[member="Alexandra Morrow"],
Abregado's population was actually about 50% native Gados, 40% free droids, and 10% combination of other species like Humans, Wookiees, Herglics, etc, most of them either mercenary veterans from the Protectorate or their descendants. So while the droids didn't had majority on the planet, and may never will, it is getting pretty close to that point by now.
Either way, Morrow's commander was right in that no combat was expected in the system, the droid dictator ran a pretty tight ship when it comes to the security of his citizens, although the machine was more or less benevolent and progressive in his reforms, including job and housing projects along with raising minimum wage to improve standard of living and minimize domestic crime, the last time a pirate crew tried to raid Abregado their captain had his kneecaps blown clean off by the droid and then literally dragged through the street and thrown into a prison cell. As such, pirates seldom tried to get close to the planet or bother merchant convoys with Abregado escort.
Unfortunately, Abregado was not without their enemies and they were long time due for another larger scale assault attempt by the more unsavory types of the Galaxy.
At the edge of the system, almost outside of the long-range scanners Morrow's squadron employed, a series of ship signatures would enter the system. They were a mismatch amalgam fleet of battle-scarred ships. Among them were few older Mandalorian models, remnants of the Death Watch sect HK fought against since the Siege of Mandalore and took part in breaking apart, they were still hungry for vengeance for it was their leader who attempted to raid the planet only to be humiliated by the droid. Then there were some Hutt Cartel-made ships, even from before the Cartel was recently re-formed, pirates, smugglers, mercenaries HK chased off of the planet and hunted throughout the sector regularly, they had their own reasons for disrupting his rule.Then there were swift cruel-looks black ships that darted about the task-force, the crude vessels belonged to the Bando Gora cult, you could never really fully get rid of them and considering the droid's lengthy campaigns against their holdings when he still served the Protectorate, they were always up for a fight against him.
These resources and factions were pulled together by unknown means, a group of investors who preferred to remain disjointed from the assault yet wanted the machine gone, and the fleet itself was lead by a mysterious and brooding flagship.
It was a small cruiser of seemingly ancient and eldritch design, one not familiar in the current state of the Galaxy, one not seen around since the days of Ancient Republic. Decrepit and elder, yet armed with armaments and shields that could rival contemporary models.
Aboard the dark flagship sat a droid, an HK unit forged from black metal with crimson glowing photoreceptors that washed his face in the red light like blood dripping down his faceplate,
Alert the other vessels."
The machine spoke, glancing to one of his helmsmen, another black HK unit,
Engage the cloaking devices."
The other droid responded, the Captain Droid looked out of the viewscreen towards Abregado, a glimmering marble far off in the distance of space.
Soon we will be together again, brother."
The plot thickened!
As suddenly Morrow's squadron would be able to pick up the signatures entering real space on the far edge of the system they would disappear from their scanners, at least for now, the cloaking technology raider fleet used wasn't anything cutting-edge, just standard generic cloaking devices plot npcs would have access to. But perhaps there was no ships entering real-space in the first place, maybe it was just an anomaly on their devices?
Or maybe it was one of the civilian ships entering the system or leaving to deal with the humanitarian relief in Atrisia.
It was this chaos and sudden burst of activity in the system the fleet was depending on to get them close to the planet.
All in all, it was a mix of ships that could provide a challenge to Morrow's squadron, although nothing that would be impossible for them to face on their own.
[member="Jaina Morgain"]
Jaina would receive a reply soon enough, it wasn't difficult for a machine to multitask, plus HK was able to send electronic messages without an external communication device,
With all due respect, Morgain, my ass is being ridden pretty hard right now,"
Always a good start to a conversation,
If you want to speak with me you will need to get in line of other company representatives who I need to slap around for attempting to use this travesty to finally carve out a foothold on my planet."
Jaina was right in that the droid didn't heard about her, but for once he refrained from rubbing a fact like that into someone's face, the message already came off a bit hostile, geez,
If you brought any ships with you, I believe that [member="Cathul Thuku"] has a medical fleet of her own you could cooperate with, the Dancing Queen and initial response fleet is still unloading the wounded and refugees on Abregado, we will be making a trip back to Atrisia as soon as the process is complete to bring in more supplies and establish rebuilding and field hospital efforts. You can go down to the planet, I will be meeting with one [member="Faith Organa"] and [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"], representative of the Jedi Order to discuss the ongoing humanitarian efforts and future plans for the ruined planet as soon as I am done with these bloodsuckers from corporate sector."
That was pretty much all Jaina would need to know to find her way, at least at first, around the whole mess.