my post plan, is your scout ship will hit mine but weaken shields only, it is a modern ship
as it does the fighter escort will engage it and one or two will get caught up your tractor beam
my ship will then landed on yours and start cutting, you will have to time react to this bit
though your shields will be protecting me, while my ships guns will fire any turret that can fire at it with ion cannons that disable that section though
rest will be me losing more ships
yes I do know when I board with 180 men you have 60k to stop them.
though only so many can fight at once, and not all of them will be shock marines with two force users leading them
plus I would be able to space them to extent
before I create post any problems or questions
Well your ship has no way of cutting into the Leviathan. And actually, the shield is projected just under the hull. It's not a bubble. If it was, your ship would be smashed to pieces as soon as it came to the threshold. So my shields aren't protecting you at all. As long as my shields are up, you'd have a next to impossible time cutting into the hull, especially with a lightsaber.
I smashed open one of my hangers to give you a convenient entry several posts back.
don`t see why, as shields are external to the ship, other wise we would be damaging the hull. Also your ship is not lightsaber resistant, it made durasteel and titanium which are not lightsaber resistant mats. So their is no reason why plasma cutters can not get through.
okay pm with ayden, I give you his reply but eh?