Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion of Manaan - Objective 1 - Ahto City Generators

To keep things clean and neat, all lists have been taken off the board. I am keeping an updated list and am in constant contact with your respective leaders.

If you want to sign up for this specific objective and know who to tag, Please tag your respective leader for direction.

If you need guidance on what to do -- tag your respective leader for the objective.

Objective 1: [member="Reverance"]
Objective 2: [member="Darth Praelior"]
Objective 3: [member="Mordecai Zambrano"]
Team V tag:

[member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Vitium"] [member="Invicta Zambrano"] [member=Khallesh][member="Ire'Rain Sekairo"]
[member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Vitium"] [member="Invicta Zambrano"][member="Khallesh"] [member="Ire'Rain Sekairo"]
Could we maybe have teams R, H and V attack from different directions? (vaguely, I'm not trying to tie anyone down) [member="Reverance"]

Just to make it clear to the Republic that if they want to engage us directly they're hitting one of the three groups going for them?

So locations being North, South, West of the Generators or something like that?
[member="Khallesh "]Sounds smart to me! In [member="Darth Vornskr"]'s last post he noted his army landed in Ahto East.

Team R landed in Ahto West Central.

I'll leave it up to [member="Darth Helios"] where his team is situated!

From this point forward we can make it clear in our location heading from which direction we're coming, and which direction we're headed in, assuming the buoyancy generators are somewhat centrally located in the city. Everything neat and tidy and easy for the Pubs to organize.

Sound good?
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]
[member="Nick Gamastar"]

Right now Patricia Susan Garter decided to take a few shots at Logan so she is confirmed for being with us IC. If you wanna help dispose of her quickly feel free to do so.

If you need to know who to tag to fight a jedi or a pub with, TAG ME HERE

And I can tell you who to pot shot or zap at :)

  1. [member="Darth Vornskr"]

  2. [member="Nick Gamastar"]

  3. [member="Skorn Draclau"]

  4. [member="Arkia Zinn"]

  5. [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"]

  6. [member="Matsu Xiangu"]

  7. [member="Reverance"]

  8. [member="Nulgath Zardai"]

  9. [member="Khallesh "]

  10. [member="Darth Vitium"]

  11. [member="Darth Helios"]

  12. [member="Invicta Zambrano"]

  13. [member="Darth Inferno"]

Invicta Zambrano

[member="Cordelia deWinter"] - Excellent! That will be tremendously useful. Going to post as we speak. Can't let [member="Darth Vornskr"] have all the fun :devil:
Elegant and depraved.
[member="Skorn Draclau"]
[member="Arkia Zinn"]
[member="Nulgath Zardai"]

I'm gonna get the ball rolling with team H(hellfiiiire!) in a few hours(2-3) when I get home from work and start up the Northern curb stompings.

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