Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Liberty's Gate | GA Invasion of BOTM Held Adrathorpe

Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw
Objective III.: Steel and Bone | Sabotage the ship
Location: Aboard the Triumph
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Open
Enemies: Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Syndulla Command Syndulla Command | Open
[ Mitternacht ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

<< Copy that warlord! >> I answered as I walked in a corridor.

Of course, in the beneficial embrace of the cloaking device, I wouldn’t have given it up for a minute. I wasn't stupid. However, I didn’t know how my own teams were, I mean how they were progressing. So I first opened a channel in their direction to see how they were standing. The hangar we arrived in was already under their control. However, this was not the hangar where the Bunghole was. Because of this, I only asked a tactical team capable of moving fast to join me, roughly a dozen people; the others were ordered to begin the retreat and leave the ship. I didn’t want to waste a good workforce.

This may have been followed by the opening of a canal in the direction of Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber . He was a really interesting figure, and if true, he was a Rausgeber. I knew the family and bloodline thanks to Ziare and I knew that one of the man's relatives was the Admiral Regent of the NIO. To tell the truth, it was an ironic and amusing fact.

<< Ignatius, this is Mercy. A warlord orders me to join you and retreat to the Bunghole. There are 13 minutes left until the explosion. Send your coordinates to where we will meet, in case you don't get back to the ship already. >>

Meanwhile, my people have also indicated that they will arrive soon, within a minute. Since I was moving in their direction for the time being, it was pretty fast. Based on the data, I will have to meet with them somewhere halfway between the two hangars where my people and Mongrel and Ignatius' ship were. If all goes well, the man will have to come here, too, unless he was better at retreating than I did. But it will soon become clear anyway if I get an answer from him.

Meanwhile, a four-man military group rushed in the direction I came from, right next to me. I was hoping they wouldn't find the explosives. Another two minutes passed and I arrived at a rendezvous point where my team of ten was already waiting, with eight dead Alliance soldiers lying on the ground at their feet. Great; then we only have to wait for Rausgeber's answer...




Objective: Initiating fight | (turn-order change: xxx)
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Link!
Post: #5
Valery nodded lightly to Iris as she prepared to engage their new enemy. The Raptors definitely seemed different from ordinary Mawite troops, and their leader stood out among the group as well. They were going to be tough to fight, so Iris was right in that they'd have to be careful. But the last thing Valery wanted was for them to be caught under the pressure of the enemy fire, with little room to maneuver. Instead, the idea of being closer seemed better - it would force their enemy to be careful with their weapons to avoid friendly fire, and render longer-range rifles far less effective.
<T> "Engage with me." Valery warned her Padawan telepathically.
Then with a sudden burst of Force-augmented speed, the Jedi Master approached the group of Raptors and their current leader, Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar , hoping to catch them off-guard with speed hard to track for those not sensitive to the Force. However, she was expecting the soldiers to still open fire and had her blades drawn to deflect the bolts away, thereby creating a slipstream free of enemy fire that Iris could maneuver through if she chose to do so.
But as she drew closer, the Master decided to cause a bit of a disturbance the two Jedi could hopefully capitalize on.
Her orange eyes fixed on the Raptors in particular, Valery channeled the Force and curled her fingers up, extending the energy in an attempt to telekinetically toss a few of them around and up into the air, while others may only get knocked back a step. It was sudden, and hopefully just enough for Iris to engage.
Valery, however, had her eyes set on the leader of the group and continued her charge forward, directed at Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar . With friends potentially in danger on the bridge of the ship, there was no time to waste, and she had noticed the man bringing a sniper rifle to this fight. So if she were to get closer, the weapon would be far less useful, and her skills with the lightsaber would allow her to hopefully set him aside quickly enough.
Coming in fast, the Master decided to initiate the fight with a quick sweep of her right lightsaber, aimed to strike the leader of this group across the torso.
The Corellian Sharpshooter
Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
Engaging: Iris Arani Iris Arani , Valery Noble Valery Noble

As Dan rushed into the room, he took a quick look at the Jedi and assessed them like he had been doing for years. It helps to know a bit more about your enemy. There appeared to be a master and an apprentice. The apprentice looked relatively competent, but Dan recognized that it was the master who he really had to look out for. He had heard tales of other bounty hunters who had been sent to hunt down Jedi, Sith, and other Force-users. Many didn't return, evidently killed by their target. But the ones who did survive did so by using non-blaster-based weapons, such as grenades, bombs, or swords. Dan was glad that he had brought his laser-edged knife, and that he had been practicing.

The Jedi master initiated the obviously inevitable fight by channeling the Force, throwing a couple Elite Raptor Commandos backwards. Dan, being a tactician, saw her tactic: she was trying to create an opening for her Padawan. Not on his watch. He rapidly responded to the situation.

"You in front! Take ten and go around the long way. You on the left! Take another ten and engage the Padawan. The rest of you, split into two groups. Secure the hangar, don't let them leave! I will take care of the Master."

Dan watched with satisfaction as his Elite Raptor Commandos began to fight the young apprectice. Sure, she was a budding Jedi, but the Elite Raptors were, well, elite. They had been trained to handle situations like this, along with countless others. They could kill the Jedi.

"Take chances! If you know you have an opening to kill the Jedi, don't hesitate! Make sure that they are dead; Jedi can worm their way out of death better that a Krayt Dragon! Kill them at any costs!"

As the Corellian Sharpshooter commanded his Raptors, he saw the Master rushing towards him. Running at full speed, she brought her right lightsaber around in a sweep, aiming for Dan's chest. In the blink of an eye, Dan drew his knife. He locked blades with the Jedi, and quickly twisted his knife in a circular motion. The sudden pain to her overextended wrist made the Jedi drop her lightsaber. Dan used this opening to land a devastating kick to the Jedi's chest. As the Master flew backwards, Dan observed the Padawan: she was exceeding expectations and cleaving through his men. He had to put a stop to this. As the Master rose, he looked through the sight of his sniper and expertly shot a bolt at the Padawan's chest. Almost no Jedi or Sith would have been quick enough to dodge it, or use their lightsaber, but the Master's bond to her apprentice saved the Padawan. The Jedi felt the bolt coming, and altered its path the best she could. However, the bolt still hit its target- Dan wasn't called the Corellian Sharpshooter for nothing. Unfortunately, he had forgotten to keep an eye on the other Jedi, who, after saving her companion, had risen to her feet and was moving with great speed. The last thing Dan saw was the Jedi's Force-enhanced foot making contact with his helmet. There was a sickening thud as Dan's head crashed into a wall, knocking him unconscious.
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Dimitri Voltura





ALLIES: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Rannan Kol | NSO | BOTM
Enyo Typhos | Jax Thio Jax Thio | Traden Avarice Traden Avarice | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Iris Arani Iris Arani | GA | NJO
Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor | Yenna Yenna
GEAR: In Bio.


"How many are on that ship of yours?"

Dimitri looked at the tall woman calmly.
"Just the pilot, who was forced here by me." he told her. The truth of it would shine with its own light - there were no other forces on that ship aside from the pilot. "I have no need for an army, dear lady. I am one." There was no arrogance in his words, no bravado.

"Um… necessary, is a fight? Sure, with Dimitri, a duel is quite fun. But… more important objectives, there are."
The Dragon turned his crimson gaze on the little Jedi.
"Indeed, there are more important objectives, Little One." he said. He highly doubted Yenna would bite on the offer, however, which was a pity.
"Why are you here? Just for a gentlemanly duel? A show of strength?"
There was no mistaking the stalwart power and the readiness of battle oozing from this woman. She was more than willing to go to blows, while the little Jedi next to her tried to calm the situation. An interesting combination.
"A bit of both, my dear. Are you ready?" he asked. He then looked at Yenna. "Little One, I have to say - you did hurt my feelings with that slap. I am here to collect my apology." he told her.

Then he sprung into action.

With unnatural speed, he leapt toward Osarla, the crimson blade striking at her neck like a viper. With his free hand, he sent in immense telekinetic push in Yenna's direction.

In a blur, he was behind the Togruta again, blade at the ready and waiting. He knew he had his work cut out for him now. Something told the Sith Lord that the bigger woman would not play according to the book.

Let the games begin, then.




Objective: Follow Master Noble
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar

Iris was no where near as fast as her master, but she was learning. Falling in behind her master the Padawan raced towards their opposition. Her blade flashed to life again, the uniquely shaped saber glowing a bright white. Both the wielder and the blade let themselves go. Trusting the Force, instinct. She didn't hesitate as her master broke through the line and hindered their foes.

Her blade flashed as she cut through the first trooper. She stared ahead, after her master. There was no need to look where she struck. The Force wouldn't lead her wrong. With Domxite in hand the two meld together, they weaved through. Their goal wasn't to fight, but to get through. Past them. A warning caused her eyes to widen. Without warning she ducked low, just under the scattergun of the trooper she'd just cut down. Why..? No time to think.

Another was already bearing down on her with a blade. She caught the strike and nearly crumbled under the force of the blow. They were strong. Far stronger than humanly possible. And her lightsaber couldn't pierce them even as she cut through the gaps in the armor? No, it did, but not as deep as she thought. There was an extra resistance there. Machine?


The Padawan shifted, letting the blow glance to the side rather than try to block it directly. Especially as she felt the same pang of warning as the last second. Sure enough, the scattergun went off again. Her robe was burned through, lingering in the air as she slipped out. Now just in the classic Jedi tunic she cleaved through the scattergun, then plunged the blade through the gap just below the soldier's helmet.

She turned, prepared to face down the trooper behind her. Only another warning came, too late.

Pain surged through her as a sniper shot ripped across her shoulder. It barely missed crippling her, but only because of her master's timely intervention. Domxite acted on their own then, her blade flashing from her grip to cut through the soldier before her just as the trooper brought the blade up for a strike. Iris hissed under her breath, but caught her gem friend before rushing after Valery. They couldn't stay here to fight these troopers.

But how..?

She blinked once before a grin formed. As in pain as she was, her plan would work. Ducking through another group of shots she continued to run. <Cover your eyes, keep running forward!>

From her pack she took out one of her spray cans before tossing it behind her. Just as it left her grip she cut up, nicking the can just before it flew in front of a blaster shot. The resulting explosion was far from lethal, but the condensed paint within erupted in a burst of blue. It was one thing to see through a smoke screen, another to see through paint. Blue scattered over her robes and hair, but Iris didn't seem to mind or care, instead continuing their blitz towards the bridge.
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Jax Thio Jax Thio
Haon Hafey Haon Hafey

Maestus kept her sights on the X-wing piloted by Jax, headed for Haon's battlecruiser. Her own pulot deftly avoided the incoming strafing fire as they approached the cruiser.

Something gnawed at the edges of Maestus consciousness while they flew. A feeling of dread, somwthing damgerous was near. But what?! Her visions were cloudy and unrefined. For days she had been uneasy. Today, the feeling was overwhelming.

Only mere moments behind Jax, it would give the Jedi Master plenty of time to acquaint himself with the troops under Haon Hafey Haon Hafey command. While Maestus was sure they would die gloriously, they woukd, none the less, die.

Her pilot glided into the hangar, setting down not far from the invading X-wing. The ramp lowered and the Sith Lord strode down. She reached up, lowering the hood from her head. Eyes of lava and sulfur watch as Jax ripped through the soldiers attempting to contain him.

She carried 2 hilts on her belt, and nestled deep under her robes and clothing was her Dragon Shield Talisman. One hilt was a saber, plain and obvious. The other was longer and more ornate. Durasteel with ohril inlay and accents. Maestus Fury, her light whip swung near her right hip.

Strangely enough, no one accompanied Maestus. There was no Chosen shadowing her this time. No, they were needed on the Fatalis, under the Taskmater's watchful eye.

Maestus crossed the hangar bay and stood in front of Jax Thio Jax Thio . With a wave of her fingers, she sent a cargo crate flying towards Jax. If and when he reacted in time, she retrieved both saber and whip from her belt. Saber hilt smacked into her left hand, whip into the right. She flipped the saber around, holding it upside down and sank into a solid stance and awaited the Jedi's reaction.​


Objective: Reaching the bridge
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Link!
Post: #6
The plan to create space for both her and her Padawan seemed to be working. With the slipstream she created, Iris was swiftly brought into a clash with the elite soldiers while Valery engaged Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar , the leader of the bunch. As she drew close enough, her blade swept in towards the man's torso, only to be met by him swiftly pulling out his knife to block the attack. She maintained pressure for a moment, but as he tried to rotate his wrist to force her weapon out of her hand, she withdrew from the blade lock, thus avoiding being disarmed.
But with the hop she took in retreat to create distance, the man was given enough time to raise his weapon again, causing her to raise her blades defensively. Expecting the shot to come for her, she was ready to use her Mastery of the blade to deflect it, but the plasma wasn't meant for her at all. With widened eyes, she heard the flash and felt the danger for her Padawan's life, causing her to instantly turn her body and extend a hand.
Whenever anything threatened her Padawans or those close to her, something awakened within the woman. The internal conflict of loss that was buried deep beneath her years of experience and training fired up once again, setting ablaze the orange in her eyes and allowing the Force to explode through her being.
"No!" she exclaimed as she channeled the Force to alter the path of the blast. But in doing so, she left herself exposed just long enough for Dantum to plant his kick against her chest, sending her stumbling back as a jolt of pain shot through her.
While the altered bolt didn't strike the Padawan lethally, she watched as it burnt into the young girl's shoulder, causing a shock of pain that Valery herself could feel echoing through their bond. Without any hesitation, the woman turned back towards Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar , an almost motherly death glare on her face, not fueled by anger or hatred, but by determination.
He had shot the wrong Padawan.
With a sudden burst of inhumane speed, the woman launched herself into the air and across the distance between them. Her body's core twisted for strength, and the Force exploded through her right foot as it connected with the man's head, sending him flying head-first into the closest wall, thereby knocking him out.
Valery quickly made her landing afterward and looked over at her Padawan, who to the woman's relief, was still standing and already moving to join her again. A paint bomb was tossed up to obscure their paths, and together they began to move away from the scene, leaving behind a few bodies and a small group of soldiers who were looking for them,
"Iris, are you alright?" Valery asked only after they gained enough distance, clearly worried about her Padawan. They were soon going to reach the bridge of the Predator, but images of her Padawan getting shot still flashed through her mind. The pain she briefly felt lingered, and the fire within the woman was still burning strong.
She was coming for those on the bridge.
Traumatized Carrier-Loving Mess
[Commodore Liedran Kathause]
[1st Expeditionary Fleet - 3rd Carrier Line]
Cadence - C.I.C]

Fleeters: [GA] Syndulla Command Syndulla Command , Bashir Bashir , Cruanless Orcash Cruanless Orcash , Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva [BROTHERHOOD] Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha , Haon Hafey Haon Hafey , Kenth Berik Kenth Berik
Pilots: [GA] Tren Chaar Tren Chaar , Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos , Leon Gallo Leon Gallo , Mylo Thorne , Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard , Elena Lowe , Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei , Zaka Zaka , Someone else?

"-flagship's closing in on us!" The tactical station's report came preceded by a rumble, the sound of a rupture far toward the Cadence's bow rippling until its sound waves touched the boundaries of the C.I.C. "2.5 klicks-- 2.2--" The entire flagship continued to shudder. "2 klicks! I'm detecting an energy build-up originating from around their main batteries-" Digits began to rush across the situation maps, hiking rapidly upward, the hues of which began to burn a bright red.

Then. Nothing. The energy climb stopped dead in its tracks, and plummeting reassuringly back to something more manageable. "What happened?" Liedran asked, nervousness bleeding from every word.

"They took a direct hit to their command bridge-- I'm not detecting survivors. Whatever they were planning- we've interrupted it."

"Good." She nodded, allowing a brief, bitter sigh of relief to escape her throat. Fear, and the distinct taste of blood still lingered on her tongue. "Turn Cadence around," the commodore ordered, "quickly," she'd felt the need to add. "Turn our bow toward the opening of the emergence, and proceed to full impulse. Keep Rhapsody turned toward their remaining warships. Send the Sacheens to reinforce them, and recall our remaining fighter squadrons toward Cadence."

"What about the ones we've sent toward Reverence?" The captain at the other end of the station whispered.

"Keep them on course. But request that Captain Orcash make every effort to regroup with us." Liedran uttered her reply, voice still lacking potency while her brain diverted an increasing amount of energy toward multitasking. "How... how are the Hidars holding up?" She'd been too distracted on one front to reinforce the Chorale and Prelude in their plight, save for an increasingly sparse barrage of missiles from any vessel equipped with launchers.

The draining expulsion of ordnances, in reality, did little to quell the raw anger of the hostile battlecarrier. The thrusters of the ANV Chorale continued to fire against the streams emanating from Haon Hafey Haon Hafey 's tractor beam arrays, the crippled frigate shining a dispersed bright blue in the eyes of the Molecular Furnace and gnawing at every chain the battlecarrier bound it with. It cried for help, antenna producing a raspy screech to alert its sister ship, but the Prelude could hardly respond. Between the two frigates, the Maw at assembled a wall of spikes-- and it was now rushing toward the Prelude. Squadrons upon squadrons of Mawite fighters beat down on the Hidar's shields, stinging at the vessel's skin and releasing a poison into its veins. Sparks from overwhelmed projectors lit fires under the frigate's hull; metallic blood began to rush from its corridors.

The weight was hardly lifted from the frigates' shoulders when the hellfire within the Factory Battlecarrier finally sputtered out. It's Molecular Furnace fell to the short barrage of a lucky starfighter. The carrier now spat scorched debris from its maw; the preceding shockwave pushed the Chorale further from the influence of its chains while fire still burned away their links. And then a scream; in a final salvo of retaliation, the shackles were torn from the frigate's hands as a battered ANV Cadence glided by, sections of its turbolaser batteries converging on the tractor beam emitters. They'd left a single route of escape for the Chorale to flee through and fall under the armor of its flagship.

Concentrated blood rushed down the Alliance carrier's veins, a large portion of its energy by now devoted toward the aft shielding; every last ounce of plasma scrambled to counter the bombardment from Task Force Lumiya behind them. Trailing the Cadence was Rhapsody; the bleeding heavy cruiser limped a klick behind; its own shields lay nearly depleted by the brunt of Lumiya's retaliation; pockets of smoke trailed from its flanks, forming a thick screen for the vessel's turbolasers to traverse. The screen wasn't entirely smoke; buried within were the shapes of bodies, the crewmen Liedran had sacrificed for the fleet to make any progress on its exodus. It seemed that loss was the only emotion to weigh on her depleted voice. "H-how's the Prelude holding up?" she stuttered, while noting the Chorale's regrouping with the universally-battered survivors of the 3rd Expeditionary.

"Her shields are barely holding. Our point defense guns have repelled the majority of attacking fighters, but- Oh gods!" At the same moment, the screens of the tactical station lit up in bright crimson warnings-- contacts, coming toward them! "Massive asteroid heading our way-- it looks like a piece of Csilla!"

To starboard of the 3rd Expeditionary, a fragment of the long butchered planet-- drawn closer to Adrathorpe by the planet's gravity well-- set a course aligning with the smoking Prelude. Through the viewscreens, Liedran witnessed the vessel swerving from the Mawite factory battlecarrier's onslaught of salvos. But at the moment it was freed from the Mawite hellstorm, it met another. That unlucky fragment of that unlucky planet bore through the aft hull of the Prelude, cutting its shields with less effort than a gardener severs a weed. The commodore couldn't catch the rest of the scene. A surge of pain coursed up her veins, and her vision turned white.

<<"This is High Admiral Minlov to all GADF units -- avoid the debris field, and shoot down anything coming towards you. We've got enough trouble with these discount Imperials, I don't want Csilla's last crap ruining my day any more than it already has.">>
She heard the admiral's voice in a distorted cacophony of syllables, set on loop to batter her eardrums. Every time, she processed it with less clarity-- all, except for one part. The final, cold dismissal of the massacre over Csilla sounded hauntingly clear when set side by side with the rest of the message. Her vision warped from white to red, a horrible amalgamation of crimson and scarlet; hatred toward the arrogant sithspit who couldn't possibly have grasped the terror of that battle, the helplessness when Csilla finally shattered and disappeared from realspace. And... from the depths of the red, she played back that image, just like she had set the voice on terrifying loop. Liedran could taste the tears trickling from her eyes, moving in spite of the paralysis that had gripped her body.

Then a shake. A shake tore her from the trance.
And another.

"Incoming fire off of port! We're detecting another-" The tactical officer's voice was quickly severed by a splash of sparks, then the bellowing groan of a machine as Task Force Starkiller's final autocannon burst tore through the hull of the ANV Cadence. Liedran, slumped against the floor, turned her eyes toward the far wall. A section of hull plating that had contained the C.I.C burst into oblivion, and began releasing its atmosphere into space. Screams were quickly rendered inaudible as unfortunate crewmen were torn from their stations and sent flinging outward of the depressurized room. Until... the emergency blast doors finally slammed shut, and an airtight seal once again secured the bridge.

Liedran gasped and coughed, gritted her teeth as blood trickled from her leg. Hands dug into splintered floors as she pushed herself up from the reddened metal beneath her. She looked around. Misty eyes observed the carnage flanking her, the utter absence of a quarter of her bridge staff-- including... her first officer.

What remained of the senior staff scrambled back to their stations as a crippled Cadence drifted through the void, propelled only by the momentum its drives had gathered. Its four surviving escort ships and their fighters scrambled behind, a stream of debris falling behind them while Task Force Starkiller began to close in. The fate of the 3rd Expeditionary now fell in the strength of their ion drives.

And the success of the distress calls they pinged on their way.

-RUN: After destroying the Exactor's bridge, the fleet falls into a full retreat. Rhapsody tanks heavy damage while protecting the Cadence as it turns around.
ASSISTANCE: While fleeing, Cadence disables the final tractor beam arrays drawing in the Chorale. The frigate soon joins with the rest of the fleet in retreat.
ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST: Before the fleet can save it, the Prelude is destroyed by a rogue fragment of Csilla. At the same moment, Task Force Starkiller's autocannons and secondary bombardment eliminate Cadence's shields. The autocannons break through the hull and release a section of the CIC into space. 1/4 of the staff are killed before emergency bulkheads can seal the area.

CETCOM CETCOM , feel free to elaborate on the damage to the fighters I've sent toward the Reverance. Sorry I couldn't fit the detail in.
Liberator Class Star Defender -- ANV Cadence [SHIELDS DOWN - HEAVY HULL DAMAGE]
Numerator-class Frigate - ANV Fermata [DESTROYED]
Hidar II-class Frigate - ANV Chorale [DAMAGED]
Hidar II-class Frigate - ANV Prelude [DESTROYED]
Majestic II-class Heavy Cruiser - ANV Rhapsody [DAMAGED]
Sacheen II-class Escort Frigate - ANV Armistice [DESTROYED]
Sacheen II-class Escort Frigate - ANV Overture [DAMAGED]
Sacheen II-class Escort Frigate - ANV Sonata [DAMAGED]
Nagata-class Heavy Corvette - ANV Minuet [DESTROYED]
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Mylo Thorne


REVENANT SQUADRON: Tren Chaar Tren Chaar Leon Gallo Leon Gallo Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos
OTHER ALLIES: Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo Elena Lowe Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard
ENEMIES: Electra-12 Electra-12 Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Rebirth Rebirth


"Let's Tango." Mylo knew immeadiately that he had attracted attention went his sensors went off in loud and quick succession. He brought up sensor feed from his aft, the iconic shape of around a flight's worth of Hunters ready to vape him. The leader was clearly distinguished, having angled themselves to be in an advantageous position, ready to strike from above and make him non-existent in seconds.

The rookie pilot took a confident hand to the control stick and one on the throttle. "Revenant Five, this is Eleven, I'm about to pull a dropkick and try bamboozle the Hunters. I'll need you to keep close, but not close enough to have them change course, I'll notify you when the time is right." The turn was one of the more basic evasive manuevers taught at the Academy, though it took some time to master. Firmly gripping the throttle, he pushed it up rapidly. Eighty. Ninety-Five. Right there. He took the control stick and pulled it away from him then around towards him.

The A-Wing went up into a chaotic loop-roll. The stars were almost like streaks of light in hyperspace as he looped off into a different direction. He fought with his ventral stabilizers to keep the A-Wing from spinning out. He tried to gain control. His emerald eyes widened as the stick wouldn't give, and his sensors were alerting him that he was approaching a massive object. The intertial compensators inside the ship that kept him from blacking out from the immense force in such situations seemed to be stressed as he began to feel woozy.

He hoped Lieutenant Kaul Emos, Revenant Five and the definition of the moniker 'hotshot flyboy', was there, streaks of fire seemed to follow his trajectory as he pulled and pulled and exerted more force on the stick. Presumably from El-Five, his rear feed showed a large boulder-like object in his flight path. "Come on.. come on.."

Finally! The joystick moved as he stamped on the left rudder pedal and volleyed away from the object knowing the Hunters were still on him. That boulder likely came from the Csilla. The first planet subjected to the wrath of the Maw. He wondered what part of the planet it might of been. His grandmother had taught him that planets were living too. In death, we are all undiginfied, he thought soberly.

Pure adrenaline compelled him to hold as an idea filled his head. The Csillian debris would come in useful. He hit the trigger and blasted a pulse of fire at the boulder, which cracked the boulder into smaller pieces. "Catch me if you can Hunter." He throttled up once more, straight at the crumbled debris, hoping they'd follow. Mylo's eyes darted towards the display. His shield power had been weakned slightly but that tumble but it was all or nothing now. He once more set his shields to assault to power through.​

Location: Adethorpe
Objective: Engage Alliance Forces
Focus: Cruanless Orcash Cruanless Orcash
Allies: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
| CETCOM CETCOM | Haon Hafey Haon Hafey | Aldo Garrick
Foes: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause | Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva | Cruanless Orcash Cruanless Orcash | Bashir Bashir | Zahara Myneto | Syndulla Command Syndulla Command

The Caridian watched as the Mon Calamari cruiser was caught off guard and went immediately to action stations. As he stood there he turned to the right pit of the bridge, “Status report of our missiles?” He asked and a young officer turned immediately and spoke “Only a single missile got through sir but we have lowered their shield integrity. Scans have not yet indicated by how much.” Kenth waved his hand before speaking “That doesn’t matter, we have struck them and they know what danger we posses know.”

The Adjudicator II continued to barrel towards the Alliance ship as the first volley of fire hit. The ship shook slightly as the rounds came in. “Sir shields down to 68% and dropping!” one of the technicians shouted. The Reverence was a bigger ship and its guns boasted impressive firepower, the Adjudicator II wouldn’t last in a close quarter pitch battle. “Our Stealth is our advantage” he declared. “ Deploy our refitted TIE Drones. They should give us an adequate cover.” He continued. Kenth was banking on the cheap drones to provide enough cover so the Adjudicator could proceed to re-cloack. He expected the lightly armed fighters to all be destroyed in the attack.

As the 3 squadrons of 24 tie drones each flew out Kenth turned back and began relaying further orders. The Adjudicator needed to be out of immediate danger. “I want all turbolasers firing on that ship. Helmsman in the meantime you are to continue your course over the Reverence before sharply turning down. We shall use the blind spot of their engines to re-enter our cloak.” And like clockwork the bridge crew went back into action. The adjudicator II arced over the Reverence unleashing its full firepower along with its numerous TIE drones before attempting a sharp turn towards the Alliance ships engines. “Begin charging cloaking device.” He said in his final order for the time being. He could only hope that the Alliance ship would be caught out by such a brash move. As he stood there he felt in the floor the low hum of the ships Stygium cloaking device attempting to power up.

The Adjudicator released a horde of TIE drones and began firing before arcing on vet to the rear of the ship, now attempting to activate its cloaking device.

phone post so sorry if it’s a bit shorter.





"I have no need for an army, dear lady. I am one."

Cocky bugger, wasn't he?

Previously idle, Osarla’s azure blade fwoomed to life just in time to intercept and dissuade the attack meant for a premature coup de grace. A single-handed grip wouldn’t be enough to stop someone coming at her with such momentum, and the block was coupled with a heavy stomp and dodge in the opposite direction, twisting to avoid the sizzling heat of the sword.

Blue and red glanced from one another and she pulled her arm back, following the stomp through with a twirl to rotate and face her surprisingly agile opponent. That was the annoying thing about vampires (assuming he was indeed like those ageless things in the holovids) — age didn’t cripple them with mortality. But just because natural consequence didn’t see fit to drain him of life, unnatural, untimely causes might.

Osarla found cause.

He was quick, alarmingly so. Osarla was not. She was heavy and sluggish when it came to moving from one position to the next. If she wanted to outdo him, it would have to be in closer range.

An energy vampire, he is. Careful, you must be.”

Yenna’s words flashed in her mind, and she gave a nod. She would be careful, cautious not to give in to his strengths to achieve her own.

“You’re fast for someone so elderly.” She stomped forward, jabbing her blade with a testing stab or two before their personal space was sacrificed. Whiskey and the Force warmed her blood and muscles, heating up for her initial distraction attack. Both hands joined on the hilt with one attack, an arc that started at his right hip and in a rainbow motion carried over to the left. She fully intended him to catch it, and she planted her left foot, bringing around a thunderous kick for the hopefully exposed oblique.

In the background, Reporter lead a collection of three others aboard the Sith’s ship. Their blasters were held at neck height and fingers hovered above the trigger as they scuttled up the landing ramp. To the pilot, the terms would be simple: Either prepare for takeoff or abandon ship.

ALLIES | GA | NJO | Yenna Yenna
FOES | BOTM | Dimitri Voltura




Issue #3 - Liberty's Gate

TAGS - Rebirth Rebirth

  • Zaka prepares for another run-in with Sacrior.
    • Realizes he is being strangled by a combined strength.
  • Fires off a Jedi Shadow Bomb in his last conscious moments.

He'd had no prior knowledge or experience facing force sensitive pilots, let alone one acting in concerted efforts like Sacrior Squadron. The Knyghts were a mystery to him, and despite his sensing of their connection and use of the Force, he felt nothing for them. Just a grim sort of satisfaction that burned a little brighter in his gut, as Telemachus met a swift and fiery end.

Downed one more.

A quick look, and he was shifting weaponry, internal systems selecting different armaments at the behest of his deft hands. Simultaneously, he was weaving through celestial debris in the obvious attempt of avoiding the rest of Sacrior. He bit on his lower lip in those seconds, settled on his chosen ordnance as the X-02 looped around.

It burst through an unrecognizable metallic husk, emerald laser fire punching through the aged hull. Originating from years past, old and decrepit, the X-Wing emerged out from it in a spiral, searching for any sign of the half-dozen's ion trails, and he felt a brush of something great. Foreboding. The danger sense loomed, and his hands stalled on the controls. Tightening, as he felt the creeping sensation of a constricting force rapidly growing in strength around his throat.

In that initial second of feeling it, he ignored it, deeming it an irrelevant urge to scratch beneath the formfitting spacesuit. It was long enough for his guard to slip.

Zero to one hundred in the space of a blink of an eye, he choked, eyes widening as he threw his head back into the headrest, as if that'd help. Air flow stopped, twitching hands fighting against himself to reach and pry the invisible hands that throttled him through the metaphysical.

He searched with his eyes, eyeing bright screens, even the dead ones. He saw himself, then the blips on the radar in close proximity. Nothing to stop them.

One hand abandoned the fight to control the X-Wing in his fits, thankfully finding an open bound of space, at least for the moment, as he fought to retain his consciousness.

El-Bee blared. He could hear it in his head, but it was muted, dulled by his frantic senses failing, as darkness closed in.

His remaining hand pressed on the yolk he still had a hold on.

A canister dropped aimless, nothing to guide it save the momentum and trajectory of the fighter before a jerked knee threw him off course.

Through space he drifted, but throughout the metaphysical clenching, he knew what he had to do. He ground his teeth, jaw trembling, knowing it was futile to fight back against the overwhelming strength, but he squeezed all the same, even as the darkness of a fleeting consciousness crushed him beneath its weight.

And from his clenched hand, he propelled the grasped Shadow Bomb into a rapid lurch towards the cluster of the remaining half-dozen, his last thought an echoing command to squeeze. To crush. And the final recognition of a bright light looming behind shut eyelids as everything went dark.



Location: Brotherhood Battlecruiser hangar
Equipment: Alliance Jedi Guardian Armor, Helmet,Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nitya Xeraic Nitya Xeraic , Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause , Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard , Haon Hafey Haon Hafey (enemy), Maestus Maestus (enemy)

Jax cut down the remaining troopers, he was surprised there weren't many here. There was no way that whoever was the admiral on this ship wasn't aware of his presence. Jax had a feeling that there were reinforcements on the way, a tremor in the force pretty much confirmed so. "All right," Jax said looking at his Holoprojector. "So this is the map BB uploaded to my projector....." The map showed the schematics of the ship a Utriusque Restituo-class Factory Command Battlecarrier. It had Dullory armor plating, about 110 total guns installed and the hangar Jax is currently houses up to 20 squadrons.

"This is a damn Superstar Destroyer," Jax muttered as the ship rumbled around him. "It's pretty impressive build but where-"

Just then the Holoprojector pointed to a stack of what appeared to be the engine room, an idea hatched in his head. His X-Wing, it contained a Seismic Charge, if he could throw it into the reactor bay it'll create a massive explosion which should bring the whole ship down. Well in theory at least not a well thought out plan but it was the best he got. "Fracking hell," Jax muttered his eyebrows raised in shock before holding his radio up close. "BB, swing the X-Wing back to the hangar and get the Seismic Charge ready for dislodging. I got a little gift for our friends."

Just then a a pack of Pit Droids rushed into the hangar wielding mini blaster rifles. "Pit Droids?!" Jax said almost bemused at the fact that Droids built for maintaining Podraces were reprogrammed for combat. "I'll give the Brotherhood this," Jax said pulling out his Lightsaber and bisecting a Droid that was charging at him. "They can make do with what they got."

Jax continued to deflect the blaster bolts by the incoming Droids until his body was flooded fear. A massive disturbance in the Force went through Jax's body causing him to freeze. "Damn!" he looked up and saw a massive piece of cargo hurling towards him. With a raise of his Lightsaber, the Jedi Master sent the golden blade down in a vertical strike, slicing the cargo piece in half and leaving Jax unharmed.

"Who are you?!" Jax growled holding the saber close to him. A red skinned Tw'lek eyes narrowed at Jax's giving him a murderous glare. Jax slowly took off his helmet, it began to weigh on him. "I don't suppose it's not too late for you to stand down now would it?" Jax said slowly placing his helmet on the floor though still pointing his Lightsaber at the Tw'lek.



Issue #11 w/ Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani

Command Bridge,
The Predator

It's all muscle memory from here on out. A thousand hours of training, of teamwork, of choreography.

And a whole lot of trust.

Just like the first time you jump from a hundred-floor building and trust someone's going to throw the trapeze your way, his mind departs from Jem's safety.

Dag sweeps the legs of one of his captors, purposefully missing the second forcing him to react with a blaster bolt fired at Dagon. The Jedi twists, bound arms fly to meet the bolt and it scorches through the bindings liberating him. A kick to the chin sends the raptor into the viewport just as a low whistle pierces through the bridge's cacophony. Were it someone else besides Jem, he would've probably not heard it.

His freed hand, still aching from the beating, instinctively grabs the pole of a console nearby and holds for dear life as the sudden vacuum begins to swallow everything untethered. Dagon's eyes widen as he glimpses at his apprentice yanked into the cold death of space. With all he could muster - will more than anything else - the Jedi calls upon the Force, hand reaching for Jem and pulling her back in. His gut ties into a knot as he feels her hand slipping away.

"NO!!" he cries out, eyes snapping wide in horror as her weight lifts from his blistered palm. Emergency procedures kick in and Jem hits the shuttered viewports to the Knight's immense relief.

Now, the trapeze is caught and his mind returns along with his senses and the grueling pain of Sularen's two-week hospitality.

"GO!" the Jedi barks, a feeble force barrier fending off any ammunition headed their way from either any remaining Raptors or crewmen. He can't hold off the onslaught long enough to decommission everyone and bring the former Despot of Byss to justice, neither does he want to try - Solipsis was here. He can only hope his short conversation with the man may remain as food for thought.

They had to leave now. Rendezvous with the two Jedi boarding the Predator before the Sith'ari could reunite with his daughter.
Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw
Objective III.: Steel and Bone | Sabotage the ship
Location: Aboard the Triumph
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Open
Enemies: Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Syndulla Command Syndulla Command | Open
[ Mitternacht ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

In light of the fact that I knew there was going to be a huge explosion, every second I was waiting for Rausgeber’s response seemed infinite. When you can’t know why they don’t respond. Bad reception or unable to answer? Maybe he just doesn’t care and he just deserted? Or does he think he's such an anarchist that he doesn't think the rules apply to him? Since I didn’t know anything about the guy, any possibility of these was realistic.

Anyway, since there was no answer yet, I signalled to my team to head in the direction of the ship. if Rausgeber answers later, I could still come back for him. But at least we will clear the way to the ship to make the trip easier. In the meantime, I received a report from my team that they had closed the hangar where they were, so they would continue the retreat. This step was taken so that the Alliance would not disturb them or hinder their work. I confirmed it was okay, it was a good decision. As long as the soldiers try to get inside, they are nowhere else. Everyone just wins with it.

As I progressed, I also kept an eye on how to move quickly without an enemy. The noise of the battles was hearable, so the easiest thing was to close the affected corridors and "build" another route to get to the hangar. Of course, I will send this route on to Ignatius and Mongrel so that they can come as quickly as possible without fighting. A few minutes later, however, we arrived at the hangar where the Bunghole was.

<< Warlord, Ignatitus, my people and I reached the hangar. We made a route here, closing the other corridors to slow down the enemy. I’ll send the walkable route so you don’t waste time getting here. >>

I said, and with that I sent the data, the map, along with the route, and then we took a defensive position here, if not ours come here, but the enemy, we’d defend the hangar. And we'll stay here until further notice or order; I was hoping both people would arrive soon…




L I B E R T Y's_G A T E


Predator Internal Security Compliment
On the Bridge - Engaging Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze & Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
On the Way to the Bridge - Engaging Valery Noble Valery Noble & Iris Arani Iris Arani

The Command Chair of the Grand Overseer turned around just as the Jedi managed to cut through the Blast Doors. Just like his Raptors had said before , it was a Young Female probably in her Mid to Late 20s armed with a Lightsaber , either a Close Friend to Dagon , his own Apprentice or even a Girlfriend judging at how determined. From his Command Chair , Sularen watched as Jem tried to attack one of his Raptors which only resulted in her lightsaber glancing off the Lightsaber Resistant Armor with the Raptor Commander striking the Girl with his Kamikiri Blade in response to the attack. Sularen grined , as he came to believe that his Men would easily overwhelm the Jedi Padawan. He was so distracted with Jem , his hands on his Holster ready to intervene directly in the fight against her that he did not see Dagon Kaze's own Attack against the Two Raptor Commandos Guarding him managing to free himself right before Jem made her own move. Right as Sularen's First Group of Stormtroopers and Raptors moved forth to finish the Jedi Apprentice , she leapt forward heading straight towards the Viewports and cutting through them causing a sudden vacuum to erupt which engulfed the Bridge , violently dragging both Soldier and Crewmate away from the relative safety of the Bridge and into the Empty Cold Void of Space.

As the viewports of the Predator's Bridge shattered , may of Sularen's Guards and Crew Officers soon found themselves getting sucked into the empty vod that was Space with only Sularen's Command Chair (Whose Back was Facing the Bridge Viewports) being the only thing stopping him from getting sucked in. When Sularen managed to activate the Ray Shielding preventing the rest f the Individuals from the Bridge from also getting ejected from their positions with 2 Raptors and 5 Stormtroopers lost in the commotion as well as One Thirds of the entirety of the Bridge. However it was still a 7v2 and despite the losses suffered , Sularen's Forces were still in a good position to confront Dagon and Jem and put them to sleep for good this time. Sularen's Chair soon turned around once again now to face both Dagon and Jem as his remaining Stormtroopers aimed their weapons at them while his Raptor's activated their Kamikiri Blades which soon emerged from their Cybernetic Arms. It was then that the Grand Overseer himself stood up , his
NK01 Rail Pistol in his right hand ready to finish the job once and for all. He did not take the sudden deaths of his men very kindly as these Officers and Soldiers had served him without question even at a time where they were better off serving the Zweihander Union or New Imperial Order. They were some of his most loyal followers and yet this Jedi had the audacity to claim some of their Lives.

"A Valiant Effort" Sularen began. "But one in vain. As we speak , the Sith'ari himself is on his way to pick you up and to relieve me of the burden of having to keep me with you." Sularen said in a Calm and Confident Tone. "You seriously think you can try to escape , that you can try to resist. I mean look around you. Your Fleets are in ruins and these friends of yours currently boarding my ship will soon be disposed of sooner of later. Face it Dagon. It's over. There is no way under any circumstances that yo-" Sularen was then interrupted by his Comlink which began ringing. "What is it?" He said visibly frustrated at this interruption. "Sir this is RT-4583. The Jedi have managed to bypass our defenses." Sularen's Eyes widened as he shouted in response. "WHAT. What do you mean they bypassed your defenses." The Raptor Commando quickly responded. "I don't know how. They've knocked Dantum Kryszar out cold and were quick to take out an Entire Squad. We only have a few Conscious Raptors left sir" Sularen then lowered his Pistol and sat down on his Command Chair before responding once more in a less agitated and calmer tone. "...and where are these Jedi headed for now?" The Grand Overseer asked "Towards...the Bridge" The Raptor Said. Sularen sighed before responding. "Great , more Jedi to deal with. Right when i was monologing about my inevitable victory. RT-4583 , take whatever Raptors you have left and try to catch up with them before they reach the Bridge" The Raptor simply responded with a "Yes Sir" before the Grand Overseer ended the Transmission.

"Kill the Jedi." The Grand Overseer ordered to his men as they wildly opened fire at Dagon and Jem although the two were protected by the Force Barrier prompting the 2 Remaining Raptor to go on the offensive with their Pairs of Kamikiri Blades ready to strike at both Dagon and Jem with the intent to kill. Meanwhile Sularen turned his Command Chair around yet again , now facing the Entrance to the Bridge formerly sealed by Reinforced Blast Doors which now had a clear circular opening towards the center marking the area in which Jem had cut through the Doors. With the knowledge that the Second Jedi Boarding Party was heading towards the Bridge , the Grand Overseer began furiously tapping at his Datapad soon revealing an Ace up his Sleeve.
Mitsuama Defense Turrets , two of which began to emerge from the Ceiling of the Predator's Bridge while a Third One emerged right in front of him from the floor. Making use of his Intruder Detectors and Security Cameras to begin manually activating a bunch of Mitsuama Defense Turrets throughout the Predator as they began to emerge from the Floors covering the center of every Hallway Intersection between Valery Noble and her Apprentice and the Bridge which should be enough to slow them down and ensure that Dagon and Jem could be dealt with in time. "Let's see how long these Jedi Boarders will last against these bad boys" Sularen said in a malicious tone. If the Jedi thought they could simply board his Ship and do whatever they pleased without any fierce opposition they were wrong. This was his Ship and he would remind the Jedi that they weren't welcome here.



Location: The Bunghole, Shield Generator Room
Attire: Standard
Loadout: The Harbinger, Lightsaber
Adversary: Rannan Kol

As the Dark Jedi burst towards Traden with inhuman speed, the master raised his blade slightly. As the attack was executed, their sabers crackled loudly against each other, and Traden pulled himself backwards with the aid of the force as the second saber made an attempt at slicing his stomach open, the blade just missing its target. Tradens saber extended further down the enemies until it was near the end of his blade, still crackling as they continued contact.

“You’re charity is unnecessary…” Traden stated in a deeper tone, focusing intently on his distancing, making sure his body was out of range from the enemy. Traden had mastered the art of distance, which was the most important skill in a saber duel, at least according to the divergent Jedi’s own experience. If one was able to maintain appropriate distance from their opponent at all times, then one could maintain a proper defense that would keep the enemy from landing a deadly blow. And when sabers were in the mix, even the slightest touch could prove deadly.

Tradens saber style was minimalistic in nature, void of the elegant and overly-embellished movements of many of his comrades. Instead, he majored on expending as little energy as possible while making smaller and more strategic movements that could incapacitate if they hit their mark. While not being considered to be as beautiful or elegant as other styles, it had proven to be very effective. Although this was his preferred form, sometimes in the heat of battle or the grip of pure adrenaline he would become more chaotic and forceful, such as what had occurred with the two enemies on the outer hull of the ship. And Traden was now feeling the consequences of expelling too much energy during the previous fight, which in turn helped him to focus to make sure he did not repeat the same mistake with this new and much more deadly opponent.

“So you are a slave then to the hunger… is that not worse?”

Traden pivoted his blade, bringing it down the enemies own saber quickly so as to strike the hand that held it.

“I would pity you if it were not for the many lives you have likely fed to your master already.”



Onboard the Predator
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Valery Noble Valery Noble


A long black cloak drug against the durasteel floor, sliding over the surface of each tile as the preceding pair of black boots strode forward. Passing by downed troopers, personnel, and security systems enroute to the Bridge, the shrouded figure halted only momentarily in survey of the damage before continuing his march.

As the figure passed, the sound of loud metal clanking and heavy footing pounding against the floor came after. Two additional figures, each adorned in dark armor wrapped in the tapestry of the Sith came forth behind the leader. Wielding heavy poled weaponry, the armored foes vigilantly scanned every nook and cranny as they went down the sprawling hall.

The lead figure stopped once more, giving pause to his following honor guard.


The Dark Lord turned about, revealing his wicked glare as he set his burning eyes upon his Sith Sovereign Protectors.

“Destroy them.”

He turned his gaze, returning to stride in his advance for the Bridge. The two zealous Sovereign Protectors lowered their heads briefly in reverence before they too were on the move, hunting for the Jedi Valery Noble Valery Noble and Iris Arani Iris Arani . Like hounds on the trail, the dark sentinels would hone in on the empyrean radiance from the two and track them through the Force.

The Dark Lord of the Sith continued on through the halls approaching the turbo lifts to his quarry. Brandishing his crossguard from his sashed hip, the Voice ignited his crossguard as the doors to the center lift opened wide.


The doors began to close as the long tattered cloak trailing the Dark Voice flowed within the confines of the vertical lift.


The vacuum sealing of the doors snapped together as the Dark Lord was spirited upward.

Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw
Objective III.: Steel and Bone | Sabotage the ship
Location: Aboard the Triumph
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Open
Enemies: Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Syndulla Command Syndulla Command | Open
[ Mitternacht ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I looked at the countdown projected on my retina, there wasn’t too much time left, and I still had no news of the others. In the case of the Warlord, I was pretty sure he was fighting someone; this wasn't the first time he did not respond when that was the case. Even on Jakku. However, I still didn’t know what was going on with the other man. I didn’t know him, I only saw and met him once, on Coruscant, when he and the warlord came to my position to leave the planet.

"Go back to the ship, I'll stay here and wait for them a little longer." I said to my men.

The soldiers looked at me, then nodded at once and left their position in the hallway. All I could do was stay there as they went into the hangar all the way to the Bunghole. Then we just had to wait. I knew how much damage the explosion on my own side could do, but I didn’t know how prosperous Rausgeber and his men were on the other side. The question marks and the unknown factor were too much. I didn't like that much.

In the meantime, I looked at the scanner data through my retina or just through the HUD, but there was no movement nearby yet. And time was running out. The truth is, I was a little nervous too. No, not because of my peers, much more because of the explosion, I’ve never had such an important job. I think this is more important than what I did at Jakku. Although I don’t know, Coruscant was also important, but I felt this was perhaps the most important of them all. Here we were on the defensive side, much more at stake than before.

In the meantime, I also received additional data, a report from the other half of my team. They finished boarding and the dropships left the Triumph's hangar. Then at least most of the team is safe. So many fewer people had to be cared for later on. I looked again down the aisle and at the scanner data.

"Where are you both already?" I asked to myself.


The Corellian Sharpshooter
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Hazy light flooded into Dan's helmet through his visor. He looked up at the hangar lights that intruded upon his rest and then closed his eyes again. But to no avail. He was awake. Dan's training kicked in and his summoned his slowly reviving strength to stand again. He shook his head to clear his fuzzy vision. Where was he? Why was he in a huge ship hangar, surrounded by dead bodies? Then it all came back to him. That Jedi. He knew not to underestimate her, but he had been caught up in the thrill of battle and had forgot about Jedi's amazing powers of recovery. At least he had badly wounded the Padawan with his sniper. Now that he himself was recovering, he could go after them again, and win. They would be weakened, and he could use that to his advantage.

Dan pressed a button on his helmet, and he was promptly injected with medications and stimulants from pouches near his breathing apparatus. Now he was physically ready to go after the Jedi once more. He checked his sniper rifle, which was in good working order. He still had a good amount of plasma ammunition too. Next he checked his laser-edged knife. He pressed the button on the handle to activate the edge and tested it against the wall. Still sharp. Finally, he tested a grenade on a TIE. Perfection. Dan knew that if you wanted to fight a Jedi, non-projectile or non-blaster-based weapons like knives or grenades worked best. He was ready.

Dan sprinted down the hallways that he had used to get from the cell block to the hangar. He looked around for his checkpoints, where he had stationed Elite Raptor Commandos to stop the Jedi in case they had bypassed his assault party. Where were his Commandos? He sighed to himself and shook his head in realization. It must have been the Jedi again. Well, this could work for him, since he could follow the path of death that the Jedi left behind them. As he neared the bridge, where he determined the Jedi would be headed, he saw a Commando. Alive.

"You, soldier. Did you see the Jedi come by here?" Of course he did. But the Elite Raptor could still tell him where the Jedi were going.

The soldier, who had propped himself up against the wall, clearly in pain, pointed a shaky finger towards the end of the hallway, which led closer to the bridge. Dan nodded with satisfaction. His hypothesis was proving correct.

"Don't worry, trooper. I'll bring back medical help once I have dealt with those persistent Force-users." If the soldier was lucky, he would receive medical assistance. But on the other hand, Dan's main focus was catching up with the Jedi for... revenge. No one makes a fool out of the Corellian Sharpshooter. No one. Not even a Jedi.
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