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Invasion of Alderaan OOC [Mandos vs GR]

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I'm going to clarify this - officially.

Alderaan withdrew from the Republic. Severed ties and pushed Republic Military Forces or GRDF (Whatever they may be called) to the outer edges of the system. Banned all political, military and economic ties with the government after Lasedri and effectively Hadrix. It was made known shortly after Eshan did their thing. We have never wavered from such a stance. We wished to be a sovereign planet and recognized as such. Now, the Republic and Mandalorians have both come offering similar things - protect our sovereignty, etc.

I thought beyond the "Break the Blockade" there was more to it.

The thread that Alyesa has with Jack is simply a pre-cursor, it could be said that the Mandalorians have one as well. Planting seeds of doubt/reassurance/etc.
I would also like to added, that because it was sith fleet as my character saw it in space, we are in mist of the begins of civil war.
Thus the above person does not speak for all of alderaan

ooc I know diffrently, but it is ic first

Martika Varta

Senator, Umbara; Committee on Civics & Infrastruct
[member="Alyesa Organa"]:

"[background=#232323]I'm apparently missing alot of what is going on, and it's making me feel more and more alienated by the second."[/background]

I can empathize, as I'm experiencing a lot of the same. However, it's not my planet we're talking about, it's yours, so I'm sure the feeling is doubly so. I'm concerned about the invasion terms because they do not support Alderaanian independence. The only options are as follows:

1) Mandalorians remain on the planet and take it without resistance.

2) Mandalorians remain and are forced out by Republic forces. (Which we are committed against as long as the Alderaanian government wishes it)

3) Mandalorians allow Alderaan to remain independent (which would mean Mandalorians effectively lose the invasion).

Alderaanian independence equals a win for the Republic; our only criteria for losing is if the Mandalorians take the planet.

If they want the planet, they'll be taking it without resistance from the Republic unless the Alderaanian government (i.e. Alyesa/yourself) requests our assistance. Alderaan wanting to be a sovereign planet is fine with us, but that invalidates the invasion entirely. The Mandalorians will have to invade Alderaan as a sovereign entity as they're not invading Republic territory any longer.

That's why this whole thing is confusing to me, the Mandalorians are expressing themselves to be allies of Alderaan and supporters of its independence, and since the GR is letting the world go, no invasion is necessary. It's not a map thing, unless the Mandalorian faction wants control over the planet OOC.
[member="Elaine Thul"]

Talk to the Republic if you want to fight for them.

[member="Alyesa Organa"]
As noted in the Original Post, there is the option for you to meet with Republic and Mandalorian Officials to work something non-violent out.

Martika Varta

Senator, Umbara; Committee on Civics & Infrastruct
Elaine Thul said:
I would also like to added, that because it was sith fleet as my character saw it in space, we are in mist of the begins of civil war.
Thus the above person does not speak for all of alderaan

ooc I know diffrently, but it is ic first
Elaine, currently the GR recognizes the Organa's as Alderaan's official government and representation. You are on your own IC.
[member="Elaine Thul"]

I'm going to ask you for the last time to please cease your hostilities OOC. You have been super hostile, you have been attempting to derail this Invasion and prevent Alderaan from going where you don't want it to go. It doesn't matter if it's neutral or Mandalorian - if it's not GR in your opinion, you don't like it. You were super happy when it was in the OS hands but did nothing with it cause it was Vong-formed. We have made no decisions because and I quote: "We all want to see a beautiful story come out of this Invasion, regardless of the outcome."

I've tried to negotiate with you, I've tried to compromise with you and work with you and each time you've been rude and act like you don't have to work with anyone. Other writers have asked you to stop - multiple times. I've reached out to you in PM, Discord and other places and you have left the conversation. Now, please - just stop. If you want to discuss things with me - take it to PM.

I'm in agreeance with others here.

If you're wanting to fight for the Galactic Republic and they want to have a Sith fight for them - talk to them.
Geral Varta said:
Alderaanian independence equals a win for the Republic; our only criteria for losing is if the Mandalorians take the planet.
Not sure I understand that point - wouldn't the Independence be a win for either? Or is this based on the GR is wanting them to be neutral? I thought they wanted them back?
Elaine Thul said:
[member="Geral Varta"] [member="Geral Varta"] I know

[member="Alyesa Organa"] I call your attempts bullying
Then report me and in turn I'll be glad to show how there were multiple people involved in those PMs and your attitude will show other wise.

I'm sure they have PMs of their own, as well as the Meta-gaming and harassment in the Minor Faction threads where you hounded people about IC relationships and trying to make a connection so you can justify a rebellion.
I'm so confused....I thought the One Sith were attacking the planet, now it's Mandalorians defending the planet, and nobody can agree on anything. I was hoping to have my jedi from Alderaan be a part of this but I don't know where the heck I'd put her.

Martika Varta

Senator, Umbara; Committee on Civics & Infrastruct
Alyesa Organa said:
Not sure I understand that point - wouldn't the Independence be a win for either? Or is this based on the GR is wanting them to be neutral? I thought they wanted them back?
I'm sorry, I should have explained further. Technically, by the OOC rules of invasion, the attacker has to obtain control of the planet in order to win, which would result in cloud breaking and all that other OOC stuff.

So if the Mandalorians succeed in making Alderaan theirs, meaning you would not be independent/sovereign, but a part of their faction IC and OOC, then that would be a loss for the GR, we would cloud break, etc.

But if Alderaan succeeds in remaining sovereign, the GR will not pursue, and the Mandalorians will not secure the planet for their faction, resulting in no OOC effects of cloud breaking, etc.

Therefore, as long as they don't win, we don't lose. Our success doesn't hinge on keeping Alderaan a part of the Republic, but theirs hinges on keeping Alderaan a part of theirs.

EDIT: "I thought they wanted them back?" We want to write with you, and work on repairing all the OOC damage wrought by previous GR writers. Alderaan doesn't need to be a GR world for us to do that, and having the freedom to do what you want to is important. :)

Martika Varta

Senator, Umbara; Committee on Civics & Infrastruct
Claire Ouron said:
I'm so confused....I thought the One Sith were attacking the planet, now it's Mandalorians defending the planet, and nobody can agree on anything. I was hoping to have my jedi from Alderaan be a part of this but I don't know where the heck I'd put her.
1) Alderaan secedes from the Republic

2) The Republic leaves Alderaan

3) Mandalorians show up to enforce secession

4) The Republic recognizes Alderaanian sovereignty (I don't think we've actually established that yet in an IC thread, we need to do that)

5) Mandalorians insist they are defending Alderaan against The Republic (who are no longer there)

6) Mandalorians invade Alderaan to take it from The Republic (who no longer own the planet)

7) The Throng of the Confused is founded

8) [member=Claire Ouron] joins the Throng of the Confused
Geral Varta said:
So if the Mandalorians succeed in making Alderaan theirs, meaning you would not be independent/sovereign, but a part of their faction IC and OOC,


The witches are 100% independent and Sovereign while in Mando Territory. We have our own laws, our own culture, and the Mandos leave us be to do our own things.

We just so happen to be within Mando Territory.

Just because you are within mando Territory doesn't mean a planet loses it's current leaders much like with Dathomir.

Martika Varta

Senator, Umbara; Committee on Civics & Infrastruct
[member="Kytarra Hawk"]

Of course not. What's affected is the meta-game, not the writing itself. That's not what I'm saying. It has to do with Alderaan joining another faction officially or retaining complete sovereignty.
If the latter is the result, then the GR would focus on resuming trade with the planet, helping establish/protect supply and trade lines, and keeping a security force ready in case Alderaan is attacked by a hostile force. Alderaan's IC sovereignty would become a priority of ours to help maintain as their neighbours, like we similarly did with the Mandalorians before Genevieve Lasedri went crazy and the invasions began.
[member="Geral Varta"]

Speaking as a Character that is in similar thinking to [member="Alyesa Organa"] when it comes to this situation. Id like to try and explain it. The Invasion is over who provides protection to enforce the sovereignty of Alderaan. As such, just as Solan would rather have the TU or GA protecting Kesh rather than the BR, Alderaan at the current time would rather have the Mandos Protecting them. Unlike my situation though, they are moving forward with these plans and actually getting the help they want and not the help being provided. The invasion is meant to decide if the Republic will just let the Mandalorians hold influence over the planet, or if they will attempt to deny it. The map may be OOC, but the Influence over the planets are IC. And the actions taken IC shape how the map looks OOC. So the only way to have Alderaan in the Mandalorian influence cloud ICly, is an Invasion to change the map... Hope that helps.
Elaine Thul said:
I would also like to added, that because it was sith fleet as my character saw it in space, we are in mist of the begins of civil war.
Thus the above person does not speak for all of alderaan

ooc I know diffrently, but it is ic first
Since when have Sith Fleets bore an emblem of the Mythosaur on their hulls?
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