Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Kitter Bitters Garage - DIV Work


Katarine Ryiah
Full NameKatarine Alysabeth Ryiah
PronunciationKat-Ah-Ren | |R-Eye-Ah
AgeYoung Adult
RankJedi Master
  • New Jedi Order
  • Jakku Jedi Enclave
Force SensitiveYes
Height5' 2"
Hair ColorBrown & White
Eye ColorChange Colors With
Force Influences & Emotions
Skin ColorPale
Distinctive featuresDarkside Kryptonite
PlaybyCommissioned Art
  • Previous:
  • Current:


"Never Hide Your Heart"
-Katarine Ryiah

Katarine Ryiah is a Jedi Master from the Clone Wars era who was frozen in carbonite deep beneath the waters on the planet Naboo during Order 66. The The Cataclysm of Naboo caused her carbinanation chamber to be discovered. After her rescue she was taken to a Naboo hospital and treated for hybernation sickness. She spent three years battling the illness. Now she has joined the New Jedi Order to help bring peace to a galaxy far far away...

Katarine is a Jedi Sentinel who specializes as a Jedi Investigator. She works undercover to investigate threats to The Galactic Alliance and the New Jedi Order. She is a kind woman who loves teaching and animals.​


Katarine Alysabeth Ryiah is a Force-sensitive female human who served during the Clone Wars. A descendant from the ancient house of Petro, her grandmother renounced the family name after an altercation within the family. Katarine was born to two loving parents who had a troubled connection with a dark Jedi cult called The Followers of Gemini. Lady Sinistra, leader of the cult, believed that Katarine and her twin brother
Daxium fulfilled an ancient prophecy, allowing the cult to rise to power in the galaxy. To harness this prophecy, Lady Sinistra abducted the children when they were infants. The Jedi maintained a list of confirmed Force-sensitive infants, particularly their identities and locations, so they knew of the twin's existence. When it was discovered the Dark Jedi cult had kidnapped the children, a team of Jedi was sent to rescue them. The Jedi rescued the children and decided to separate them, believing it would be more difficult for remnants of the cult to find them if the twins were not together. Since both children were Force-sensitive they were sent to different enclaves within the Jedi Order.

As a Jedi youngling Katarine was taught at a small enclave on Corellia. At the temple she learned alongside other younglings, forming friendships and connections to other Jedi. Katarine, like most younglings wa
s divided into one of the clans consisting of approximately twenty students. She began her basic training in the Jedi arts upon joining a clan. Her lessons included various tests and rituals that had to be completed to advance to the higher levels of the Jedi arts. Between the ages of four and eight, she acquired the basic skills of lightsaber combat using a low-powered training saber to practice the deflection of blaster shots fired by training droids.As a youngling Katarine participated in The Gathering, a rite of passage of the Jedi Order meant as a lesson to teach Jedi Initiates how to overcome their personal fears or failings and to find a kyber crystal attuned to their Force presence in the Crystal Caves of Ilum. Upon retrieving the crystal, Kat began the process of constructing her lightsaber under the guidance of Master Spark Vallen.

After the construction of her lightsaber Katarine became the padawan of Jessari Tanelorn. She assumed the role of Jedi Commander in the military and served with Jessari Tanelorn. During this era, the galaxy was tranquil, so Katarine and Jessari were stationed in the outer rim, helping to contain criminal elements that threatened citizen safety in those worlds. Katarine trained in stealth and investigation and soon took the path of a Jedi Investigator. During this time, she took her trials and ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight. As a Jedi Knight she trained several young students to knighthood, including Mist Mayweather, Aden Lothiar, Elion Corsair, James Terran, and Phylis Alince and Zana Manto. Her commitment to training earned her the rank of Jedi Master. She would retain this rank and fight in the Clone Wars.

After Order 66 was issued Katarine was frozen in carbonite deep within the waters of Naboo. When the planet experienced a cataclysmic event, her chamber was knocked free and she surfaced. She spent three years in Theed combating hibernation sickness. When she overcame the illness, she joined The New Jedi Order to help serve the galaxy during this new time.




+Force Sensitivity - Katarine is a gifted Force user and very capable at altering her environment.

+Lightsaber Combat- Katarine is gifted with a lightsaber and always training to better her combat skills.

+Investigation & Stealth- As a Jedi Investigator Katarine specializes in undercover work.


-Darkside Kryptonite - As a metahuman Katarine has a mutation in her blood that causes her to be weak against the darkside. When in the presence of a darksider she feels dizzy and lightheaded, very much like Superman does in the presences of Kryptonite. This effect is multiplied if the darksider makes physical contact with her.

-Piloting - Katarine is a subpar pilot and prefers not to fly if she can help it.

-Kindess - Kat wears her heart on her sleeve, which can be very dangerous for a Jedi.





During her padawan training Katarine went to Ilum to find the crystals contained in her lightsabers. She selected two sets of crystals that were bled by Sith in order to make strong dark weapons howev
er because Katarine is weakened by the darkside (Darkside Kryptonite) she needed to purify the crystals before she could use them. She was able to purify one crystal set completely but the second crystal still contains some darkside energy, meaning she can only use it for a short period of time before it weakens her.Katarine specializes in wielding two blades, each contained two crystals. Each weapon has a dual-phase mechanism, which allows her to switch from one crystal to the other with a turn of the hilt, thus lengthening the blade. When the blades are in their standard form they are white, average length and utilizing the purified crystal, but when the hilt is rotated the blades lengthen and utilize the crystal that still has some residual dark energy This dark energy turns the blade pink and can only be used for a short time before Kat must switch her weapon back to it's original form.

Factory Link: Here

After her revival on Naboo she constructed another lightsaber. This lightsaber is a two bladed weapon with a handle that allows it to be separated into two single lightsabers. The blades are pink and they contain a standard crystal from the caves on Ilum.

Factory Link: Here


Traditionally Katarine wore a black flight jacket, black flight pants, white tank top, and black boots. This outfit served her well while she was doing undercover missions with the Jedi Investigators, and latter helped her hide her identity as a Jedi after Order 66. While she worked with the rebellion she would hide her lightsabers in her jacket or inside her boots to keep from revealing her true identity. After her arrival in the current time period Katarine stood out for wearing clothes that were a century out of fashion. Thanks to her new friends in the New Jedi Order she was gifted with a more updated version of Jedi attire. This new outfit features a black and white jumpsuit with black boots. Factory Link: Here

Katarine owns an antique ELG-3A blaster pistol from Naboo. The weapon is old and can sometimes misfire but sentimental attachment keeps it with her.​





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Casaline Andilet



Casaline Andilet
Full NameCasaline Anvi Andilet
PronunciationCas-Ah-Len | An-Da-Let
RankJedi Padawan - Runaway
  • New Jedi Order
Force SensitiveYes
Height5' 5"
Hair ColorBlack
Eye ColorBrown
Skin ColorPale
Distinctive featuresMutation Making it Difficult to Control Her Powers
  • Soline Andilet (adopted mother)
  • Daxium Ryiah ("father" genetic template)
PlaybyCommissioned Art
  • TBD


Casaline is a young female girl who was forced to go live at the New Jedi Order when her mother got sick. She has currently ran away from the Jedi and is trying to find herself.


Casaline Andilet is a female strandcast that was created in a laboratory on Naboo. She was created by a darkside cult known as The Followers of Gemini, who believe in an ancient prophecy that can help them obtain mortality. The prophecy, known as the doppleganger prophecy, centered around two twin children born in the region of Avirprine under the planets two moons. These two twins were identified by the cult as Daxium and Katarine Ryiah, but the cult was unable to use the twins to achieve imortaltity. Lady Sinistra, the leader of the cult, created Casiline from the genetic template of Daxium Ryiah, in the hopes of using the girl to fufil the prophecy. These plans failed when Casi appeared to be born without a connection to the Force.

Furious by the lack of ability in the child, but realizing that Casi could still prove useful, Lady Sinistra allowed a cult member to adopt the child and raise her on Naboo. Casi was adopted by Soline Andilet and raised on Naboo as a normal human child. She has no idea of her true genetics or of the cults existence.

Growing up Casi lead a mostly normal life. She attended school and had a few friends and shared a close bond with her mother. This changed when Soline fell ill and was rushed to a hospital in Theed. Soline fell into a coma and the stress of the event awakened latent Force abilities in Casi that she could not control. Worrying she might be a danger, and knowing she had no other family to take care of her, Casi was sent to the New Jedi Order to learn to control her new abilities.



+Force Sensitivity - Casi is Force Sensitive and can alter her environment

+Water Skills- Casi is naturally gifted with water and can use the Force to control it


-Uncontrolled Power - Due to her genetic mutation Casi has a lot of trouble controlling her powers. It often bursts forth when she is emotional.

-Lightsaber Combat- Casi is new to the Jedi and way behind the other younglings since she started at age 13




Casi currently has a blue training saber gifted to her from the New Jedi Order


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Casaline Andilet

[code] [div=margin: auto; max-width: 1000px; background-color: #131414; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 2px #000000; border: 2px solid #ffffff; border-radius: 30px; font-size: 100%; padding: 30px; overflow: auto;] [CENTER][IMG width="534px"][/IMG] [IMG width="433px"][/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Location: [/B][URL=''][B]Castell[/B][/URL][B] - The Solar Badger Tavern Objective: Work Tags: @Rik Perris POST HERE [/div]


Holly Starstorm

Full NameHolly Lee Starstorm
Age22 Years
RankJunior Reporter
Force SensitiveNo
Hair ColorBlond
Eye ColorBlue
Skin ColorWhite

During her young life on Corellia, Holly attended a public school and was very involved in her schools broadcasting program. She quickly took to being an audio field reporter, and a camera operator. After a while Holly learned how to use editing software for both audio and video. She produced her own fashion audio show for the holo channel at her school. When Holly graduated she attended Coronet City University and majored in both holo broadcasting and journalism. During her university life, Holly produced several more audio shows, as well as a few holo video segments and documentaries. She started writing for The Coronet Times, a local downloadable publication that reported news for Coronet City. During her career for The Coronet Times Holly won several holo journalism awards and was a star reporter for the publication. She remained at the Correlian paper for a few years before she decided to try her hand at galactic wide news.

Holly now freelances for many stations and has her own blog.

  • + expert sneak
  • + good communication skills
  • + reporters instincts
  • + Self-Defense Training

  • - Hot headed
  • - Rushes into dangerous situations
  • - Career oriented in the extreme
  • - No weapon skills

Personal Equipment

Personal Integrated Media Assistant - PIMA

Submission Link - Here

Press Pass

[div="max-width: 1000px; background:url('h'); background-repeat: repeat-y; box-shadow: 10x 30px 50px 10px #000000; border: 2px solid #000000; border-radius: 0px 0px 15px 15px;"][div="max-width: 1000px; border-radius: 0px 0px 15px 15px; background: rgba(43, 46, 56, 0.90); padding-top:10px;padding-left: 30px; padding-right: 30px; padding-bottom: 20px;   "]
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[div=display: block; font-size: 2em; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;  color: #9d9d9d; margin-top: -10px;]Holly Starstorm[/div]
[TD]Full Name[/TD]
[TD]Holly Lee Starstorm[/TD]
[TD]22 Years[/TD]
[TD]Junior Reporter[/TD]
[TD]Force Sensitive[/TD]
[TD]Hair Color[/TD]
[TD]Eye Color[/TD]
[TD]Skin Color[/TD]
During her young life on Corellia, Holly attended a public school and was very involved in her schools broadcasting program. She quickly took to being an audio field reporter, and a camera operator. After a while Holly learned how to use editing software for both audio and video. She produced her own fashion audio show for the holo channel at her school. When Holly graduated she attended Coronet City University and majored in both holo broadcasting and journalism. During her university life, Holly produced several more audio shows, as well as a few holo video segments and documentaries. She started writing for The Coronet Times, a local downloadable publication that reported news for Coronet City. During her career for The Coronet Times Holly won several holo journalism awards and was a star reporter for the publication. She remained at the Correlian paper for a few years before she decided to try her hand at galactic wide news.

Holly now freelances for many stations and has her own blog.

[*]+ expert sneak
[*]+ good communication skills
[*]+ reporters instincts
[*]+ Self-Defense Training

[*]- Hot headed
[*]- Rushes into dangerous situations
[*]- Career oriented in the extreme
[*]- No weapon skills

Personal Equipment

Personal Integrated Media Assistant - PIMA
[IMG width="109px"][/IMG]

Submission Link - Here

Press Pass

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Holly Starstorm

Full NameHolly Lee Starstorm
AgeMid Twenties
AffiliationsThe Galactic Alliance
HoloNet News
OccupationHolo News Reporter
Force SensitiveNo


Holly Lee was born to a middle class family on Coruscant. She was the middle child of three girls and their parents doted on each of them. For the most part Holly's life was normal and simplistic growing up but all that changed when her younger sister was kidnapped. Suddenly Holly's life was turned upside down and her family was blasted all over the news. The publicity and the lack of leads tore the family apart and Holly couldn't help but notice that the investigators didn't do a great job when trying to locate her sister. This incident sparked a passion for investigation in Holly when she was only a young girl. Unfortunately her family could not deal with being cast in the spotlight, especially because the press soon grew tired of running a missing girl story and began to speculate that Holly's parents were involved in the kidnapping to keep leads coming in. Devastated her parents got a divorce and Holly was relocated to Corellia to live with her mom, while her older sister and her father remained on Coruscant.

Holly attended a public school on Corellia and was very involved in her schools broadcasting program. She quickly took to being an audio field reporter, and a camera operator. After a while Holly learned how to use editing software for both audio and video. She produced her own fashion audio show for the holo channel at her school. When Holly graduated highschool she changed her last name because she wanted to avoid the spotlight that her sisters kidnapping had shed on her family. She attended Coronet City University and majored in both holo broadcasting and journalism. During her university life, Holly produced several more audio shows, as well as a few holo video segments and documentaries. She started writing for The Coronet Times, a local downloadable publication that reported news for Coronet City. During her career for The Coronet Times Holly won several holo journalism awards and was a star reporter for the publication. She remained at the Correlian paper for a few years before she decided to try her hand at galactic wide news.

She moved back to Coruscant under the new name Starstorm and has been hired by the HoloNet News where she works as an investigative reporter.

  • + expert sneak
  • + good communication skills
  • + reporters instincts
  • + Self-Defense Training

  • - Hot headed
  • - Rushes into dangerous situations
  • - Career oriented in the extreme
  • - No weapon skills
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Katarine Alysabeth Ryiah is a Force-sensitive human female who served the Jedi Order before The Great Jedi Purge. Due to her specialization as a Jedi Investigator, a role that relied on withholding her identity, she spent most of her early life undercover and never rose to galactic prominence.

Katarine was born into the noble house of Demesne on her mother's side, while her father's family had renounced their association with one of the ancient houses of the galaxy. Her parents were loving people who adored their children and hoped to have a large family. As an infant Katarine was cared for by servants and accustomed to a fine life. This changed when the family was targeted by a Dark Jedi Cult called The Followers of Gemini. Lady Sinistra, leader of the cult, believed that Katarine and her twin brother Daxium fulfilled an ancient prophecy, allowing the cult to rise to power in the galaxy and grant Lady Sinistra immortality. To harness this prophecy, Lady Sinistra abducted the children when they were infants. The Jedi maintained a list of confirmed Force-sensitive infants, particularly their identities and locations, so they knew of the twin's existence. When it was discovered the Dark Jedi cult had kidnapped the children, a team of Jedi was sent to rescue them. The Jedi rescued the children, but the cult members were successful in killing the twin's parents, leaving them orphaned. The children's grandmother, Isaline, an ex Jedi who had taken the Barash Vow, was called to take the twins and raise them on the forest preserve world of Usina. During this time both Katarine and her twin brother Daxium played and enjoyed being normal children. The twins grew closer and eventually, they formed a Force Dyad. Their grandmother knew that as Force sensitive children they were destined to eventually join the Jedi, but she tried to stall this as long as she could because the twins were so close and The Jedi forbid attachments. After a second kidnapping attempt by the Followers of Gemini however the grandmother knew it was time to send the children to the Jedi. Isaline traveled to Coruscant with both of the children, intending to give them over and allow them to start training.

After testing both of the twins the Council determined that both were highly Force sensitive, but Daxium had a volatile temper that made him dangerous. This combined with the fact that the dark cult was still at large lead to the Jedi Order deciding to separate the twins, believing it would be more difficult for remnants of the cult to find them if the twins were not together.

Katarine was sent to a small Jedi enclave on Corellia, while her twin brother Daxium was adopted by a Hapan noble family. The twins were distraught and did not want to be separated, and planned to keep in touch with each other, but the Jedi Code at the time forbade attachments for Katarine. Daxium was also highly jealous that Katarine would get to be trained in the ways of the Force while he would not. This would later become a source of contention between the twins.

As a Jedi padawan Katarine trained in several different enclaves. At the Corellian enclave she met a young girl named Zesh and the two quickly bonded. While Katarine served as a Jedi padawan she focused her skills into becoming a Jedi Sentinel. She soon specialized in detective work and started to accompany Jedi Investigators on assignments. She specialized in criminal investigation and spent a lot of her time in the criminal underworld on assignment. Katarine felt at home in the criminal underbelly and soon earned a reputation due to her unorthodox way of doing things

After facing her trials she ascended into the rank of Jedi Knight and decided to put her investigative skills on hold so she could focus on teaching. As a Jedi Knight she trained several young students to knighthood, including Mist Mayweather, Aden Lothiar, Elion Corsair, James Terran, Phylis Alince and Zana Manto. She would continue to train other students and aid in the training of students at the Coruscant temple during this time. Eventually Katarine opened a small enclave on Dagobah, and helped to train a select few students in the boggy terrain. Here she taught students how to track and Psychometry, the ability to sense the memories of other beings by touching objects that they had come into contact with. Katarine also used this time to develope exceptional agility, even furthering her ability to move quickly by regularly performing training climbs and long runs with her students. Her group of students became expert trackers and scouts. Each student would go on to utilize these skills after their knighthood.

When her students had finished training Katarine closed the enclave on Dagobah and traveled back to Corellia. The planetary police body, CorSec was suffering from internal corruption. The police commissioner reached out to the Jedi for help and Katarine was placed undercover to identify the leaks in the system. She entered the CoreSec Academy as a rookie cop and worked her way through the program.

During her training with the other cadets Katarine couldn’t help but be impressed by the police agency. CorSec had an impressive arrest and conviction record and was among the finest law enforcement officials in the galaxy. She quickly excelled through the program, setting many of the agencies records during her training. After graduating from the academy she became a beat cop and eventually she was promoted to homicide detective. This promotion meant a great deal to Katarine, who was seriously considering leaving the Jedi to pursue police work full time. She was assigned to an older officer, Penhall who became her partner. The two grew close as they worked together and Katarine found a fast friendship in her fellow officer. Kat found Penhalls charm, humor and unwavering good heart as a welcome relief from others in the galaxy. As she continued her investigation into CorSec Penhall eventually discovered Kats true identity, but he swore to keep it a secret so she could weed out the corrupt cops working in the agency. Penhall would latter be killed in the line of duty, devastating Katarine but allowing her to take down the corrupt officer Fuller. After she closed her investigation Kat resigned her position in CorSec and returned to the Jedi. Her attachment to Penhall deeply troubled her and she sought to refocus on the Jedi path. She joined the temple on Coruscant and focused heavily on training a handful of new students during this time.

Due to her commitment to training and the need for more high ranking Jedi during the Clone Wars, Kat was Mastered at the young age of 18. She was called to the front lines of the Clone Wars shortly after obtaining her new rank. As a young master she faced many challenges on the battlefield and quickly found that she did not excel at leading armies like most Jedi did. Katarine yearned to return to her investigation assignments and when the opportunity presented itself she always volunteered for assignments that took her off the battlefield. The Clone Wars was taxing however and many Jedi were called to the front lines. It was a difficult time for Kat, as she tried to become a better tactician and warrior. She was not in her element and was often overshadowed by great Jedi generals of the time.

Eventually Katarine would cross paths with her twin once again when she was on an assignment in the criminal underworld. Reports of a serial killer had reached the ears of the Jedi Council and Katarine was dispatched to investigate the crimes. She was all too happy to leave the battlefield, though felt a pang of guilt knowing that she was needed on the front lines. She traveled to the casino planet of Cantonica to meet with the medical examiner and discuss the victims. The examiner her showed her that each victim was carved with an intricately done etching of dark runes that were only visible in some light. The markings looked familiar to Katarine but she could not be certain where she knew them from. She began her investigation into the markings and followed leads all over Cantonica, until she finally came face to face with her twin Daxium. Katarine was astonished to learn that Daxium had envied Katarine for being able to train with the Jedi and despised her for turning her back on her family. Left with no other option, he had ran away from his adopted family and tracked down Lady Sinistra so he could learn the ways of the darkside. Katarine tried to talk sense into her brother, but she quickly realized his killing spree was a trap to get her to Cantonica. He took her into custody, using muscle from the rest of the Followers of Gemini. The cult held Katarine captive for months, torturing her and carving the same dark runes on her. Their leader, Lady Sinistra, was missing and the cult suspected Jedi involvment in her disapearance. The brutal questioning continued but Katarine refused to give any details on where the Jedi kept prisoners of that calibar. Finally, enraged at his sisters refusal to break, Daxium threatened a group of children and Kat's resolved wavered. She agreed to take Daxium to Black Marsh Prison, a secret prison where the most dangerous criminals in the galaxy were kept. Daxium and Katarine traveled to Naboo, and decended into the inky depths of the swaps to the prisons secret location. Lady Sinistra was indeed locked in the depths but Katarine made one last bid to pursuade her brother to leave the cult. A fight broke out and Daxium managed to push Katarine into the carbonation chamber. She remained in the depths for over a century until the cataclym of Naboo broke the prison and sent those emtombed to the surface. Katarine was rescued and taken to Theed General Hospital, where she battled hybernation sickness for three long years. When she was healthy enough she traveled to the New Jedi Order to start learning this strange new timeline she found herself in.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam imperdiet aliquam blandit. Nam dapibus interdum quam et finibus. Phasellus dictum, erat at suscipit sollicitudin, massa metus placerat odio, sit amet lacinia sapien diam ut metus. Aliquam rhoncus mi eget arcu placerat, ut convallis ex cursus. Aenean fermentum diam sed justo viverra venenatis. Etiam efficitur vehicula massa, sed pretium dui rutrum vel. Proin elit justo, posuere aliquet egestas ac, vestibulum eu ligula. Donec turpis ex, sollicitudin non sapien non, consectetur volutpat lectus. Donec id pretium metus. Integer rutrum risus vel pulvinar fringilla.

Sed convallis, leo et rhoncus ullamcorper, tortor lacus suscipit justo, eu elementum libero ex vel felis. Aenean sit amet arcu a enim porta placerat eget non lacus. Maecenas nunc dui, lobortis vitae pellentesque ac, facilisis eget odio. Vestibulum sed vestibulum purus. Proin nec orci eu orci fringilla finibus id sit amet arcu. Donec finibus orci metus, sit amet laoreet mauris vehicula et. Pellentesque sapien nulla, luctus id tempus id, rutrum et ipsum. Pellentesque nec rhoncus lectus, nec fermentum lacus.

Mauris feugiat, metus quis rhoncus congue, nisi orci malesuada metus, vel fringilla urna sem id nibh. Quisque bibendum nulla at dolor gravida, eleifend mattis quam commodo. Fusce eget aliquam turpis, at mollis quam. Sed sit amet lacus non elit tincidunt auctor nec id purus. Phasellus bibendum eu velit non vestibulum. Nulla malesuada convallis convallis. Quisque nec bibendum ligula. Suspendisse condimentum dapibus eros non porta. Praesent commodo id orci quis posuere. In eleifend leo a velit sagittis porttitor.

[div=max-width: 950px; margin: auto; border: 2px solid #785455; padding: 40px; padding-top: 220px; background: url(), #000;; background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat; background-position: 50% 0%, 50% 0%; border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 0px #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12pt; color: #D9CDCC; text-align: justify;]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam imperdiet aliquam blandit. Nam dapibus interdum quam et finibus. Phasellus dictum, erat at suscipit sollicitudin, massa metus placerat odio, sit amet lacinia sapien diam ut metus. Aliquam rhoncus mi eget arcu placerat, ut convallis ex cursus. Aenean fermentum diam sed justo viverra venenatis. Etiam efficitur vehicula massa, sed pretium dui rutrum vel. Proin elit justo, posuere aliquet egestas ac, vestibulum eu ligula. Donec turpis ex, sollicitudin non sapien non, consectetur volutpat lectus. Donec id pretium metus. Integer rutrum risus vel pulvinar fringilla.

Sed convallis, leo et rhoncus ullamcorper, tortor lacus suscipit justo, eu elementum libero ex vel felis. Aenean sit amet arcu a enim porta placerat eget non lacus. Maecenas nunc dui, lobortis vitae pellentesque ac, facilisis eget odio. Vestibulum sed vestibulum purus. Proin nec orci eu orci fringilla finibus id sit amet arcu. Donec finibus orci metus, sit amet laoreet mauris vehicula et. Pellentesque sapien nulla, luctus id tempus id, rutrum et ipsum. Pellentesque nec rhoncus lectus, nec fermentum lacus.

Mauris feugiat, metus quis rhoncus congue, nisi orci malesuada metus, vel fringilla urna sem id nibh. Quisque bibendum nulla at dolor gravida, eleifend mattis quam commodo. Fusce eget aliquam turpis, at mollis quam. Sed sit amet lacus non elit tincidunt auctor nec id purus. Phasellus bibendum eu velit non vestibulum. Nulla malesuada convallis convallis. Quisque nec bibendum ligula. Suspendisse condimentum dapibus eros non porta. Praesent commodo id orci quis posuere. In eleifend leo a velit sagittis porttitor.
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Konrad Heron

Full NameTBD By Author
Age40 Years
Force SensitiveNo
Hair ColorDark
Eye ColorBrown
Skin ColorWhite

Konrad was born on Corellia to two average parents. His childhood was fairly normal and included school and hanging with his pals. He didn't particularly love his studies but he was always a very athletic person. After graduation he enlisted in the Corellian Security Forces and entered the academy as a trainee cop. The work was great and allowed him to help people, something he had a passion for. He worked his way up through the academy and eventually graduated as a police cadet. In just a few short years he made detective. The entire department was impressed with him and figured he was on his way to becoming police commissioner. That is until it happened.

During a sting operation Konrads partner was shot and died in the line of duty. The officer didn't take it well and his once promising career suffered. As he dove into a drinking addiction he was shuffled from department to department, nobody knowing quite how to handle him. Eventually when The Galactic Alliance decided to give some resources to the Jedi Investigators he was shuffled over there. He is now serving with a Jedi, something many of his fellow officers tease him about.

  • + expert sneak
  • + good with a blasater
  • + great hand to hand combat
  • + Self-Defense Training
  • + Pilot


  • - Hot headed
  • - Rushes into dangerous situations
  • - Can be a bit of a jerk
  • - Not Force sensitive

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