[member="Ayden Cater"] - Pretty sure we stated setting up a station... So you point about freeing NPCs or such? Doesn't apply. At all. We'd be having people brought to us. Not going to them. As an EMS professional AND friends with several USN/USMC Corpsman and Army Medics, I can tell you field extrication, evac, treatment and more takes a LOT longer than what anyone on this site seems to comprehend. So, unless I misunderstood the intent I read, that situation wouldn't happen... And then, if I did, and your point about the prospective group roving was an issue? Even though it wasn't brought up? Then we could easily make it stationary. If it was mentioned as an issue. Plus, from what i've studied of Force Healing, it functions somewhat similar to One Power style Healing from Wheel of Time (or should, physiologically speaking). You're going to need time to recoup from the process. Now, if people on here aren't playing that out right in scenes, not much I can do there..
But, I digress, even if we did heal such NPCs, reversing hypoxic damage to the brain and the like would take a lot of effort. I.E. - They would not be able to be grabbed, healed, and released in one post... Probably not even in 3-5.... The IC process to heal them, monitor them for adverse changes or retroactive maleficence.. etc... That would take hours if not longer.. They'd likely take a lot of the thread (per our involvement) to be even mobile again.. And it's (in my mind) doubtful they would be released for the duration of the thread. If extrication was even done. It would be easy to have set OOC terms up, like: If you guys treat a patient, they remain in your care for the extent of the Invasion in IC terms. Boom...
In the end, you have to trust your fellow writers to not be dicks, to a certain extent. And that isn't done on Chaos a lot, particularly in the numbers driven 'win at all costs' style invasions like we see here. Which I really hope Lujo turns into a thing of the past here shortly. Maybe the next time around other people can participate too.
Also...I'm not a veteran here in my estimation(only a year and change or so), but i've seen enough to know any thread started concurrent with an invasion, but not directly tied to it, would be immediately discarded, ignored, and die. I suggested as such, but the logic was brought to my attention, and it does fit with past examples now that I think of it. It's how these things work. If the Senators or such are not affecting the outcome, etc... Why didn't they just get their own thread? Your same logic can apply to them from your post, as there is nothing preventing a Senator from being a combat capable person ICly. Or from them leaving their room and joining the fight.. Unless they're on a separate planet/location, then I understand a bit better, but to me it also becomes even more common sense to separate the thread, to eliminate clutter like Anija stated....Why not, I ask again? Simple. People want to be involved. That's all. No more, no less.
In the end? This was a totally workable idea. It was unfairly terminated, I feel, without thought. Rather than come up with the objections, and then approach us with said objections/pronlems to see if solutions could be reached to the benefit of all and so we could be involved in some way, it was rejected. I hope my post had shown how the issues you mentioned could be worked around. And I'm sure I could do the same for others. The worry of us seeing [member="Darth Vulkan"] is EASY to avoid... Our enclave/healing station is set up well outside the bounds of the 'hot zone'. Which again, I can tell you from my career, is SOP for any MASH type place. You want to be near the fighting, but well enough away you aren't apt to be swept up in it.
So unless Draco were to go wandering way out of the action, he wouldn't be noticed. And given the Mandos have a rep for unsavory Merc and personal practices, and the GR sometimes is now (apparently) working with Darksiders here and there... Sensing Dark Sided presences wouldn't be all that alarming. Plus it's war, maybe some poor sod of a soldier is Force Sensitive, doesn't know it, and just ripped off a bit of Force Rage? It happens in Character Bios as backstory often enough. And we'd be (in the case of the healers) too focused on the job at hand to do much about it anyway. And in the case of those protecting them, like myself? Well you don't exactly leave your charges to go haring off after a possible combatant. Completely defeats the purpose of things. Besides, the GR is supposedly #TeamLightSide. Trust in them and theirs to deal with it.
Again, I feel the idea was looked at, a couple of (legitimate) problems were sourced, but rather than trying to work with the other writers, the perspective FA's just went "Nope... Something MIGHT go wrong if Situation A were to POSSIBLY happen. No dice". And that was that, without a single effort made to work through things. Now, ultimately, it is ya'lls sandbox, and you play in it how you will. Decision has been made and I won't argue to overturn it, even if I will point out flaws in the logic presented. I am not, by posting this, trying to argue anyone should reverse a decision. Whether I think it fair or logical, the decision was reached and i'll abide by it. But I do wish to point out how most people seem to be horribly misjudging what was intended.
But maybe the next time around, if this style of Invasion is still persisting, people might think differently and with a little more open mind.