Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion of Carida: June 20


A few days ago, we were asked by both Ayden and Popo if we were ready to call the invasion of Carida. At first i was apprehensive as i felt things were turning in our favor, but after some discussion, i believe the thread has made little to no movement in either factions favor after nearly an entire month of roleplaying. Given this, we have decided to give it to the Republic.

This means that the Republic has officially defended Carida. It does not mean however that they won the war.

We need to adjust our strategy, the beginning of this is our admission that with the current board culture and politics, canon ships are sadly not as effective as i would like. We will regroup, build a nice little fleet for ourselves, wait to see what happens, and then attack again with clearly defined rules set up before the thread is launched so everything runs smoothly.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
[member="Darth Shara"]


Are you telling me that this was all for nothing!? You're just going to let them get away with their constant power-gaming and abusing their positions as factory judges to gain an advantage?

You disappoint me. I honestly thought you had more backbone than that.'m not disappointed, I'm disgusted with you.


First of all. If you had problems with how they played, you shouldve reported them and or spoken to them about it. Second, here's our reasoning.

Now, we could continue this thread, and we could keep banging our heads against them, and we could keep arguing and posting to them in unfavorable situations. Or we can go back to the drawing board, get our own stuff together, and then try another day.

It's important to remember that this is a game [member="Albrecht Tagge"], were here to have fun and enjoy ourselves. Tell me, were you enjoying that thread at all? Because it didn't seem like you were, in fact a lot of you didn't seem like you were. So we will wait, regroup, come up with some nice ideas, and then try again. The Republic won't be going anywhere, neither will anyone else. We are here to have fun, not to win.

And [member="sabrina"] I'm sure he didn't do it maliciously. Anywho, i will be counting on you and the others to make some neat ships for us, and i will be helping as well :)

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
[member="Darth Shara"]

A game, you say?

To quote a character from the expanded universe (whose name escapes me, but it's the guy that lost Cloud City to Lando Calrissian):

"I enjoy the games that I win, and I intend to enjoy this one."

Now, if you can come up with a good enough in-universe reason for this sudden retreat, then I'll let it slide, but as it stands now my opinion of your will isn't very high.


[member="sabrina"] He didn't ignore it. Ayden is incredibly busy IRL and usually only find small bursts to reply to stuff. I know for a fact he intended on replying to you tonight.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
[member="Darth Shara"]

And the reply would probably have been along the lines of "I'm a factory judge, so you're wrong, and I win by default". I've seen it happen way too many times on other sites to expect anything different from one of the staff if they're involved in any role in an RP besides a neutral one.

EDIT: And I've been on both the giving and receiving end of this. I've been a mod on a couple of different sites that involved roleplays, and I made a point of staying neutral after I became one of the staff (along with encouraging the others to do the same) in order to avoid this exact problem.
The Factory personnel have been dealing with some staffing issues over the last day or so and it's a challenge to find time to dedicate a nice, detailed, worthy post to the invasion. It's why I've been finding it difficult to post as this alt more than the two times I have, despite my intentions and wish to post more frequently in the thread as well as why it took me until today (yesterday? I forget when. Been a busy day) to post with Popo. The staffing issue should be resolved shortly as things have been reorganized a bit, but as I've been moved from Starships to Technology in the Factory, Ayden has been dealing with a bit more strain on top of his RL obligations.
[member="Albrecht Tagge"], your behavior is unbecoming, rude, and entirely unnecessary.

Nobody likes the guy who comes into the locker room after a loss screaming, points fingers, and then sits on the bench and pouts. Play for the team or don't play at all.

You cannot win everything and neither you nor I are perfect. The Republic won.

Instead of putting your energy into complaining, why don't you help us discuss ways in which we can prevent this happening again?

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
[member="Hion the Herglic"]

Well, the obvious one is to fight on our own terms next time, instead of letting them dictate the terms to us.
[member="Albrecht Tagge"]

I think you're mad.


Seriously though, Factory Judges aren't staff. I'm certain it's been said a few times within the last few weeks, that the Factory Judges are only members that have volunteered to be Factory Judges. Their unlimited powah is only in the Factory.

Get it in your head. You're being a [insertreallymeanwordthatcouldgetmebannedhere] and that's pretty ridiculous. Not to mention, you think you're going to win every single time, I think you should rethink that. You don't always get what you want.

Also, you don't really have a reason to be saying [member="Darth Shara"] has no backbone. I'm certain if we go through these last few pages we will see your crying and moaning in this thread. I wanted to join the thread, but I didn't want your bad vibes dawg.

So basically, you don't really have a right to say no one has any backbone in this situation, also, the battle wasn't progressing at all. Fleeting takes time, and it makes it even worse since it is in the middle of the summer and people actually go outside.

Believe it or not.

And to progress the invasion would just prevent future invasions, and would prevent those who hadn't joined the invasion yet, because they were waiting for the fleeting to be done, from roleplaying in any invasions because they don't really have anything to do.

Side note, you need to have terms before an invasion begins. That's why it was locked that first time, so you wanting to do the invasion 'on our terms,' will get us another locked thread.

Relax. It's just fleeting.


Well-Known Member
[member="Doctor Agnusdei"] he could of told me, sorry he is busy rl and he will address it when got a minute. I would be fine with that, he just never said anything, which is annoying.
Yeah, when Shara came to me, I did consider continuing. However, it looked like people were having difficulty being entertained by the Invasion.

Bottom line, the purpose of this site is to entertain us. Having the mentality that the only way to have fun is to win is a sure way to actually get frustrated over this site as well as frustrate others.

Shara and I will find some method to regain the simplicity of the Coruscant Invasion - where the complaining was very low and no one had to worry about breaking a rule.

In the mean time, I do have a task for people interested: convincing other factions, at the least, to not help the Republic. That could help us in future Invasions. I'll make a thread for organizing it soon.
I would also like to dissuade people from personal comments in this thread that could be considered hostile. It breeds ill feelings when we should be a fun, cohesive group .

If one would like to encourage a certain behavior that he/she believes others are not exhibiting, I encourage him/her to say it in an assertive manner by describing how oneself would act rather than how another is acting in an negative manner. I believe that this is a much more positive manner for attempting to persuade others to think and act in a different manner.

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