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Invasion of Alderaan OOC [Mandos vs GR]

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[member="Rexus Drath"]
Why? It's within invasion distance and if the ooc has been posted and the first reaction of the GR admins was to simply clarify that is a peaceful diplo thread, there's no real issue. I mean, it's a legal invasion target on the map. Nothing I'm seeing preventing.. Well, anything lol
Rexus Drath said:
Might have to push the pause button on this invasion

[member="Rexus Drath"]
No need. Cause, yknow, I'm aware of the negotiations. FA nametag and all. Which is why I'm kinda like... "Why?" To what the Pubs are doing... Again...

But hey, your circus, your monkeys. I'm just the dude playing the groovy tunes.

Alexandra Feanor said:
Kinda with arrbi... especially seeing as alderaan already wants mandalorians protection... an invasion makes sense
Do we, first I heard that I want a sith fleet in orbit.
Or asked do I want to secede

Anyway have fun, I shall not be in it, as I am busy fighting a losing war. :)

As I can not beat a major faction, but I am going to have fun trying. :p

Though I would like to have an at mention, about the situation, even if it`s icly derogatory.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
So here's the haps on the craps fooley cooley's. From what I know the mandos map wise have a tendril going to Roche, and since the map hasn't been updated I don't where they would be "striking" from. If it was from Roche then they would hit one Sith territory. And if it were from around the left side of their map they would be hitting the republic capital which you can't cloud break. I'm not trying to stop this Invasion I agreed to all the terms set forward (I was super lazy and didn't look at the map) I just don't feel comfortable moving forward without being 100% on it. I'm just a moderator filling in for Mantic while he's on LOA and I just want to be sure of everything. I hope you guys can understand and I personally hope and want this to continue on as planned. Thank you.

Martika Varta

Senator, Umbara; Committee on Civics & Infrastruct
[member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Then where are the non-combat objectives that are supposedly taking precedent?

Currently, the only objectives are: Win PvP battles or break the Mando blockade. Both require combat, and if the latter is a "peaceful" objective (i.e. talk the Mando's into leaving), all they need to do to win is say "No," which feels inherently flawed to me.

That leaves us at a solely RPJ decision, unless the Republic will be given points toward victory for not engaging violently even if the Mandos do (which seems like a good policy considering we're opposed to violent resolution to begin with).

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Geral Varta"]

The invasion for once is an attempt to give a planet the ability to play in the realm of the major factions. Until alderaan decides in thread to stay in the republic or join the mandos, it would be hopefully peaceful. From my understanding, only the republic acting in hostility would turn this into a combat invasion
As this has been stated - it's a non-combat Invasion and nowhere does it state you're allowed to go rampant in Aldera or the Palace. Defensive measures are well placed and noted around the city and palace and if you have questions about those measures, PM me and I'll be glad to let you know.

I will make it public when the time comes - as of right now, I'm settling other issues that have arisen.

Note: I have made my position clear In-Character based on past events, no other delegation or negotiations have taken place. There has been alot of chatter about what Alderaan wants/needs/etc without knowledge of myself or [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]. I'm apparently missing alot of what is going on, and it's making me feel more and more alienated by the second. It's like these talks about the fate of the planet, what we want to do and how we want to do it are going to occur with or without us.

Like we're just damned if we do or damned if we don't.
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