until she got hungry or bored. For now, Ginnie Ordo stayed as quiet as possible, and snuck around in the shadows, waiting on her Mandalorian kin to see if they needed back up.

Darth Odium

[member="Kytarra Hawk"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

Some distance from the gathered Witches watching through a pair of electro-binoculars Odium sat on the top of an old public transport. He kicked his heels against the hull and sipped water as he looked at the witches.

He smiled beneath the electro-binoculars and thought of when he had made the wound in the force. He remembered Isolda's power and that of the Dark Lord coursing through him. He remembered the lives that had been sucked in and bound by the spell and the closeness of the thought bomb being made. It was wonderful...

He set down his metal canteen cup and picked up a cookie as they worked. It was a great cookie.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Of all the people in the galaxy that should show up in a pack of Mandalorians the last one that would be expected was likely Gavin Ovmar.

He wore his gold and red armor like he had years ago now, the Jai'galaar still brazen on the shoulder as he set down his ship. He didn't owe these people a single thing. He didn't feel like he deserved anything back but he had done a little growing since he last helped the vode and being a king now made him think just a tiny little itty bitty bit less about himself and more about people. That and Phe had told him he better do something other than go to the pub.

300 tons of food and medicine in his cargo hold of the big freighter. He walked to the boarding ramp with his helmet on his belt and looked out at the Mandos rushing up. He hopped the Ordo clan didn't get testy. Last time he saw [member="Anija Ordo"]...well it didn't make them friends.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Kal walked to the gathered Witches and removed his satchel and placed it on the ground before joining the circle. He wound drew on the force energies around it like a sponge trying to heal itself. He had seen far far worse, but this was not pretty. He seated himself in the circle and began to call on the force. He had gotten more used to using the force directly like this lately and he felt certain together they could heal this death circle.
[member="Gavin Ovmar"] had flashy armour. At least that was coming from a hot pink Mando, so grains of salt. But, even then the little girl crept up by Gavin's ship and took a deep look at the beskar. Fine craft, a bit beat or maybe it was the glint in his eyes, the reproach that struck in him.

Guy with emotion in his face ought to wear his buy'ce and hide it. That's what all of them did, wasn't it? Ginnie continued to creep up toward Gavin Ovmar unaware of the incredible racket she was making along the way. Somewhere she smelled a cookie.

Mmmm cookie.

Neskar A'toll

Hail to the King, baby
The company stood atop a ruined skyscraper. The Common District. About noon. Throngs of disadvantaged people fought with the troopers of Contruum. Chaos ruled the streets. They would have to move quickly. The element of surprise would soon be lost. A large assortment of Contruum troopers assembled near a large, cleared space, where there had previously been slums of all sorts. There. Striking this group would mean that the troopers already engaged in conflict would be flanked on all sides, where the Mandalorian company could swiftly dispatch of them.

To do so, they would have to fly over oncoming fire from sharpshooters below. Someone had to deal with them. Sighing, Neskar assumed that it would be him. Turning swiftly around, he barked orders to lesser beings. Remembering his duty, Neskar marched towards [member="Silas Mantis"]. His charge for this mission, the superiors that governed his life had assigned him the relative of the imprisoned Preliat Mantis. The kid was under his wing, he supposed. Groovy.

"You. With me. We're taking out them sharpshooters then turning back onto the main horde. It's time. Keep mobile." He ordered, glaring at him through the visor of his buy'ce. A snarl licked his words, as he turned around and ignited his jetpack. He gripped the stock of his CZ-836 assault rifle, with hollow point slugs. It was time, he smirked, as the jetpack lifted him from the top of the skyscraper and aimed him towards the position of the snipers.
Silas followed suit, the jetpack on the back of his beskar'gam ignited and carried him after [member="Neskar A'toll"]. As they sailed through the air, Silas' rifle snapped up and he peered down the scope. There was no hesitation, no contemplation of what he was about to do, he'd been training for this moment a long time. He squeezed the trigger. The weapon kicked against his shoulder and a blast sailed down range into the skull of a sniper. The man's head jerked backwards, and just like that, Silas had just ended his first life. Well, first life of an intelligent being, he'd hunted plenty.

The young Mando continued to pull. Shots spat out from the barrel of his rifle, the shots not as accurate as his first, but the blasts still would find their mark after a few shots. As he was firing he began to multitask, cutting some of the power of his jetpack in order to conserve fuel as he fired.

Neskar A'toll

Hail to the King, baby
"Mark 'em!" He snarled down his microphone. His headset rang with the sounds of war. Stiffly, he rose the barrel of his rifle up as he dropped down towards the roof tops of the slums, emptying a three round burst into the nearest shooter. The bolts smashed into his upper body, one in the torso, penetrating the thin armour and burying itself deep within, and the final two lodged themselves in a sticky mess which previously used to be the trooper's cranium. His moves were well practised and refined; years of conflict had worn onto Neskar's body. War was not an event for him, but was a constant.

Planting a solid foot on the roof of the slum, he felt a rocking uneasiness in the corrugated steel roof, nearly buckling from the weight of the bodies on it. Shots rocketed past him narrowly, cheap blasters, which rang out from the other sharpshooters. Ducking past the volleys, Neskar took cover next to a raised section of the roof. Instantly, as the troopers geared up to fire again, he popped up from behind the cover, releasing concentrated bursts towards the two troopers nearest him. Two dull thuds. Easy. Too easy.

Neskar leapt back up, activating his jetpack once again, lifting into the air. There were still more! He scowled, as he dodged shots in mid air, swaying from side to side whilst trying to decipher an efficient way to dispatch this foes. Reeling from the sudden shots, Neskar burst out another section of slugs again, encompassing a cone of death towards his nearest enemy. Cutting off his jetpack again, he landed down heavily on the roof again. Keeping mobile would be key here. Neskar dearly hoped he wouldn't scuff his armour here; it would be too much for too little.

[member="Silas Mantis"]

Ordo took the candy and held it out for the children.

"You kids want to come out and try some candy?" He said, "we're just here to help. "

He stepped back as the seemly older child reached up and snatched the candy wary of the big mando.

"My name's Jasper and this man is Brick." He said, "we're here to help make things better. I promise."

He held out a hand as a youngster climbed out and plopped to the ground. The three kids came out and huddled together.

"Do you guys know where our parents are?" The oldest girl asked.

"No, but I bet we can find out." He replied.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Ginnie Ordo"]

Gavin heard a noisy approach of feet and spun around grabbing his blaster from his hip. His boots scraped on the ground as dirt crunched beneath beskar.

He had expected and angry Mando and came face to face pink clad half pint.

"Kark....I mean shoot kid you startled me." He said as some of his crew from Vortusa began turning a warehouse into a command center. A huge MTI supercomputer was carried by a load lifter toward the building as Gavin holstered his blaster pistol.
"You must have super ears, Mister! I was trying to be sneaky." Ginnie was caught! CAUGHT! And put her gun barrel down toward the ground again. Stomping off toward [member="Gavin Ovmar"], the tiny Mandalorian gave him a tidy salute then tripped over a root. "Doggone it!"

Catching herself, Ginnie half-stumbled over to the King of Shiny Armour and scanned around. "There's game afoot, Mister! We gotta go shoot the bad guys or something. I can help! Put me to work, I can! I can help. . . but only if you're not against Mandalore. If you're not for the Mandalorians, I'm gonna have to shoot you."
[member="Arla Balor"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

As the troop of refuges were moving toward one of the set up camps Kal heard Arla mentioned he would feed them. A wry smile crossed his lips. "Tit for tat huh? Fair enough. Okay you peeps, you keep moving like you are and we'll be there soon. And I guess we can see about feeding you. Maybe find something for you to drink eh? Maybe something stronger then water eh?" He knocked a man in the shoulder feigning a comraderie he didn't feel. The poor sod looked frightened to death and Kal had to remind himself that these people were civies, nothing like mando'ade.

Maing the turn they continued forward until the camp came into view. Several of the famlies burst into a run as member of families or friends hollered out in recognizing them. Soon the whole lot of them were in the camp and Kal moved to one of the supply tents and stuck his head in to see several vode working. "Just brought in a lot of them. Their home went up in flames. They are hungry, tired, and scared. I'll have them settle down near here so they can get some grub."

Moving the people to an area to rest wasn't hard and soon enough they were eating hot stew. With a shake of his head he removed his helmet and walked over to Arla. "Want to head back out, or you staying for a bit?"

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Ginnie Ordo"]

"Sheesh kid." Gavin said, "Slow down a minute. I haven't had nearly enough to drink today for all that."

He heard shots in the distance that confirmed her words of bad guys needing to be shot. He ran his fingers through his hair and put his helmet on. The systems cast their blue light on his too sober face and he pulled his rifle from its post on a crate nearby.

"Well kid we may just as well go see what trouble we can get into then. Since keeping you here is not going to do either of us any good." He looked at her a minute and noticed the clan markings on her armor, "You're an Ordo...aren't you?" he asked as they walked. He should have known he wouldn't get out that easy.
"You're thirsty? I got a canteen." What sort of Mando'ade was this red and gold clad guy? He didn't even have a canteen with him? Ginnie rolled her eyes underneath her buy'ce and slung her rifle over her shoulder. It was nearly as long as she was, but the girl seemed to have a handle on it. She held up her pink and purple canteen for the man. "Dehydration's for chumps."

The canteen was forgotten however, when Ginnie's HUD blasted up with the sounds of gunfire in the distance. The canteen back on its holster, "Yeah I'm an Ordo! I'm Ginnie! Daddy Jasper [member="Ordo"] and Mommy Rianna adopted me right and proper after Daddy hired me to help take down some mercenaries on Serrano. I proved that I was worth keeping by keeping cool and shooting the bad guys. Double tap. Pew pew. Who're you?"

Ginnie had already started making off toward the clamour and racket, she wasn't as light on her feet as other kids, but it looked well enough like the kid was used to her armour.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Ginnie Ordo"]

"Figures." Gavin said holding his rifleup to his shoulder as he walked. It had been a long time since he had done anything so close to this that he had flash backs of hunting Anija Ordo across Keldabe. He thought hard about going back to his ship and popping a bottle open and catching a buzz before he went on but thought better of it...for once.

"I'm Gavin Ovmar," he said and looked down at the girl as she bounced along like a giddy school girl, "Old iron shebs Ordo is your buir huh? Well at least he softened up in his old age." It was as much a joke as he could afford on that count. Gavin had been Death Watch before he walked away from it all. Needless to say he and Ordo had not been close. "I'll buy you a shot after and you can tell you're old man Gavin said hi. Now lets go shoot something and maybe you can use your lightsaber on something."

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Anaya Fen"] [member="Moira Skaldi"]

Alastair prepped the ship and watched as the assets were loaded and connections to his mistress and her partner were wiped from the planet. He held his personal commlink to his lips and spoke with that military bearing he was so known for.

"All is loaded mistress." He said, "We are ready as soon as you are aboard and ready."

He walked to the boarding ramp to receive her properly as weapons fire in the distance set his teeth on edge.
Arla looked at Kal and then to the group around them, how much more could they do here. She began shaking her head, "Let's go see what else we can find, these people will be fine now"

She could be uncomfortable around people who felt this need to be hugging her for some deed that she felt was nothing more than what needed to be done. She turned and headed toward the direction they came.

She felt distant, she had been having great difficulty in making connections especially when it came to men. Arrbi, and Azrael came to mind immediately. What had she done wrong there, she just had not figured it out and perhaps may never figure it out.

Worse neither one of them gave her the impression that they thought twice about how she felt, how isolated she truly felt. She shook her head again, had to clear it.

"So" she felt awkward now, what should she say. "Are you finding it easy to fit in with the Vod?" She tried to smile. But it was hard as she waited for this attempt at finding a friend to melt into nothingness.

[member="Kal Kandossii"]

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