What neither apprentice was aware of was Daxton was listening to the entire conversation through the force. Shaw had so much potential but he wasted it raging about his mother. He had allowed his apprentice to get access to the information because he houknew that he would somehow get it to Shaw. The woman was inconsequencial in the bigger scheme of things, plus he had his own hooks in her soul already. Free her or not, it did not matter to Daxton. He would find a use for her and her son, yet.
Walking into the clearing he said, "Unless you have some sort of dark magic Padawan shaw, I doubt you will be going anywhere soon. This planet has no starport facilities and I have just deionized your engines. Foolish of you to leave your ship unattended in the open. That leaves me with the only space worthy vessel on this planet. It would take you at least a week to reionize that ship with the proper tools and equipment. But have no fear, I shall not strand you here, to die an ignoble death. No the force has plans for you yet."
"Come my apprentice we have business in her village. If you will excuse us, we leave you now to ponder your fate." Daxton then leaves the clearing, expecting his apprentice to follow, ignoring both the fallen jedi and the jedi as if they were of little consequence.