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Invasion of Alderaan OOC [Mandos vs GR]

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Rexus Drath said:

Needs more WAR

Kytarra Hawk said:

The witches are 100% independent and Sovereign while in Mando Territory. We have our own laws, our own culture, and the Mandos leave us be to do our own things.

We just so happen to be within Mando Territory.

Just because you are within mando Territory doesn't mean a planet loses it's current leaders much like with Dathomir.
*Fears becoming a manling*

*Stays the feth away from Dathomir*

Martika Varta

Senator, Umbara; Committee on Civics & Infrastruct
Draco Vereen said:
[member="Geral Varta"]

Then you will respect their request to the Mandalorian Clans to be placed under Mandalorian protection instead of Republic protection?
Has there been any intervention by the GR thus far? No, and there will be none. They decided on sovereignty, and we are respecting that, IC and OOC.

The GR will not even be entering the invasion with military forces aside from escort fighters for delegation vessels, and guards for the representatives themselves.

You have set the only measurable objective to "break the Mando blockade" but that is not our goal, IC or OOC. Our goal is to support whatever Alderaan decides for itself, giving the GR two favorable outcomes: Alderaan sovereignty or Alderaanian membership with the GR (the latter of which we know will not be happening).

At least that's how I'm reading this. Either way the invasion's very premise is warped. It's existence either requires the GR to initiate hostilities that we're already never going to do, or gives the Mandos victory from the get go, which means it is fundamentally flawed.
The Mandalorians already have control over the planet; they for all intents and purposes, own Alderaan. But under the premise of the invasion, for the Mandalorians to claim victory, Alderaan must recognize them officially as their rulers.

And that's why the invasion terms need to be altered. They do not allow for a GR victory via peaceful resolution, which was the point of the invasion to begin with. It feels as if these terms were designed intentionally to either require the GR further sully its reputation with the Alderaanian writers, or else lose the invasion from Post #1.

I belieb in u, [member="Draco Vereen"]

Demon engines blessed in virgin´s blood
Warmachines decorated with human guts
Godlike warriors from hell
Nihilistic brutes - Evil and fell

We are Iron Warriors (x4)
Ironclad (x4)

Eternal war is my fate
My religion is hate
In the fires of hell I will roar
My god is called war
Solan Charr said:
[member="Geral Varta"]

Speaking as a Character that is in similar thinking to [member="Alyesa Organa"] when it comes to this situation. Id like to try and explain it. The Invasion is over who provides protection to enforce the sovereignty of Alderaan. As such, just as Solan would rather have the TU or GA protecting Kesh rather than the BR, Alderaan at the current time would rather have the Mandos Protecting them. Unlike my situation though, they are moving forward with these plans and actually getting the help they want and not the help being provided. The invasion is meant to decide if the Republic will just let the Mandalorians hold influence over the planet, or if they will attempt to deny it. The map may be OOC, but the Influence over the planets are IC. And the actions taken IC shape how the map looks OOC. So the only way to have Alderaan in the Mandalorian influence cloud ICly, is an Invasion to change the map... Hope that helps.

There are other, less conventional ways to do this without the cloud break. The invasion will require a tendril to strike through GR space, requiring the OOC and IC loss of territory other than Alderaan, territories that have ICly not seceded.

The less conventional way to do this would be to have the GR admins request that Alderaan be removed from our influence cloud in much the same way the Mandalorians recently removed half of their territory. The Alderaanians and the Mandalorians write together as having set up defenses, the Mandalorians, Alderaanians, and Republic write together and ICly come to terms with regards to free movement between Mandalorian space and Alderaan through Republic space. The Republic maintains authority in the space that hasn't ICly seceded.

This way, if anyone tries to invade Alderaan, they would have to possibly deal with Republic forces on the way in, then deal with the Alderaanian and Mandalorian forces present in the system.

It may seem convoluted, but it is actually a simple way to do it that requires an actual story as opposed to what most invasions I've read turn into.
The problem then is [member="Khyros Sunblade"], even well intentioned as you want it. That would leave the world able to be in threat of a dominion immediately.

Cloud breaks suck, i know. But in this case it could be done in a civil manner if things are done correctly and without too much stirring of a pot. A simple talk and loss of Alderaan on the map would be better than having to stir up this craze as far as it has gone. I dont have an answer for how this could be solved so that both factions come out with things not worse... i especially so wish there was considering im in both the Mandalorians and the Republic on characters that would see either side win. Yet the reality is because there is no system in which the Mandalorians can claim influence without a invasion, which would cloud break the republic... its going to have to happen and i wish it didn't. Maybe thats what is needed next, a way for a planet to do something like this and for major factions to claim influence in this way. But that is something the Board staff would need to figure out. For now only this would do what Alderaan wants to happen.
[member="Solan Charr"]

That may well be true, though I think a rule stating that dominions can't be done across state borders should be instated. This would allow things like Alderaans independence while also protecting them from instant dominioning. It would also make IC sense, as the space around the Alderaan system would still be patrolled by Republic forces.

ICly, no one in the Republic has tried to deny the sovereignty of Alderaan.
[member="Khyros Sunblade"]\

The problem is, the planet is the one creating those very borders protecting it. IF the Republic asked Alderaan be removed... well so does the cloud around it disappear... and the Sith can zip right on in which would just end this whole situation in a way that the Republic, the Mandos, and the Organas would not want.

Martika Varta

Senator, Umbara; Committee on Civics & Infrastruct
[member=Khyros Sunblade]

I actually really like where this train of thought is heading. I'm curious how writers would react to the idea of minor factions being allowed to dominion and own single planets at a time. Currently, minor factions cannot own planets at all, but I feel a decent middle ground would be allowing a minor faction to dominion a single planet. This would leave them vulnerable to larger faction invasions, but then again, that's what neighbours are for. :)

That way, Alderaan could secede from the GR and in a sense become a minor faction, maintaining ownership over their world. If they secede their world from the GR only to join the Mandalorian faction, then they've merely traded hands, and would be in no different a situation than they are now.

I don't see any reason why the Alderaanians should have to become a major faction themselves, or join a major faction, to maintain control over their individual world. That's where they want to write, and should be able to secure a manner in which to do so whilst remaining an independent group of writers.
[member="Geral Varta"]

Its a thought thats been brought up time and time again, but never seems to hold traction. Its simpler for Tef to do just Major factions on the Map updates than it is to give every upstart Minor faction a place... trust me when i say it was different. Ive wanted Kesh to be important for a long time and stand on its own feet, but a major faction is simpler to deal with than a minor one is when it comes to the map and power.

Martika Varta

Senator, Umbara; Committee on Civics & Infrastruct
Hmmm...I can see offsetting the rise of minor factions by requiring larger dominions for them and the creation of a faction page for the planet itself; something I'm sure groups who love their planet would gladly do.
A 200 post dominion seems like a solid commitment and could prevent wastes of time. Similarly, inactivity could be used as a basis for dominion by external forces, including major factions.

I'm just starting to see this distinction as a bit too broad, too black and white. I see no reason why an amicable middle ground couldn't see enforcement without much upset to the existing system.
[member="Geral Varta"]

Ya, but in this case you have those who claim their planets as Rulers. Id like to use the Echani as a example this time, or even the chiss. Its hard for racial or planetary factions to keep traction like Major factions can to keep up with that inactivity and as such tend to peel apart without dominions... perhaps we should move this to a PM or a discussion thread so we dont clutter up the Invasion thread here with it?


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Well, at least things didn't go too badly today while I'm under the weather. What is really dumb is that we can't say no to an invasion no matter how premature or idiotic that it may seem. Yes this invasion makes no sense, especially as things were moving forward just fine in rp threads. We even offered friendly war games or fighting tournaments in place of combat so that those writers that just want war and to fight had something to do. But that idea was turned down.

So we had to make due and with pm's only allowing 5 people, one being reserved for an rpj, unfortunately all 3 sides couldn't be a part of it. And that really sucks.

There are school exams going on and such, so some writers have not been around as much to consult with or continue the story quick enough for other writers that are on a lot more. There's a lot of jumping the gun happening, a lot of impatience and I've always asked for time, for a breather. Others have asked for it too, but we're not in control of our stories it seems :p

But please keep being respectful. I may not be around as much for the next few days because of work, but I will try to be around to try to keep the peace, douse fires and maybe even catch up on my threads :p Fingers and toes crossed!

Martika Varta

Senator, Umbara; Committee on Civics & Infrastruct
[member=Solan Charr]

A PM about the possibilities would be great! The last note I'd like to make is that in this situation: the Mandalorians seem to be playing more the role of "parents/protectors," rather than rulers. Though of course rulership (as I mentioned earlier) is sort of a necessity in this case, because we lack any other means. This is one more reason why the invasion itself is fundamentally flawed from my point of view; the OOC requirements are inconsistent with the IC story.
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