Ali Hadrix said:
Having served in the military, I can tell you that's literally not true at all. Lol
Having family doing jobs from basic military MOSes to special forces and with friends and family friends in military law positions (JAGs and such) I doubt the veracity of this statement. That said, such varies from country to country. Also, such varies as officers of high command are often held to a different standard. Sure, it takes a bit to get something to stick, but once it sticks, it
sticks. With a parent as a SAPR with the US Navy who regularly deals with that level of command, I can tell you that is entirely true if not understated.
That said, were I IC'ly writing your XO as my character and saw half the stuff pulled IC'ly, I'd probably have just shot Ali on principle and dealt with the consequences IC'ly, come court martial or medal, that followed.