Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Would Have Been Your Daddy... [TU Dominion of Zhar]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Location: Taivas, Zhar System[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Allies: [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]So flustered about a little increase in distance and the barest of whispers.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]He pulled his head back from the five centimeters of travel it had taken, grin still in place and the Sith Lord leaned back in his seat again. Eyes closed and humming to the tune of the Galaxy he briefly pondered Tmoxin’s request.[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]It was probably still in the docks, truthfully Carach had more important things to do then order the impounds of traitor Imperials, it was [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]probably[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] being detained by low-level officials. Not all that hard to get it out, but the real question of the matter would not be [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]if[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] it was possible, but [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]why[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] the Sith would do it in the first place.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]“A risky venture.” the Voice of the Dark Lord would finally answer, smirk pronouncing itself. “Questions would be raised… [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]what’s in it for me?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Again that abundance of loyalty to himself which Tmoxin admired so much.[/SIZE]
Location: Ground
Objective: Supply Depot
Allies: [member="Freanne"]
Enemies: Vong
The extreme range of the Mythosaur brought with it the advantage to send its eight hundred kilogram slugs at its enemy without them being able to return fire. Even still the Mythosaur did cover enough ground where the paltry remnants of the perimeter forces were able to return fire. These shells detonated against the Mythosaurs powerful frigate grade shielding, covering it and the six Redeemers escorting it across the land.

Each minute the resistance lessened, dealing less and less lasting damage to the Mythosaur’s shields until they came closer, where the Redeemers and the secondary Heavy Laser Cannons of the Mythosaur began firing, clearing even more of the unlucky Vong that surrounded the center, soon it would close to close range and open up its autocannons and blaster cannons, sending the vong screaming, not to mention the complement of tanks and infantry that currently hid beneath its shields and within its hull.
Objective: D - Housekeeping
Location: Taivas, Zhar System
Post Count: 3/20

The droids advanced for several minutes, encountering nothing save precariously rusting vessels along the way. All the while, Dagora kept his eyes locked onto the radar and had his ships hovering at a slow pace overhead. The Templars would was just a matter of waiting them out. Just as it seemed as though the waiting game would persist even longer, the comm exploded with activity. Blaster file sang across the open channel, battle cries reverberated across the dropship, and the familiar din of lightsabers meeting metal told the tale of what happened next. The rogue cell had been roused from its nest and they weren't about to go down without a fight.

That was perfectly fine with Dagora.

"Lay down some fire around the droids; give me a solid radius around the enemy." he commanded. His orders were quickly relayed to the accompanying vessels who then set out to do his bidding. With swiftness, they launched explosive ordnance about the enemy, causing mayhem in a radius around them. The rusted labyrinth began to fall all about the Templars, cutting them off from plausible exit strategies. Now was the time to give the option.

"Take us down." Dagora said, readying Devorah's Song for some fun on the ground.
Location: Taivas, Zhar system
Allies: [member="Darth Carach"]
Post: 7/20

“What’s in it for me?”

The question wasn’t completely unexpected nor was it unreasonable. Every favor having a price exemplified exactly the type of foundation the Sith and Imperial regime was built on. Tmoxin herself would probably have asked the same thing had Darth Carach asked her to risk her reputation and standing for such a trivial thing as a private yacht.

“I have information that is of use to you. And to me," she replied.

She leaned her elbow on the console and rested her chin on her hand as she spoke to him, toying with her datapad with the other hand. “The reason I need my yacht back is because I cannot afford right now to buy a new one. I put a large chunk of my assets into a company called Crynic, along with some credits from the Sith’s coffers as well. Crynic was involved in the sabotage we discussed that night on Annaxes.” Tmoxin finally pulled up the pertinent intel on her datapad and slid it along the console so it was within his reach.

“That is the information on Crynic’s whereabouts and my banking transactions with them. You have every reason to seize their assets based on this link, I’ve provided you. With two stipulations: I get my yacht back obviously and my name is cleared of any wrong doing or association with this company.”

What Tmoxin didn’t tell him that her funding was embezzled profits from the Red Ravens but it didn’t matter at this point where the credits had originated, especially since she wasn’t asking for any of it back. Of course the Hapan ex-officer thought about asking for a percentage on top of it but putting the bad business deal behind her was more important right now.
Location: Gall
Objective: Alpha
Allies: @Raziel @Canade-Kel

The room on the other side of the door was just as large as the one he had just left, whoever had built this thing obviously wanted to store a lot of stuff. He brought the droids into the room and he sent them off on a grid search again while he took a slow walk around the perimeter of the room. There had to be another access point or a larger door somewhere. He refused to believe that all of this stuff flowed through the small doors he had seen, it would have taken forever. It was hardly the ideal situation that the old empire would use, they were supposed to be extremely efficient.

His HUD flashed with constant updated from the droids, each one sending it's data in text form for him to read. He had deactivated the droids vocal abilities for this mission, mostly because they already made enough noise just walking, if he could keep communication internal then he would at least keep some element of surprise, he didn't want the droids getting all chatty on him, as they were liable to do when left alone too long.

He had just found the far wall to the room when his comm beeped signaling that one of the dorids had found something worth stopping to inspect. He smiled and made his way through the crates towards the location of the now immobile droid, he could hear the footsteps of the other droids as they continued their search for something, anything.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Objective: Charlie
Location: Gall City
Post: N7

They were listening to his speech, which was good. And this whole area? It could bringing a lot of people. While Marek was working for goals involving zoos and family fun, what he really wanted to do was get working on extreme sports enthusiasts. People paid good money for anything their heroes touched, and making a resort designed to keep people getting adrenaline bursts? The canyons here provided a unique concept, as well as the caves. Hiking, spelunking, there was a lot that could be done on Gall if one just looked around. Bring in the rest of the system and guided tours near smuggler haunts? Sure, he’d have to invest in some more droids, but he figured Ardik wouldn’t mind.

Besides, bringing in the bit of fear form the smugglers and the ne’er do wells would spike sales. People who thought they were going to have trouble typically paid more for the experience. No need to tell anyone that he’d be making deals. Answering the few questions that came at him, he nodded.

“What this will do will help bring in funds by the way of tax revenue to your system, from there, you can do with it what you will. The Union will be doing what we can do bolster your infrastructure, make your systems the envy of your neighbors. It will bring in more citizens, which in turn will bring your economy up and into a legitimate light.”

That was good in his mind. He looked over at the Eridium representatives.

[member="Darth Carach"]
Objective: D - Housekeeping
Location: Taivas, Zhar System
Post Count: 4/20

By the Dar'manda's orders did the dropships descend as swiftly as their engines could bear them. Gripping the overhead rail tightly, Dagora weathered the rather sudden dip until a final thud rocked his feet. They had landed, and now the real battle was about to begin. With a hiss, the dropship's doors parted and Dagora was the first to disembark. As his boots touched down upon the ground, he was greeted with something quite prominent. It was not the din of blaster fire surging from his droids, nor was it the symphony of lightsaber hisses colliding with their bodies. No, what stood out to the Dar'manda the most...was the pungent odor that clung to the air.

It smelled like fuel. Old, rust-filled fuel.

Lofting a brow, the Dar'manda found himself momentarily grimancing in response to the odor. However, he quickly placed his attention on the task at hand. The Templars were to be offered a single opportunity to stand down...and if they chose to decline, all Hell would break loose on the battlefield. Personally, Dagora hoped that they went all "uppity" and bared their teeth at him; it had been far too long since he had cut loose after all. Once his troops had disembarked from their respective vessels and mustered at his flanks, he led the charge into the frey. The soldiers that had accompanied him were some of the finest mercenaries the Vanguard had managed to recruit; and this day they would fight boldly alongside their Harbinger.

But first, the enemy would receive their opportunity.

After charging past the line of droids, Dagora raised Devorah's Song above his head. The sword then flared to life, bursting into a Force-born flame that was much akin to a shining beacon for all to see. On top of this glaring sign, the Dar'manda manifested pure aggression through the blade. Conducting his power through its metal, a torrent of Force Lightning surged several feet into the air. He required the attention of those his forces battled against and this was one sure-fire way to get it. "Hear me Templars!" he roared. "Hear the words of your Marshal!" Oh yes, he was pulling rank. Long before the "Fall", he was the #2 in the entire Order. Sure, his iconic beskar'gam was gone...but between the Sword he always carried and his rank? The Templars were sure to know who was talking to them.

"For too long have you been scattered. Lost. Burned by the schemes of Norongachi and his supporters. You, no, WE were once the defenders of the Confederacy. We fought and bled for that nation, only to be cast aside like dogs at the drop of a credit. My brothers and sisters, we are more alike than you may think." he began. This was the part where he appealed to the wounded, vengeful portion of their minds. He wanted the Templars to see them as their fellow: their Marshal, and not as the one sent to put down their offensive. "However, change has reared its head in the Galaxy. The one who had burned us has fled into the night. His successor is nowhere to be found. Now, we have an opportunity to right the wrongs done to us; but in order to do this, you must cease violence. Salvation can be yours: a restoration to what was lost...But you must lay down your arms and return with me; not as enemies, but as brothers and sisters in arms."

Lowering Devorah's Song, the Dar'manda took a bold step forward. All eyes were upon him in this moment, and he hoped that he had managed to reach some of them. Of course, life seldom made things that easy..."So what say you Templars? Will you reclaim what was lost? Will you follow your Marshal into Salvation?"


Objective: Destroy Run Times
Location: Smugglers Canyon
Post: Eight.


Prime enjoyed hunting. That cave they just went through, the Hydra War Droid and its minions? Yes, it was clear. There were dead wampas and a transmission that it was clear. Prime also now had meat, furry meat, dripping from its arms. It stayed there when it was cooked with a blaster. Prime was the type of droid that just cost a lot, but was damn efficient as a killing machine, so the Xi Char (not the ones that died at the Plantation, you Rebels) but the rest, kept repairing it. Plus, Marek found the droid to be funny.

Probably because it killed things and Marek didn’t need to.

Prime had lost two units to the Wampa. It was smart, it had hidden. “Cave Wampas are showing increase in tactical sense. It destroyed two TA-1s but this unit and its team eliminated the enemy run time.” It spoke over the open frequency. “Continuing on the slaughter path.”

Climb aboard the Murder Train.
Location: Gall
Objective: Alpha
Allies: [member="Raziel"] [member="Canade-Kel"]

Orick let out a soft whistle as he approached the droid, all around the area there were crates that had been pried open. Glancing into one of them he could see the framework for rifle cradles. He knelt down and inspected the crate carefully, finally he found a small packing slip attached to the outside. This crate had at one point carried a full load of E-11 blaster rifles, older tech for sure, but unopened crates would be in perfect condition, if he could find any. As he stood he glanced around and saw that all of the crates in the area had been pried open, he saw that one of the crated had parts for repair in it, another had a cluster of power packs, The way that they were just thrown into a pile, he figured that they had been used or the charge was gone out of them.

Walking over to one of the other crates he glanced inside and found parts to what could only be an engine of some kind. The crates looked exactly the same and he knew that he would have to pull all of them open to be able to tell the difference. " Disregard all of the crates of this size, we don't have the time to figure out if they are worth anything or not, continue your search." He said to the droids over the comms as he moved towards the closest wall. He had his HUD set to map out the area as he moved through it, and he wanted to find something that would take him to something other than just a storage room. The gear was great, but a working computer terminal would be the key to this RNSA bunker.
Objective: D - Housekeeping
Location: Taivas, Zhar System
Post Count: 5/20

At first there was silence...and a mountain of tension.

One could practically hear a pin drop as the Vanguard and the Templars stared one another down. The words of the Dar'manda had set the minds of the rogues spinning...and in time, the silence was broken. Hushed whispers broke out like wildfire, glances were exchanged, and it seemed as though some sort of answer was coming. Dagora waited on baited breath before finally, a voice shouted forth from the gaggle.

"How can we trust you? How can we know that this isn't a trap!" came the rather angsty response. The Dar'manda lofted a brow and scanned the gaggle for the one who had spoken...and was greeted with the sight of a young man. He couldn't have been many years into adulthood, as evidenced by his fresh face and hotheadedness. Dagora stepped forward, meeting the young man's gaze before answering. "Think young man." he began. "Out of all of us, I was burned the worst. Stricken from the annals of history. Holdings seized and burned. I lost a child in the Fall. Out of all of us, I would be the last to deceive my fellows into a trap; and the first to hunt Norongachi should he ever surface again. You have my word, upon my honor as a Templar, that no harm will come to you. This is no trap. There is no deception."

With that said, Dagora offered the young man his hand: a gesture of peace and camaraderie. The question was...would he take it?

Sieb Tevv

Location: Smuggler's Canyon

"Ok," said the reptile in response to [member="Adekos"], drawing his ryyk blades. The wickedly curving blades gleamed a dull brass, or would have but for the sheen of red-brown rust. Although, from the reek of the swords it was likely that that red-brown crust was not rust at all.

Sobek shambled off, looking for some Wampa to dismember as he walked in [member="Prime"]'s wake. He disappeared in the cave systems after a moment, well used to subterranean habitats. His home planet was essentially one giant sewage system.

The main party found him not long after, covered in blood. Several scales were torn away from his right arm. A dead Wampa lay in front of him, hacked to pieces. Sobek was munching on its liver.
Location: Ground
Objective: Supply Depot
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: Vong

As the major pounded the vong, her platoon was shooting them down. Know the vong began to notice they were getting shot at, but the recon armour was making it hard for them to locate her and her troops. Though they were beginning to get rough ideas where the shots where coming from, and started strafing the area, with blaster fire and grenades. Her soldier knew to keeps head down, and to move around. This made it harder for vong to zero in on them, though they did have have odd casualty.

Then it happened one of them had worked out roughly where she was, he and rest of squad began raining blaster fire in the area. She hid behind a tree as it began to get churned up in the fire, as it zipped all around her. Then a bang then all off sudden nothing, coming towards her. She took peep round the tree, and realised a shell and exploded above heads. The shell had killed them all, and ripped them all to shreds.
Location: Ground
Objective: Supply Depot
Allies: [member="Freanne"]
Enemies: Vong

The beast of metal and steel pressed forward until they had grown close enough for the Dual Heavy laser cannons to begin firing as well. At five kilometers the shelling had been going on for a good twenty minutes and the Mythosaur approached the perimeter with nothing but ash, fire, and smoke surrounding the supply depot. It appeared, and with sensors straining to detect them underground all that could be determined was that there were lifeforms under the ground within the buried structure. And my limited Force Senses could not perceive them, as they were vong. “Have the Mythosaur cover this exit, use the Redeemers to search for any others. Make sure they keep in groups. Captain, you have the Con.” I told the Officer aboard the Mythosaur, taking my leave of the vehicle.

I walked into the back of the beast and joined the sixty troops there, “Lieutenant, if you wouldn't mind joining us, we are about to brief before entering the complex. I would like you and yours here to listen to the plan before we go in.” I said over the comms, calling out to [member="Freanne"] to join me within the metal beast standing over the main entrance. Looking out over the destruction wreaked by a single Mythosaur was awe inspiring. Eight hundred kilogram baradium shells seemed to be much more than they were cost, and had preformed excellent, killing vong in swaths and driving them away. But that was why you put capitol ship grade weapons on a walker.
Location: Gall City
Objective: D, Make investments, give business advice, be a suave cat
Allies: [member="Eeth Forte"]
Post: 8/20

Now that Max Rumor was a respectable Senator on Nak Shimor, he needed to keep his business investments extra private. The last thing he wanted to do was to be dragged in front of the Senate Committee in one of those closed hearing witch-hunts that seemed to be going on all too often. As a former defense lawyer and spice addict, Max had lots of skeletons in his closet and he honestly needed to find a more permanent burial place for them.

But no matter, he was here on Gall, in the Zhar system, far away from the prying eyes of those goody-goody Republic people. He had a brilliant idea, and to be fair most of his brilliant ideas came when he was either jogging on the treadmill as he was presently doing, or snorting a mountain of carsunum. But ah to be healthy, wealthy and high!

When he spied Eeth Forte enter the gym with his security detail, Max’s eyes became slits and he jumped off the treadmill, giving his torso a shake, the sweat flying off of his pink tail. An annoyed Rodian scooted away, so Max whipped him with his towel and growled, “What are you looking at!?!?”

He strode over to the Zabrak businessman his arms spread wide. “Ah Mr. Forte! So good to meet you outside of a holocall. You know I have to apologize for my colleague, Dorskit. He tends to be… well a little a square sometimes. He’s not a carnivore like you or me. I haven’t ever seen the little fella take a lunch break to be honest. I don’t know if he even eats… the feth I even know what kind of food Verpines eat anyway,” he rambled on, high on endorphins.

Not Max. He thought about a big juicy, raw Bantha porterhouse all of the time. There wasn’t much that Senator Rumor thought about more, except perhaps spice. And other more tactile pleasures. Too bad there were no lady Cathars on Gall. He bit his furry knuckle just thinking about it.

“Anyway, I have an idea for what I’d like to invest in. Come with me and I’ll tell you while we’re lifting.”

He beckoned to the weight benches and exercise machines in the back of the room, which also happened to be more of a private location.
Location: Ground
Objective: Supply Depot
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: Vong


After hearing the comlink, those what were still alive of her platoon. Change the weapon setting, from sniper fire to automatic and began an advance on the vong. They still were hard to see, as they came in to the open. They opened up on the vong in full volley, and charged at them at same time. Ratatataatatat ​her harpy went as the stormed into the complex, the vong who were there only saw the outline of them as they came forward. It was too little too late for them, they had no time to react and know they were dead. The rest where on the run, as major dino came in with his heavy equipment. It meant all she had to do clear out the store rooms, there would always be stragglers caught up in building, and of course the wanbe heroes. She had and her team once coast was clear, took their hoods of so the could see each other. Then Lt roscoe gave orders, You severn goto rear of building and plant a charge, you six do same on eastern side of building, you six do same on western side. I will take you six with me to front, and we blow the doors off. Know synchronize your watches, on my mark one two three four five. She then looked at her nco, and they nodded the watch where sinked. She then sent a message to the major, Sir the vong have fallen back, me and my team will enter the depot, if you can supply us with reinforcements after the initial stoming that would be appreciated. She had lost twelve of men so far, as the armour did protected them for being seen, but offered little protection from direct hits.
Location: Gall
Objective: Alpha
Allies: [member="Raziel"] [member="Canade-Kel"]

[SIZE=11pt]The far wall of the large room was as bare and smooth as all of the others, Orick placed an armored hand on the wall as he walked the [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666669845581px]perimeter[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] of the large room. This was beginning to become a bigger task than he had originally thought, he should have brought more droids with him for the search. As he approached the corner he noticed a small door just before the two walls intersected. He stopped in front of it and gave it a good once over before he pulled out the small sensor probe. He ran the probe along the door to [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666669845581px]ensure[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] that there were no [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666669845581px]unpleasant[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666669845581px]surprises[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] attached to it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]With the scan coming up negative he tapped the small panel that would open the door. He was surprised to see that the door [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666669845581px]still[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] worked and [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666669845581px]it[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] opened fully. The other side of the door was dark like everything else in the bunker so far. He couldn't see very far into the room because there were larger crates [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666669845581px]stacked[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] a meter into the room. These crates all [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666669845581px]looked[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] intact and sealed, something that made Orick smile under his helmet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As he approached he saw the small letters that were stamped on the box and he smiled. The box contained replacement parts for imperial AT-ST walkers. The part alone could be an interesting product to sell on the black market, but the prospect of finding fully operational walkers was something that made him grin. Those would be used by any number of people across the galaxy and there are [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666669845581px]more[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] than a few buyers in the Union that would want them, he turned around and went to find the droids, he had new search [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6666669845581px]parameters[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] for them.[/SIZE]
Location: Ground
Objective: Supply Depot
Allies: [member="Freanne"]
Enemies: Vong

I gave a very short briefing, summed up by telling them to shoot the things that moved around in the depot, and keep track of your allies well. If it isn’t listed as an ally on their HUD, shoot to kill. Asking questions is for the clean-up crew. The sixty of us dismounted being joined by another twenty, leaving the rest to secure the area we had declared to be ours. The Mythosaur would wait here, covering the main entrance while we descended into the buried beneath centuries of time.

The troops and I followed Lieutenant [member="Freanne"] into the complex, keeping pace with her, about twenty meters back from her position. We were well equipped to deal with vong. 12.7mm slugthrowers, Light Repeating Charrics that delivered a mule kick to whomever was unfortunate enough to get hit by it, assuming the lived through the blast. “On your Six Lieutenant.” I whispered through the comms. It was best to keep idle chatter clear of the comms.
Location: Ground
Objective: Supply Depot
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Enemies: Vong

Roger was only thing she replied down her comms line, back to major. Her men were preparing the charges, ready for detonation. They planting them round the door frame, so the whole lot caves in at the same time. Each charge was a thermal detonator, meaning the whole door frame and anything near by would be vapourised. She smiled as she set up her charging position, as they blew the all would run fire into the depo. Then split up and start reaping havoc on them, whilst the major boys began to to form a line against anything that resisted.

​She put her hood back going back in stealth mode, and began to count down ready. She drawing a lot air into lungs as she did, preparing herself for the charge. Then KABOOOOOOOOOOM the charges blew, she ran forward almost shoulder to shoulder with her own men. Anything front of them would have been wasted harpy fire, second they got into building they split up. Know was the time hunt and kill the vong, as they would have been disoriented, and have the major forces to put a front against.
Objective: D - Housekeeping
Location: Taivas, Zhar System
Post Count: 6/20

While Dagora spoke true, the young man was far from convinced. He seemed...rather offended at the gesture; as if extending a hand was the worst offense possible. With a glare in his eyes, a bold step closer was taken; leaving only inches between their faces. Suddenly, the din of blasters raising echoed about the space...and sabers igniting once again. "Easy. Easy." Dagora said, retracting his hand so that he might wave his men down. He then set his gaze back upon the young man, whose teeth were now bared. "The ACA, or whatever the kark they're called now, has been hunting us for years. I've been on the run since I was a kid, just because I followed my Master out. Now you come offering 'salvation' and expect me to buy it? Kark that and kark you." he spat.

That...irked the Dar'manda ever so slightly, but he supposed the anger was justified. Hell, he was surprised all of them weren't trying to hack him apart at this very moment.

"Think for a moment." Dagora said, choosing his words carefully. "If I wanted you dead, why would I waste my time coming down here personally. There are plenty of ships in the Navy; plenty of guns that are more precise than a gaggle of droids. If I wanted you dead, I wouldn't offer you a chance at restoration only to gun you down when your back is turned; I would slag the very ground you stood upon." From there, the Dar'manda released a solemn exhale before continuing.

"This offer will not stand forever, and should you decline I will have no choice but to look upon all of you as enemies. That is the last thing that I want to do. So stand with me Templars. Choose life and restoration over the alternative."

The threat...nay, the truth was there. If they didn't surrender now, they would not live through the day. Before them laid the literal choice between Heaven and Hell.
Location: Ground
Objective: Supply Depot
Allies: [member="Freanne"]
Enemies: Vong

Once the doors of the supply depot blew open, we awaited the lieutenant’s troops to move in, before moving forward ourselves. We had ten squads of eight, my favorite number, one of which was my command squad. These trainees, at least I called them that, were in fact highly trained soldiers, trained on Mandalore, on Eraidu, on Carida, and now in actual combat. Those that survived would continue service after receiving the bountiful gifts I had to offer. But that was tomorrow’s goal. Today we split into five groups of sixteen, travelling through the depot to clear Vong. I took my command squad and support squad following the Lieutenant, in case she needed fire support. They were stealthed and were excellent ambush units, while we were heavy assault, equipped to dominate our enemies with overpowering weapon’s fire and outlast them in heavy, shielded armor. “Move, keep pace with our scouts. Lieutenant, call us up if you need support.” I said over the comms. I had some idea of their location because of the sensors in my helm, but even still it was impossible at this range to get a clear look at them.

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