Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invitation of an old friend... (Lydred Kaw)

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
"Didn't ask his name. Don't fraggin care." Harkin gave a shrug as he crossed his arms and kicked his feet onto the holoprojector's base. "I've got the coordinates and a price. What the hell else we need [member="Lydred Kaw"]" Harkin turned to smile at [member="Jynx Harlo"] "Wish everone could be as eager as you mouse. Betchya you can find all kinds of nifty nick-nacks in the tomb." Harkin had intentionally let the hint slip.
"ALRIGHT, HOW MUCH" the money better be good, Lydred wasn't about to trek his way into a maze of a tomb on THE sith planet which just so happened to be a battle field for mandolorians and the republic.

@Harlkin Kane
[member="Jynx Harlo"]
Tomb... Tomb. Jynx knows that word and knows it well, but her stomach twists. The fog is just too thick to remember. Think, Jynx... Think..

Noticing the stares she gets from holding her head in her hands, she quickly snaps back to the present. The prospect of treasure is greater than the possibility of danger.

"Y-Yes. I am interested in what t-that answer would be. And w-when do we get there?"

[member="Harkin Kane"] [member="Lydred Kaw"]

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
Harkin slid his feet off the ledge with a thud and heaved himself to his feet. "I don't have a working figure at the moment." The spacer admitted in a low haggard tone. "But trust me on this one, this here could spell retirement for all of us." He began off towards the cockpit of The Lady "And don't worry mouse I should have is there in bout three days." Harkin turned and disappeared into the hall. He called back, "And don't frag with any specs Lydred!"

[member="Lydred Kaw"] [member="Jynx Harlo"]
"OH, YA KNOW I WOULDN'T HURT'ER I'D BE GENTLE TO HER...." Lydred began to trail off realizing the lady wasn't his to alter, and if [member="Harkin Kane"] wanted the ship modified he knew where to find him. In the mean while Lydred trudged off to the engine room to set up his sleeping arrangements.

[member="Jynx Harlo"]
With everyone dispersed, Jynx was left alone to discover "The Lady" (which is actually no lady at all; Jynx seems to be the only girl in the house) for herself. She examined each room, careful to not look suspicious. Nothing seemed to fit her quite right until she came across something beyond her wildest dreams of perfect: a storage room. There was no bed here, but there was so much room for things. Jynx quickly ridded of her clothes, exposing her fur to the ship for the first time. She wallered in every inch of the space until she found a nice cozy corner to rest. Yes. This was home. This is what was missing.

[member="Lydred Kaw"] [member="Harkin Kane"]

(I'm so sorry for taking forever to post. I got confused with the order, and apparently it has been my turn this whole time. I'll try to get better about that. Also, I'm not exactly sure the rooms and space of the ship, so I apologize if there isn't actually a storage room. It seemed appropriate, though.)

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