Ok, so I feel this needs to be addressed as not everyone shares the same views as some who are already apart of the Jedi Academy. Such as [member="Kira Liadain"], [member="Khaleel Malvern"], [member="Shule Windspeaker"], perhaps others. This is nothing against them, as I've spoken with Shule outside of here and he did a damn fine job explaining the purpose of the Jedi Academy to me. This is about the Jedi Order and Faction direction.
I'm not arguing with any of you, I'm addressing this to members who don't desire this, regardless of explanation. First and foremost.
I'm making this known as a member of the Republic.
This essentially is taking a character who like Aaralyn, or even [member="Corvus Raaf"] more so than my own and turning her 180 degrees from who she is.
I feel it is being forced upon members who do not desire it.
If members want to leave The Jedi Order and go be Wardens of the Sky 2.0, then so be it. (Clarification - This is more than the Jedi Academy, this is about becoming the supposed "TJO" that focuses on The Academy with free reign to support whatever government you desire...)
No one has stopped anyone from going to the SJO, Levantine Sanctum or even independent of any other Order.
I don't believe The Jedi Order for what it's been for god knows how long should be completely removed in such a manner they become Minor to a faction that's dedicated on training. If we're going to go minor, be The Jedi Order that is minor, and functioning as we are now.
We could be The Jedi Order - Minor Faction outside of the GR that still supports the GR - aides other governments if they request it say before the Council and such.
You know, the right way to do it instead of abolishing it completely.
Call that a new proposal...actually that is what [member="Popo"] once wanted if I remember correctly.
Minor Faction - GR Peacekeepers/Guardians as they were always meant to be, able to assist at the request of other governments within -reason-. Interests of the Republic, ect.
NOTE - Nowhere did that say one could not be of both. This is about staying with the Galactic Republic.
I'm not arguing with any of you, I'm addressing this to members who don't desire this, regardless of explanation. First and foremost.
I'm making this known as a member of the Republic.
This is not the desire of every member of the Jedi Order - for some of us - our character development has been centralized as members of the Galactic Republic - not Wardens of the Sky.So what does this mean?
This means that there will be no official ties linking The Jedi Order officially to The Galactic Republic. The Jedi Order will now become a minor faction -- focusing on teaching, learning and serving the entire galaxy unitedly.
This essentially is taking a character who like Aaralyn, or even [member="Corvus Raaf"] more so than my own and turning her 180 degrees from who she is.
I feel it is being forced upon members who do not desire it.
If members want to leave The Jedi Order and go be Wardens of the Sky 2.0, then so be it. (Clarification - This is more than the Jedi Academy, this is about becoming the supposed "TJO" that focuses on The Academy with free reign to support whatever government you desire...)
No one has stopped anyone from going to the SJO, Levantine Sanctum or even independent of any other Order.
I don't believe The Jedi Order for what it's been for god knows how long should be completely removed in such a manner they become Minor to a faction that's dedicated on training. If we're going to go minor, be The Jedi Order that is minor, and functioning as we are now.
We could be The Jedi Order - Minor Faction outside of the GR that still supports the GR - aides other governments if they request it say before the Council and such.
You know, the right way to do it instead of abolishing it completely.
Call that a new proposal...actually that is what [member="Popo"] once wanted if I remember correctly.
Minor Faction - GR Peacekeepers/Guardians as they were always meant to be, able to assist at the request of other governments within -reason-. Interests of the Republic, ect.
NOTE - Nowhere did that say one could not be of both. This is about staying with the Galactic Republic.