Taeli Raaf
Location: Procopia
Objective: Buy an island
Post: 2/?
'How ostentatious,' Jaxson thought as he entered the Great Council chamber. Arrayed above him were several figures, mainly male but two females also, garbed in the most ridiculous fashion. Bright colors, feathers, plenty of jewelry. He had heard from Taeli that Tapani nobles loved to project an image of wealth and power before visitors... and their rivals. Each one of those present, the heads or the representative of the noble houses, were constantly striving against each other and this was just one more arena for the struggle.
In his business suit and briefcase, and on a lower level than the nobles, Jaxson would certainly look out of place.
"My Lords and Ladies of the noble houses of the great Tapani Sector," he said, giving them a deep bow. Courtesy and playing to their egos would help with this opening stage of negotiations. "My apologies that Master Raaf could not attend this meeting herself. She is currently engaged in business elsewhere, so to that regard, she has sent me as her representative."
"One could almost say it is an insult of this Jedi Master that she sends one such as you, Mr. Jaxson," one Lady stated, disdain on her face.
"It is not Master Raaf's, or mine, intent to insult, Lady Baris," Jaxson replied, giving her another bow. She had a part to play after all, Jaxson knew as Taeli had informed him, and she would play the adversary to his endeavor. "If that is the case, again my deepest apologies."
"There is no offense, Mr. Jaxson," Lord Melantha stated, waving away Lady Baris's insinuations. "As I understand it, you hold quite a bit of power in Aurora Industries and Master Raaf has entrusted you with much responsibilities over the years. We will hear out your proposal."
Objective: Buy an island
Post: 2/?
'How ostentatious,' Jaxson thought as he entered the Great Council chamber. Arrayed above him were several figures, mainly male but two females also, garbed in the most ridiculous fashion. Bright colors, feathers, plenty of jewelry. He had heard from Taeli that Tapani nobles loved to project an image of wealth and power before visitors... and their rivals. Each one of those present, the heads or the representative of the noble houses, were constantly striving against each other and this was just one more arena for the struggle.
In his business suit and briefcase, and on a lower level than the nobles, Jaxson would certainly look out of place.
"My Lords and Ladies of the noble houses of the great Tapani Sector," he said, giving them a deep bow. Courtesy and playing to their egos would help with this opening stage of negotiations. "My apologies that Master Raaf could not attend this meeting herself. She is currently engaged in business elsewhere, so to that regard, she has sent me as her representative."
"One could almost say it is an insult of this Jedi Master that she sends one such as you, Mr. Jaxson," one Lady stated, disdain on her face.
"It is not Master Raaf's, or mine, intent to insult, Lady Baris," Jaxson replied, giving her another bow. She had a part to play after all, Jaxson knew as Taeli had informed him, and she would play the adversary to his endeavor. "If that is the case, again my deepest apologies."
"There is no offense, Mr. Jaxson," Lord Melantha stated, waving away Lady Baris's insinuations. "As I understand it, you hold quite a bit of power in Aurora Industries and Master Raaf has entrusted you with much responsibilities over the years. We will hear out your proposal."