Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Judge Discussion


The Second Seal, broken.
Do we keep the environments the same as before (i.e. the nondescript general-ass dueling arena)?

Also I can take a few judgments of the 2nd round when it draws to a close.
2nd round can be spiced up a little bit. Nothing too wild, but feel free to get creative. Uneven footing, obstacles, that sort of thing. Third round can introduce something extra, like a fire that can't be put out or animals that will attack of the fighters shoot outside the arena. Final round is back to an arena.

Or at least that's what I had planned. Y'all do what you gotta to make it work.
Right. Going off the grid for a while starting tomorrow morning. Should be back in a couple of weeks. If not, someone royally screwed the pooch, in which case, y'all can fight over RCFC's holdings.
We've had a call for a judge. Aya and Azalyn have hit a wall. I was included in a PM chain between them when Aya pointed out that Azalyn was missing details that Aya had included that necessitated edits.

Azalyn's last post called some pretty serious hits.

Aya's called for a judge. I've locked the thread and I'll get something posted ASAP.
[member="Sinistra"] [member="Eralam"]

This is one of the situations where the judgment can show perhaps more than us stepping in and arbitrating. It sounds like they're going to have a bad time coming to an agreement and we don't want them butting heads to keep going til the end. And we haven't hot a whole ton of time left to sweat anyway.

I'm in favor of letting it idle and teaching Azalyn learn via the tough love route.
Keep in mind that the standards on Chaos for conduct in a duel are, generally speaking, much, much lower than what we're used to on JvS. Azalyn is definitely in the wrong here, no doubt about that. She was calling hits from the word go. But that's pretty much normal. Crappy, but normal. Our goal is to change that, but it won't be accomplished by nailing the first person to screw up hardcore to the wall. Start off with a light touch, and make sure Azalyn knows how and how badly she screwed up without actually playing her alive.

Just my two cents.
Normally I am too, but that's the wrong way to handle these folks. They love talking smack, but are quite prickly when the favor is returned. And they sure as hell don't like hearing they're wrong, especially from outsiders. Present company excluded, mind, or they wouldn't be judges.

The first couple of times, I'd recommend the kid gloves. Gradually ramp up the pressure over a span of time, rather than going right for the skull karking right off the bat.
I read what I need to out of the duel to understand the situation. Although Az is clearly in the wrong, there is some understandable hostility from Aya as well.

Perhaps this can be a teaching moment for both of them. Aya should learn that there are people who are going to frustrate them for not following the rules, and needs to learn grace under fire. Az needs to learn the rules as harshly as the other judges determine. I wouldn't know what medical degree this guy needs to be burned at the stake, but there does need to be a reprimanding judgement.

With some guidance in my choice of words, I could take this up if you all so wish or need me to.
It's more of a "hey, that's a no-no, you lose because you did _____." And expound.

For instance,

"Azalyn, you called several hits, and that isn't allowed. I'm not sure whether you intended to do that and just used poor language, or if you're just new to dueling and unaware of the etiquette and made an honest beginner's mistake, but we wanted to bring this to your attention for future reference."

^which you can totes use if you want.

In the case of Aya, it's hella frustrating when someone starts calling hits, downplaying damage, and overall doing stuff that frustrates you. We're all guilty of it. (See: Alkor vs Shorn. Goddamn can he use any more TK?)

However, as Sin said in her judgment of that same fight, it bleeds through and shows in the writing. How the judge views that varys from judge to judge. My personal view on that is, as long as it's not snarky BS about how the person is doing something and "THE CHARACTER CAN'T BELIEVE IT" or "WASN'T SURE WHY _____, BUT..." That's what judges are for. If there's a problem, we identify it.

And we can say "hey, I get that you're feeling this, but you need to take a step back and trust that whoever judges your thread is going to be able to see a problem if there is one."

Hell, if it gets their frustrations out without directly insulting or attacking the other player ooc, I'm inclined to ignore it entirely.

[member="Triam Akovin"]

You volunteered first so go ahead and take this one.

I've spoken with Aya privately as she called for the judge and she has confirmed she has no intention of continuing the fight so go ahead and judge it as it stands.
Venting frustration is one thing, so long as it doesn't get out of hand. We've all done it. I don't think Aya crossed the line, though admittedly it's hard to delve deep with just a phone. That said, we don't need to encourage letting OoC bleed into posts.

Side note: not back to my PC yet, still in Wyoming. Will be another few days before I can be productive.


The Second Seal, broken.
[member="Sinistra"] [member="Triam Akovin"]

Alright, I'll grab this one then. Hopefully I'll have a judgement up today; if not, then tomorrow. (Someone come kick me if I don't).

Calling hits being one of the biggest don'ts of post dueling, Azalyn will of course be reprimanded. However, I caution against us screaming holier than thou mantras from high horses. Our primary objective here is to teach people, and nobody likes an abusive teacher. If it turns out that certain people continually ignore our recommendations and the rules set out for GBA – btw, is the updated version finally up for everyone? – then we can eventually give them a cool-down ban.

Anyway, off to judge.

EDIT: Judgement is up.

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