Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Liberty's Gate | GA Invasion of BOTM Held Adrathorpe

Elena Lowe




Cadet Elena Lowe | Talon Squadron
Allies: Tren Chaar Tren Chaar | @Cordé Kovacs| Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard | @Mylo Thorne| Haon Hafey Haon Hafey | Zaka Zaka
Enemies: Electra-12 Electra-12 | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | CETCOM CETCOM | Rebirth Rebirth


"C'mon c'mon c'mon"

Elena strained forward, laying over the divider that separated the gunner from the pilot's seat. Her outstretched hand was grasping for the cockpit's manual release.

The gravity had gone out with the power, and the R-wing was drifting in slow circles. The pilot, who Elena had freed from his harness, was floating, his head and torso suspended over the instrument panel whilst Elena reached over the top of his corpse to try and open the cockpit.

Finally, she got hold of the manual release and heaved on it. The cockpit sprang open, and Elena pushed the pilot up and out. As he floated away, Elena caught a glimpse of the hole the debris had punched through his head, and she winced and screwed her eyes shut until she was sure he was out of sight.

With an arm hooked around the seat to keep herself from floating off into the void, Elena grabbed the cockpit and pulled it closed, clambering from her position in the back to the pilot's seat as she did so. She sucked in a couple of deep breaths. She had to stay calm.

First the power. Elena stared down at the instrument panel. It was so much more complicated than the ship's she had trained with at the war college, with many more buttons and dials she simply didn't understand. Still, the systems were fundamentally the same, so after a few minutes of searching Elena found the switches to restart the ion engine, whooping excitedly as the electronics whirred back to life and light filled the cabin once again. With the HUD online, Elena watched diagnostic messages she barely understood come flooding in. The fighter was clearly damaged, Elena only hoped it would run long enough to get her back to her home ship.

Next she had to sort out her life support. Elena fumbled with the twisting cords and wires beneath her seat, eventually pulling free a thick tube with a release on it that she quickly twisted, affixing the end to her flight suit clumsily. She had only practiced the maneuver once or twice in the academy, but she was glad she had paid attention, as the ship’s air supply was now flowing directly to her suit.

With her air secured, Elena breathed out a relieved sigh, sitting back in the chair and breathing deeply until the shaking in her hands subsided. Once she was calm, she set her attention on the instrument panel. A cascade of warnings were still running down the HUD, and she didn’t have time to run the checklists. She took stock of the messages, which included aileron damage, perforation of the hull and a coolant leak. Elena grimaced. She was no starfighter expert, but she knew enough to know that wasn’t good.

With everything restarted and mounting warnings from the fighter’s systems, it was time to get moving. Elena tentatively pulled on the heavy control column, grinning despite herself as the fighter shifted in kind. She keyed the radio, hoping she was still on the right frequency.

<: “Talon 1-1 this is Talon 1-2, how copy?” :> she waited a few moments and continued. <: “I’ve collided with debris, attempting to make return back to ANV Fermata, requesting escort”. :> Hopefully, that would get her some assistance long enough to get back to the ship and perhaps, never get into a starfighter again.

Elena pushed up the throttle, and with a slight groan the starfighter accelerated forwards. Filled with holes and limping, it turned slowly back towards their home ship, and set off.

  • Elena takes stock of the accident, removing the pilot and taking control of the fighter
  • After restoring crucial systems, Elena radios Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard for assistance and turns back for the Fermata
Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw
Objective III.: Steel and Bone | Sabotage the ship
Location: Aboard the Triumph
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Open
Enemies: Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Syndulla Command Syndulla Command | Open
[ Mitternacht ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Luckily, I was moving fast enough to survey the place, I didn’t even have to enlist the help of MANIAC because without it, I was perfectly able to determine the points where I would have to put the explosives to blow up the place. However, I didn’t have enough explosives to make a maximum impact. The optimal was easily reachable, but the maximum is not. If I’m lucky, it might be enough, but it requires accurate calculations and big redeployments. However, the AI can help you calculate this here. And he's faster than me, so this will be enough when the other explosives arrive. By the time I was done, I had received an answer from The Mongrel The Mongrel as well.

<< Yes, Warlord?” >> I replied immediately.

His message was not the luckiest. True, it’s hard to remain unnoticed in the body he was in right now. And I don’t know who or who was with him, and even they could have hindered him in progressing. There were tasks that alone were really easier to do. Stealth was one such job. Invisibly, silently between enemy lines. However, the task was still given; in the worst case, I have to do it alone and really have to recalculate where and how to put the explosives. Fortunately, I didn’t despair of the challenges.

<< Understood, warlord! Good hunting! Mercy out!” >>

Then I had to hope that our troops would get here sooner than the possible enemy forces. However, because of this, it may not really be possible to recalibrate explosives. So what’s really left is to put them out according to Plan B, and then if I still get new ones, it will be easier to scatter them in the delicate area so I can optimize the explosion. So, in turn, I needed MANIAC's help.

~ MANIAC, calculate for me how and where to put the currently available explosive in order for the explosion to achieve the optimal destruction mentioned earlier. Project the result onto the retina along with the sites and dose amounts. ~ I ordered him.

By the time I got to my bag by the wall, I already had the results. Yes, there was a reason why I liked an AI to calculate these for me. Much faster and more accurate. I had every place, even which explosives I should slice up where needed. Great! At that time, all I really had left was to start putting explosives to their places. That's how I started this task.




Objective: Follow Master Noble
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

The darkness would linger.

So no matter how much of a shield Iris was, there would always be that danger? Her gaze drifted to the other ships that fell in line. Their colors were bright again, protected by her. Would it be okay to leave them? No, they were stronger than that. Now they knew what was going on, they could fight it. Long enough for Iris and her master to stop the source. She gulped.

They were counting on her.

"R7, return controls." They were counting on her, her master, all the Jedi. If Iris truly could help, she would. Once again gripping her controls the padawan surged after her master towards their destination. She could see it, the path. A faint color between the shades of darkness where others were still fighting. She followed it,, staying close to Valery but not directly with her. She was weaving through the battlefield.

Then they were in the ship. For a moment the younger woman panicked as her master didn't slow down. Was she shot? No, crash landing? On purpose!? Iris much more carefully, if still quickly, landed her own ship. And was promptly met by blaster fire. Oh, that's wh- The sound of an explosion caught her off guard. Behind her, the astromech had been taken out.

Right. This was still war.
She didn't have the time to even say good bye to her friend, though, as she caught movement close by. Her ship was able to at least handle regular blaster fire. But one of the troopers was pulling out a rocket. The compartment of her X-wing shot up as she pulled the eject lever, just as the missile slammed into her ship. She escaped the explosion, but it wasn't long until the troopers noticed her in the air.

Gritting her teeth she ignited her blade. Domxite hummed to life, burning a brilliant white. Desperation took over as her blade flashed past her, knocking back some of the incoming shots. She was an easy target. Panic filled her heart in the moment she fell.

No. Calm. Her heart stilled as she let herself go. No more panic, no more franticness. Just trust in what her body wanted to do. Trust in the Force. The change was immediate. A rocket had been launched for her once she hit the ground. The shining white of her blade cut down, severing the missile in two. At just the right moment to send the halves spiraling towards the troopers behind her.

"Move with me, Iris!"

She was off. She didn't pay attention to the one who had shot the rocket, instead rushing to her master's side while letting the Force guide her through the blasters coming their way.

"I'm with you!"


//: GA SSD Engineering //:
//: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren //:

Anticipation grew as the influence of the dark side intensified. Allyson could hear the clawing of the grotesque monstrosities the undead brought with him. Each moment a speck of light from the force dimmed, a life taken transformed into fuel for the creatures. The images that the sounds brought made her throat taste of bile. Out of everyone the woman had faced, Kyrel Ren was someone she had hoped she'd never meet again. It seemed he and the Dark Lord, the one she faced on Jedha, had a fascination with the undead.

The turbo-lift stopped, crunching whatever poor souls had found themselves locked underneath; she hoped it was some of his creatures. The door slid open, and she was greeted by the undead master, his words dripping with excitement - it seemed he was expecting her. Allyson didn't fade into the shadows; she stood in plain sight for him. In her hands was the shotgun that he had already been introduced to. "I'm about to finish it." She remarked the end of the gun blasted towards the Master of Ren. As she fired it, she threw the weapon towards him and took the opportunity to escape the narrow passage of the turbo lift.

Her figure fading into the Force, Allyson slipped from the turbo-lift and weaved her way through the pack of flesh-hungry monsters. Eyes widening as she watched one of them rip the muscle from one of the guards. The stench of death and decay filled her senses; it caused her to struggle to maintain control. Ducking behind a knocked-over pile of debris, Allyson threw up. There wasn't much more she could do to try and keep it all together; everywhere she looked, his army was feasting on the dead. It angered her.

An arm wiped against her lips, taking the taste of her stomach away. The hum of the newly ignited lightsaber echoed, giving away her location behind Kyrel.

"I'm going to send you back to the chit hole the witch that brought you back dug you up from." With a flick of her wrist, the typically foreign weapon moved gracefully through the neck of one of his undead, "This time in pieces."


Seto Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Steel and Bone
Location: Onboard the Momentous Triumph
Action: Attack the Mongrel and try to push past him
Weapon: REC-EVS/01 "Sohei" - Pattern Electro-Vibrosword


Parried into deflection, but not a perfect parry, Seto felt his blade sink into the Cyborg’s shoulder but his forward momentum sapped of strength he pushed himself back into a defensive position. His eyes looked beyond, rather attempted to look behind the Cyborg but clearly it had decided to make a stand here. Which means I need to reach the other group, no doubt attempting some sort of sabotage. The situation was growing rather dire, and a part of the young Du Couteau heir wished to have called for assistance to simply throw many more courageous and loyal bodies at the problem rather than himself.

Remove the Cyborg and reach the rest. Simply enough of a plan of attack.

The Cyborg in question though clearly had intentions of being rather rude and dared to challenge him into their fight. Seto could almost hear his sister yell at him to not be an idiot, and with a ghost of a smile tugging the corners of his lips. His right hand through the hilt reached up to his cape and unclipped it off of his person. He would pick up his cape after the fight was over, but for the moment he knew better than to engage this enemy with anything less than the deadly gravitas the circumstance called for.

With a simple flick of his blade, Seto returned to his attack stance, using the sheath as another blade for the moment and charged back into the Mawite Cyborg. He had no intention of sparring with words for this opponent, after all he had already come to the conclusion earlier that any calls for reason were bound to be fruitless. Instead Seto intended to speak to this Zealot in the only language that such Zealots could properly understand; extreme violence.

His blade swung upwards, knowing full well the Cyborg would attempt to parry or bat the attack away. Seto wanted his real attack hidden, his sheath may not pierce but empowered with the Force it would give a heavy blunting blow directly into the Cyborg’s middle section. Perhaps the worst damage would be a devastating dent that would take months of work to pop out, but Seto wanted to push the Cyborg back.

Move. Seto’s thought was quite intense that he almost felt as if it was spoken out loud.

Hostile Forces: || Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | The Mongrel The Mongrel ||
Allied Forces: || Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor | Yenna Yenna ||
Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw
Objective III.: Steel and Bone | Sabotage the ship
Location: Aboard the Triumph
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Open
Enemies: Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Syndulla Command Syndulla Command | Open
[ Mitternacht ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I started the last phase. The penultimate, to be exact, the last one was when I tried to get off the ship and we blew this thing up. However, I had to be punctual and hurry at the same time. Although the enemy wasn’t within range yet, though it was deceptive because I could only cover a hundred metres, and I noticed the obvious targets, however if anyone used camouflage technology, they didn’t. I moved with the explosives from the inside out. If possible, I packed them so that they are not in an obvious place, that is, they have to be searched by the Alliance members if they want to find them.

This slowed down my work a bit and MANIAC also had to recalculate the data in some places. Fortunately, this was not too much of a waste of time. I was hoping the warlord out there would prosper and not be in any trouble. He already lost too much, I was really worried about our goals, but I'm not worried for him. He will be dealt with by the Avatars. Returning to my own work. I also had to take out my dagger and cut, quarter, or halve some packages of explosives, maybe third, because that's how I got the optimal amount and size of them.

I had to lie down on the ground several times, slip under the rockets to fix the explosive there, deep inside. In some places I even had to turn on the timer, along with the detonator. I set the timers uniformly to fifteen minutes, this was enough; at least I thought so. But it could also be detonated, with a detonator, with a remote detonation. Eventually, the last pieces were in place. And I climbed out from under the rockets. Fortunately, these were ones that were far enough away from what would be fired or launched in the near future.

All I had to do was get off the ship. The bag I had previously bought was no longer needed, I also kicked it under the missiles, and I headed out while making the final adjustments to the detonator. As soon as I reached the door, I reactivated the cloaking device and then activated the countdown as well. All I and our people had to do was get off the ship or get far enough away from this area to survive the explosion. And one more thing was left as I headed back to send a message to The Mongrel The Mongrel .

<< Warlord, this is Mercy. I headed backwards, the explosives in place, countdown started. T-15 minutes. However, if you want, they can be exploded remotely at any time before time runs out. >>





H A R D _ S I X


Revenant Squadron

Talon Squadron

Saber Squadron

Brotherhood of the Maw

Chaar impatiently
attacks Nacheria Squadron

Revenant Squadron harried the TIE Hunters cross the debris zone, the lightning-fast interceptors of Three Flight working to split the Brotherhood pilots from their wingmates which the strike fighters of Two Flight unleashed against their shields with heavy quad laser fire. Kaul was at the front of the pack, intent on getting the kills against his name. The Flight Lieutenant would have to watch himself, getting more kills than Revenant Leader was dangerous for your long term prospects in the squadron.

Following the tactical display, Chaar watched as Saber Squadron tangled with the Divine-Eagle starfighters and the Crimson Linings Squadron broke off their attack to intercept Cadence Air Group X-wings. The possibilities of elite enemy kills were limited only by your skill and ordinance, both of which the Umbaran had in excess.

Talon One-Two reported being hit, with the rookie pilot struggling to wrestle control of the starfighter. The struggles of the rookie Talon Squadron were far from the top of his mind in such a target-rich environment.

His attention returned to Revenant. His pilots were taking too long - these were Brotherhood TIEs, how hard could they be? Neutralising unknown enemy starfighters was important work, but taking down elite squadron or enemy cruisers - that was the true promotion material. He was burning time and fuel on a low priority target.

Breaking away from the plan and without warning his squadron, Chaar shoved his control yoke to the right and down, diving into the debris clear zone toward the enemy TIE Hunters. He cycled two concussion missions and set them to delay fire with a second between the pair. His B-wing streaked toward the enemy ships, relying on the distraction provided by the X- and A-wings. He could warn his pilots he was coming, but that was a risk that they would react and give away his attack run. They couldn't be trusted with such important work. He moved his finger back away from the firing stud for his laser cannons - no need to let the enemy know he was coming.

Chaar waited until his war almost point-blank to sweep the targeting reticle over the TIE Hunter, releasing his deadly payload the moment he got a lock. Too impatient to see the outcome of the attack, he switched his fire control over to his heavy laser canons, set them to cyclic fire. Each of the four cannons would fire in schedule one after another, affording them a moment to recharge between shots.

His eyes narrowed as he got onto the tail of a TIE Hunter, swinging into the flight path of Revenant Twelve who had been working hard to wear down the shields of the enemy. The pilot pulled back as they saw Chaar swing into action - the commander didn’t share kills.

The Umbaran brought his targeting reticle over the tail of the TIE Hunter and opened fire, a feral grin forming on his face as the B-wing pounded away at the weakened enemy starfighter.


Location: Adrathorpe System, the Momentous Triumph
Allies: Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr
Foes: Syndulla Command Syndulla Command | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau

  • The Mongrel orders Mercy to withdraw to the escape ship
    • and to link up with Ignatius if possible
  • He parries Seto's sword but is struck and damaged by the scabbard when trying to catch it
    • He loses the use of his left hand
  • He uses a built-in flame projector to try to roast Seto at close range

As Mercy set her timed explosives and Ignatius and his crew placed their Thundahvelins caps, working from opposite sides of the vast missile bay they'd chosen to target, the simple truth of the Maw became evident once more: agents of the Brotherhood weren't the greatest at direct cooperation, but they could still get the job done. Between the charges set by each of the infiltrators, the torpedo storage was bound to go up in a truly impressive ball of flame; hopefully those involved would give one another time to get clear before it blew!

Had he been present to coordinate the sabotage, perhaps The Mongrel could have better facilitated an opportunity for Mercy and Iggy to link up and formally combine their efforts. But he had his hands full, and the most he could do was send a reply to Mercy when she reported her progress. "Good. That should give the auxiliaries time to finish placing their charges and get clear. Prepare to fall back to the Bunghole, and link up with Ignatius if possible. Combining your forces will make it easier for you to escape."

The entire transmission was internal, with no physical voice actually issuing from The Mongrel's mouthless face; he wouldn't have had time to say such a long message with Seto on the attack! With his shoulder already sparking, damaged in the initial attack, the warlord could tell that surviving this encounter was going to require his full attention. He had faced many Mage-Knights in battle over the years, and their dizzying variety of magical gifts always found new ways to surprise him and catch him off-balance. He'd have to be careful and clever.

"What, no clever retort?" The Mongrel's mechanical voice rumbled as Seto unclipped his cloak, letting the expensive fabric drop to the deck plating. "How dull. Your fine clothes hardly make up for an utter lack of personality, whelp." His foe came in with a high attack, swinging down at The Mongrel. With the ease of an experienced warrior - and aided by powerful cybernetics - the warlord lifted his blade and blocked the blow, the clang of metal on metal reverberating down the corridors of the Momentous Triumph as the swords met.

But that had not been Seto's true attack. The senator's scabbard lashed out like a second blade, or perhaps an off-hand club, swinging for The Mongrel's abdomen. With his sophisticated sensor package and inhumanly-fast reflexes, The Mongrel spotted the incoming swing, though he hardly considered a mere scabbard much of a threat. Holding his sword one-handed, he reached across his body with his own off-hand, trying to catch the scabbard. But the improvised weapon, bolstered by the power of the Force, hit much harder than expected.

Crunch. The scabbard's impact crushed the cyborg's wrist joint, smashing delicate servos as the palm was mashed back into his forearm. There was no pain, only a dull sense of impact - and the shrill whine of internal damage sensors alerting him to all the mechanisms that had just been shattered. Though he'd managed to stop the scabbard, it'd come at a high price: the fingers of his left hand would no longer respond to his mental commands, probably because they were twisted at odd angles and throwing off a shower of bright sparks.

He'd have to continue the duel one-handed.

"Oh, we have tricks, do we?" the warlord snarled. "Very well. I'll show you one of mine." The two of them stood close together, face to lack-of-face. At that range, and with their blades locked, evasion was difficult at best. The Mongrel took advantage of that. Further back along his damaged arm, a panel popped open... and a flame projector slid out. One of the benefits of having cybernetic arms was that you could stuff all sorts of deadly weapons inside them. The flame projector roared to life, spraying burning fuel straight at Seto.

Would his expensive garb hold up under literal fire?
NPC Storyteller
Location: Adrathorpe System
Allies: Electra-12 Electra-12
Foes: Tren Chaar Tren Chaar | Elena Lowe | Mylo Thorne | Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard
Engaging: Zaka Zaka | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei

  • Still waiting on Okkeus
  • Zaka destroys Sacrior Lead, and Sacrior Two takes over
  • The surviving Knyghts pool their Force strength to try to Force Choke Zaka
    • Distracted, they are slow to maneuver and unable to fire during the mystical attack


Telemachus never did get to find out if the manhandled missile struck home or not.

Although the swift reaction of Sacrior Squadron (or what was left of it) to the new Jedi Ace's arrival had cut Zaka off from linking up with his ally, the Knyghts had proven no more adept at catching their nimble target with that frantic convergence than they had with any previous maneuver. Like a grizzled old womp rat grown too clever to easily trap, the Jedi slipped through the loop of the snare and made off with the figurative cheese. Telemachus, distracted by the nose-bleedingly difficult effort of keeping the brilliant missile on the new course he'd chosen for it, did not see Zaka closing in on him until it was far too late. His faith in his squadron had been... misplaced, for their craft had been no match for the Jedi's advanced fighter.

In a hail of emerald laserfire, Sacrior Lead - already damaged from the prior strafing - burst apart, bits of the Divine Eagle flung out on the cosmic wind to join the debris swirling around the system. One fiery instant, and Telemachus was no more. But the Knyghts were not easily dismayed; fanatics in service to their dark gods, they viewed their squadron leader's end as a worthy martyrdom in the great galactic crusade. War and Death had claimed him, and now he could pass into the Galaxy To Come by the grace of Rebirth. So would they all pass one day, if they proved worthy through battle... and battle was still upon them, a chance to follow that same road to paradise.

Sacrior Two, whose Knyghtly name was Laocoon of Daedalon, immediately took command. "This foe is too swift for us to catch, brothers," he told the rest of the squadron. "But the gifts of the gods are strong within us! Add your power to mine, and we will crush his weak body within his ship." With the strong will of Laocoon to guide them, six Knyghts reached out to the Force, seeking the presence of the Jedi. They would have to give up actively focusing on the dogfight, most of their concentration going into this mystical attack, which would leave them vulnerable; their guns would fall silent, and they would be slow to evade if a foe came at them in the meantime.

But their well-practiced Force gifts might be enough to make up the difference.

Ordinarily, a Force Choke required the user to see his target, or at least a hologram of it. Few had mastered the ability to constrict a foe outside of their visual range, and none of the Knyghts could have done it alone. But over the course of the dogfight so far, they had become familiar with the Jedi's presence in the Force, the aura of light that shimmered within and around him. Each of them sent their Force perception of Zaka's position to Laocoon, and each of them lent Sacrior Two their power as well. With the might of the half-squadron of Knyghts remaining in the fight, perhaps they could overcome the limitations most Dark Siders faced when wielding this brutal power.

Perhaps they could end this fight by crushing Zaka's throat, or choking him into unconsciousness.




L I B E R T Y's_G A T E


Forces on the Predator's Bridge

-- what do you think is going to happen if the Maw conquers the galaxy, Sularen? If you do survive, then you'll be hunted as the Jedi are. Solipsis is not one to share power. You'll either bend the knee or die. Think that's better than an Alliance pris--

At this point Sularen was a little bit irritated by Dagon’s Questions. How was he supposed to command his Fleet if he had a rather talkative prisoner who couldn't just keep his mouth shut and just enjoy the show. Just as Sularen was about to cut Dagon off to order his Men to send him back into his Cell , the Grand Overseer heard the sounds of screams and bodies falling to the floor , followed by the Blast Doors of the Entrance leading to the Bridge suddenly being closed and the sounds of a Lightsaber bursting through those same Blast Doors. “What the hell is happening?” Sularen asked , both confused and irritated. “Sir , we have an intruder , we don’t know how she managed to reach the Bridge without being detected.” an Officer said. One of the Raptors guarding Dagon then made use of his Optical Implants to activate his Thermal Vision, soon getting a look at the individual trying to breach the Bridge of the Predator.

Grand Overseer , I have a visual on the Intruder. It seems to be a Young Female” the Raptor said in addition to the Officer’s Statement. Another Officer then spoke out. “Sir , we have been boarded by a Duo of Jedi on one of our Smaller Portside Hangars.” Sularen remained silent and visually annoyed that the Predator had become the target of Jedi Boarding Parties , first the Jedi trying to enter the Bridge of his Flagship and now this Second Duo of Jedi in one of the Predator’s Smaller Portside Hangars. They would certainly try to sabotage the Predator to provide the enemy an advantage but Sularen would not tolerate that. No one had ever tried to board the Predator before , and the Grand Overseer intended to make sure those who dared to do so would never come out alive. “Contact Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar inform him that he and his contingent of Raptors are to move and intercept those Jedi at once. I will not permit any more distractions and uh , please deal with this Jedi Intruder at our Doorstep. I have a Battle to win” Sularen said once more. He couldn't afford to lose this battle and yet these Boarding Parties were a distraction that could cost him dearly.

As the Jedi began slowly cutting through the Door , the 439th Stormtroopers on the Bridge raised their weapons aiming at the area in which they expected the Jedi to burst through once she had properly cut through the Door , while the Raptor Commandos remained with Dagon , pulling him to the Front of the Bridge far away from the Blast Doors. While the Jedi were formidable opponents as demonstrated with Sularen’s Confrontation with Jax This over Jedha , they weren't invincible and that was where Sularen’s Troops came in. The 439th Stormtrooper Legion was one of the most Technologically Advanced Elite Ground Units of the Maw and each 439th Legion Stormtrooper was outfitted with Lightsaber Resistant Armor and Force Masks embedded within their helmets rendering them immune to certain force abilities. In the case of the Raptors they were even more dealider sharing the same type of armor and helmets as Regular 439th Stormtroopers along with various cybernetic enhancements such as Lightsaber Resistant Subdermal Armor underneath their skin , Optical Implants that increased their vision and allowed them to have Infrared or Ultraviolet vision and most importantly Cybernetic Arms with Retractable Blades both whom were also resistant to Lightsabers. The Raptor Commandos were more than a match for a Single Jedi and with 4 onboard the bridge (2 guarding Dagon , 2 protecting Sularen) it would be hard for the intruder to fight her way towards Dagon.

As Sularen waited for the Jedi to burst through the reinforced blast doors however, his officers started to bombard him with reports of the latest developments from the 6th Sector Fleet

Sir , the enemy Flagship is trying to throw off our Leech Lock.

Enemy Starhawks closing in on the Carnage and Tyrant

We’ve just lost the Assassin

The 6th Sector Fleet had made its move and they were determined to defeat Task Force Vader or rather they were a bit too confident in their ability to fight Task Force Vader believing that just like Jedha it would be an easy fight and the Task Force would be dispersed. However whoever was in charge of the 6th Sector Fleet wasn’t facing the same opponent he’d faced above Jedha , he was facing Grand Overseer Marlon Sularen , one of the Final Dawn’s Finest Military Commanders and the Man who had been spearheading the overall War Effort of the Final Dawn , and he was going to show these Overconfident Alliance Commanders who truly dominated the Battlefield.

Disengage the Shield Leech Canons , I don't want these guys to discover an effective way to counteract them , otherwise our recent refits would have been for nothing. In the meantime have our Pellaeon’s move in and give those Starhawk’s a Taste of their own Medicine and begin charging the our Superlaser Siege Cannon and target their Redeemer-Class Star Defender. Once we take out their heaviest Warships we’ll easily sweep over the rest of their Fleet.” Sularen ordered. “They think they are sending a message , instead they will be the architects of their own destruction,” he finished. Soon enough, the Pellaeon-IVs emerged at the front of Task Force Vader as the Carnage and Furor were slowly being pushed out of formation and towards the emergence and as soon as the 4 Pocket Battlecarriers entered in range of the Enemy Starhawks they fired their own Magnite Tractor Beams at the large Battleships and within seconds began to push move the two Starhawks towards each other on a collision course. At the same time , the Predator’s Superlaser Siege Canon emerged from it’s Hull and began charging up while the Shield Leech Canon retreacting back into the Hull in relative safety from potential Attack/Bombing runs. If everything went as planned , 6th Sector Fleet would lose 3 of it's heaviest Warships and once that happened it would be game over for the Galactic Alliance.

:: Predator, this is shuttle FD-3114. On approach to the Predator with BANE Actual, requesting permission to land. Transmitting authorization codes now. ::

Shuttle FD-3114 , this is the Predator , your request has been accepted.” an Officer said in response to the transmission sent by Solipsis’s Ommin-Class Shuttle. As soon as he finished , the officer turned around and informed the Grand Overseer of this new development. “Grand Overseer , the Supreme Leader has arrived

  • Sularen is made aware of Jem Fossk Jem Fossk 's intrusion and his men ready themselves for her inevitable assault on the Bridge while Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze is dragged towards the front of the Bridge (Near the Viewports) by the 2 Raptor Commandos guarding him.
  • Sularen is also made aware of Valery Noble Valery Noble 's and Iris Arani Iris Arani 's arrival and quickly orders Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar and his Contingent of Elite Raptor Commandos to intercept them
  • Sularen is also informed of the 6th Sector Fleet's Attack and gives order to his Fleet.
    • The 4 Pellaeon-IV Pocket Battlecarriers (Torment , Defiance , Retribution & Judgement) move forwards towards the Starhawks activating their own Magnite Tractor Beams and locking onto the Two Starhawks (2 Pocket Battlecarriers per Starhawk) with the intent of crashing them into each other
    • The Predator disengages it's Shield Leech Canon (Which retracts back into the Hull) before moving forth to begin charging it's Superlaser Siege Canon and aiming at the ANS Integrity
    • The Rest of the Fleet continues it's Advance towards the 6th Sector Fleet
  • Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis ' Shuttle is allowed to land onboard the Predator and Sularen is informed of his arrival

The Corellian Sharpshooter
Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Valery Noble Valery Noble , Jem Fossk Jem Fossk , Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , anyone close by that I missed

Dantum "Dan" Kryszar was sitting on a bench near the cell block where he was supposed to take the Jedi Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze . Dan wondered what Sularen and the rest could be doing, and what the delay was. His employer, Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , had hired him to keep the Force-user under high guard and to kill anyone who tried to carry out a rescue mission. Dan was sure that he was more than capable of this. He could definitely handle one Jedi by himself, and the Elite Raptor Squadrons that he had been given could kill Jedi, or anyone else for that matter. Sularen knew Dan was adequately skilled to keep a Jedi under lock and key. So why was he keeping Dagon at the bridge? Dan was thinking about this when an Elite Raptor commando signaled him with a wave.

"Yes, what is it? Some action, possibly?"

The commando showed no recognition and silently handed the bounty hunter a hologram projector. One of Sularen's officers appeared and told him that he was to engage some Jedi in one of the Predator's portside hangars. Finally.

"I want all troopers geared up and ready to move out! We are going to fight some Jedi, and we are going to emerge victorious! Is that clear?"

The troopers acknowledged the command and quickly gathered their guns, grenades, and other equipment.

"You two, stay here. Guard this hallway and contact me if the bridge tries to tell me anything else." Dan told the two nearest Raptors.

The Corellian Sharpshooter gave his sniper rifle and laser-edged knife a once-over. He hadn't to use the knife in a while, but he had been practicing in the hopes of fighting a Jedi. Hopefully they would prove a worthy opponent.

"Go! Go! Go! Move out!" Dan yelled to the Elite Raptors under his command. With Dan at the head of the pack, they raced down the hallways towards the hangar. As they went, Dan periodically sent pairs of troopers to stay and guard their respective hallways if the Jedi made it past him, which was unlikely. Dan was almost caught up in the thrill of battle, but remembered that when engaging a Jedi, a foolish, reckless, and overconfident opponent always loses. He kept cool and thought of plans in his head. How could he best attack the Jedi? He mulled over this as he ran. Dan came to a conclusion. He would just let them make the first move, and then he would adapt to the situation. That was how he fought best. Dan looked at a sign on the wall of the ship as he ran past. Only a little longer until they reached the hangar. Time to go hunting!
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The blaster doors fell, rattling the bridge as they gave way. Jem emerged, dripping in sweat and determination as she jumped over the sweltering heat of melted metal, and onto the first threat.

Her gaze caught Dagon's along the way and he would know--He would know--

She wasn't leaving without him.

Her saber met the chest plate of the first guard. It glanced off and her eyes widened with shock. It was all the guard needed for an opening. Pain lanced across her shoulder as a blade sprouted out of the guard's cybernetic arm, taking a chunk of her skin with it. She withdrew, her blood splattering in hot drops against the ground, and reevaluated the setting.

8 Guards, 1 guy clearly in charge, and her master.

She clutched at her throbbing shoulder and tried to steady herself enough to breath in the force, but she didn't have the time. She could feel 3 of the guards encircle around her back. Her window of opportunity was closing--

And then the familiar voice. Her father, dark lord of stupidity, had arrived. Because that would help things. She had to get Dagon out of here.

She looked up, her skin turning silver as the idea struck her like a hot iron. It was risky, suicidal even, but her time had run out. A low whistle was the only warning Dagon had. It was from their trainings learning to jump along the roof tops, and it signified one thing-- hold tight, the next fall's about to be rough.

Jem jumped up, the force catching her heels and arcing her higher-- until the tip of her blade touched the precious bridge window.... And cut a hole with one precise slice. The whole section shattered away.

The room exploded into a sudden vacuum. Jem felt herself flipped around, dragged out feet first by the depths of space she had opened around them. She refused to take in a breath, afraid that if she took in even a whisper of air her lungs would expand and explode. It was not the way she wanted to go, but it would be if she couldn't get her body back inside before the shields closed.

Her hand reached out, the force grabbing onto Dagon in a wordless grip. Just like that first day, that first fall, she trusted him to catch her and haul her back in.

Moments later, the energy shield would reengage. Gravity would return, and the numbers in the room would be fewer.

Hopefully, in their favor.

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen


Objective: Boarding the Predator
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Link!
Post: #4
It wasn't that long ago that Valery had to be extremely careful taking her Padawan into combat like this. The girl would either be overwhelmed by emotions she saw, or she simply lacked the training to properly defend herself, let alone others. But now, much of that had changed - she was in control of herself, even in the heat of battle. This gave Valery the confidence to fight more freely, knowing Iris would be right there with her.
An X-wing exploded behind her, another missile was fired towards the Padawan who ejected herself from her now doomed fighter, and blaster fire created quite the light show all around them. But despite this, Valery pressed forward, as she felt the colorful young Padawan moving right there with her. Together, they danced between and through the waves of plasma fired towards them, but it was finally time to strike back as well.
Glaring between the various targets around them, Valery allowed her mind to fall deep into the Force, searching for its strength. The violet twin-lightsabers continued intercepting blaster fire, but the accurate deflections were now guided by the Force itself, allowing her to send a vast swarm of bolts back towards intended targets through her Barrier of Blades - a technique she had studied from Form V's Shien.
With a sudden increase in soldiers falling around the two Jedi, the pressure decreased and thus her tactics shifted again. With a burst of speed, the woman dashed between two soldiers, her blades extended to quickly cut them down. Taking lives was never an easy thing, but there was little choice - there was time to reflect later. So she acted without hesitation, and with great speed.
Looking over her shoulder, she'd spot Iris moving up with her to take out the remaining few in their way, but her senses were picking up on something else - a friend. Far up onboard this massive Maw vessel, she sensed the familiar presence of Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze . Was he in trouble or also infiltrating this flagship?
She gritted her teeth and turned her gaze to Iris.
"Iris, time to move up - we're heading towards the bridge!" she called out. "Our help might be needed there."
But as soon as the pair of Jedi would step out through the Hangar doors, and into the adjacent hallway, they would spot the next sign of trouble. Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar with a group of more threatening-looking soldiers. She had fought against the Maw's elite units before, and while she was more prepared than back on Jedha, it was still going to be quite a tough fight.
"We take them together," Valery said to Iris as she drew her blades, ready to engage.
The only way forward now, was through their enemy.


Objective: Follow Master Noble
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar

As soon as they stepped through the door to the hanger Iris turned on a heel and slashed the controls. With a loud thunk the door closed behind them. The troopers on the other side would get through it in time, but hopefully this would buy the duo enough to get to their destination. The brid- Wait what? Iris blinked, turning her gaze to her master. That was the original plan, what changed?

Then she felt it. She'd been largely looking through the colors around her. Avoiding getting sucked into the swirling mass of dim reds and blues. The dark that consumed it all was strong here, but.. A light? There were other Jedi here? Iris's lips thinned. This was both good and bad. Good, because at least they weren't alone. Bad, because whomever she was sensing was in distress of some kind.

Their colors were dimming.


Her blade stayed active, close, as her attention turned towards their path forward. Only to see troopers ahead. Her eyes widened as her body reacted. No thought went to her defense as she let the Force channel through her, bringing her blade around to knock aside a strike meant for her head before she ducked back behind cover. Her gaze shifted towards her master. Take them together?

"I'll follow your lead, but these guys seem.. Different? I think we should be careful."
Location: Engineering level GA SSD
Enemies: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

Kyrel stood before the familiar woman as the door opened up. As the door opened it revealed to her the vast carnage having taken place within the engineering level. Red lights seemed to mix with the blood stained on the walls. Next to the undead master of Ren stood his own cannibal marauder stormtroopers, if they weren’t feasting on any unlucky crew members, they were eyeing Allyson hungrily as if eager to swarm upon her and take one big bite outta her. Kyrel was first greeted by an old friend, meaning the damned shotgun that delayed him on Jedha. The first shot sent a feral like screech from Kyrel as he stepped back from the impact.

In a blink of an eye she tossed the weapon towards him, and once more like on Jedha she had vanished into darkness. Kyrel only stood there taking the shotgun, and with his undead strength ripped the weapon into two pieces. Tossing it all aside he said aloud. “Do you not know death when you see it? Try as you might I’m not going back to hell… At least not alone…” he said with such sinister intent as he tried to focus on where she would appear, what other weapons could she possibly have up her sleeve?

Then he heard it. The snap of a lightsaber activating, the howl of pain from his own men. The dark master in a twisted way had grown fond of the woman, for it being the good sport she brought in hunting her down. His hand tightened on his hilt reactivating the crimson blades. The two blades only lighting the dimly lit catwalks they stood upon.

The undead monster now looked over her, his stature made it seem as if she was a mouse before him. Raising his blade he proceeded to attack not with speed, but with raw power trying to push her into the crowd of his men. All of them snarled, howled excitedly by the prospect of tearing open a Jedi female and feasting upon her innards. Even as he started to bash his blade against hers, with all of his strength he drank in the constant repulsion and hint of fear coming off of her.

Location: The Bunghole, Shield Generator
Allies: The Maw, the Sith
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance, Traden Avarice Traden Avarice
Equipment: The Dark Sacraments, Apostle's Vestments

The Manipulation of the Force was a tangible thing. Kol was focused on the Jedi however he could feel him reach out through the force for the durasteel door, he could his body language when he stretched his finger out and he reacted. The Dark Jedi was quite fleet of foot and agile as many other opponents had learned in the past.

As the Duralsteel Door spiralled towards him Kol leapt into the air, aided by the force his movements were almost alien in their grace as he flipped up over the projectile and towards Traden Avarice Traden Avarice landing closer to him but still out of reach. When he came down Kol, twirling his sabers in a defensive pattern would make his own manipulation of the force. In an instant the Dark Jedi filled his limbs with a prodigious amount of speed.

Once the Force Speed had filled him he came at Traden in full.

"Such foolishness."

...Kol's voice was quiet, he preferred to speak in a tone that was just above a whisper. As he came at Traden he'd flourish his sabers, opening with a basic combination attack. The Lightsaber in his right, dominant hand still angled horizontally stretching across from his right to left. He'd bring it up underneath Traden's saber around center blade to obstruct a downwards blow causing the energy between the sabers to crackle. In tandem with that Kol was swinging the second of the 'Dark Sacraments' in his left hand in a fanning motion ahead of him, level with Traden's stomach.

"You mistake my charity for cowardice, I merely wished to give you a chance."

...his voice would ring out amidst the crackling of sabers and his attempt to open the Jedi's stomach with the swift blow. While a blow from the 'Dark Sacraments', even a light one could prove as lethal as any other lightsaber it wasn't the only thing Traden should concern himself with. The Katak Crystals used in the construction of the lightsabers and accounting for their mulberry blades could also leech the stamina from foes, even a glancing blow and fatigue could slowly become exhaustion.

The Dark Apostle was probing his opponent for now, taunting him a little though maintaining situational awareness...

"You seek to provoke me but you do not understand me. I am a Herald of the Dark Side, I seek no power of my own. The Hungry Void is my Master and I am its Hand, I would you feed you to it."


Location: Jax's X-Wing, Brotherhood Battlecruiser
Equipment: Alliance Jedi Guardian Armor, Helmet, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic , Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause , Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard , Maestus Maestus (Enemy), Haon Hafey Haon Hafey (Enemy), Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen (Enemy), Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha (Enemy)

From the corner of his eye witnessed the ANV: Cadence in rough shape, he wasn't sure how long Liedran could hold out. "Damn it I need to hurry," Jax thought. Admittedly Jax didn't have a plan going into this battlecruiser, hell he didn't have a plan period. Once BB-8 sends over the schematics, Jax will just make it up as he goes along. It was something Jax got in the habit of doing for better or for worse, he was more of an intuitive and improvisational warrior focusing on the here and now. It made Jax more adaptable for the chaotic and unpredictable battlefield but there were times Jax got in over his head and was often herded by the enemy.

AA turrets swerved towards the hurling X-Wing while Jax continued to make a beeline to the hangar. <You realize the shield is still up!> BB-8 whirred.

"I know!" Jax said. "Gimmie a target it will ya!"

The Overdrive Thruster uses a considerable amount of power, and would often required the shields to be turned off otherwise the entire X-Wing will shut down. Jax fired a flurry of blaster cannons destroying the AA guns getting closer towards the hangar bay. "Let's get ready to party," Jax muttered preparing to eject. "BB take control!"

As soon as they entered the hangar, Jax immediately ejected from the X-Wing, flipping towards the incoming soldiers and barreling through them with his Lightsaber.


Allies: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Rebirth Rebirth Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick Xuan Vo Electra-12 Electra-12 Kenth Berik Kenth Berik Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Maestus Maestus
Enemies: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard Elena Lowe Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo Jax Thio Jax Thio

(On Hold till next response from Liedran Kathause)
Fleet: Utriusque Restituo-class Factory Command Battlecarrier (6x Tractor Beam Emitters destroyed, two shield generators destroyed, Modular Furnace Offline, Hanger Bay critically damaged!)
Starfighter Totals: 401x TIE/VA, 170x TIE/PI, 52x TIE/AR
Loss: 3x PCL 27Cs, 79 TIE/VA, 46x TIE/PI, 56x TIE/AR

"Sir, we have an unidentified intruder, just entered the Hanger Bay! AA Guns near the entrance have been destroyed!"
"Show through the feed!"

The cameras would shimmer to light as he noticed a dark skinned male with an activated lightsaber, slaughtering those that defended themselves and soldiers who pressed on to try and defeat him. This was going bad in a hurry as his mind raced, he needed to buy time and looked around the hangerbay as his memory started to kick in. The X-Wing was nearby in his own hanger bay as he growled till it finally dawned on him. Going to his console, he activated it and spoke loudly into it as his voice echoed through the starship.

"We have a boarder! I repeat, we have a boarder! Bad Company of the Metal Lords, Engage!"

As if on command, the Battle Cruiser in different sections came alive, veterans of an old war that never seemed to truly end, part of the Metal Lords small legion when he was allowed to be with them. In different sections of the Hanger Bay, loud POPPING noises can be heard as brown discs popped up from various places and boxes around the hanger bay floor as two dozen pit droids extended outwards with small Microblasters. This was indeed, the 1st Metal Lords, Bad Company that had shown themselves, the pit droid infiltration team themselves!

They were rather intelligent as they fired the microblasers from afar as some ran over towards fallen blaster pistols and picked them up, firing onto the Jedi in rapid fire. When the lightsaber was swung, they were rather crafty and dodged out of the way a majority of the time but at times, a limb could be lost or head. Some would even pop back into their disc form when swung at before popping back out to smack the knee or wrist in retaliation. One would even after a while swing from a loose cable like a jungle man and try to leap on with an explosive knife, trying to stab and start the explosive sequence in an attempt to kill him!

Lastly, one of the pit droids would try to get on over towards the X-Wing, trying to furfill its programming of sabotage without realizing it and carrying a Thorium Charge! Though this one...may not be as bright. It is possible the Astromech may actually beat it in a fight as it tripped a few times carrying the heavy explosive. When it get up, it would shrill and try to charge more right in front of the X-Wing.

Regardless to all, this will be an interesting fight and hopefully, buy some time.


[/div] [/div]
Alliance X-Wings clashed with Darkshear swarm fighters in a deadly crossfire between their two wounded motherships. Despite their training and experience the Defense Fleet aces were slowly being overwhelmed by superior numbers. Punishing ion bombardments stripped Daragon Trail of her shields and no matter how many Doomsayers she brought down wave after wave of Maw bombers chipped away at the corvette's hull until a lucky shot penetrated her reactor and brought everything to a violent end.

City of Ashes turned.

"Evacuate all remaining non-essential personnel. Transmit our logs to the Defiance."

"Aye sir," Commander Halcyon groaned.

New sensor pings warned of incoming Final Dawn star destroyers but Captain Bashir ignored it. Without sublight drives if the Maw didn't finish them off Csilla would. More impacts were causing chaos throughout Alliance battlegroups as the emergence spread closer. Looming before him Fatalis still occupied most of the Starhawk's viewport but she was drifting away now on her crippled engines. In a matter of moments the star dreadnought would be out of range completely.

"Target their damaged drive!" he cried out, "Tear it off if you have to. This system will be her grave."

Nothing happened.

"Commander Halcyon?" Aftab heard no response.

He grabbed an emergency rebreather and staggered through smoke and fire. When Bashir reached the firing station he saw Rana was slumped over it with a piece of shrapnel embedded in her lower thigh. Targeting Fatalis and engaging the Starhawk's remaining super heavy tractors took only a few keystrokes, then he slung one of the unconscious first officer's arms over his shoulders and began dragging her off their burning command deck.

"All hands, this is the captain. Abandon ship."

  • Daragon Trail and Corellian Run lose shields to concentrated ion cannon fire. Daragon Trail destroyed by Doomsayer attack runs. Corellian Run is heavily damaged.
  • Starfighter defense screens overwhelmed by swarm tactics in superior numbers.
  • City of Ashes targets the star dreadnought's damaged sublight drive with remaining super heavy tractor beams and attempts to strand Fatalis in the path of an oncoming emergence.
  • Crew begins to evacuate via support craft and escape pods while the Starhawk begins to break apart.
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Seto Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Steel and Bone
Location: Onboard the Momentous Triumph
Action: Attack the Mongrel and try to push past him
Weapon: REC-EVS/01 "Sohei" - Pattern Electro-Vibrosword


Seto’s eyes narrowed, he felt more resistance than expected when his sheath slammed into the Cyborg entity. His eyes glanced towards the impact and back up once to the clear and dangerous threat of the enemy’s blade caught up against his own for the moment. He noticed that they had not moved back, and figured far more strength would be needed to achieve his initial plan of attack. But before he had time to even approach a new idea, the Cyborg spoke up to express that he too had a nasty surprise for the young Du Couteau heir.

For a brief moment Seto wanted to curse the precognition ability of the Force, it seemingly felt as if it chose at random when it wished to warn him. Instead though his real thoughts were focused on what to do exactly as the flames erupted right in front of his body. Nanoseconds, a mere half moment, his instincts took over and used the Force to lunge himself back as he quickly projected a Force shield in front of him.

The fires licked around the edges of the shield, but he was too slow to react as some of the initial flames reached his person. His nose immediately smelt the burnt scent of clothing, skin and hair, his eyes were closed but the searing heat radiated all around him. As he felt the flames cool around him, the distance and his Force bubble fully providing cover, Seto opened his eyes and quickly tore off parts of his clothes on fire and assessed the pain growing around his chest and abdomen.

Seto was curious as to how much fuel was left in the flamethrower, but the next moment he focused on the ruined remains of large parts of his clothes on the floor. He looked down and grabbed his cape, quickly tied it back onto himself. His sister could yell at him later for this if he ever dared broach this memory with her, she was the better duelist and swordsman than he, what was needed was a different approach to this fight.

“You’re right, my clothes are my personality and now you have now ruined them. So I will throw my proverbial gloves at your feet in protest.” Seto called out, his expression though betrayed the angry words. His smile appeared rather impish, a grin kissed the corners of his lips., no frowns as the young Du Couteau heir learned that such things would create creases on his slightly singed pretty boy face. “-And your final judgement for such desecration of my personal attire is death.” Seto declared, his sword pointed at the Cyborg.

He took a large breath of air, slowly releasing it to allow his body to relax, and with another breath he lunged forward with far more Force energy propelling him. He had to quickly make a play, a gamble that might cost far too high for the Senator but he tended to bet on himself in these situations. He knew the flames would create a sort of impassable wall, so Seto engulfed himself with a Force bubble as he lunged again into the air.

Seto wanted to aim his blade strike directly at the neck of the Cyborg, his hand gripped the hilt tight and his cape flared behind him. He twisted his body to better generate more power into his swing and after using the Force to create a bubble to keep the fires away, he would drop that ability. Instead he would give himself another large push and keep himself up in the air.

In an open field, Seto had options to where to attack from, different angles and directions. But inside a corridor, and with the size of the Cyborg already, the limitations only narrowed the possibilities and would give the Cyborg a much easier time to figure out where Seto would attack and counter.

“I win.”

Hostile Forces: || Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | The Mongrel The Mongrel ||
Allied Forces: || Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor | Yenna Yenna ||

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