It's more of a "hey, that's a no-no, you lose because you did _____." And expound.
For instance,
"Azalyn, you called several hits, and that isn't allowed. I'm not sure whether you intended to do that and just used poor language, or if you're just new to dueling and unaware of the etiquette and made an honest beginner's mistake, but we wanted to bring this to your attention for future reference."
^which you can totes use if you want.
In the case of Aya, it's hella frustrating when someone starts calling hits, downplaying damage, and overall doing stuff that frustrates you. We're all guilty of it. (See: Alkor vs Shorn. Goddamn can he use any more TK?)
However, as Sin said in her judgment of that same fight, it bleeds through and shows in the writing. How the judge views that varys from judge to judge. My personal view on that is, as long as it's not snarky BS about how the person is doing something and "THE CHARACTER CAN'T BELIEVE IT" or "WASN'T SURE WHY _____, BUT..." That's what judges are for. If there's a problem, we identify it.
And we can say "hey, I get that you're feeling this, but you need to take a step back and trust that whoever judges your thread is going to be able to see a problem if there is one."
Hell, if it gets their frustrations out without directly insulting or attacking the other player ooc, I'm inclined to ignore it entirely.
[member="Triam Akovin"]