Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"let the whole community know whats going on"

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[member="Lord Mythos"]

[member="Samael Rekali"]

Samael Rekali said:
Are you going to try and make this an interesting and above positive writing environment for everyone, as is your duty as the Faction Owner or are you going to make it negative experience for everyone?

Whether or not one should be ready to have Invasions shoved in their face whether they like it or not is not the issue. The people being accused of wrongful acts are creating a tremor of unjust woeful action. The roleplaying is meant to be fun. How would you like it if the staff made "The Great Faction of Gods" and made it so they could stomp every form of resistance you had simply because they could, because by the rules of the board, they are following them just by the public eye seemingly not breaking rules?

Powergaming, Metagming, it's all a form of abusing power. No matter who does it, if they blanket the board with their fun that causes us unrest, it's not fun for anyone else. That's like starving a community, and causes a board/community to die off because the only people who can have fun are those people and no one else

Edit: This is in no way to be an affront of the Staff. Their way of how ruling goes I quite like and they are very friendly people.
[member="The Revenant"]

The negative influence surrounds them, so even if they supposedly did nothing, and the accuser is the trouble maker, these tremors were not caused by nothing, an idea is created from something. Perhaps the accused have an issue with the accusers faction, or someone in it, and abusing their right to personally commit havoc towards the accuser and the accuser feels this is wrong.

War is inevitable, but even in roleplay we can give leeway, and if it goes too far it should be labeled as harassment.
Galven Solomon said:
The negative influence surrounds them, so even if they supposedly did nothing, and the accuser is the trouble maker, these tremors were not caused by nothing, an idea is created from something. Perhaps the accused have an issue with the accusers faction, or someone in it, and abusing their right to personally commit havoc towards the accuser and the accuser feels this is wrong.

War is inevitable, but even in roleplay we can give leeway, and if it goes too far it should be labeled as harassment.
All that we know has happened is: One major faction sent another major faction an intention to invade.

Other than that, the rest of this discussion is based on: "he said, she said."


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
I've been trying to figure out why I found this thread so unsettling for most of the day, and I think I've finally nailed it down.

The intent here doesn't seem to be geared towards solving a problem. The initial post appears to be an attempt to indict the unspecified defendants in the court of public opinion for some fairly heinous crimes in the world of RP. By not naming any names, the defendants are unable to respond to the allegations directly without identifying themselves. In doing so, they would be forced to tacitly admit that their actions could be interpreted as harassment or metagaming in the right light, and their side of the narrative would be interpreted through that lens for the duration of the discussion. After all, how would they know to identify themselves if there wasn't at least a shred of truth to the allegations?

Things like this, ladies and gentlemen, are why I drink.
Talk about quality entertainment. Thank you Sanya for creating this amazingly redundant debate that reminds me of the reason I left many other sites in the past. 'He said she said' bullshit like this is not conducive to the general wellbeing of a site. Also for not naming names, nice name drop on a person and faction. I would restate that you are a faction composed of many Darksiders that is dangerously close to a faction with the desire to wipe out all Darksiders. How well did you honestly think that would go?
[member="Chevu Visz"]

I'm not saying anyone has done anything, I've put forth opinions for both. Either way, any discrepancies and/or conflicts need to stop. What we do know; is people haven been affected.


The reason this post was made public anyway, is because an Admin suggested it. The person who posted this felt it was right and just not to disclose names.
Sanya Val Lerium said:
Okay also you have rp'd and done this longer. How do I go about rev and the's not just me but quite a lot in there. Even a new member to the forms said it's karked up his words

Post a thread about it on the forum and let the whole community know whats going on.


That’s what I’d do, at least.
Right there, the highlighted part. Hell of a name drop for not mentioning names.

This, ladies, gentlemen, and friendly neighborhood drunkards, is why I sleep through 90% of invasions. You can't be involved in drama if you're only awake long enough to post, have a casual half-awake conversation with your duel partner, and drink some sleepy-time-tea. But since a lot of you have actual RL responsibilities, I can see why the whole 'sleeping from 5 AM to 11 PM every day' thing might not work.

My suggestion? Look at some kitten gifs and don't take advice from awkward almost 16-year olds*.
*AKA me. Don't take advice from me. Just don't.
This is getting ridiculous.

I've really tried to avoid posting in here but you know what, It can't be helped and for whatever the reason the drama started, it's all just garbage as an affront for role-playing motives. What I mean by this is that not only does this thread take away from the fun of role-playing but Christ knows it can only add to the assumptions going around to peoples IC interactions and intended threads/actions for their characters being OOC influenced. It's been said before already that this thread isn't going to solve anything; though I understand the reason for it being made and that now everything's been aired out into the public light but something like this should really have stayed quiet, it's been blown so far out of proportion and I think the majority of all of this probably comes from too many people assuming the worse of each other and not enough people actually sitting down to talk it out maturely like the reasonable members we're supposed to be.

Now I'm still new to Chaos, playing Zarack & Karrus Zorathi. I've been in the Black Rose for two weeks or so (give or take) and I've let myself get wound up into this masquerade of OOC back and fourth by affiliation and wanting to help support my faction (which I've come to really like, despite all this). I've seen and heard things, spoken on my part against claims in private that I can only take guesses at not knowing the full story but again, I've seen little to no result that's helping to diminish the OOC drama that seems to be floating about around me. This for a new member isn't encouraging but take note that I'm not blaming anyone but myself here, I've allowed myself to be in this position.

Aside from opening myself up to the public and stating where I'm currently standing in this absurd scene of events, all I really want to get at is that my sole intention for joining this forum was to play out and progress the story between my two characters, brothers on either side of the Force. Where the focus has been more so bent around this out of character charade, I personally want to see more emphasis put down to the IC/Role-play at hand, as it should be, as I believe this site was made to be.

One of the biggest rules of the internet however is that if you get enough people into one place, there's bound to be drama and disagreements. For whatever it's worth, I don't support what I'm seeing and wish things would return to IC first, OOC should be mostly irrelevant unless the Admin are forced to be involved or we're dealing with Factory related threads.

I doubt all will agree with me, some may not understand what I'm getting at here but the short version? Just role-play together and move on if possible, if not, I heard something about an ignore/block button? But that really shouldn't be necessary...-I apologize if I rub anyone the wrong way here but this is just silly.
I don't intend to defend myself on this topic in public, largely because I feel this thread was a mistake for a number of reasons. However, if anyone would like to hear the other side of the story, my door is always open for civil discourse. Feel free to pm me, though I would prefer discussion on skype.

Cheers and I hope this discussion helped solve whatever this problem is that seems to be ailing people, as of late. Though I suspect it didn't.
[member="Zarack Arkaos"] This was ridiculous to start with. That is the point I believe many are trying to make here and many share the feeling from what I have read, that this should have been dealt with either IC or in private, not as it has been.
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