Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi order talk

Yes, so due to recent events with the jedi order merging with the GA I figured the time to form another order has come. One that will be part of or at least affiliated fore most with the GR anew.

Note- The GR is still a lightsided faction and the Order I have in mind is for lightsiders, buuut I know there are lots of gray and maybe even a dark sider or two that prefers to rp inside the frame work of the GR, and this is not to cast anyone out from that. But ic around this will be to go back to the jedi roots as protectirs and servants of democracy believing that the light is the only way to secure that goal to resist the temptations of power ( like with the gray former PM that went mad and caused a civil war! Ha, proof right there).

For starters it is perhaps not as numerous as it used to be but it would have a clearer goal in mind - to safe guard the light in the republic. Lets get back to being goodie two shoes!

While it may appear more of as a remnant group from the jedi order that will stick with the Republic I for one still yern for the traditional jedi role found in the films.

In short - the plan is to reform a jedi presence that serves the republic refusing any official power other then as advisors when the senate requests it.

So, two questions -

1. I am wondering if there is an interest by the jedi still supporting the GR to form a stricter way of life in a (at least for starters) Manticfied order where no fun is allowed... at all.

2. A more practical question regarding the faction forum. If this happens, should it be a kept as a seperate forum to not overshadow the NFU focus that is pretty awesome in the GR or should we restore a sub-forum for jedi inside the GR one.

Any other thoughts on the topic?

Turin Val Kur

Another one?

I feel like you will lose peeps doing this, though who knows I might be wrong. I'd prefer it stay closer to Luke's Jedi Order than that of the Old Republic. Its way of life promotes stagnation and indecisiveness which is how they were so easily fooled during the Clone Wars and nearly eradicated during the Mandalorian Wars and subsequent Galactic Civil War
As an outsider, if you want to have an order that is decidedly not the Order that left, I would make it more forgiving and open minded.

As [member="Turin Val Kur"] said, make it more like Luke's, not having a rigid rule system or restrictions, just have it focused on defending Democracy.

Have the Order's whole focus be defending democracy, have it emphasize diplomacy before battle, but still train for battle. Have it be a reflection of the way the Republic should be, inclusive, open, and connected to the worlds and government it defends.

That is just my suggestion, though.
You have my support, though I have to agree that a strict group would blot out a lot of people, making people like me(and other non-robotic force users) alienated. Perhaps a new order all together. Something more akin to Fel's imperial knights. Or perhaps a place where force users are simply taught to serve the republic and its ideals while not falling to the dark side.

This is however, coming from someone who already works for an alternate group of the force.
I think you should try talking to the Silver Sanctum to see if their Jedi would come to the Republic aide, we get so that we invent the wheel over and over and over and it just makes not sense to me.

Why can't we work with those that are out there?
I like the idea personally. From my understanding the concept is a good one, it makes sense ICly and in truth that is what matters as this is a story-oriented board. This is an agreeable idea, and while there are those that would say there will not be a lot of people joining I would think that the amount of people who join is relatively unimportant compared to the sort of Jedi that do join. From what I understand of the events around Mantic leaving the Order, it was at least partly because the Order was accepting questionable Jedi, the decision to make a new, more rigid, Order is understandable within the story.

Just my two-cents. Rafeesh would probably join, he likes the older Jedi Order.
[member="Turin Val Kur"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Rafeesh"] [member="Alexander Sannes"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Ayumi Pallopides"] [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] [member="Khyros Sunblade"]

Thank you all for the input.

As everyone knows any jedi writer will write his or her own version of how to percieve the force. But I do miss having a proper jedi order actively stating that they support the Republic/Democracy. And the emphasize would be to serve not lead. Naturally the balance there is always a challenge.

I think we should strive for working with other lightsiders like the silvers at all times. They should be natural allies to the GR. The GA as well but I think they (and the jedi in it) has more or less openly declared the Republic evil leading to the drastic decission to leave the GR - so if nothing else I am guessing that it will take some extensive stories before they change that stance IC wise.

In the Roche invasion we pleaded for help but the silvers chosed to support the GA in their conflict. I think that would happen again for IC reasons as well even though I dont think the Silvers has declared us evil, they just consider the GA a better choice.

Maybe "the Republic Jedi" would be a small but closer group of jedi that puts the GR interest first if there is a need to choose. The OOC aspect is that the force users are such an extensive and powerful part of Chaos that it is hard for a major faction to function without a clear path in for force users. The GR is so far unique in that it keeps it IC leadership fairly FU free so a seperate system offering a possibility for a jedi career might be good.

So to summarize and mix up my thoughts with what has been said so far:

  • We will focus on protection of democracy and the free will of the Republic people.
  • We honor the positions within the democratic system of the GR, not the persons holding them.
  • We abide by not striving for personal gain nor power in the GR.
  • We are warriors, prepared to fight if there is a need to protect the weaker or if democracy is threatened.
  • We have a similarity to the Knights of Ren in that we hold the protection of the Republic so high and acts as silent "guards" and "advisors" when called upon by the Republic officials.
  • We kidnapp old grumpy women from Alderaan.
  • We constantly seek to support and have a relation with other jedi orders but if forced we prioritize the Republic in times of need.
  • We have a loose hierarchy with master padawan relations for training and character development.
  • We follow the democratic example by having masters or a council ellected by members (if we grow) assemble for important decissions and decide by majority votes.
  • We more resemble monks than a wealthy order. I thnk this is important, wealth and influence will distract us from our purpose to protect and not "steer"
  • We follow a code, that is open for interpretation as per usual, but then there will be stricter guide lines that are encouraged to follow but not "law" to have members some flexibility on how strict one prefers to be.
[member="Mantic Dorn"] I made a post while you were away, about setting up a public institution to train force sensitives in a neutral environment, rather than start up another Jedi Order. Something like Xavier's school from X-men. Then if Force Adepts from this institution wanted to serve in government and/or the military, they could, as normal soldiers and officials under a chain of command like everyone else. By keeping FUs integrated, rather than setting them apart in their own club under special status, then we can avoid the problem of another schism. In this setup, we could more readily welcome Force Users from several other backgrounds outside of the Jedi to provide instruction and mentorship, so long as they pass a screening test.
[member="Suravi Teigra"]

Yep, its prob a highly OOC viable way to go.
I have a few concerns though.

1. If we start using FUs integrated in the GR the faction would be pretty much like the Silver and/or the GA. The focus on NFUs has been what makes the Republic stand out as the one of few factions where NFUs has more career options then FUs. IMO that is interesting, but perhaps I am overestimating the effect.
2. If we dont make a special corner for us that want to have the classical jedi role in the Republic I belive we will loose "faction character" over time. Our identity is strong because it reminds of the canon body of the Republic. When we take steps away from that we risk loosing identity.
3. The writers, like myself, who want to have the classical jedi role wont fit in.
4. I think that what you described already exists via the Jedi Academy, more or less?

Food for thought if nothing else.
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

1. Talking to a few FUs now in the GA, some of them felt that the efforts to promote the Republic as a NFU friendly faction led to FUs being discriminated against. To the point that even neutral FUs unaffiliated with the Jedi Order couldn't serve in public office. I have a problem with that, because I feel that goes against Republic values of equality. I think we can still be a group that promotes NFU participation while also better integrating our FU members into the GR instead of alienating them. Instead of being the faction about the NFUs, I think we should just focus on being the faction of the good guys. There seems to be popular support for that move, because now FUs can openly serve in government.

2, 3. After multiple schisms resulting in the loss of the bulk of our Jedi, I think it's fair to state that the priorities of the Jedi and the Republic are not quite the same. I don't mind if the Jedi start up another order inside GR space, but I also would like an organization for Republic FUs that don't want anything to do with the Jedi and their dogma.

4. I've looked into the Jedi Academy Network, but that's geared toward other Jedi wanting to study in a zone free of politics. Want I want in an in-house organization that has nothing to do with the Jedi, operating solely in the interests of the GR.

So in short, we can have options for FUs that want to monk out with the Jedi, or remain part of their community training at a neutral GR funded institution.

Turin Val Kur

Aaralyn Rekali said:
Why make another Jedi Order? That makes really no sense to be quite honest and opens up yet another Jedi schism.
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Also the Jedi under Corvus (and thus the current Jedi) already openly support the GR. So again...why? If this is a "I want people to write Jedi like I write Mantic" vanity project I would say drop it and just continue playing within the Jedi that have already been created, demolished, split, reformed again and again already instead of making ANOTHER Jedi sect for the site.
[member="Suravi Teigra"]

1. It is usually the NFU that feel discriminated in most factions. Being FU is usually not as hard as being NFU so to speak but I hear you. ;)
However, I think its already being loosened up IC though. But the senate just passed a bill allowing force users in the senate. And there is nothing saying force users cant serve in the military already.

2. All jedi are not alike. Mantic is a jedi, and there are others as well that very much keep the GR agenda high. He shares the GR perspective more then most to be frank and so would members of such a jedi order.

The Jedi Order merge with the GA was not a majority decission by all members or even discussed in the member base. It was a quick and unexpected move to many of us to be honest and it does not represent a unified jedi perspective. In fact, jedi is a very broad term in chaos describing a multitude of "schools" and a huge range on the perspective on matters like the jedi code etc and other philosophies.

3. I see no reason why not force users that does not want to call themselves jedi can organise themselves inside the GR. Their status and exact role would perhaps be best designed ICly and if they are to be given an official status (a job so to speak) it should go through the senate.
As long as it is a light sided.
It would be very similair to what a Republic jedi order would be me thinks though.

I am still concerned that without a strong jedi connection the faction would loose alot of the canon identity we got going for our faction. *scratches beard thoughtfully*
Maybe a new jedi order that can support the GR should be kept as a faction of its own though if it stands in the way of other faction RPs...

4. Gotya.

Turin Val Kur said:
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Also the Jedi under Corvus (and thus the current Jedi) already openly support the GR. So again...why? If this is a "I want people to write Jedi like I write Mantic" vanity project I would say drop it and just continue playing within the Jedi that have already been created, demolished, split, reformed again and again already instead of making ANOTHER Jedi sect for the site.
I think you missed out on the IC development a while back. The JO as faction merged with the GA right after the new Grand Master was elected and declared that the JO no longer supports the GR. I wont go into details here but leaving it to the JO discussion board but once it was IC decided I made the decission for Mantic to leave the Order as well. I think most of it was discussed in a thread called "lets unify"
Its story develpoment I guess and I am sorry if it comes of as a vanity project for myself and to force a certain type of RP unto folks. I would hate if it appears that way.


Everything is still just a discussion folks, chim in if you got something to say :)
Im still in line with earlier thinking of why make another Jedi faction and further confuse the board members (As im sure there are a few somewhere.)

This is a chance for those who play dedicated force users to get together and make something of their own that fully and solely supports the Republic. All of your guy's chance to do something new and not be set in a place where the only thing you can do again is make another Jedi Order... just some food for thought.
Alexander Sannes said:
Im still in line with earlier thinking of why make another Jedi faction and further confuse the board members (As im sure there are a few somewhere.)

This is a chance for those who play dedicated force users to get together and make something of their own that fully and solely supports the Republic. All of your guy's chance to do something new and not be set in a place where the only thing you can do again is make another Jedi Order... just some food for thought.
I definately see what you mean. I am trying to see this objectively as FO, not from a character perspective. And ooc wise I am mainly concerned about the faction identity and what it means to not have a jedi order affiliated with the GR. Will we keep the appeal as the most canon-like light sided major faction? Other major factions (the black Rose, vitae alliance, the TU etc) with these general types of FU solutions are struggling alot with activity and in the long run survival. Its worth consideration.

But this good!
More folks, more input :)
I believe the formation of another Jedi Order would not make sense at this time. We do not have the Jedi to form it and the current climate of the Galactic Republic does not warrant a Jedi Order to serve as it's military branch, which was the role that the Jedi took up as the One Sith invaded.

I do think that it makes sense for the Jedi, who still wish to serve the Republic in some capacity, form an enclave to train, teach and call home. I believe Ahch-To would be the perfect world to do this. Whilst it isn't Tython, it is on the same level as Ossus and would be perfect to form an enclave in.

[member="Mantic Dorn"] could fulfill the capacity of Jedi Master of the Ahch-To Enclave and I would be more than happy to step in when needed. I've been wanting to write and peruse a story about finding Ahch-To since the Force Awakens was released. I wanted to do it with my Padawan. Perhaps this could be the beginning of the formation of this enclave?

Forming a Jedi Enclave wouldn't alienate the Jedi in the GA or Silver Sanctum, as an enclave is not the Jedi Order. But it helps begin the healing process of the void left behind by the Jedi that did leave to form and/or join Alliance or Sanctum.

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