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Invitation of an old friend... (Lydred Kaw)

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
Harkin nodded at the man's accusations. It was indeed true, despite how pleasant the social reunion was, there was motive to the rekindling of the two's relationship. Harkin looked about the bar. "Perhaps, not the best place to discuss business." Indeed, Nar Shaddaa herself had ears everywhere let alone those honorable people that frequented the smuggler's moon. It was quite the opportunity, but possessed it's difficulties. Competition would prove to be an unnecessary headache...

[member="Lydred Kaw"]
Lydred knew exactly what Harkin meant. "DO YA HAVE A PLACE YER STAYING? I'M SQUATTING IN A HOLE IN THE WALL SHACK ON THE SOUTH PART OF THE CITY, PROBABLY AIN'T MUCH BETTER THEN WHERE WE ARE NOW." Lydred had forced a "behot" junkie out of this condemned apartment crawling with rats and filth. Nothing the bantha of a man wasn't used to.

[member="Harkin Kane"]
A small hooded figure emerges from a nearby table and approaches the two men fighting over hands and sharing secrets.

"Where would the best the best the best place to discuss business be?"

She starts fiddling with her gloves on her hands, eyeing the mechanical arm.

-Jynx Harlo-

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
Harkin, momentarily surprised by the high pitched from the furball eye level to the table. "Ah, well hello there mouse. Did ya get the keycard I asked for?" Harkin smiled down at [member="Jynx Harlo"], the squib he had made the acquaintance of only a few days before.
Jynx reaches into one of her various pockets and reveals a small card, then proceeds to slide it onto the table. However, she redirects her focus to the small redhead sitting beside Harkin, hand still resting on the card. She cocks her head to the side in consideration.

Still focusing on the small man, she returns to speaking to Harkin, "Y-Yes. I am good at what I do, yes."
"HARKIN, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING ANYWAY?" Said Lydred as he noticed the fur covered creature even shorter than himself.

[member="Harkin Kane"]
[member="Jynx Harlo"]

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
Harkin gave a smile, "And, I am true to my word." As he spoke he produced a credit chip from inside his coat and held it out towards [member="Jynx Harlo"]. "100 credits as was discussed, but if a few more strike yer fancy, then I invite ya to stick a round fer a bit, eh mouse?" Harkin shot a quick look of discontent towards his friend before focusing his eye back on Jynx.
Without batting an eye, she simply asks the little screaming man: "I could ask the s-same."

Returning to Harkin, "What happens now, now?"

[member="Harkin Kane"]
[member="Lydred Kaw"]

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
Harkin, content with himself at grabbing the curiosity of [member="Jynx Harlo"], replaced the credits back into his coat. Harkin rose to his feet obnoxiously allowing his chair to screech across the metal floor. "We'll discuss business with my lady. She's sure to be missing me anyhow." Harkin began to make his way towards the door much to the discontent of the unpaid bartender.

"Hey pal, Sure hope your just taking the scenic route to the register."

[member="Jynx Harlo"]w / [member="Lydred Kaw"]
With the bartender focused elsewhere, Jynx slips a nearby shot glass into her pocket. She follows a safe distance behind Harkin and his friend.

[member="Harkin Kane"] [member="Lydred Kaw"]
Lydred following closely behind his friend proceeded to call out to the bartender "THE MONEY IS ON THE TABLE, YA SCRUFFY LOOKIN' NERF HERDER!" Lydred had in fact left something on the table but it was not credits, far from it. He had instead left a dirty rag from his work apron that simply had the letters drawn on I.O.U. He began to cackle in his own hearty way as he took a long drag off of his cigar before spitting on the floor as he exited the bar laughing all the way.

[member="Harkin Kane"]
[member="Jynx Harlo"]

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
The door shutting beheing the trio silenced the cursing of the agitated barkeep. Running a hand through his thick hair before shoving them into his pockets, Harkin looked towards [member="Lydred Kaw"], "You did the I-O-U thing didn't you?" Harkin couldn't help but laugh aloud before turning from the two and continuing off towards the docks.
Jynx mumbles under her breath continuously, "IOU... IOU... I owe a few.. IOU.. Many.. IOU.." She removes a glove to feel the glass beneath her fingers as she walks.
"HEY WAMP RAT! YOU SAY SOMETHIN' BACK THERE?" Lydred said rudely to the creature he still wasn't entirely sure of. Frankly he liked havin' the squirt around for one reason only, and that reason was to simply be taller than someone for once. As he began to hum a bit with a smug grin on his constant filth covered face.

[member="Harkin Kane"]
[member="Jynx Harlo"]

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
Harkin had noticed [member="Jynx Harlo"] lift the glass back at the bar, and expressed some concern as he noticed her studying her spoil. "So, mouse, just so we have an... understanding. I'm willing to employ you as MY thief. Meaning that MY things are off limits to steal... or borrow. I'm sure you know this all ready, but your fingers are a little... sticky." Harkin gave a concerned glance towards the squib. A lifetime of mercenary and biunty hunter work doesn't leave one very trusting. Harkin enjoyed his stuff and he wanted to keep that stuff his stuff. [member="Lydred Kaw"] continued to carry on and laugh at his own brilliance as they walked. This was before he taunted the Squib once more. If this kept up, it would a very long flight to Korriban.
"I do not taste your things. Yes. You do not touch my things. Yes." Her fingers continue to trace the rim of the glass.
"Where are we going?"

[member="Harkin Kane"] [member="Lydred Kaw"]
"THAT'S A GOOD QUESTION SQUIRT. HARKIN WHERE IN THE HELL WE GOIN' THIS TIME. I'M READY FER SOME ACTION AND ADVENTURE. I'M GOOD FER ANYWHERE ... BUT CLOUD CITY OF COURSE." As soon as the words left his mouth he bit his tongue. His pep was instantly gone. He looked up to Harkin out the corner of his eye to check if he noticed his cover up for Bespin. Lydred had yet to inform his best friend of the truth of the past ten years.

[member="Harkin Kane"]
[member="Jynx Harlo"]

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle
Harkin had known the man long enough to know when a storm cloud hovered over head. Bespin represented a demon in [member="Lydred Kaw"]'s closet, but now was not the time for Harkin to pry. Harkin didn't answer the question. In stead he shuffled further down the docks to the rented hanger. The new had yet to wear off his new prize, and his heart fluttered each time he saw her. He felt his mouth crack into a smile as he turned to beam at his new and old associates. "Say hello to The Lady's Favor!" Harkin extended his arms wide to further the effect

[member="Jynx Harlo"]

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