Our Task is Simple:
The Hyper Bouyancy system resides in the center of Ahto City. Our Objective: Destroy that system. Failsafe, should that be impossible, will involve flooding the city (I'm looking at you [member="Darth Praelior"])
I think teams would help organize things, so...we can have a team R, H, and V.
I will lead team R, Team H can be run by [member="Darth Helios"] and Team V can be run by [member="Darth Vornskr"]. Our aim is to land as close to the center of Ahto city as possible. I would suggest Ahto West Central, as that is where the docking bays exist. But I'm not one to tell people how they should write. Secure landing zones, land, and move in.
This planning looks a bit more scant then objective 2 and 3 and that's for good reason (mostly cause I'm lazy): We are just blowing stuff up and dismantling what sort of organization is going on. However, if you want an objective beyond just descending upon the buoyancy system, here it is:
1) Ahto West is home to the planetary prison. Break this place open, send the prisoners out to cause dismay, assuming they haven't been evacuated. But remember, if you end up in this location, you put yourself further away from the primary objective.
I think four to a team is suitable. We will look to form a three pronged attack, striking at the center of the city simultaneously from different points. Bring grenades and explodey stuff:
Team R:
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]
[member="Logan of Little Coruscant"]
[member="Nick Gamastar"]
Team H:
[member="Darth Helios"]
[member="Skorn Draclau"]
[member="Arkia Zinn"]
[member="Nulgath Zardai"]
Team V:
[member="Darth Vornskr"]
[member="Darth Vitium"]
[member="Invicta Zambrano"]
[member="Ire'Rain Sekairo"]
Just because you are part of a team, it doesn't mean you absolutely have to stick with them. This is for fun, so do what is fun. And if you have suggestions or concerns, feel free to let me know. Otherwise, please claim a spot.