Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Will Burn You With My Righteous Fire!{Mandalorian Dominion of Contruum}

Strider was pleased that he could get the girl's mind off the long tracks of depressing thoughts and focused more on what was at hand, ass-kicking and badassery. "Thats my girl!" He smacked her shoulder plate as he walked slightly past her and lead the way to the gunship that was waiting for them. Already aboard were three mandalorian commandos armed to the teeth that made up Garon's team for this mission.

"Ready to go!" Kody, Strider's second in command, informed the very moment Strider boarded the ship.

Strider nodded and signaled the pilot to take off. Moments later the gunship would rise into the skies of Contruum and off in the distance one could see heavy smoke. "Whats going on down over there?" Strider questioned the pilot.

"An explosion in district 9" The pilot replied. Was pretty much all the information they had at that moment.

Strider looked back over his shoulder to the warriors behind him "Well vode, lets go take a look. See if we can sniff up any trouble"

With that the gunship would re route towards District 29 and more specifically towards the smoke and fire and mayhem.

[member="Moira Skaldi"] [member="Anaya Fen"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Ordo"]

Nisha Decrilla

District 21
[member="Moira Skaldi"]

Anaya smiled as wind brought with it the scent of fresh destruction. SMoke was rising up from district nine. Give the HRD her due, she didn't waste time getting to work. The hum of ships engines drove her into the shadow of an ally, only once it had passed overhead did she step out to look at it. Mandalorian gunship, heading towards the smoke. Good. Anaya continued down the street, avoiding official personnel until she reached a derelict tower block.

She picked her steps carefully over shattered glass, passing the few homeless that had made this their. Graffiti decorated the walls and the faint stench of urine lingered. Her boots clicked over the duracrete florr, carpets had long ago been looted. It was fascinating the things that people took when desperation drove them. Reaching the north face of the building, she found the opening she was looking for.

A huge chunk had been taken out of the building by a past explosion, leaving electric wires and metal cording hanging free. Every floor was exposed to the Contruum's elements. Choosing her floor, Anaya jumped, boosting her height with the force, coming to land on the edge of the seventh floor. Here, the wind cut straight through, the windows that were once wall to wall were shattered. Glass crunched underfoot, but here she could see the Industrial District and across Districts 20 through 40. She observed and she waited.

Her counterpart would come.
[member="Anaya Fen"]
District 21

The Queen of Chaos would not have to wait long before her partner in crime arrived. Even under her soft, featherlight footsteps glass crunched as she approached the Twi'lek. There was a strong breeze of wind as Moira stepped into view. Black pants, a shirt worn beneath a long Cater coat, feet tucked into black boots. Cold, mechanical eyes that were as blue as the lake in Theed and yet devoid of life scanned the area before settling on Anaya.

One of the very few people in this Galaxy Moira found herself genuinely liking. Of course, this would not change the fact that both of them were sharks swimming in the same direction. One day one of them would turn on the other. It was axiomatic, an inevitable consequence of their nature. But that was fine and logical.

"Our plans have been derailed. We shall adjust. A pity still. The old Contruum had that thing organics called charm," Moira spoke softly without preamble, which was what she tended to do amongst those who knew her true nature. There was no need to pretend to be human here. It was something close to refreshing at times. She had already started evacuating assets, silently and below the radar. She was very well-informed about events on Contruum and her agents were starting their work amongst the dregs of society, where they had a foothold. They knew the secret hideouts and weapons caches of the rebels and criminal elements and would start working on those sects that had been infiltrated, seizing those worthy of processing and vanishing with them into the shadows.
Ordo walked out of his quarters and headed straight for the ships and prefab base. With he climbed on to his war droid and followed the ships out and down toward the surface near the business district where the most devastation had been.

After some time they landed and he began organizing the work.

"Comm the officials and have them meet me at the government building." He ordered a com officer, "we need to have words."
Why did she think this would be a nice walk in the park. Just a little while ago she was having her a nice cup of tea at her local shop when she came to visit this planet. No after all the work she had done how propore she looked right now. There had to be some kind of booming going on. Was there a big sign that was put on every street that said Mandalorian in town have fun with them. Put out the welcoming mat for them.

Rolling her eyes as she got on her comlink < this is Calum where do you want me to report to I"m in the upper part of the city near....mmm...Port and Bay street. >>

[member="Ordo"][member="Moira Skaldi"][member="Anaya Fen"][member="Strider Garon"]

Nisha Decrilla

District 21
[member="Moira Skaldi"]

"They are fools." Anaya commented but with an almost bored tone, eyes still fixed on the view. "Contruum holds no value for them, they do not need it as a staging ground nor does it hold any resource value. It is little more than a permanent headache for anyone stupid enough to try and control it."

She turned glittering red eyes to her counterpart. "I still have assets I need to move, and the mandalorains, well," she smiled slightly "lets just say they have it in for me. Something about making a deal with my captor and failing to fulfil it as yet." She waved the matter off like it was nothing. If Anaya was good at anything, it was talking her way out of a bad situation. She'd promised Ordo information, should she come across it in return for her freedom. She was free, and he had no information. She smirked to herself, it wasn't like she'd had anything to give him.

"Do we have any prototypes with which we can keep them busy until we are clear?"
District 21
[member="Anaya Fen"]

Cold eyes surveyed the view of the Industrial District that was spread out before them. The air was heavy with smog and industrial pollution. The streets, many of which had gotten craters blasted into them, were deserted of civilians, who had fled for their homes. A sight of desperation and despair was stretched out before her and she found it beautiful.

"Yes, Reavers. Prototypes. Unfortunately, the method of control has not been refined, but they should serve our purposes. In fact, I believe the Contruum government has been performing certain...medical experiments in order to carry out pest control. They may have been utilising what they were led to believe were chemicals for behavioural modification...without truly understanding them. I also believe that a Rebel group is about to breach this facility in the hopes of freeing comrades...and inadvertently release the merchandise."

Billowing clouds of smoke arose in the distance as she spoke. Fires were spreading and the sound of gunfire could be heard. Perhaps rebels were using the Mandalorian encroachment as an encouragement for a new offensive. Perhaps the government was trying to use it as a chance for a purge. Just another day on Contruum.
[member="Strider Garon"] [member="Anaya Fen"] [member="Countess Calum Teramo"] [member="Moira Skaldi"]

"Ms. Teramo, this is field marshall Ordo." He said, "we need to patrol for rebel gangs and opposition and meet with local leaders."

He directed his nount to wait as he pointed out where he wanyed the medical tent and recruitment station. He pulled his Heavy Repeating Ripper off his mount and got ready to march throigh the districts toward the Government building and the waiting political leeches. However, his gut said Contruum was not as it all seemed. He'd have to be careful.

Nisha Decrilla

District 21
[member="Moira Skaldi"]

A wide smile spread across her face. "'Led to believe'" she chuckled "Oh, I do wonder who gave them such poor information." She stepped forward and closed her eyes drinking in the chaos in all its glory. This was what was to come for the rest of the galaxy, all it needed was for some minor adjustments, a personal touch or two.

"I would very much like to watch this rebel group unleash the beasts." Nothing like seeing what you're paying for demonstrated. "See if we can't leave the bucketheads with something a little more colourful than your standard rebellion."
District 9

Arla followed and paid attention perhaps shooting something, or hitting something would help to make her feel better. She nodded to Strider as they moved into the ship. She listened as he spoke. She could see the smoke off in the distance, so people wanted to set fires, and blow up things. Nice. Sarcasm was all she could think in right now, she hoped it would wear off, but who knew if it would.

[member="Strider Garon"] [member="Anaya Fen"] [member="Ordo"] [member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Anaya Fen"]

"Someone thoroughly lacking in 'moral scruples' undoubtedly," Moira said very, very dryly. She cocked her head to the side slightly as Anaya spoke. She passed what could be described as an i-pad like device over to the Queen of Chaos. "The electronic security systems were...inadequate."

The Twi'lek would get a good view of what were the detention areas of the concentration camp/research facility. Full of fearsome creatures - Reavers, their faces disgustingly scarred and mutilated, teeth that bore more of a resemblance to fangs and their fingers ended in claws. What clothes they were by now just tattered rags. If one were to look closely one would find that some of the test subjects had been rather young, little more than children before the narcotics had been tested on them.

"The general in command was easily persuaded to...expand the research as a way to 'purify Contruum of the wreckers and sloths'," Moira said conversationally. Once one zoomed in one would find that some cages did not contain humans but fearsome looking, four-legged lizard people, their eyes full of savagery and hunger. "Korhili. Originally from Raevana. Sanctum sphere of influence," she pointed out. "The assault should...take place about now."

At this very moment the base was rocked by powerful explosions and alarm sirens howled. Outside heavy fighting was taking place with squads of rebels hitting the camp in a brutal assault, armed with weapons stolen from the Contruum mercenaries and Sith surplus gear sold to them by an enigmatic backer. Scores of them would be slaughtered by the defenders but they would press on, ascending over the dead bodies of their comrades, leaving none of the hated oppressors alive as they cut them down with righteous fury. Several of the rebels were little more than children, though their eyes and scars showed they had seen the horros of war. Inside the base the defences were disrupted when suddenly one of the guards revealed a belt loaded with explosives beneath his vest and pressed a button, blowing up himself and his comrades. Everywhere there was gore, blood and death.

A switch of the view on the screen would reveal a certain rebel making her way to the control room, dispassionately taking out guards with mechanical precision. Under intense laser and gunfire the metal beneath her skin would be revealed but she would not falter...and then come across what she was searching for.

The cages opened...
It had been a long day for the group. They had been clearing the neighborhood block by block and it had been work. Pausing in the long shadows cast by the clock tower he pulled his buy'ce off and hooked it to his belt. Shaking his head and sending droplets of sweat despite the sealed environment of his suit of matte black beskar'gam the blonde with the scruffy beard sat back on what had been a portion of the south wall of the clock tower.

A chuckle as he looked at his vode, the three other mandos who he lived with, loved, fought beside, and frequently fought with. Teroch the silver armored sniper squatted always keeping watch as Haran, the massive mando, wrestled with Aayla who was a foot shorter and a hundred pounds lighter. Smiling Kal shook his head again and stood feeling as his back popped with the motion.

Over the quiet he heard his buy'ce go off and so he reached behind his left ear and pressed against his jawbone activating the com that had been implanted there. "Northeast side. Again, we have explosions in sectors 30, 29, 27, 12, and 7-3. Platoons radio your squad leaders and recon the sectors. Their are reports of hostiles armed and extremely dangerous. Reports of some kind of animal attacks in the northeast side. Again, we have explosions in sectors 30, 29 ..." He deactivated the comm and pulled on his buy'ce sealing his suit once more.

"Well boys and girl. We get to fall back and see just what's going on. Let's go kids." He chuckled over their private channel as he turned back the way they had come from. Behind him Aayla shoved Haran once more before following Kal. Haran was third while Teroch brought up the rear with his verpine sniper rifle.


This is what I get. Jorn told me this was an easy money job. No problems. Just a humanitarian mission. Ner di'kutla vod. I should have known better.

I was just unloading what must have been the hundred crate when it happened. The little bastards came out of no where. How the hell they found out this crate had candy and games I would never know. But one minute I was handing food and water to a bunch of rundown adults and the next minute something like fifteen kids were on me.

So I did the only thing I could do. I retreated and let them hog the box. Jorn. I'm going to hit him when I see him. Looking down the street I saw another pack of refugees coming. But something about their gait and appearance raised my hackles. Something was wrong. I had been on planet for a few days now and I had seen them all. Families, criminals, those who cried when they got help, and those with so much pride they deigned to not even say vor'e, those shabla idgits.

But this crowd was different.

My left arm slipped the round shield onto it and held it by my side as my right pulled the blaster on my belt. "Halt." To say they didn't listen was an understatement. They charged us with growls. I fired into them but they were unfazed. So I packed up the blaster and called my second retreat in as many minutes.

They closed in and leaped onto the refugees, their hands and teeth tearing like wild beasts. So I dd what I was here to do. I protected those who had come to me for aid.

Wading in my right hand pulled out my sword and I began by slapping them with the flat. But as I closed in with them I saw their eyes and saw the pain and madness surrounded by a patch work of scars. There would be no chasing these things off. So I attacked. Sword and shield in tandem as I pushed the group off. Glancing wounds and even mortal wounds seemed to only make them more irate so I was forced to strike their heads from their bodies.

After mere minutes that felt like hours I stood among the dead and commed in what had just happened.
"What the hell is going on here?" Fire raged inside several buildings as they passed along. Aayla tossed explosives into the buildings as they passed. The explosions blew out the flames. Kal looked at the twilek then laughed. "That's one way of doing it." They moved on. It was frustrating. They had been here helping people, helping these people. And from the chaos erupting all round it seemed as if people were trying to reverse it.

As they turned a block Kal brought up ID's on his HUD and saw three mandos not too far from where they were. So he waved at the Beskar'ad and they moved forward slowly going through the streets.

[member="Brick"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Brick"]

Basaba continued to look on as smoke in the distance brougth her attention around. She clenched her fist as she gripped the rifle in one hand and her beskad in the other. The armor activating while she continued to stand in the airlock of the Yaim'la with her sisters speaking. "Calum, move up and be ready, take a small team with you and search for anyone setting off bombs. I will move in and around to join you."
Giving her Aliit a nod as she got herself ready with her small time to clear out what would be the trouble makers. Even those that was with her she wanted to make sure their weapons was ready along with there armor. "Yes Basaba, what else is your standing order."

Finding herself looking at those that would became her own little team. "Okay you know what our order is let get those making the booms taken out.", shifting her oue rifle she wanted to get a birds eye view when they could. Sending two of the 5 men team with her to a vantage point.

Following behind as she climb up the face of the building after taking a cable set up after which she let those seek out their target then she would come about to give Basaba there where about. Making her own link to the others in the area. "This is Calum I"m be your eyes in the nest, wait we see where need to take out these suckers."

[member="Basaba Willamina"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] @Brick @Moira Skaldi [member="Arla Balor"]

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
[member="Countess Calum Teramo"]

More orders? She had to admit the girl was impressive and that was a good thing as Basaba stood holding her rifle and securing her pistol. The bodo baas gunbelt harness with several weapons and a whole lot of ammo while she moved forward towards the real challenge. Stabbing the things fighting them and watching them go pop. It was a touch job but as she spoke she knew she was going to have to do it. "Your standing order is eliminate anything makes fires or targetting civilians. Secondary objective is to meet up with me and Chai La. We'll move forward and target everythign together."

Neskar A'toll

Hail to the King, baby
What was it called, when one guy just went off alone hunting after nasty dudes with a perchance for brutality? Stupid? Suicidal? Nah. Neskar was certain that it was sheer bad-ass. Not that he was egotistical or anything. Hang on, of course he was; there was a reason why he was the best, and it sure wasn't being 'careful' or 'considerate.' Yeah... he didn't care that much, Neskar realised as he hacked his way through the skull of an unsuspecting patrolman. The helmet that adorned his head didn't do much, it turns out, against a foot long machete. Go figure. The body slumped to the ground with hushed simplicity. It didn't contort itself or make Neskar put in effort and for that, he was thankful. Effort was just too... straining. The plaza was near deserted but for smaller patrols of around four men. He wasn't sure of the exact number, but it was a fair few. Already, he had taken down around three in the mile squared comp complex, and there weren't that many left to destroy.

As well as that, he gleaned from the vacant pleas of the guardsmen that there was a rather large vehicle assembly some ten clicks away from this area. That sounded like a promising target. Very well, he mused, as Neskar swiftly took to the air and hopped from rooftop to rooftop to avoid detection. Neskar didn't quite know where everyone else was but that didn't exactly bother him; he always worked better on his own. No dissenting opinions to dispute his decisions, unless he developed an advanced form of schizophrenia in the next few years which, frankly, he doubted.
Ordo continued his solemn march across Contruum on his way to meet the governmental heads. He stopped in his tracks as he heard the sound of a child crying nearby. He turned around and looked at a dark alley and decided he had better check it out. His hand held the grip of the heavy ripper as he walked into the alley. Thoughts of the encounter with [member="Mikhail Shorn"] played across his mind as he stopped at the edge of the alley and listened. The crying continued and it was definitely coming from the alley. He turned around the corner and began combat walking with his weapon up to search for the source.
She came to the planet in her new patrol ship, she was unsure what was going on. Though she was soon going to find out, she opened a hail up to the near by ships. To ask for update, and to find out where she was needed. This is rhodessa, to my fellow vod. What going on, and am I needed. She waited for a reply, she had couple droids helping her fly the ship. Though one day she make her own gunship, and have a full crew. Though she have to improve a lot before that happens.

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