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Faction Icebreaker on Hoth: Sith Hate This One Weird Trick! (Open to Jedi/Lightsiders)

The Arkanian made a mental note to ask for copies of records that existed of the many powers on display. Though he had serious doubt about his own abilities relating to anything that sought to manipulate thought, or the ability to transport matter physically within the space-time continuum, he might be able to gleam a few nice tricks that could save his life in a pinch. What struck him as most curious were the mentions of these powers’ origins. Having been isolated amongst the students of only one Temple, there wasn’t much he had in the ways of travel experience, nor did he, admittedly, have any wish to explore the galaxy before this gathering. However, as he observed and listened, the benefit of these journeys as an extension of his own training began to seem more valuable than a constant devotion to seeking out the worst hives of scum and villainy in an endless mission to make the galaxy a safer place for its good people.

Taking the movement of the other Jedi around the room as a cue, he himself got up to move closer to a younger Padawan and the Master whose invitation had brought the Arkanian to Hoth. He listened wordlessly to their conversation. The so-called Dark Side Trash Can, an apt name, as crude as it may be, held great value to the servants of the Light Side, as far as Bernard could tell. The corrupting nature of the Dark Side and its servants posed an inherent risk when encountered. Further study of any methods to protect against them were one of the Arkanian’s major concerns, though he realised only now that he’d been approaching the matter for largely selfish reasons. Protection should serve to protect something valuable, not be a tool to better destroy a threat. A difference that the Padawan often forgot to draw.

His gaze shifted to the other Padawan, genuine interest breaking the Arkanian’s icy facade.

Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu , Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill
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"Y'know," Quill said once the room went a bit quiet, "I think there's a niche worth exploring here. Those of us who've been around the block a few times have picked up all kinds of tricks-"

"-or learned to fething teleport," Shira Varanin interjected.

Quill chuckled. "Or that. But we've got quite a few Padawans and young Knights here today, and it's clear there's an appetite to branch out. I'm not much of a...I don't have experience with young people, but maybe a couple of us old ones should take a ship full of Padawans off to meet some of our counterparts. The Dagoyan, the Fallanassi, the Ithorian Priests of the Mother Jungle, those kinds of people. Learn carving from the Gesarils, upari crystal cutting from the Wookiee elders..." He trailed off and looked around. "Any interest here?"

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu Zak Dymo Auteme Auteme Bernard Bernard Griet van Vliet Griet van Vliet Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red
A Light Shining in Darkness
Despite his teleporting away from the center of attention failing to achieve its intended result, Wyatt had eventually found his courage again; more so upset now that he had managed to startle have the congregation into a heart attack by his immaculate disappearance. With that burning shame still in his face, he tried to step up and act the Master they knew him to be;​
I wouldn’t be against it. Travelling would do The Jedi Order good; and may help reintroduce techniques we lost in the Dark Ages, or the most recent sacking of Coruscant.”, he chimed in.​
For those willing, I can offer you a Jedi Compass; and through it we could reupload that information to Peace.”, he idled as he pulled out his own compass, as though to reassure them they were real.​
And, I would be willing to go with some of you - when I have time, that is.”​
For much of her existence as a Jedi, Griet was mostly a mentalist, so the Dark Side Trash Can was novel to her. However, the thought of travelling to destinations such as Ithor, among other planets, did not occur to her, unless some assurance or forensic client would call her in on that sort of location, in which case she may as well take the time for that. Just that an idea has occurred to her: if I can play around with a person's voltage and current in its neural network, to overload it or to stimulate it, then I can think of projecting a bolt of lightning! Griet thought, before pulling out an empty power cell in front of people such as Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill , Bernard Bernard , Zak Dymo, Auteme Auteme , Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga , Shira Varanin and, of course, Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu . It was a bit risky so she kept some distance from the attendees, but once she was in position, with a mental watch on the voltage and the current, she let loose a green bolt of lightning onto the power cell, which caused her brain to "light up" for as long as there was a lightning bolt. She only needed the bolt to last until the power cell was fully recharged, so it only lasted a few seconds.

"You just witnessed Electric Judgment in use to recharge a power cell. You would think that, with all the lightning flying around in dark-sider land, they would use Force Lightning to recharge power cells in an emergency. So do you think they actually use it for this purpose, in addition to any offensive use? If not, any reason why it isn't done?"
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On the topic of Dark Sided techniques. Bernard briefly made a stop by the caf machine to pour two cups of steaming hot liquid and bringing them to the front. Placing both of them on a small table that was conveniently placed, he began to enter into a state of deep concentration, arms outstretched towards the two cups.

The distinct white mist of steam was ascending from the two cups for several long moments. After a few moments, the steam began dying down until it eventually ceased entirely. Finally relaxing, the Arkanian picked both cups up, turning them over to reveal no liquid spilling out.

He stared at the Jedi who’d paid some attention to him for several moments. Only realising then that his quiet display appeared far less like a feat of Force Power and more like a natural process that would occur on Hoth. Scrambling, he began an explanation.

“Uhm, the Masters at the temple on Arkania had … records of a somewhat obscure power that placed its origins within the, uhm, the Dark Side of the Force.” Anxiety began spurring in the young Padawan as he watched the room, he wasn’t used to presentations “They, uhm, well one, had noted down in his notes” he scolded himself a little mentally for repeating the word, “that drawing on this power could also be done without the intent to harm another … allowing for the use without a need to draw on the Dark Side.” He paused for a long moment. Then realising he hadn’t ever explained what exactly he did, he continued. “Oh, uhm, I employed a technique to regulate the temperature of those two cups of caf. A fairly simple application once the mental leap to realise that all things are connected and alive, to some extent, is made.”

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga
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A trash can?

Jerek looked at the crystal dangling from the cord. He supposed it was exactly that, as inelegant as the descriptor was. A Dark Side Trash Can.

Allya would probably laugh when he told her.

That thought stopped him short, though. Master Quill asked where the boy had gotten the crystal, and who its creators were. Revealing Allya and her father as the crystals makers was a gamble. Jerek wasn't certain how the group of Jedi would react to hearing that the item which fascinated them so much was willingly made and given to him by a Dark Sider.

Then again, with everyone staring at him, he wasn't certain he had much of a choice.

"It was given to me by my girlfriend, Allya," Jerek offered, trying to keep the statement as oblique as possible. What he said next would at least give those with the stellarpolitical knowledge of the Confederacy's ruling family an insight into why he wasn't as keen to be forthright. "Allya Vi'Dreya. She's a pretty talented inventor, and I mean pretty."

Jerek mentally kicked himself for that last part. So much for being taken seriously by a bunch of masters and knights, they probably just thought he was a silly, lovestruck boy now. He sat down again, a little ashamed of his gratuitous admission in such a moment.

Couldn't he have emphasized the talented part instead?

Luckily for him, the conversation moved on, affording the padawan a chance to breath easier. He perked up as Master Quill suggested an outreach venture for the padawans, in particular when the old master mentioned the Ithorian Priests of the Mother Jungle. He had met an offshoot of that group in the jungles of Onderon, and wouldn't mind meeting the origins of them on their homeworld.

"I'm interested."


Shira Varanin

Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu

Vi'Dreya - that name rang a bell. There'd once been a noteworthy Sith by the name of Kara Vi'Dreya, if memory served. Maybe that was it. Shira didn't see the need to comment, and also processing Master van Vliet's knowledge dump still took up a lot of her attention. The concept of the neural storm was straightforward enough, but it incorporated a high level of knowledge about the mind and the brain. Shira had some of that knowledge - her cranial implants more or less necessitated it - but it all took a while to filter through. That was as it should be. Messing with some poor karkwit's central nervous system was nothing to do on a whim.

Seela Khaan

Seela sipped her caf as quietly as possible and made herself as small as possible which was difficult as tall as she was. There were plenty of Knights and Padawans here, minds all ready to be molded, but she was past that point in her life. She was here to learn and to watch him. He hadn't changed much since they'd both 'left' the Order. When she'd first learned about the small enclave and this small gathering she'd thought it suited him well. The minute she'd landed though she knew this had been a mistake. There was no coming back from what she did, and despite her travels and recent events she still didn't see herself worthy of being called Jedi, let alone worthy of his friendship or trust ever again.

So she sat, sipped, and swirled her caf. Listening but not engaging.
Heliobas had, thus far, been totally silent. Standing against the wall leaning on his staff, he had endeavored to be inconspicuous, listening to the various conversations and observing the demonstrations of various powers with a calm, serene disposition. At the earlier request for a demonstration of using the Force to shapeshift, he allowed himself a private smirk. He did not need the Force for that.

Otherwise, he appeared unfazed by Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga 's teleportation. The transfer of memories by Griet van Vliet Griet van Vliet to Shira Varanin interested him, but he didn't remark upon it. At the childish antics of the young padawans Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu , Auteme Auteme , and Zak Dymo , he showed no sign of amusement or annoyance.

Internally, a chill permeated him too deep for it to be merely the cold of Hoth. In a room full of powerful Jedi, fear of discovery mingled with intoxicating exhilaration. It was bold of him to come here, knowing what he was. With the slightest twitch upon the invisible thread which bound them together, one of these Jedi Masters could tear away the veil and lay Heliobas bare for what he was - a fraud.

But he knew that they would not do such a thing to him, not as long as he gave them no reason to suspect him of treachery. No, he was merely a passive observer, like Seela Khaan and, to some degree, Bernard Bernard . He had come to watch and learn. Though he would present himself as a teacher, he was really just another student.

The only one among them he knew was Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill , and the connection was paper-thin. When the Jedi hermit had posted his open letter regarding the Grayson Imperium, Heliobas had responded. It amounted to little more than a question, but he had received a reply. Did this brief exchange over the Holonet constitute a genuine conversation? He did not know. He had yet to reveal his name to this crowd, and Jend-Ro Quill would not know his face. Perhaps it would be best to keep it that way.

He had nothing to offer these people in the way of new and obscure powers, but they had plenty to offer him, so long as he paid attention. So he stayed quiet.

Extra Tag: Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red
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Quill relaxed as his very favorite part of any gathering or meeting quite naturally rolled around.

"Well, it sounds like we've pretty much come to a break. Feel free to linger and chat, plenty of caf and hot chocolate still." He got up from his soft chair and headed for a different, less-furnished chamber of the enclave. "I'm feeling the need to stretch my old bones. I propose we do the same as we've done, but for lightsabers. Let's see what tricks and techniques we can swap, shall we?"

The next chamber over was bigger and quite empty apart from a rack of remotes and training sabers, and a couple of inert duellist droids. A few lightsaber scars decorated the stone floor. Quill relaxed in the quiet, and the larger space left him feeling less crowded.

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Seela Khaan Salamander Salamander Griet van Vliet Griet van Vliet Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu Zak Dymo Bernard Bernard Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red Auteme Auteme
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A Light Shining in Darkness
Wyatt was relieved the dueling droids were there; meaning the thing he was more proud of, his innate ability to duel with a lightsaber, could be more accurately displayed. As the many began to walk into the room, Wyatt let out a deep breath and took a step forward -​
My uh… First trick, about the lightsabers. I’ll try and show you what I meant earlier.”, he offered to the others.​
Turn on all the droids, please.”, which was an impressive feat in itself, as each droid was meant to push a Knight to a reasonable level. For a moment, as the droids slowly came online, Wyatt held his lightsaber in his hand and focused himself to a center that wouldn’t waver.​
There were rare examples of masterful Jedi being able to temporarily become ‘One with the Force’, and glow like the physical embodiment of the light - becoming near gods on the mortal plane. Wyatt had enjoyed the stories, even as a child, and had strived for it for years - to find a way to go in and out of the heightened form at will; but it had never come so easy as he hoped. That didn’t mean, however, his training and theorum didn’t offer some return.​
As the first droid came for him, he gave the first example of the style he had perfected - though it was far more of a mind set than a lightsaber form. His blade twisted and deflected the training droids strike, and did so again with the next. As more and more piled onto him, Wyatt dipped, bobbed, and blocked the various strikes as he simply breathed - every droid compounding the combat with a unified fervour that made the feat more difficult by the second.​
And yet, Wyatt never took a strike - but more impressive than that, he hadn’t moved where his right foot was planted; which was all the more odd.​
It was like watching a dancer work a complicated routine; beautiful to watch, but impressive when you knew the complicated nature of what he was doing, and Wyatt never struck back. After a few minutes of this, he lifted his hand, and the droids ceased, taking a step back to their original positions.​
Another exhale.​
Its… a form of Zen I’ve perfected over the years. My body moves without my realization, each limb its own duelist. It helps to make sure I don’t get hit with a blade.”, he offered with a smile.​
I could offer you lessons in it - incase any of you would be curious. I was the Battlemaster for the Grayson Imperium for some time, and a Master of the Seven Forms. I wouldn’t mind the chance to pass that knowledge on to the next generation.”​
Seela Khaan Salamander Salamander Griet van Vliet Griet van Vliet Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu Zak Dymo Bernard Bernard Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red Auteme Auteme Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill
if they're watching anyways
Yes, very... subtle, for a small child.

Auteme didn't mind people looking over her shoulder, so long as they asked first. Knowledge was meant to be shared, but politeness was always good. She couldn't fault the young padawan for that. Many of the Jedi she knew weren't all that polite -- maybe this young Nautolan was apprenticed to one such Jedi. It wasn't a mandatory thing, manners, but they could certainly be useful.

So, the padawan replied with a kind smile to the green-skinned boy peeking over her shoulder. She raised her notebook to show him what she was working on. "Just some notes about what's going on. There are lots of unique skills here, so I wanted to write them down so I remember to research them later." She was lying, of course she'd remember everything. Still, more detailed notes made her think better, and if she had something to do she wouldn't seem like some odd onlooker.

She looked at the Nautolan, studying him for a moment before nodding slightly to his headphones. "What are you listening to?"

Zak Dymo
Jerek was relieved for a break to be called, feeling his body unconsciously relax as other Jedi began to wander about the room. He stood and rolled his shoulders for a moment, then shook his head to clear it. That tossed his shaggy hair out of place, though, and the boy had to stop for a second to fix that. His hands stopped halfway up as the padawan realized what he was doing, and Jerek chuckled nervously at his own self-conscious behavior.

He really needed one of those hot cups of caf he saw a few other participants holding.

The machine in the Hoth hideaway had so many options. Jerek still wasn't sure of his choice even after he had the steaming beverage cupped between his hands, but a tentative sip wasn't unpleasant. Good enough for the moment.

Other Jedi were filing into another chamber, and Jerek watched them go instead of following. He was still hoping to avoid any errant questions about his crystal necklace, at least until he could talk to Master Quill in private first. He wasn't about the blurt out its true origins in the middle of a whole conclave. He'd peek in on the lightsaber demonstration later.

For now, the caf-sipping teen wandered over to where the (no longer) dancing Nautolan and another padawan —dutiously taking notes like he probably should be— were talking. Jerek gestured to the cans mounted on the small, green boy's head, and asked, "Are those the headphones from the Field Kit? I had a pair like those once, before my friend threw them over a fence."

"I'm Jerek,"
he said by way of introduction, and looked from the Nautolan dancer to the brown-haired scribe in turn.


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