"Foolish Jedi." Daxton said as he watched the Jedi leave. After all, turning your back on not one but two sith, was like asking for the knife in the back. Raising his hand to forestall any attack he said, "Remember this, my apprentice. Never leave your ship in the open when the enemy is about." Walking back into his ship he soon returns with an shoulder mounted ion cannon.
Taking aim at the Jedi's ship, he blasted it repeatedly several times before smirking and putting the weapon away. The ion cannon did no permanent damage but that ship was going nowhere, at least no until the ion drives could be realigned again.
Summoning his droid he instructed him, "Take the Ghost to these coordinates, we will meet you there and be sure to engage the cloak. I do not want to give anyone any funny ideas."
As soon as his ship took off, he gathered his robes and said to his apprentice. "Come. Let us see what the cat dragged in."