Valiens Nantaris said:
I’ve recently been looking at the merits of having the fleeting and grounding sides of the invasion in a separate thread from the PVP. That way it won’t get lost in the flood, but can still be somewhat relevant.
My personal preference is that PVP and NPC combat take place in the same location, at the same time, but with deference to one another.
You have a handful of writers on one side and a handful of writers on the other side.
Both teams of writers are moving NPC units around like a strategy game, shooting at one another and adjusting the flow of the battlefield.
Individual PC's exist within the chaos of the battle line.
Individual PC's do not effect the NPC armies fighting one another.
the NPC armies to not directly engage individual PC's.
PC's fight PC's in one vs one combat, 2v1 combat, 2v2 combat, 3v2 combat, and 3v3 combat.
If you don't enjoy doing battlefield tactics and operating as a part of an army, then don't participate in that portion of the story and do not ruin it for anyone else.
A writer's army of NPC's shouldn't be used to single out and target a single person's character.
And a single character shouldn't be wiping away another writer's army of NPC's with wide-scale attacks like EMP's, Force Abilities, Gas Attacks, exc.
Let the NPC commanders duke it out the same way a pair of dueling PC's would want to be allowed to fight one another without outside interference.
Same thing goes for Captains and Naval Commanders. For the most part, they stick to their own fight and leave the PVP and NPC battles alone.
If someone needs help dealing with a Rancor or a unit of Tanks, they can call in for an orbital strike and point a laser at the target.
The Naval Commander can choose to provide support or not... But providing support leaves a ship vulnerable to counter-attack.
Maybe. Even then, it should be avoided.
The only real grey area here is Starfighter Pilots.
Technically, they are Player Characters, but they fit in with Naval Combat, Battlefield Combat, and PC combat.
They can swoop between capital ships just as easily as they can fly over battlefields.
They can launch missiles and drop bombs on tanks and infantry just as easily as they can open up on crazy powerful PC's or other starfighters.