Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Into The Galaxy

Darren Onyx

"We know each other but that is a long story."

Onyx was disappointed to hear her wanting to go with Dominator. He wasn't going to argue. He was only going to try to convince her. "You're sure you want to go with him? The Sith will allow you to reach and use all your power. Your true potential. The Jedi will restrict you."

Darren Onyx

Onyx knew she didn't fully understand. And she obviously had no knowledge of the war being raged between the Sith and Jedi. "You can only learn one you know. Unless you wanna end up like Darren here. A fallen Jedi. You either learn the way of the Sith or the Jedi. And before you choose just remember, in the Jedi you will never reach your full potential."

Ava Solborne

"No! The Fallen Jedi are not like that! They could use both sides, but they are crazy. They use The Path of Darkness. That's why they are called fallen!" Dominator argued, but his head still hurt, so he had to hold his head again. He didn't take any medicine with him.

Darren Onyx

Onyx sighed. He took out a small container from his belt and tossed it at Dominator. "Hope that's enough." It was medicine. Even though he was sith, Onyx still respected everyone. "The original Fallen Jedi founded the Sith Empire, but ever since then, they have been crazy. The reason why I encourage you to be a Sith, is because of our beliefs. The Jedi think reaching your full potential is dangerous. They also shun love, passion, and the pursuit of power. We sith, encourage all of these." Onyx encouraged farther.
Darren saw all of this happening and he decided to put his input in. "I have learned through my travels that both the Sith and the Jedi are fools. the Jedi restrict you to only using force that will help others. The Sith use the force for their own gain. I have been tought by both. I know bothsides and I believe that Both societys have their faults, but the teachings from both of them hepl me understand the world alittle more than most of the regular Sith or Jedi can."

Darren wasnt opposed between ether of the Jedi way or Sith way and decied to contiue "You may chose to be like me and have the powers of both sides but the down side is that you dont have very many friends and you have more enmies than you can count." While he said that he looked over to Onyx then to Equa to show that they did have somesort of past but did not chose to say it out loud.
"Oh, then it sounds like being a Sith would be best." Then turning to Equa "Why don't you like love, passion and power? That is kind of silly." She shook her head in a sign of contempt. Then to Shaw she said "I like having friends, so that doesn't sound very fun."
Darren didnt want her to be a sith if he could stop it. he didnt need pother people like Daxton going around killing him "No Sith is not good for you. they lie,cheat, steal, murder, do anything to get on the top of the chain of comand. most sith die before they are Masters because of that. if you want to live long i sugest you Go with the Jedi." Darren looked at Onyx again to show him that he didnt want another sith like him. He hatd the sith and went on to say "My mother was taken and tourchered by the sith. only because I left korraban their home planet. She is still there to this day in a cell holding her hostage threating me not to become a Jedi. If i do they kill her."

Darren didnt know the girl very well but he knew that if she loved of cared about something and the sith found out they would take it away from her and use it against her.

Ava Solborne

"That's because these are the emotions, what lead to the darkness. Letting these emotions freely flow in you is extremely dangerous and can destroy all life. The Force is not just a thing what we use. It is so powerful, that if we let the Darkness consume us, it makes us evil. So evil, that nothing can change you back. So if you want to be a Sith master one day, being so evil, that even your family hates you, or is afraid of you, then go. Go on and destroy your life. But if you want to use your potential, join the Jedi. Our strict rules have a reason. We need to make absolutely every life safe. The Sith are silly." Dominator said, when taking the medicine from Onyx. "Thank you!"

Darren Onyx

Onyx heard the two give there arguments and knew they had made a grave mistake. He knew how to convince and twist words. "The question is; why should you keep your emotions bottled up? After some time you must go insane right? Not being able to say what you feel or love someone or anything. You would lose your mind. Why do that when you can be free? Free to love, to be who you want to be. All the while bending the will of those around you. I can feel your power. I know you can easily accomplish this task. So now, who would you rather join? The Jedi who will make you go insane or join us, the Sith, and be free?" Onyx knew he had won. He just need her approval now.
"Um Im perfectly sane and I was one?" Darren said. "And quit using your lies Onyx. I can love people if i want. the only thing the jedi do to restrict love is that it cant hinder you from your job as a enforcer of light. They accept love but they frown appon it. and i dont have to follw any rules that you guys have. I am a free man."
Rheelynd was clearly confused, for the first time since the first ship landed, she was completely still. She clasped her lower hands behind her and her upper hands in front her. She was deep in concentration.

Darren Onyx

"If you are free and know so much about the force, why is your mother still trapped?" Onyx was moving in to farther his point of freedom. "If you are better then us why can't you go and get her? And why are you running from the Sith and Jedi? Are you free, because if you are then you shouldn't be running."
Darren knew what Onyx was getting at and explained "There are to many Sith in the way for me to reach her. i cant even find the cell she is being held up in. thats why i was on korraban in the first place. I saw a holocron about power and i read it. thats where i met you in the tombs. So i can stop all the Sith who are in my way to get her." Darren looked at the girl and said "I have looked and looked for a way to find my mother. but there are more sith in the galaxy than you can count in the stars. I cant reacher he because of people like Onyx here..."

He pointed his finger in onyxs general direction "....I have tried but i failed. from people like Equa because they say that duty is better than family, and friends. Sith dont really care about family because most of them are dead by their own hands. they caused a great war that is going on this very second as we speek about it. The sith wanted the Jedi out of their way so they can have what ever they want becasue they can have their families and friend because they are dead."

Darren felt like he sould be ranting about how the Sith were bad and the Jedi thought to highly ov themselves and he hoped that he reached the minds of the other Jedi here. "I killed my own father because the Jedi told me to do so. Duty to the Jedi and to the people of the Galaxy is more important to them than who they care for. Sith kill one another to have power because they feel alone, stranded, and forgoten. They make them selves powerful so they can be reackonised. I dont believe of any of them, And i sugest you wouldnt ether."

Darren Onyx

"Her locations is here," Onyx said as he handed him a datapad. "She is in cell block C cell number 7593. Now if you excuse me, I have a war to help finish." Onyx was clearly disappointed in what Darren had to say. He walked over to Rhee and spoke to her, "You have the freedom to choose what you want. I will persuade you no longer." He started walked back towards the his ship. He turned to yell at Darren. "Just so you know, not all Sith are like that!"
Darren was taken aback when onyx handed him the datapad with the info he needed. he felt as if he were flying. he looked at onyx walking away and knew that if he told the sith daxton that he got if from him he would be beaten. and Darren knew that he didnt want that for him even if he somewhat diserved it. it seemed like onyx wasnt a true sitn because of him giving equa the meds him the holo pad on koraban and now the data pad. there was something else to this character.

He then realised that he had been yelling at the girl and he said in a humble tone "I uh.....Im sorry for ranting infront of you. I just snaped. will please forgive me."
Darren was taken aback when onyx handed him the datapad with the info he needed. he felt as if he were flying. he looked at onyx walking away and knew that if he told the sith daxton that he got if from him he would be beaten. and Darren knew that he didnt want that for him even if he somewhat diserved it. it seemed like onyx wasnt a true sitn because of him giving equa the meds him the holo pad on koraban and now the data pad. there was something else to this character.

He then realised that he had been yelling at the girl and he said in a humble tone "I uh.....Im sorry for ranting infront of you. I just snaped. will please forgive me."
Rheelynd finally made her decision, and turning to Shaw, she said "I would like to go with you. You can tell me about the Jedi and the Sith, and I can help you find your mother." Then to the others she said "Maybe we will see each other again, and by then maybe I will have decided who I want to be."

Darren Onyx

Onyx sat in his chair on the ship quietly awaiting Dax's return. He could sense Rhee going with Darren. He wasn't to worried. He knew Darren would take care of her.

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