Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion of Manaan - Objective 1 - Ahto City Generators

Slight update from Logan. Logan has been fighting with Patricia and so far he's pushed back their line of defense by about 100 or so yards and they've just called in an airstrike on the little group. Me and Dredge (same writer as patricia) have been talking about each move before we go to make it a lot more fair. Gotta head to work soon but when I get back I'll make sure to keep things going over there.
Okay, Beta team.... I'm getting confused. Can we go in and try to destroy the Silk NOW or is there a big batle blocking the way? Sorry...... Just falling behind and getting extremely dizzy trying to catch up......
[member="Darth Isolda"]
Darth Inferno has defected. I am going to rain hellfire and fury down on him until there is nothing left to burn. Then I'll probably get rid of the Padawans on my way East.

[member="Reverance"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"], [member="Nick Gamastar"]

Cordelia deWinter

PVE Targets: Four Blast Doors and Two Gun Turrets
OBJECTIVE : Hyper-Buoyancy Generator room ( N,S,E, W entrances with two blast doors each in the corridor and two gun turrets)


  1. Qun Vell - Padawan - OPEN TO FIGHT

  2. Meeristali Peradun - Jedi Knight - OPEN TO FIGHT


LOCATION 1 : AHTO CITY PROPER - WEST ( where Reverance is at)

  1. Aaralyn Rekali- Jedi Master VS Matsu Xiangu

  2. Patricia Susan Garter-- NFU Republic Agent VS @Logan Of Coruscant [member="Nick Gamastar"]

  3. Korsan Rung - Jedi Padawan VS Nulgath Zardai

  4. Kana Truden - Jedi Knight VS Ludolf Vaas

  5. Sanya Val Lerium- Jedi Padawan VS OPEN

Turned Traitor -- @ Darth Inferno

LOCATION 3 : AHTO CITY PROPER - NORTH (where Helios will be at)

Group 3

  1. Reid Anaxoid - Jedi Knight - OPEN TO FIGHT
Group 4

  1. Ket Van-Derveld- Jedi Master - OPEN TO FIGHT

  2. Seraphina Shel'tah - Jedi Padawan - OPEN TO FIGHT

  3. Odeyseis - Jedi Knight - OPEN TO FIGHT
Group 5

  1. Slate Estrada - NFU Soldier - OPEN TO FIGHT

LOCATION 2 : AHTO CITY PROPER - EAST (where Vornskr is at)

Group 6

  1. VlPER- Jedi Knight VS [member="Invicta Zambrano"] & [member="Ire'Rain Sekairo"]

  2. Kiskla Grayson- Jedi Master VS @Darth Vornskir

Group 7

  1. Ta'mur Rokar - Jedi knight - OPEN TO FIGHT

  2. Whisps- Jedi Padawan - OPEN TO FIGHT
  3. Nefertari Sovint - Jedi Knight - OPEN TO FIGHT

1. ONE SITH GROUND OBJECTIVE: Hit the generators that keep Ahto City above water.

  1. [member="Darth Vornskr"]

  2. [member="Nick Gamastar"]

  3. [member="Skorn Draclau"]

  4. [member="Arkia Zinn"]

  5. [member="Logan of Little Coruscant"]

  6. [member="Matsu Xiangu"]

  7. [member="Reverance"]

  8. [member="Nulgath Zardai"]

  9. [member="Khallesh "]

  10. [member="Darth Vitium"]

  11. [member="Darth Helios"]

  12. [member="Invicta Zambrano"]

  13. [member="Darth Inferno"]


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