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Into The Valley [SJO Dominion of Ruusan Hex]


Never Underestimate a Good Bottle of Whiskey
As he heard Master Kitra's instructions, Jerit got up form his seat and strolled onto the part of the ship where everyone was lounging. When he got there, he smelled something delicious and could not find the food that matched the scent. He saw some people snacking on pastries of some kind but Jerit was not really into that category of food. The main foods he would devour were either rations or meat. This was mostly just because of how he was raised. He was mostly poor so he really had no choice of what to eat and he was fine with it.

He already saw people walking off of the ramp of the ship so Jerit just didn't really bother with the task anymore. Pretty much everyone knew they landed. So, he decided to get off as well. The desert air immediately gave Jerit its hello and decided to throw sand around. The boy spat out dust before he met up with his master, giving no greeting or anything like that. He was just sort of beside her and following her around again. He saw [member="Cassius Droma"] and gave him a nod of greeting. He had seen the man around but not too often. The group consisted of many new faces, but Jerit knew some like [member="Reggie Faayare"].

He placed his hands into his robe and covered his face with his hood, following the group as they trekked deeper to arrive at the valley. Jerit could immediately feel the strong force presence around the surrounding area. He drew in a deep breath and let it out. Jerit remained focused on the force while also trying to not stray away from the group.

[member="Solari"] | [member="Solari"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Ashla Marlar"] | [member="Zavii"] | [member="Pash Tafo"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Josh DragonsFlame"]​

Pash Tafo

Sunlight crept into the Tumbleweed as the ramp opened and the atmosphere of Ruusan mingled with the ship's recycled air. The Matukai shouldered his pack. The team, joined by Master Nooran's padawan, gathered and exited, Pash watching before falling in behind. From personal experience, or from listening along the short journey, he knew them all, aside from mystery of the scone baker. His gaze lingered on the masters, Karr, Dragonsflame, and Nooran, as if he could gauge their mettle with a mere glance. But Pash knew one could not judge character so quickly. He hoped to learn more of them as the expedition unfolded.

More awaited outside, the apprentice known as Cassius stood near Grandmaster Kitra, as well as one of the most intriguing Jedi he had heard of, Solari. The present team assembled, Cassius had the Ruusan guide lead them along the descent into the valley.

While Pash was not Jedi, he understood the significance of the Valley of the Souls. Upon word of the trip to Ruusan, he took it upon himself to visit the temple library to learn of its significance. It was a fascinating history, the battle, the entrapment of Jedi souls, the prophesy that foretold the freeing of them that came to pass. To find himself in that very valley was sobering for Pash, he imagined it was more so for his Jedi companions.

The Matukai warrior lingered at the edge of the group as they neared the valley floor, his gaze surveying the surroundings, listening to the movement of the team's soles upon the dusty path and the wind blowing between the stone walls. Even though Pash's connection with the Force was meager, he felt its strength resonate through his body, tuned to channel and amplify it. In no other place had he felt the Force so strongly without effort, proving the profound nature of the sacred site.
Location: Valley of the Jedi, small lake
Objective: Get dressed
Post: 6
With: [member="Junko Ike"]
Nearby: Ashla Marlar l Cassius Droma l Jyoti Nooran l Jessica Med-Beq l Josh DragonsFlame l Zavii l Audren Sykes l Pash Tafo (People in the valley of the Jedi)

"That is all I need master, I will make hates", Tana leaped out of the water for the illusion with his naturally enhanced speed. The time allotted being more then enough, the Yukata being easy to throw on quickly if needed, with any fine adjustments later being easy to fix, but for now he just needed to be decent enough for other, not all well and tidy for a dance party. In not time the young Jin had gotten the dress like clothing back on, gibing Ike a thumbs up as those coming from the newly landed ship came closer, "All done, whoa that was a close call".

Giving the clothing a small pat down Tana strolled back to the waters edge, dipping his feet into the water and starting to relax once again, though keeping an eye on their new Jedi who had arrived but a few moments ago, though at a distance still noticeable.
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

[member="Ashla Marlar"] [member="Zavii"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Reggie Faayare"] [member="Jerit Kolomor"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Solari"] [member="Cassius Droma"] [member="Pash Tafo"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Josh DragonsFlame"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"]

Junko looked at her padawan and then the others who seemed to be collecting themselves on the ramp of the ship... others who had come into the valley and she was curious about what they were waiting for.... ah no matter she looked at her padawan and turned to look at the valley itself with the jedi teams and the building in the center. Of everythign she could at least make an effort to be interested in their parts. She started walking towards the area where some seemed interested based on it, the rift that had been opened and there were the sentries along the wall. Some of the war droids for anything that might come out and they radiated the lightside of the force while she was walking past them. "I am curous about what they are all doing standing around but then there is the part where they seem to be playing tourists. We'll investigate and get more reports from the others, they might have found something nice you could give your sister."
Kian bowed respectfully at the kind words from Jedi Master Nooran. Kian was glad to be here with them. Kian had not exercised his skills in a real world setting in some time and looked forward to the opportunity. As they spoke the ship settled down and when Master Nooran turned to speak to Master Dragonsflame, Kian turned away to make sure he was prepared. Going through the supplies on his utility belt he was satisfied he was ready. As he glanced up he saw another passenger glancing his way ([member="Pash Tafo"]). Kian bowed his head toward the man in way of greeting and turned to walk from the ship when it settled down.

Master Nooran had mentioned a Jedi Master [member="Junko Ike"] as being the go to for information on the rift they needed to close, so Kian made his way toward her. Kian had never met Jedi Master Junko Ike of the Silver Jedi, though he had come across the name in his travels. Kian was not sure what to expect. As Kian walked out of the ship, he closed his eyes and allowed the wind to whip around him. Kian could feel the energy of the planet. He had never been on Ruusan, though he certain new of its history.

Glancing around, Kian watched his fellow passangers disembark onto the planet. So many had come together for this, it was good to see cooperation on such a scale. Turning away from those thoughts, Kian began to stroll through the encampment looking for Jedi Master Junko Ike. Eventually he came across two individuals ([member="Junko Ike"] and [member="Tanaski Yumi"]). Sensing their force present, but unsure of who they were, Kian introduced himself.

"Koh-to-yah," Kian said raising a hand in greeting at the two, "Could either of you point me in the direction of Jedi Master Junko Ike. My name is Kian Karr."

[member="Ashla Marlar"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"] | [member="Zavii"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Solari"] | [member="Cassius Droma"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"]
As the rest of the group disembarked from the Tumbleweed's belly and headed over toward another Human Silver Jedi and a Ruusaninan native, Zavii let her violently colored hair down to catch the wind before following. Hanging at the back, she listened as Master Kitra greeted the man and they all began the hike down into the Valley proper. Although most of this land seemed inhospitable, she could feel the Force here almost as strong as it was back on Kashyyyk. It filled her whole body with a sort of giddy angst that she imagined one might feel in the minutes before a large battle. This world truly was as wonder.

Walking up to keep pace with [member="Ashla Marlar"], she stopped when the other girl bent over to run some of the sand through her fingers. "Hard to imagine what this place used to be like ten thousand years ago, before any alien feet touched ground. Or what might be here in then thousand more." She looked all around for a moment, just taking in the scene, until the group looked about fifty feet away. "Come on, Ashla, we don't want to loose the others quite yet."
Zavii said:
As the rest of the group disembarked from the Tumbleweed's belly and headed over toward another Human Silver Jedi and a Ruusaninan native, Zavii let her violently colored hair down to catch the wind before following. Hanging at the back, she listened as Master Kitra greeted the man and they all began the hike down into the Valley proper. Although most of this land seemed inhospitable, she could feel the Force here almost as strong as it was back on Kashyyyk. It filled her whole body with a sort of giddy angst that she imagined one might feel in the minutes before a large battle. This world truly was as wonder.

Walking up to keep pace with [member="Ashla Marlar"], she stopped when the other girl bent over to run some of the sand through her fingers. "Hard to imagine what this place used to be like ten thousand years ago, before any alien feet touched ground. Or what might be here in then thousand more." She looked all around for a moment, just taking in the scene, until the group looked about fifty feet away. "Come on, Ashla, we don't want to loose the others quite yet."
"I'm not trying to yet." She said, standing back up, and continued traveling with the group. She wiped her hands and spoke "This place is more amazing than I originally thought."


Well-Known Member
2. Green Thumb

It was then as he near the camp that was set up to accommodate both the scientist, scholars, and whatnot along with the myriad of equpment or gear they lug in planet. In the hopes of helping them with their collective task at hand which thought their methods varied from both range as well discipline of study. When it came down to or boil down to it was all in the hopes of finding a way to perhaps bring back that which once was here but now seems all but lost. That of the abundant plant life along with the creature that coexisted with them once before something which one like himself would seem to be lost on.

For seeming, after all, had disembarked few if not so little of those that were with him during the trip seem been there. As most if not perhaps a good chunk of them were either more inclined check out the old Jedi Valley or the likes. Which he himself did not doubt would too but for now that he puts aside figuring after all that he'd done wrong in the past. And the good he thus far regains giving back using a skill he'd just not long ago gain would be a good start as any to this journey or pilgrimage. As one would see it so in a way that he came here first glance about it took him a while settle find where he could perhaps start.

Which was a humble nursery when seeming all manner of plants had been kept for now till ideal condition or accommodation been made to start their introduction back to the planet. That he then glance about and seeing a seed and pot gave him an idea being that he thought he knew and had some control of the ability. He'd had only try it once or twice so far outside on his that in his mind if things work out this could probably about third time for him to try attempt the same feat. Which feeling some confidence that he could Ronin then began with first take the seed in his close hand. And turn inward that he began to recall what he'd learn thus far...
Valae cracked a small smirk at Cassius’ comment about their rather large group. However, the image of some of their new members wandering around alone in the valley made that smirk fade slightly. That would certainly not be a good way to begin their time with the Order. As Cassius moved to greet Master Nooran, Valae squinted and attempted a quick head count. Now she was determined to make certain that everyone got back – and in one piece.

As Cassius returned to the spot where she stood with Solari, her attention shifted towards their guide. Her hands grasped the straps of her backpack, and she followed along. And after Cassius alerted the others that they were leaving, Valae hollered “And please stay together!”

Perhaps the buddy system would have been a good idea here.

Valae reached up and rubbed the side of her forehead, she really didn’t want to play den mother. But perhaps it was inevitable. Her boots carried her down the path, taking careful steps so as not to slip. As they went down into the Valley, she noted the shift in the air. Chestnut eyes wandered the new terrain before them, taking in the foreign landscape before them. It was quite something, she had to say. The Force was strong here, it was easily felt.

“My goodness,” She whispered in wonder.

[member="Solari"] | [member="Cassius Droma"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Ashla Marlar"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"] | [member="Zavii"] | [member="Pash Tafo"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
"Exactly what even causes cost overruns in the first place?"

"The really juicy cases of cost overruns include corruption, but even in a corruption-less project, a few sources can be avoided. Design errors, such as improperly setting the scope - and I can tell you this much, even the most experienced project manager can still fall prey to those. Corruption is usually associated with inadequate procurement. But in the defense industry, as well as infrastructure, complex projects are usually more vulnerable than simpler projects"

"Wouldn't a complex project have more areas that could potentially go wrong?"

"Yes, I know"

Most people had a tendency to underestimate the completion times and costs; Catria knew as much. Also, there is sometimes a tradeoff between costs and completion time, but Jessica knew from experience that, if a project needed to be crashed, that is, expedited, it was best to do so at the planning stages: crashing costs are usually lowest at that stage. Optimal time was the time that minimized financial expenditures. Inadequate data, inadequate forecasting techniques were also blamed at times, but usually the real reasons are kept hidden from the general public unless criminal prosecution ensues. However, she could sense that Catria's inexperience with project management made her ask all sorts of questions about cost overruns in general, that she feels she needs to understand before attempting to understand more specifically as applied to the Valley of the Jedi, beyond what she already understood about the materials' procurement, that is, using materials from the statue likenesses' home planets rather than locally-sourced materials. Of course, it was far from the end of the story.
Reggie traveled into the Valley with the rest of the group, making sure to keep up with the pace so he wouldn't be left behind. As they went deeper into the valley, the presence of the force grew. It wasn't hard to pick up on how strong the force was in this place. He even thought that someone unaware of the force existing would still be able to feel the presence, but that was just speculation. Reggie examined his surroundings, making sure to take in all the sights.

While Reggie was keeping up with the group and didn't fall behind, his focus was on the force that he could feel as they continued traveling, the area around him, and the thought of what went on in this place. It was obvious that he was lost in thought.
[member="Kian Karr"]

Junko looked at the jedi master and raised an eyebrow as she was walking. Taking him in and he seemed familiar but she was trying tos ee what the others were doing when the grandmaster spoke about staying together. "I am Junko." She said it while standing there and the fortress/temple in the center of the valley that had been worked on presented here. She could see the locals who were workliong on things and they had set up the world. Sadly they were attacked regularly for the valley... so might as well alow them a chance to defend themselves in a palce most didn't want to destroy. "You seem familiar but I am sory, I cannot place your name master jedi."
Tana straightened up his clothing and retired his hair into a pony tail as the group approached, some splitting off into smaller pairs other staying with the large assortment of Jedi, though one of the current members approached Ike and himself. What surprised him was that the man asked for Junko personally, though that fact he did not recognize the woman who was right in front of him seemed a little odd, even more so being a princess and all.

Junko quickly introduced herself to the man, before inquiring of his own name, seemed the unfamiliarity of the two went both ways, making him feel a little awkward just standing their, but if there was one thing his mother emphases it was that one must respect their elders, as such it would have been rude to but in on the conversation.

[member="Junko Ike"] l [member="Kian Karr"]
Objective: Pilgrimage, Shadow Mission (BYOO)

After stepping outside, Jyoti took in the sights of the valley. Right off the bat, she notice how lively it was in the area, a small settlement bustling with activity. Recalling old records of the place, she recognized the core structure as being an old fortress, seemingly repurposed by the locals.

She found it surprising, figuring that people would want to stay far from the Valley as it had always been a hotspot of activity between the Sith and Jedi throughout the ages. Not to mention a rift to the netherworld, which came with its own dangers. This curious development piqued her interest, and she decided she wanted to check out the reclaimed fortress before inspecting the rift.

Not too long after exiting the Tumbleweed, she was approached by Cassius, who passed along a datachip for her to review. She thanked him as he pulled away to return to the growing crowd for the expedition into the Valley proper.

While waiting for Leah and Josh to emerge from the freighter, she slipped the datachip into her tablet, glossing over the information gathered by Cassisus.

From there she was able to learn some basic information about the settlement. Vatsu, the foundations of the settlement set down by her predecessor Sorel.

She let out a small sigh then, reminded of a dear friend lost, one of many mistakes that had led her to this second life.

A few more pages into the report, and she came to the part about the rift. It was located beyond the walls of Vatsu, sealed up within its own structure. That was good, at least the locals were shielded, but she wouldn't feel totally comfortable until the rift was sealed once and for all.

She looked up from her datapad as she noticed a pair of Jedi entering the vicinity of the Tumbleweed. One she immediately recognized as Tanasaki, an androgynous male of delicate features, leading him to often be mistaken as female. One more attractive than many actual females...thoughts momentarily drifted to memories of old Atrisian cartoons she enjoyed in her youth.

The other was Junko. She had never met the woman in the flesh, but once you came across one Ike, the rest were pretty easy to pick out.

Expecting Josh and Leah to follow whenever they ready, she joined Kian in speaking with the pair.

"Hello there," she said, offering a small bow to her fellow Jedi Master. "I'm Jyoti Nooran. I'm not sure if you were informed, but I'm here with a small team of other masters looking to inspect and eventually close the rift. It is my fear that the Sith will eventually turn their sights back on Ruusan to fuel their war machine, and we're all well aware with their obsession with the netherworld."

She glanced over at Vatsu in the distance. "Before that, though, I'd be interested in touring this settlement. I'm surprised anyone would want to live so close to the rift willingly."

[member="Ashla Marlar"] [member="Junko Ike"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Zavii"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Reggie Faayare"] [member="Jerit Kolomor"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Solari"] [member="Cassius Droma"] [member="Pash Tafo"] [member="Kian Karr"]
Kian was not surprised that Master Ike did not recognize him. He had been gone for some time, the two had never had reason to meet, and Kian's work as a Shadow was typically clandestine. Turning toward Master Ike's padawan, Kian bowed his head to him as well in greeting.

"We have never had the pleasure of meeting," Kian said, "and I have been out of commission for a time." Kian said explaining away the lack of Master Ike's recognition of him. As Kian said this, Master Nooran arrived as well and Kian stepped aside to listen to her speak. Kian was eager to get started, but he certainly would not object to a tour of the place. It would be good to know the area a little better and to better understand the situation.

"Master Nooran indicates that you are very knowledgeable with regards to the rift." Kian said, directing his statement toward Master Ike. "Any information you could provide would be very helpful." Kian said.

"Truth be told," Kian said, looking around the place with interest, "I've never attempted to close a rift."
[member="Ashla Marlar"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"] | [member="Zavii"] | [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Solari"] | [member="Cassius Droma"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Junko Ike"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"]​
"Sometimes I wonder why you seem to be more interested in the cost overrun part of those documents" Jessica grilled the blue-haired healer on the topic.

"Orders of battle: yes, I knew the Army of Light was much more militant than the post-Ruusan Jedi that survived. Yes, I'm willing to acknowledge that both sides took lots of casualties, and that their evolution drove the actions in the Seventh Battle. But warfare is not the end of the story. The sad tale of the Valley of the Jedi's cost overruns strike a vastly different chord in me vs. what I could possibly learn from a collection of orders of battle"

"Funny: I would have wagered that cost overruns are less likely to strike chords in Jedi vs. the evolution of orders of battle, but even the latter one would not inspire a whole lot of Jedi, regardless of how competent ro not they are in a command role. Also, the sadness of a cost overrun story, as you probably know, is highly subjective. To find a story about a cost overrun sad, to the extent that there was no blood being spilled in that story, is often the sign of a narrow range of experiences, or the inability to perform activities where they come into play"

Such as those experienced by battle medics that were never exposed to project management in any shape or form, Jessica thought. The most common projects she had to deal with were construction and development, although in the latter case, the rule of thumb is that provisions should be set aside for the unforeseen circumstances, more so when it comes to ambitious or risky research projects, and one should not expect to hit the forecasts on the spot. In fact, hitting a forecast on the spot is a lucky event in the case of research. Or it could be that she came from one of those cultures that simply didn't value fiscal responsibility the same, if it actually valued fiscal responsibility at all, as the GR did in the early days of the post-Ruusan environment. In the post-Ruusan environment, financial responsibility was usually defined as running deficits no larger than the GDP (or revenue) growth rate. Which, in those times, meant that the GR had to be running balanced budgets: the Republican economy was stagnant in those years, and even for the next nine centuries after that from what she knew.

"Did you come from a culture in which the concept of fiscal responsibility is foreign?"

"In fact, you could say that for most people that live in the Outer Rim or Wild Space, it may as well be since government budgets are, more often than not, kept secret, assuming that they actually even have a budget, or that there is even a government to begin with"
Location: Valley of the Jedi
Objective: Explore
Post: 4

Cassius got into the routine of walking, letting his mind wander and trying not to feel like a tourist. It was hard not to marvel at the place, though, even without knowing the history. Even for those that could merely touch the Force, they would be able to feel it running through here like a strong ocean current.

Eventually, they reached what looked to be a pile of rubble – Cassius could feel that the old mausoleum was just beyond it. So much time had passed that the sun was nearly overhead. Icheb pointed to a small opening in the rocks, indicating that this was the entrance in his native language. It looked just barely large enough to squeeze through. Cassius turned back to their group and said, “Be careful here, guys. It’s a tight fit.”

Cassius was the first to go through after Icheb, making sure that everyone else would get through just fine. T-4D4 stayed on the other side of the hole in order to serve the same purpose. Once everyone was through, Cassius turned to look, and his mouth opened slightly in utter wonder.

The Valley of the Jedi. Statues taller than corvettes held up a rocky roof that let in beams of sunlight. Dust danced in the beams, giving them an otherworldly, glittering quality. All of the statues faced inwards, to where the Force nexus had once been. It was just a pile of rocks now, arranged in a dome. He stepped forward, not really paying any mind to the others for the moment.

His hand ran across a fallen stone trestle, feeling the etch-work with his fingertips. It was simply remarkable, this place. For the historical context, yes, but also for the reason why it was built. A Jedi Knight had built it against the Council’s wishes in order to honor his former master and fallen comrades. There was something romantic in the notion of someone going against the grain in order to do what they thought was right, in order to honor the memory of someone they were close to.

He took in a deep breath, and savored the moment.

[member="Solari"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Jerit Kolomor"] | [member="Ashla Marlar"] | [member="Reggie Faayare"] | [member="Zavii"] | [member="Pash Tafo"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Josh DragonsFlame"]
Objective: Minutemen - Local Militia Training
Location: Ruusan Atmosphere
Post: 3

"Final check: systems and positions."

"Recording and tracking is live. Training systems active. Two defender armor systems active, one mobile. Most Rangers deployed, forty-three minutes away by speeder. Last count shows three Ranger members present at target site."

Audren nodded, those numbers matched up with what he was seeing on his display. Well, they did when he zoomed out enough to see the deployed Rangers and trigger a distance calculation. Several minutes had passed in flight, now final checks were also completed. Thirty seconds to target. Since he was observing, his comms no longer transmitted to the soldiers participating in the war games. Obviously there was an override available, but it wasn't necessary. A touch of a button green-lit the operation, quite literally: the green light over the exit ramp lit up and a harsh buzz sounded to catch attention.

There were three targets of opportunity that the squad captains had been allowed to choose from. What stood for the local spaceport was the encouraged one, but they were also free to choose from the bank and the government center. The reasons were simple enough to understand. As it happened, transport one took the landing field while two went further into the settlement. The exit hatches were open even before the landing skids hit the ground, and the soldiers were out at touchdown. Outside the transport an alarm was blaring: too little, too late. The traffic controller had determined the hostile approach and sent the alert a mere ten seconds before feet were on the ground.

Two local guards - not militia members - came running with stun batons held high. As soon as they saw the numbers they were up against they reversed direction. Or tried to, as each was hit by stun bolts before they could stop their forward momentum. Some of the team made their way into the combination customs and spaceport building, while the rest started spreading out among the few landed vessels. If they ran into people, they'd stop to explain the situation; hopefully nobody would shoot at them. It was one of the riskier parts of this operation, but there had to be an air of realism. Panic was a part of that.

[member="Gir Quee"]​
Tana continued to remain silent as [member="Junko Ike"] and [member="Kian Karr"] discussed themselves and other things about the valley, but what did he mean by out of commission? Perhaps a wound of some sort, or maybe just away from the order, he knew his elder sister went a little AWOL after the whole move for a bit, perhaps he did something different.

As the two continued Tanas gaze wandered to those coming off the ship, his eyes catching sight of [member="Jyoti Nooran"] a woman of great complexion and one of the Shadow Jedi that he had worked with, the order putting his use as an assassin to work in counter measurement operations, though he did not know much about the woman Tana felt comfortable around her.

Next was [member="Cassius Droma"], funnily enough a Jedi he targeted when still a blade for higher, something that the young Jin teased him about everyone and then, though he was certin there where not hard feelings between the two, it was not like Tanas employer wanted the Jedi dead, well he did not know what his employer want, mother somehow showing up out of now where and giving himself a rather lengthily lecture.

He would have kept observing everyone else walking around, but had his attention brough back to the two masters in front of him at the mention of the void, whatever that was, "The void? may I ask what that is"?

[member="Audren Sykes"] / [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] / [member="Reggie Faayare"] / [member="Zavii"] / [member="Valae Kitra"] / [member="Pash Tafo"] / [member="Ashla Marlar"]
Junko looked at them and she offered a bow of her head walking towards the city itself. "As you wish." She said it and held a hand to indicate her padawan follow with them and anyone else who wanted to come and see it. A great deal had been done and the jedi teams that were there in the valley itself. "Vatsu was a project started by Grandmaster Crieff with the help of her best friend within the order Orihime and her former master Matsu. As a means to restore some relations with the locals of the world. The sith propoganda machine is strong compared to many others in the galaxy. So she sought to really restore it by giving them everything they could want for. Food, shelter, resources that could be given. We started reconstructing the fortress itself into a partial temple that the jedi would be able to use and then built out from there into a larger city. It covers a good portion of the valley."

She was speaking and looking at some of the others who were with them here, Her hands clasped in front of herself. "From the center we have expanded to have three main roads that wrap around in almost a spiral for you to see from above. The different paths mostly provide different things with the center being the fortress temple. Shops for the locals to trqade their good, housing for those who need it, manufacturing, food stores and access to medical supplies. Anything they couold want for here in the valley can be provided for. The locals even have a place here to come when under attack, most wish to preseve the valley so waiting it out here is smarter. Qe have also preseved and sectioned off the rift itself, opened by one of the sith allies in the battle of Ruusan. We don't send teams in or look to make it special, just something that could be important or useful."

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