The dry Ruusan air filled his lungs slowly, lingered for a moment, then was pushed out. Pash stood within his small, temporary quarters at the base camp. One leg was raised, the foot angled to rest against the knee of the other leg upon which he stood. The Matukai had remained in this posture for over an hour, his erect body finding perfect balance, standing without swaying an inch. He had moved only once, halfway through, to shift his arms from before his chest to stretched out at his sides.
It was a Matukai ritual, one of the exercises that helped Pash focus his meager connection with the Force, until it amplified and began to course through him. Muscles that should have ached remained supple and strong as the Force coursed through nerves and vessels. Pash could feel every inch of his body, each muscle in distinction, every organ as it performed its task. All was well, aside from the small cut he received loading gear into the Tumbleweed before departing Kashyyyk. He drew his concentrain to the small laceration on his arm, willing the Force to knit skin together and seal off the minor wound.
A chirp echoed from his commlink, and the Grandmaster's voice filled the room, calling the party to gather at her ship for departure. With one final deep breath, Pash slowly lowered his arms and leg and gathered his things for the expedition. He wore a rugged pair of brown pants, a cream colored shirt and a light sleeveless robe. A scarf was wrapped loosely around his neck, in case he needed to ward off blowing sand from his face. At his side was a survival vibroknife and over his back was a field pack with some basic gear. His weapon, the wan shen, was folded and strapped to his back as well, the broad, singe-edged head protected in a sheath. Slipping into his boots, Pash made his way across the compound the Valae's YT-1300.
Members of the Order milled about the camp, Pash nodding to those he passed as he approached the Tumbleweed. A group of young padawan were boarding the ship ahead of him, two of which he recognized from the welcoming gathering. Ashla was the dark-haired, light skinned padawan who he had seen practice. Her agility impressed him. The other was Zavii, the friendly Zabrak padawan. He also saw a young man mount the ship's ramp and enter as well.
At the foot of the gangway, Pash paused to greet Valae. "Grandmaster Kitra." The Matukai Adept offered with a smile, bowing slightly. The petite Jedi Grandmaster had been welcoming to the stranger who followed a different path in the Force, taking him into the order and giving him a place to belong. While he was not Jedi, Pash honored their customs and began to study the traditions of the Jedi, to better fit in. That was one reason he had accompanied the expedition to Ruusan at Valae's invitation. It promised to be rich in the history of the Jedi, and a perfect learning experience for the Matukai warrior.
A gust of wind kicked up dust and sand, and Pash lifted his scarf to cover his mouth and nose, lowering it when the wind died down. He turned to look up at the sky, his hand shading his eyes from the sun. The triple moons of Ruusan were barely visible in the daylight. "Its a good day for an adventure, wouldn't you say?" He spoke, casting a roguish glance at Master Kitra, then across the compound to see if any more would join the team.
[member=Valae Kitra] - [member=Ashla Marlar] - [member=Zavii] - [member=Reggie Faayare] - [member=Jerit Kolomor]
It was a Matukai ritual, one of the exercises that helped Pash focus his meager connection with the Force, until it amplified and began to course through him. Muscles that should have ached remained supple and strong as the Force coursed through nerves and vessels. Pash could feel every inch of his body, each muscle in distinction, every organ as it performed its task. All was well, aside from the small cut he received loading gear into the Tumbleweed before departing Kashyyyk. He drew his concentrain to the small laceration on his arm, willing the Force to knit skin together and seal off the minor wound.
A chirp echoed from his commlink, and the Grandmaster's voice filled the room, calling the party to gather at her ship for departure. With one final deep breath, Pash slowly lowered his arms and leg and gathered his things for the expedition. He wore a rugged pair of brown pants, a cream colored shirt and a light sleeveless robe. A scarf was wrapped loosely around his neck, in case he needed to ward off blowing sand from his face. At his side was a survival vibroknife and over his back was a field pack with some basic gear. His weapon, the wan shen, was folded and strapped to his back as well, the broad, singe-edged head protected in a sheath. Slipping into his boots, Pash made his way across the compound the Valae's YT-1300.
Members of the Order milled about the camp, Pash nodding to those he passed as he approached the Tumbleweed. A group of young padawan were boarding the ship ahead of him, two of which he recognized from the welcoming gathering. Ashla was the dark-haired, light skinned padawan who he had seen practice. Her agility impressed him. The other was Zavii, the friendly Zabrak padawan. He also saw a young man mount the ship's ramp and enter as well.
At the foot of the gangway, Pash paused to greet Valae. "Grandmaster Kitra." The Matukai Adept offered with a smile, bowing slightly. The petite Jedi Grandmaster had been welcoming to the stranger who followed a different path in the Force, taking him into the order and giving him a place to belong. While he was not Jedi, Pash honored their customs and began to study the traditions of the Jedi, to better fit in. That was one reason he had accompanied the expedition to Ruusan at Valae's invitation. It promised to be rich in the history of the Jedi, and a perfect learning experience for the Matukai warrior.
A gust of wind kicked up dust and sand, and Pash lifted his scarf to cover his mouth and nose, lowering it when the wind died down. He turned to look up at the sky, his hand shading his eyes from the sun. The triple moons of Ruusan were barely visible in the daylight. "Its a good day for an adventure, wouldn't you say?" He spoke, casting a roguish glance at Master Kitra, then across the compound to see if any more would join the team.
[member=Valae Kitra] - [member=Ashla Marlar] - [member=Zavii] - [member=Reggie Faayare] - [member=Jerit Kolomor]