Harkin Kane
Back In The Saddle
Harkin checked the time on the data pad strapped to his wrist.
"Ah where in the frack are ya?"
Leave it to [member="Lydred-Kaw"] to be late. How long had it been now? Ten years. Ten years since they had seen one another. They had chased a bounty head all the way to Mustafar. A gunshot wound and a fifth of whiskey later though it turned out to be quite the vacation. Hell, now that he thought about it, that was pretty much how all of their encounters went. Harkin was begging to wander if the man would even show up.
With a sigh, more so with disgust at his own impatience, Harkin through his feet atop the table and peered off beyond the metal bladed ceiling fan keeping sloppy time to the jumbled noise that passed for music in the hole-in-the-wall bar.
"Ah where in the frack are ya?"
Leave it to [member="Lydred-Kaw"] to be late. How long had it been now? Ten years. Ten years since they had seen one another. They had chased a bounty head all the way to Mustafar. A gunshot wound and a fifth of whiskey later though it turned out to be quite the vacation. Hell, now that he thought about it, that was pretty much how all of their encounters went. Harkin was begging to wander if the man would even show up.
With a sigh, more so with disgust at his own impatience, Harkin through his feet atop the table and peered off beyond the metal bladed ceiling fan keeping sloppy time to the jumbled noise that passed for music in the hole-in-the-wall bar.