Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invitation of an old friend... (Lydred Kaw)

"This is not a lady. This... this is a ship!"
Jynx shoved the glass into one of her pockets, and ran to the ship. She took both of her gloves off, and went to touch the glorious invention that was before her. As she reached, she paused and turned to Harkin: "M-May I?"
"NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL A SHIP!" said Lydred as his eyes widened as ideas of modifications fluttered into the man's mechanically inclined mind. Guns, bombs, shields, accelerators, the wicked haired man became giddy at the though of getting his hands in the engine. Tinkering and toying with the vessel,and deciphering every aspect of the beautiful creation. "OH HARKIN KANE.. HOW IN THE HELL DID YA GET YER HANDS ON A YT-2400 LIGHT FREIGHTER? I AIN'T SEEN ONE IN THIS GOOD'A SHAPE IN YEARS. THE LADY'S FAVOR... SHE'S MAKIN' MY BEARD TREMBLE!"

@Harkin Kane
[member="Jynx Harlo"]

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
"I'd rather avoid finger prints mouse, but I'll do ya one better. I'll let ya ride in her!" Wasting no time, Harkin brought a display up on his wrist mounted datapad. With a hiss the ramp opened welcoming her captain home. As he walked towards the beckoning call of his lady Harkin spoke, "[member="Lydred Kaw"], Never underestimate an old spacer's means my friend. She called to me and I answered. Actually, a technician at Corellian Engineering owed me a favor. And I cashed in. She's all mine this time my friend, and I am not under the fat, grimy thumb of a Hutt." Aside from his late wife, Harkin had never been so proud of anything he could call his own. And showing off his ship to Lydred and Mouse had the spacer on cloud nine...
Respectfully, though disappointed, Jynx puts on her gloves once more.

"Home. This is much better than the last."

Jynx runs inside of the ship in complete awe. Never had she seen anything like this.

"Oh, yes. Better. Better. No fog here."

[member="Harkin Kane"]
[member="Lydred Kaw"]
"BUM, BUM, BUM BUM BUM BUM, BUM" Lydred mumbled to himself, as he slide his hand down the smooth cold metal wall of the ship. Heading in the direction of what he knew to be the engine room to see what the beast of a machine had in store for the man.

[member="Harkin Kane"]
[member="Jynx Harlo"]

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
As they entered they were greeted by the the low hues of lights that illuminated the passageways.

"Welcome back Master Kane. Shall I escort your associates to their respected quarters?

"Hellooo Alsma. Nah, no need I'll show em about. Just run diagnostics and make sure shes ready to fly at the end of the hour."

"Very well master Kane."

Harkin turned to smile proudly at his companions "Bad ass right?" As he cleared a line marked in caution paint on the ramp it began its steady ascension. Harkin rode the ramp as it evened out before continuing into the cargo hold. It was mostly empty aside from a fairly sized stack of crate labeled subsistence. Couldn't have any one going hungry after all. The only lights illuminated throughout the ship were those necessary. As they made their way to the living suite there way was perfectly illuminated. Harkin plopped himself into one of the chairs.

"Now about this business..."

[member="Jynx Harlo"] / [member="Lydred Kaw"]
Jynx inspects all of the chairs before sitting in the one farthest away from Harkin and his companion.

"Why must we s-sit? What business?

Jynx has forgotten to ask why she's even here. She scans the room for crevices and places to hide, antsy for a chance to explore.
"ALRIGHT, DOWN TO BUSINESS. I'LL START. WHY THE HELL D'YOU GET AN AI? THEY AIN'T GOOD FER NOTHIN'. HELL I'M INTELLIGENT ENOUGH FER THE LOT OF US. SEE!" Lydred started into a truly terrible impersonation of an AI. "WE'RE LANDIN'. WE'ER FLYIN'. WE'RE FIXIN' TO EXPLODE. YA ASK ME KANE, YOU WASTED YER CREDITS ON THAT ONE. Lydred pacing back and forth the whole time itching at the chance to find his room. Caught up in his own sense of humor, forgot about his cigar. Once he realized he was still smoking he respectfully put it out on his apron and shoved the rest into his pocket.

[member="Harkin Kane"]
[member="Jynx Harlo"]

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
"Well for one, you sure as hell ain't no damn navigator! Remember Mustafar?" The thought alone made Harkin shiver. "She and I have been doing very well for ourselves, and well... she kinda reminds me of Naomi..." Harkin froze for a moment as he had lost track of thought momentarily. "She isn't internal which means I can jerk er ass right out if I want to, and she has no power to override anything being manually controlled." He forced a smile towards the man, "In other words, she's the perfect woman." As he ran a hand through his hair he waited to ensure there was no confusion.

[member="Lydred Kaw"] / [member="Jynx Harlo"]
Jynx notices the personal exchange between the friends, and moves seats a bit closer.

"I am not not part of your m-memories."

Jynx pulls the glass from out of her pocket and rubs it with bare fingers.

"Business. Business. Business..."
"HELL KANE I.... I DIDN'T MEAN TA..." Biting his tongue before he said something he'd soon regret. Lydred was a very calloused man, as cold as the machines he worked on. He sometimes didn't realize what he was saying might hurt other, and often he didn't care, but this was Harkin. The man had been there by his side through the worst moments of his life. Noticing he had been thinking too long. Lydred decided to try and lighten the mood. "OH COME ON. MUSTAFAR WASN'T THAT BAD. THEY WERE ONLY EYEBROWS."

@Harkin Kane
[member="Jynx Harlo"]

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
Harkin simply smiled and shook his head. "Your right mouse." Harkin began navigating through the datapad on his wrist. "Alsma, be a dear and display this on the holoprojector."

"As you wish Master Kane."

The large CS-Mark 12 holoprojector hummed briefly before bringing up a large red planet for the room to see.


Harkin braced for the discontent and grief he would soon receive. At least from one of the party. The other seemed happy to be along for the ride.

[member="Lydred Kaw"] / [member="Jynx Harlo"]
Jynx glides her fingers around the rim of the glass faster and faster.

"The fallen r-rise there. Much conflict. Much conflict. Why does the lady lead us to such a p-place?"
"I GOTTA AGREE WITH THE FUR BALL ON THIS ONE, SITH,MANDO', AND THE REPUBLIC? OF COURSE IT COULD BE WORSE, BUT STILL, YOU GOTTA HAVE A GOOD REASON TO JUMP FEET FIRST INTO HELL HARKIN." Lydred had been Korriban only twice in his life. On both occasions the trip resulted in him loosing nearly all of his men and having his ass kicked by sith. He didn't like the planet, but he'd follow Harkin into hell, and this time he really would be.

[member="Harkin Kane"]
[member="Jynx Harlo"]

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
"What's the reasoning behind anything we do, Kaw? Money, and this time, enough money to live pretty for the rest of our lives."

There was the initial sales pitch plane and simple. This, however, would not be Harkin's last hoorah. In fact, this was merely the beginning. He slowly flipped between the information of the holographic Korriban.


Outer Rim Territories[1]; Stygian Caldera


Esstran sector (Sith Worlds)


Horuset system[1]


1: Horuset[1]

Orbital position




Grid coordinates


Rotation period

28 standard hours[1]

Orbital period

780 local days[1]

Physical information




16,890 km[1]


Type I (Breathable)[1]


Cold and dry[1]


Heavy (1.4 standard)[1]

"We will be acquiring a sith lord. A dead one."

Harkin was sure the detail of the mission would stir a ruckus, and so he would get away with exploiting only the necessities. The Sith bounty for his life being something he would certainly exclude...

[member="Jynx Harlo"] / [member="Lydred Kaw"]
"ACQUIRING? WHO THE HELL WANTS A SITH, AND THE BETTER QUESTION IS ARE WE KILLING IT?" Lydred simply hated sith. He wasn't much for jedi either they were too goody goody for his lifestyle, but sith were much worse in his eyes. Lydred had a long history with sith. Every time he crossed paths with one it ended horribly, but he survived every time. Each scar he wore like a medal. Korriban and sith, the only thing that could make this situation worse for the burly man was if the sith was a wookie. Realizing that he may have come across a tad brash. "ALRIGHT CAP' LAY IT ON ME. WHAT'S THE PLAN THIS TIME."

[member="Harkin Kane"]
[member="Jynx Harlo"]

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
"Killing it? Nah, it's already dead." Harkin gave his emmy award winning smile. Going limp in his chair he began spinning in a slow cirlce awaiting the onslaught of questions the duo would surely have in store for him. Was it a bad idea? Hell yes, but the credits justified the means.

[member="Lydred Kaw"] [member="Jynx Harlo"]
A smile crept across Jynx's lips. She had acquired many things throughout her life, but never a person.

"W-what an idea. Tell me tell me more."

[member="Harkin Kane"] [member="Lydred Kaw"]
Lydred let out a sigh of relief, but they crew wasn't yet in the clear. They would still be heading into a war zone between two highly territorial factions neither ready to give an inch of what they already posses. Lydred wasn't much for the rebellion, too much politics. Mandos are an extreme people, but at least they had Lydred's respect. "WHO'S THE SITH?" Lydred knew that in the upcoming future there was bound to be blood shed, for this he was prepared.

[member="Harkin Kane"]
[member="Jynx Harlo"]

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