Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi Order Direction

Ok, so I feel this needs to be addressed as not everyone shares the same views as some who are already apart of the Jedi Academy. Such as [member="Kira Liadain"], [member="Khaleel Malvern"], [member="Shule Windspeaker"], perhaps others. This is nothing against them, as I've spoken with Shule outside of here and he did a damn fine job explaining the purpose of the Jedi Academy to me. This is about the Jedi Order and Faction direction.

I'm not arguing with any of you, I'm addressing this to members who don't desire this, regardless of explanation. First and foremost.

I'm making this known as a member of the Republic.

So what does this mean?
This means that there will be no official ties linking The Jedi Order officially to The Galactic Republic. The Jedi Order will now become a minor faction -- focusing on teaching, learning and serving the entire galaxy unitedly.
This is not the desire of every member of the Jedi Order - for some of us - our character development has been centralized as members of the Galactic Republic - not Wardens of the Sky.

This essentially is taking a character who like Aaralyn, or even [member="Corvus Raaf"] more so than my own and turning her 180 degrees from who she is.

I feel it is being forced upon members who do not desire it.

If members want to leave The Jedi Order and go be Wardens of the Sky 2.0, then so be it. (Clarification - This is more than the Jedi Academy, this is about becoming the supposed "TJO" that focuses on The Academy with free reign to support whatever government you desire...)

No one has stopped anyone from going to the SJO, Levantine Sanctum or even independent of any other Order.

I don't believe The Jedi Order for what it's been for god knows how long should be completely removed in such a manner they become Minor to a faction that's dedicated on training. If we're going to go minor, be The Jedi Order that is minor, and functioning as we are now.

We could be The Jedi Order - Minor Faction outside of the GR that still supports the GR - aides other governments if they request it say before the Council and such.

You know, the right way to do it instead of abolishing it completely.

Call that a new proposal...actually that is what [member="Popo"] once wanted if I remember correctly.

Minor Faction - GR Peacekeepers/Guardians as they were always meant to be, able to assist at the request of other governments within -reason-. Interests of the Republic, ect.

NOTE - Nowhere did that say one could not be of both. This is about staying with the Galactic Republic.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
Not sure where you are getting the Wardens of the Sky 2.O.

In summary, this Is what the Jedi Academy IS.

What is the Jedi Academy?

The intent of the Jedi Academy network is to make a network of Jedi Academies. Some of them are more or less affiliated with the Republic, but the academy network doesn't take a political stance any more than it would have the means or will to compel or guilt an academy or a specific teacher into taking students who don't fit their specific brand of jedi-ness.

It's an acknowledgement that the Jedi Order is too large and too diverse to be under one roof, as well as a statement that the costly, bitter schisms we've already seen are bad for what it means to be Jedi, not to mention bad for the survival of the Order's teachings.

It's an acknowledgement that existing structures and allegiances are more or less important to different Jedi, but that regardless of pique, opinions, or prevailing political and strategic winds, there should always be a cooperative connection between Jedi academies, and that the Jedi principles need to be protected as well as freely discussed in an independent and non-political forum.

It's a statement that the most important thing is not making judgments about other Jedi's allegiances and interpretations of the Code. The most important thing is working together to create new Jedi who can make moral judgments on their own and giving new Jedi options of different environments that prioritize different skills, Code interpretations, and degrees of allegiance, but all within the bounds of Jedi tradition.

Jedi tradition includes a wide variety of those things, a healthy internal debate and tolerance. The academies and their Housemasters coordinate over major incidents, but the academy network isn't a power structure and has zero patience for those who try to set up power structures with themselves at the head.

If people set themselves up in power positions, the Academy network takes no stance on that, encouraging all its members to decide for themselves whether they recognize, say, a head of all Jedi functions X or Y. The academy network might facilitate convocations where many jedi could discuss roles and issues, but the academy network generally doesn't appoint people to any position that doesn't involve some training function in specific academies.

In summary, The Jedi Academy is not a central coordination function for Jedi. It's a coordination mechanism for existing Jedi training centers.
Kira Liadain said:
Not sure where you are getting the Wardens of the Sky 2.O.
Again - I stated above where your position was as you made it clear.

Nor does this have to do with the subject at hand. Don't murk the waters with irrelevancy.

The Jedi Order becoming free-floaters, ect.

I don't really care what the Jedi Academy is...I didn't know about all of it until three weeks ago and it's not apparently transparent. I learned about it by bombarding someone with questions about it.

And I'm not arguing with you, please refrain from doing so in this thread from beyond this point. Got an issue? Bring it to PM. People stated concerns, here is for them to address it or not.

I've read every word...

DO NOT understand the point in all of this. This all seems destructive to me. It looks like some of us want to appear to be one thing where as some of us want to appear to be abother. I.E. some of us seem to want to estrange from the Order to take on the role of teacher and others want to remain the supporting peacekeepers of the Republic.

Do what you want, but I see this weakening the faction as a hole, and if we fracture into two factions we're both going to be a bit of a joke for a while, lol. I may as well fly solo and start picking up bounties.
I didn't want to post until things had been resolved IC and OOC but I'll have to add this.

This debate is NOT about the Jedi Academy. That is simply a place that, subject to the Jedi Order approving, Jedi can go and be trained. And if we joined, other Jedi could come here and be trained. It's that simple.

The conversation started above is about the future of the Jedi Order. I'm not advocating a debate here but if you want to have your say, it is entirely up to you.

The debate is - and let's ignore Major and Minor as they too are irrelevant - should The Jedi Order serve the Galactic Republic or should each Jedi be free to fight for any Government of their choosing as long as they don't break the Jedi Code. And yes, that could mean the Omega Protectorate or equally the Red Ravens.

[member="Aaralyn Rekali"] | [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"] | [member="Avalore Eden"]
Corvus Raaf said:
I didn't want to post until things had been resolved IC and OOC but I'll have to add this.

This debate is NOT about the Jedi Academy. That is simply a place that, subject to the Jedi Order approving, Jedi can go and be trained. And if we joined, other Jedi could come here and be trained. It's that simple.

The conversation started above is about the future of the Jedi Order. I'm not advocating a debate here but if you want to have your say, it is entirely up to you.

The debate is - and let's ignore Major and Minor as they too are irrelevant - should The Jedi Order serve the Galactic Republic or should each Jedi be free to fight for any Government of their choosing as long as they don't break the Jedi Code. And yes, that could mean the Omega Protectorate or equally the Red Ravens.

[member="Aaralyn Rekali"] | [member="Kira Liadain"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"] | [member="Avalore Eden"]
[member="Varus Shatterstar"] probably said it best - weakens us regardless of the overall intention. How are NFUs going to get any real support when one shotted by a Vong or a Sith Lord? How is splitting off to a Minor Faction to support other governments as ALLIES to include the Republic - going to support the Jedi cause?

I mean, realistically, we're no different than the SJO or Levantine Sanctum - just going in mass exodus.

Back to the subject at hand - No point in this, at this time because it's going to accomplish nothing but weaken the Republic and eventually cause it to fall.

Let's be realistic about it.

Also, the Jedi Order has for the most part - been apart of the GR and even the NR. Again, game changers are fun and nice but yeah this isn't exactly a game changer.

There are exceptions where the JO has broken away for some fragmented purpose but it's never really been like - cemented.
I agree with [member="Corvus Raaf"]. This isn't an issue about the Jedi Academy. As I understand it the Jedi Academy is just a loose affiliation of schools for various Jedi to come together and learn (see above post!).

My concern is with the direction The Jedi Order (of the Republic) is going in. The Jedi Order has always been a part of the Galactic Republic. Most of our characters have deep ties with the Republic and we have fought for it since joining. When I joined, I immediately set out to join the GR, I wasn't interested in playing the role of a SJ or a member of OP. I wanted to fight for the Republic.

Now if the Jedi wish to be able to intervene in affairs outside of GR space, I see no problem with this within reason. There should be some procedure for aiding allied forces, or aiding in defending innocents outside of GR space. However, I certainly don't think Jedi should be empowered to make that decision themselves. They shouldn't have a free license to go off fighting for whomever they wish.

Part of my biggest issue with everything that is happening is how it was handled. I was completely blindsided by this, as many were. This should have been something that was discussed. I'm all for strong leadership, and every decision shouldn't have to come through the membership, however something THIS big should have come before us. We should have had an opportunity to voice our opinions before the decisions were made.

That is my two credits.....take them for what you think they are worth!

[member="Aaralyn Rekali"] | [member="Varus Shatterstar"] | [member="Kira Liadain"]​
EDIT: Varus - Ain't no former paddy of mine going bounty hunting!!!! :p
If you want to separate yourselves from the Republic then just go join the SJO... lol.

I don't understand why were starting a separate faction that is, for lack of a better word, a School. I don't get the point of all of this at all. This seems like some people got rubbed the wrong way and are reacting poorly. If not, then it's just a terrible decision that will result in this.

-Student comes to TJA-

-student trains until they become a knight, or hang around until they are a Master-

-student say "yeaaaa... I'm gonna go do something else now... Prolly gonna join the SJO or the Ession Reformation now... but thanks!" and then leaves-

I am, shit you not, SO close to going rogue and picking up bounties.
Those who wish to leave with Kiskla - Should be able to do so, as they always have been free to do as members of the Republic.

I, however, am staying as a Jedi Master of the Jedi Order under the Galactic Republic banner.

*shrugs* Be it by myself, or with a few members at my side. Which is why I proposed what I did in the Council thread - nothing to do with the person - so much as the actions of the character.

[member="Varus Shatterstar"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]
I second Kian's take on it. A lot of us have really strong ties with the Republic and its people. We've fought for it several times over. I would hate to see the Jedi as its own faction. They're a part of the Republic in my eyes. As far as the academy is concerned, of course, let people train there if they so choose. There are several sects of Jedi and lightsiders where they could go afterward. But I don't think the order itself should be a seperate faction.
The Jedi have always lead the Republic, not answer to them. They weren't their lapdogs. They simply agreed with the agenda of the Republic and supported them. So, what about the Republic has change to scare the Jedi leadership away? More than that, WHAT about being a Jedi makes any of you think that they'll just go out and help whoever needs it?

Jedi are not guns for higher, and my point to be made with saying, "I may as well go rogue and start picking up bounties.", Is this. If I join the Jedi Academy and have the freedom to support any faction I choose, how is that any different than being a mercinary or bounty hunter?

As previously stated, this is a terrible idea and I have to disagree with it whole heartedly. I might be a troubled and angry Jedi, but I'm also a old school. I'll be staying with the Republic along side Aaralyn Rekali.
Fine Gherron, but if you want to start a bunch of schools then why does the cooperation of the Jedi as a whole have to be retracted? That's a little ridiculous. Did anyone else read Kiskla's message to the Republic or was it just me?

Oh, and to touch on a point I made weeks ago IC. THIS IS THE POINT OF A COUNCIL. We are not all blind, so why on earth do we let one Grandmaster lead the Jedi? We may as well change our name to The Jedi Nazi Dictatorship.
Varus Shatterstar said:
Fine Gherron, but if you want to start a bunch of schools then why does the cooperation of the Jedi as a whole have to be retracted? That's a little ridiculous. Did anyone else read Kiskla's message to the Republic or was it just me?

Oh, and to touch on a point I made weeks ago IC. THIS IS THE POINT OF A COUNCIL. We are not all blind, so why on earth do we let one Grandmaster lead the Jedi? We may as well change our name to The Jedi Nazi Dictatorship.
That point is being addressed by the Council.

As it stands within the whole purpose of the Council being established - to look after the well being of the Jedi Order.

Each member of the Council shares the same sentiment OOCly as we do ICly - We don't feel we're going anywhere.

I'm sorry.


News They Don't Want Heard
As an outsider looking on, I think it is foolish to leave. You only weaken the faction by doing so and subject yourselves, OOCly to the graces of invasion assistance rules. ICly you might as well be mercs as Varus said. The Republic and the Jedi Order belong together.
Then discuss it long and hard, [member="Kian Karr"], because this was another power play decision made away from the eyes of those upon the Council. This is a disaster waiting to happen, and I'm telling you right here and now I will not be a part of it or stand idol as it does.

Do not make me take on a leadership role, because dammit I will.

Kyla Foy

[member="Aaralyn Rekali"]

After having read this, without thinking of OOC but only IC, What will you guys do with the youngest Initiates? Cause this type of approach should be not only considered oocly about just joining. A 5 year old child, WOULD NOT see the consequences in following or staying.

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