Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Into The Galaxy

Darren was suprised that all that ranting gave him the data he needed and a partner to train. he then replied, "You may come with me. but i believe that the Sith Daxton destroied my ship somehow. we will need to make repairs. and if you would like to have a weapon i can give you a simple sword for now." Darren turned to equa and said. "It also looks like you need to make repairs."
Darren knew that if you wanted to survive you needed all the weapons you could get. he responded "Yes go get your weapon. would you like to go alone or do you want me to come?"
"I can probably get it faster by myself" She giggled, then pointed her finger right in his face "but you had better not leave without me." With that, she ran off into the forest.
Darren thought that it was funny how she acted like a little child. he then replied as she ran into the forest "She's going to be the death of me." shaking his head. he sat on to the ground to wait for the new companion.

Darren Onyx

Onyx was standing behind him. "She can't help it." He said as he sat down next to him. "I was about to leave when it occurred to me, what would Darren do? So I decided to stay and help awhile."
Darren was suprised by how Darren Onyx was still here. he said "Um are you sure? dont you have to be with Daxton?" Darren didnt expect him to help him, it seemed un-Sith like so he asked him "What is it that you keep helping me for?"

Darren Onyx

Onyx looked to see if Dax was around before continuing. "I have a plan. But it will require alot of help. From alot of different people." Onyx knew telling Darren his plans could be dangerous but he was going to take the risk regardless. "I am going to overthrow the empire."
Darren was intreaged by what Onyx said. he though about this. he could turn him in. he could use this against him, but he knew that Onyx was comming because he may trust him and noded his head saying "Contiue."

Darren Onyx

"I am a senior member of the order. I know everyone. I could easily catch them off guard and wipe them out. But I would need alot of help. I would need an alliance of some kind."
an alliance. he needed people he could trust. lucky for them he was alittle ways away from equa and his ship. he said to him. "You mean you need an army. to take over the sith?" Darren thought about what his proposition was. he liked the idea but that would take... years to get an army that large. and there arnt many people hating the Sith and the Jedi.

Darren thought about why he was asking him. onyx knew that Darren was a fallen and with him teaching another to be like him he already had a group. he just needed more people. and darren could help with that. If the could convince equa to join them it would be more helpful. but he didnt really trust him. it looked as if equa was wound up in something and was about to be sprung. "I will help but on one condtion. it needs to be balanced between the Sith and the Jedi if we were to win. we cant stop every thing from happening such as love and lust for power. but we can limit it. I will join you"

Darren Onyx

Onyx gave a smile. "When you two are ready, go to these coordinates " Onyx handed him a datapad and started off towards his ship. "And Darren" he called out to him, "Tell no one."
Darren knew that he was going to say that. he then said in return "ill train Rhee first before we come there. I want her ready for anything if thats good with you. and dont worry not a soul."
Rheelynn returned with her blade-staff (a two-foot staff with a two-foot double-edged blade on each end) and a bag of her belongings, it was quite evident that she had been prepared for this for some time. "I am ready, where to?"
What neither apprentice was aware of was Daxton was listening to the entire conversation through the force. Shaw had so much potential but he wasted it raging about his mother. He had allowed his apprentice to get access to the information because he houknew that he would somehow get it to Shaw. The woman was inconsequencial in the bigger scheme of things, plus he had his own hooks in her soul already. Free her or not, it did not matter to Daxton. He would find a use for her and her son, yet.

Walking into the clearing he said, "Unless you have some sort of dark magic Padawan shaw, I doubt you will be going anywhere soon. This planet has no starport facilities and I have just deionized your engines. Foolish of you to leave your ship unattended in the open. That leaves me with the only space worthy vessel on this planet. It would take you at least a week to reionize that ship with the proper tools and equipment. But have no fear, I shall not strand you here, to die an ignoble death. No the force has plans for you yet."

"Come my apprentice we have business in her village. If you will excuse us, we leave you now to ponder your fate." Daxton then leaves the clearing, expecting his apprentice to follow, ignoring both the fallen jedi and the jedi as if they were of little consequence.

Ava Solborne

Dominator didn't say anything at the discussion. It seems like the girl chose The Path of Falling instead of Light. And it seemed a bit strange, what Darren Shaw talked about the Jedi Order. Jedi are meant to bring peace and harmony to the galaxy. They didn't abandon their families or destroyed them. For Jedi, the family was supreme. Even some Jedi Masters and their padawans considered each other as a family. There was no other option. These friendship and family bonds just grew with every day the padawan trained.
Darren knew that something had to be fixed out here. and his ship wasnt going to be one of them. he looked to his companion. she heard about how long it would take. he needed another way off this planet. and somwthing told him that they were being watched when him and onyx were speeking, because almost on cue Daxton came to take onyx away when they finished. He still didnt trust the Zabrak.

if anyone was listing to him he didnt want them to so he simply thought "im steeling a ship today." he then said to Rheelynd "alright you have everything packed. then we should get to my ship."
Rheelynd was practically bursting at the seams with excitement "Yes sir! When are we going to leave? Can I help? When do you start teaching me? Where is your mother? When do we go rescue her? Are we going to see those other guys again? I have never been in a starship before. Is it fun? how fast does it go? When do we leave?"
Darren laughed at all the question Rheelynd had. After he stopped laughing he said "Yes you can help. infact we are going to need all the help we can get. Your lessons have already started. Yes we will go and rescue my mother but not now. I need a larger force to take them out. You and i alone cant take them all on, and dont worry about the starship you will soon have to find out how fast it goes."

Darren didnt remeber the last time he had laughed and it felt good for once. the only problem he had was that his ship could only fit one person. Darren walked over to equa and asked "May I help you and in return you get me and Rheelynd of of this planet. My ship only fits one and needs the correct tools to fix it." Darren had put his hand foward in a truce to show that he ment no harm and that none would come to him. "....And if you dont mind it may make the fixing prosses faster. I may also have the tools you need in my ship."

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