Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Liberty's Gate | GA Invasion of BOTM Held Adrathorpe

Objective: Reaching the other Jedi
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Link!
Post: #7
Part 1: Predator defenses
If it wasn't for the fact that they were in a hurry to reach the other Jedi, Valery would have asked her Padawan to spray paint each and every camera aboard Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen 's ship. They lined the hallways the two Jedi were forced to pass through, and judging by the number of Raptors they encountered along the way, she knew their position was accurately being tracked. Luckily the big advantage the Jedi had was the speed at which they moved, making it difficult to converge soldiers on them because they weren't in one spot for very long.
So while the Raptors were putting up a good fight, and slowing down the Jedi significantly, plenty of bodies would be found along their path, scattered through the hallways like a trail. These soldiers, however, were not the only threat - right as the Jedi were about to go around a corner, a feeling of great danger struck Valery. At the last moment, she pulled back and made sure to yank Iris along with her, as an automated turret fired a disk at incredible speed towards them. It struck the corner of the hallway and shattered explosively into tiny fragments.
"Too close..." she whispered underneath her breath.
The woman then sighed and briefly looked at Iris before she spoke again, "Stay here." Valery stated simply before she drew the Force into her left hand and moved around the corner, her hand already extended while the right hand supported the arm. In the blink of an eye, another disk was fired and if it wasn't for her augmented senses, she would have never been able to remotely track it. But now, as the disk connected, the brunette Force deflected the projectile back. In the process, she was knocked back several steps but with immense power, the turret was blown apart by its own attack.
Coming around the corner, however, Iris would be able to tell that something was off about Valery. With her right hand across her chest, she held her left arm against her body and gritted her teeth. While no bones had broken, the impact had definitely injured the woman's arm.
"There will be more of these, so a change in plans..." Valery said as she bit herself through the pain. Perhaps her Padawan would be able to heal the injury, but either way, she was going to move. Looking around, she spotted a panel mostly concealed into the design of the wall and sliced through it with her lightsaber. "We're going through the ventilation and maintenance shafts. There is no way those turrets fit in them. We'll just have to climb our way up."
This meant that for several decks, the two Jedi climbed through fairly narrow and hot tunnels, all with the possibility that someone or something was coming up behind them. But it was surely better than dealing with those turrets in every hallway alongside the soldiers stationed throughout the vessel.
Part 2: Honor guards
Eventually, though, Valery came up through another exit point, and into an entirely new hallway several decks up - much closer to the bridge and the others. But as she turned to help Iris step out as well, she felt that they weren't alone. Two dark figures were approaching fast and came around the corner to face the two Jedi down.
"We've got company," Valery said as the pair approached. This likely meant that the Jedi were about to face off against one each, and while she felt confident in her own abilities to take them down, it was hard to tell if Iris was fully ready for them. They felt strong, after all.
With great speed, one of the guards then moved to engage Valery, drawing his blade and lunging forward to deliver a precise strike to her gut. As a Jedi Battlemaster, the woman recognized the Form immediately as Makashi and made her own choice to counter it. Drawing her own lightsaber into her hands, she augmented her strength and batted the piercing strike aside before pressing forward to counter-attack. Using the momentum of her swing, the weapon came back around and she slammed it down towards the guard, who quickly moved in retreat to avoid and control distance. Thus, a lethal back-and-forth dance continued between the two.
But as the fight continued, the combative Jedi Master was gaining the upper hand, and soon landed her first as the purple plasma graced the guard's arm. The pain and anger it caused swelled up inside the figure, and with fanatical rage, he lashed out telekinetically, shoving Valery back several meters, until her back struck the wall. Narrowing her eyes, Valery looked at the figure and she knew he was coming.
With heightened speed from his rage, he moved in with the intent to kill, uncaring for his own life or physical state. He wanted to tear apart the woman to complete his Master's task. But as he drew closer, and Valery found herself back up against a wall, she decided to play her trick. The moment his blade came down, Valery drew on the Force to alter the bonds between her body and the environment, allowing her to Phase through the guard and his attack. Taken by surprise, his crimson blade buried itself into thick durasteel, while his body landed here Valery had been. He quickly turned around to engage, but orange eyes were staring him down, and a violet blade horizontally swept through his neck, killing him instantly.
There was, however, no time to reflect - her Padawan had been fighting too, so she turned to Iris and moved, ready to help her if she needed it. They had to get through to the others.
Part 1:
  • Valery and Iris move through hallways, dealing with some remaining Raptors.
  • They encounter a turret, and Valery Force deflects a projectile to destroy it.
  • They go through ventilation/maintenance shafts to avoid hallways with more turrets.
Part 2:
  • Valery and Iris engage the 2 honors guards.
  • Valery engages one of the guards in a duel.
  • Using a bit of trickery and exploiting their fanatical rage, she kills one.
The moment Jem hit solid ground, she ran.

She ran before footing could be regathered, she ran before more units could be deployed. She ran before the monologue. Dagon told her to run, and for the first time in her life she listened. She ran through the hole she cut and turned, watching his back so he could follow.

And he would follow, or Jem and her stubborn butt was walking right back on in.

She kicked up a fire extinguisher and punctured it, filling the bridge with its thick foamy smoke. It would only buy them a moment more, but it was enough.

She tossed Dagon a blaster from her belt as they went.

"You said-- 10pm, market street. You promised." She chastised, not letting Dagon live his disappearance down.

Not in the slightest.

"Do you know what day it is? It's Wednesday!" They came upon an intersection. Blaster fire echoed from the right. She turned them to the left.

"Like-- the second one!"

She stopped short.

At the far end of the hall a familiar figure stalked forward... saber drawn. A red glow framed his beard. Ice shot through Jem's veins. "...Dad?" -- She felt Dagon rip her away, her voice distant as he redirected them back towards the hall with blaster fire. Guess anything was preferable to facing off him. Their need to get out grew more desperate by the moment.

Jem couldn't help the distracted way she kept glancing over her shoulder, her pulse in her ears as they stumbled onto two more jedi.

Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani

She caught a shot on instinct and redirected back towards the source.

"Hey, can I kill these guys?" She stressed, finding her voice again.
Last edited:

Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr
Enemies: Syndulla Command Syndulla Command | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau
ANV Momentous Triumph

Ignatius busied himself with the trappings of sabotage. Placing detonators here, there and everywhere. All the while glaring at the agent who seemed to be so bothersome. So loathsome. She was exactly what he had wanted to be in the FOSB. Well, at least behind the Navy, Stormtrooper Corps, Starfighter Corps and Planetary Defence Force. But still, the FOSB offered excitement. The prospect of the ever coveted field work. Infiltration. And now she stood. The Mongrel's favourite. He knew it was petty jealousy which guided his mind now. But it was Ignatius and the Auxiliaries who too often carried the gruntwork now. Although admittedly it was sabotage which they now undertook, still. She got to look all pretty as the Auxiliaries clambered to set the detonators, and she began to masterfully place her own. A fifteen minute timer? What? Did she hold all the reigns now? Perposterous. Absolutely perposterous.

"You move it." Ignatius scowled, looking to the detonator, "We'll just want to set more up." Rausgeber looked around, and waited for her to leave, before approaching T'Kerri, the Weequay in the midst of dismantling one of the proton torpedoes. "Kerri!" Ignatius barked, "Kerri I need you to cut the timer!" Kerri looked at the shorter man, incredulous, "I'm not having my moment, robbed by some pillock. While we do the hard yards here." Ignatius sternly told him, yanking the scruff of his collar, and hauling him close, "This is our kill. Ours. Not hers. Not the Mongrels."

Kerri rested a hand on Ignatius' and slowly stood tall. "Our glory for the Avatars." He muttered, "Eternal and great." His eyes darted down to Ignatius' and a vicious grin came over the man's features. "You have us lad." He licked his lips, "You have us well and good." Ignatius gave a nod, and began to place the last of the detonators. This was it. Nike. Victory. His time to shine. Beyond the Mongrel. Beyond the rest. Some self-actualisation for himself, rather than for the others. Using the wrench, Ignatius pried open one of the concussion missile warheads. Fiddling around with its inner wiring, before clasping the great munition laden case within, and loosening it. Some minor sabotage, some exposure. Something to potentially exacerbate the carnage the man was sent to perform. "Iggy," The gregarious Weequay barked, "We're good." The Weequay passed the man a holoprojector, seemingly crawling with wires, "Just click call, and I'll have this place lit."

Good. Very good. Ignatius clenched it close to the tattered tunic he wore. This was it. His time to shine. And a bargaining chip for his way out. Also the means, as to sabotage the Mongrel and his agents own plans. To subvert them with the will of a Rausgeber. "Alright," Ignatius snapped, "Alright you fuckers, pack it up!" Ignatius gestured forward, "Move it, we're moving it." The Auxiliary hobbled forward, followed by the pack of fellow slave soldiering marauders as they filed out of the magazine. Deliberately smashing the locking mechanism and panelling on the way out. A desperate measure to try and hold off the enemy. They clambered through the halls as Mercy began to give status updates on evac. But at this point, they could hear it. Beyond the ambience of the nominal alarm system. The clattering of boots. It was then and there a sense of impending doom that they had perhaps been a little too hasty in dispatching the mouse droid.

A cold sweat dragged across Ignatius' face. In all this excitement, in all the frenzy, he had forgotten the way back. Not that anyone seemed to be telling him that. They kept barging through hall after endless hall. Each corner, each turn, each straight seeming to melt into one another as they chased freedom, with the inability to provide it. Bugger. Bugger. Bugger. That was all Ignatius could think about. Feeling and hearing the echoing of regimented boots clattering against the deck plating. This was it. Wasn't it? This was what all he was meant for. He was going to die on this stupid ship. Bloody hell. How unfortunate. How bloody inconvenient! This was the worst. He was meant for better than this, he was meant for... "Hostiles!"

There was a stinging second before the atmosphere exploded into a fray of blaster bolts. Ignatius staggered to the next corner, as the Auxiliaries began to be cut down. Firing back and forth, attempting to haul their sorry arses away from the combat station. Ignatius was pushed to the ground. He attempted to clamber back up, reaching up to the wall, but felt the burning, singing pain of a blaster bolt to the back. It felled him. The Auxiliary curled up, and looked to the battle behind him. The Alliance marines were no joke. With no cover, and no technological advantage, the Auxiliary's were fodder. Lady luck had decided that today was the day it was to supposed to meet his end. But the little button Ignatius held in his palm? Well perhaps that would be enough to grease his luck a little.

With one click, all hell was unleashed.

Allies: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Rebirth Rebirth Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick Xuan Vo Electra-12 Electra-12 Kenth Berik Kenth Berik Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Maestus Maestus
Enemies: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard Elena Lowe Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo Jax Thio Jax Thio

Fleet: Utriusque Restituo-class Factory Command Battlecarrier (Crippled! Floating! Bridge Destroyed!)
Starfighter Totals: 180x TIE/VA, 86x TIE/PI, 32x TIE/AR
Loss: 3x PCL 27Cs, 220 TIE/VA, 130x TIE/PI, 76x TIE/AR

The attacks have been going well, the Charole is soon to be under full demise with the Prelude being struck by some unknown object, destroying it as it left Haon a smile. The Sith had entered the Factory Battlecruiser and soon it will be one sided. This fleet they had encountered, will soon meet its end. All according to plan, even the Jedi is now trapped! Then...his crewmen spoke up to relay the obvious.

"Prelude is floating Sir! It has been hit!"
"By what? And say it quickly! We are on a time crunch!"
"Seemed to been debris sir, something like-OH KRIFF!"
"Spit it out, it cannot be ba-, TRACTOR BEAMS FULL FRON-"

In their moment of victory, their pride and arrogance, they missed a rather large chunk of Csilla heading straight towards them...and not just a large chunk, it might as well been part of the moon. Before they could even speak again, it smashed into the top part of the Restituo and chopped off a quarter of the ships height, effectively destroying it and shaving off the top part of the bridge. Haon tried to grip onto anything nearby as people flew off into outer space with the coldness of space starting to surround his own being. Grunting a bit, he tried to pull himself closer to activate the shields but then, his grip slipped.

Haon found himself sucked into space itself, the cold vast emptiness of space. Struggling a few times, he felt the air suck out of his lungs, his eyes bulging and his blood boiling underneath while trying to grip onto a nearby piece of debris. Finally, after gasping a few times with a hand around his throat, he felt himself shutting down, his body failing and in the cold drifting portions of space...he felt himself go unconscious, feeling the grasping hands of death.


The Eyes of the Metal Lord would soon open quickly, his biological eyes being gone but red receptors showing as his mouth opened, trying to gasp for air before the realization of what had occurred. Hands still grasped at his throat, the Metal Lord slowly turned his head as he watched the battle unfold in space before him. Starfighters buzzing on by, as did capital ships moving around him, debris gently coasting by him, as well as many bodies of his fallen comrades. His receptors blinking, he gripped onto one of the bodies and propelled himself gently forward, back towards his now crippled and beloved Battlecruiser. Each grip onto debris, body or anything of the like seemed to give him more purpose, till finally he made it back onto the bridge area and gripped part of a nearby console.

Flipping around, he slowly pressed a few buttons on the console as he diverted all power to shield generators before slowly pushing himself off towards one of the nearby escape pod doors. Opening it up, he slowly pushed himself inside and closed the doors manually before strapping himself in. The battlecruiser is now considered lost, there was nothing that could be done in this situation that logically allows everyone to live. The Sith that was on board fighting the Jedi, the numerous frigates still around it and the debris still was best to abandon ship.

Pulling the lever, the Dragon Wing Escape Pod would be launched, holding onto the control levers as he designed it himself, he knew the best way to pilot it. Turning it rather hard, he aimed it directly at the head Predator, Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen own flagship and pulled the levers back, activating SLAM. It rocketed forward without fail, parts of the hair on his head started to fall off from the pressure, the skin around his body starting to flake and become destroyed. Escape was his only option, and he had to make a clean shot over there to do it. Hopefully with the speed he was pushing, it be hard pressed to catch up with him as it rocketed straight towards the hanger bay, barely adjusting his course as his mind calculated every move presented before him to get to that starship.


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H A R D _ S I X


Revenant Squadron

Talon Squadron

Saber Squadron

Brotherhood of the Maw

-The TIE Hunters
spring a trap
-Major Csilla flashbacks
-Revenant shatter asteroids
to give the TIEs less options

Far too late, Chaar realised it was a trap. The TIE Hunters had lived up to their names.

The B-wings of One Flight, with power shunted to their engines and weapons for a quick and powerful attack, were caught off guard when the Brotherhood starfighters swung around and unleashed a perfectly timed volley of fire at them. Revenant Four didn’t even have time to cry out for help as their B-wing disintegrated around them. Chaar threw his yoke to the right as he swerved violently away from the kill zone, a cacophony of warning tones erupting from his console.

With the ambush broken, the TIE Hunters took the initiative. The Brotherhood pilots dropped their ruse of flying inferior starfighters and quickly began to cycle power between their systems using their advanced power management systems. Powerful composite beam weapons came online, quickly draining Revenant pilot shields. The TIEs distinctive strike-foils popped open and closed as needed, allowing the enemy pilots to outmanoeuvred the Alliance squadron. A quartet of starfighters converged on Revenant Twelve and cut the A-wing to pieces. When Chaar and his squadron got their shots on target, the Brotherhood pilots had already shunted power back to their ironclad shields.

A priority dispatch came over the comlink just as the rookie pilot Revenant Eleven cracked open a piece of Csillian debris to create an improvised space mine. High Admiral Minlov of Syndulla Command Syndulla Command warned the pilots to stay clear of the shattered remains of the Chiss.

Chaar swung around past the shattered remains of Viscounts Three and Four drifting amid the fragments of Csilla.

No, not Viscounts, Revenants.

Neck deep in the Stygian Campaign at the time, Chaar had missed the destruction of Csilla. His story had begun months later, when as Viscount Leader he’d battled Brotherhood starfighters among the ruins of the planet. Twelve B-wing heavy starfighters had entered the fray, all longtime wingmates and dear friends, veterans of the war with the Sith. Viscount was on their way to becoming Starfighter Command’s premier squadron, with Chaar on the fast track to make Flight Commodore by the end of the year.

But the Brotherhood had gotten the drop on them. Lured into a similar trap, only one pilot out of twelve had returned to Coruscant - Chaar.

And now, his new squadron was under threat.

The expanding ball of microparticles from the destroyed piece of debris punctured the hull of a TIE Hunter pursuing Revenant Eleven, which spiralled out of control. Mylo Thorne was a new addition to the squadron and not someone who Chaar had devoted any time to knowing. And yet, despite not having the squadron leader's personnel tick of approval, the kid may have just given them a chance of surviving.

Revenant Squadron couldn’t match the even shifting speed, weapons and shields of the TIE Hunters, but if they could force them to stay in one configuration, the mixed starfighter squadron would have the upper hand.

“Revenant, Lead. Level the field,” he ordered over the comlink. “Shatter the debris, force them to choose a config.” Leading by example, Chaar dropped a pair of torpedos into a massive chunk of Csilla, sending thousands of tiny pieces flying in all directions. That would give the TIE Hunters something else to worry around, distracting them from shunting their power so efficiently.

“And when they pick, wipe ‘em out!”



//: GA SSD Engineering //:
//: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren //:

"Well, you know," She mused as his blade sparked against her own. The brief lights illuminate their faces, forever tangled in the never-ending fight between the light and dark. "I have a few plans I'd like to see till the end; my fiancee would kill me if I didn't come home." The Corellian grinned as she used her force-fueled frame to lunge, pushing him off of her for a respite.

"I'd invite you to the wedding, but you'd have to at least bathe and leave you're uh…." She looked around from the corner of her eye. The monstrosities he brought with him salivated seeing living flesh. "You gotta leave your pets at home, you understand, right?" Once more, she stepped forward, swinging the chosen weapon of the Jedi towards his neck. If anything about the undead that she had studied and seen, removing the head typically returned them to the grave.

Allyson stepped into the one-handed attack, trying in earnest to make it Kyrel's focus. With her unarmed hand, she prepared the force. Focusing every ounce of hope and light into a concentrated sphere.

Allyson wanted to shove the sphere down the man's throat; she tried to watch him fall apart by way of the light, but if he lost, what would keep his creations at bay? She needed to keep him focused on her while she picked off his pets if she wanted to survive this. Another step as she continued to swing the saber relentlessly at the Ren. A quick toss of the small light ball construct flew towards the horde pack behind him. From her fight with Caelitus, she had learned that the spawn was like their creators, fearful of the light.

"I know death, but I do not fear it like you - so scared that you couldn't just stay dead. Coward, just like all Sith." She laughed, watching his movements, knowing that, like every sith, the only predictable thing about them was that they were unpredictable. "Come on now, show me how powerful you've become since becoming undead."
NPC Storyteller
Location: Adrathorpe System
Allies: Electra-12 Electra-12
Foes: Tren Chaar Tren Chaar | Elena Lowe | Mylo Thorne | Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard
Engaging: Zaka Zaka | Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei

  • Sacrior Squadron almost strangles Zaka, but the Shadow Bomb blows two of them up
    • The ritual breaks, and the remnants of the squadron must flee


They had him now. The Jedi's high-tech X-Wing was nothing compared to the power of the Force.

Within his cockpit, Laocoon stretched out a gauntleted hand in front of him, almost touching his fighter's canopy. With the other Knyghts to guide him, it was all too easy to guide his constricting grasp to the Jedi Ace's throat. Sacrior Two felt Zaka's windpipe as if it really was in his hand, pulsing with each gulp of life-giving air... until the Mawite began to squeeze. He squeezed as if trying to pulp a fruit in one hand, forcing his fingers together over empty air, wrenching and twisting and crushing. The Jedi fought back, trying to lift that invisible hand, but it was six against one. What chance did he really have against the elite of Sacrior Squadron?

They were the chosen of the Avatars, their true children. Their grasp of dark magic was peerless.

Behind his flight helmet, Laocoon's thin lips twisted into a sneer. He could feel the Jedi fighting and bucking in his cockpit, gasping for air that would never come, thrashing in an effort to escape a crushing fist that followed him wherever he tried to twist away. He could feel the enemy ace starting to black out, feel his tissues starting to give way. First there would be bruising, then soft tissue damage, and then... pop, squelch, no more trachea. How satisfying that would be, to finally swat this persistent sand fly! How glorious to prove that his mastery of the Force was so much greater than that of one of the vaunted Jedi! It was almost as good as squishing him in person.

Almost. Laocoon always preferred to physically feel his foe's neck break, and to look into his dying eyes.

So wrapped up was Sacrior Squadron in their combined ritual of strangulation that they never saw the Jedi Shadow Bomb coming; its launch was nothing more than a flicker of the Force across their awareness, easily explained as one of Zaka's weak attempts to escape their grip, and the unguided ordnance did not register on their sensors. So it was that, as the strange Jedi weapon drifted closer, Laocoon's thoughts were only of triumph. He would make one last attack run once the Jedi was dead, to erase his troublesome X-Wing... or perhaps he would merely cripple him, leaving him a vegetable, and then blow him up in his fighter while he still lived.

When the Shadow Bomb detonated, consuming Laocoon and one of his wingmates, he never saw it coming.

The ritual broke. Zaka was bruised, winded, perhaps near death... but he was free, and Sacrior was shattered.



Location: Adrathorpe System
Allies: Rowena | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | CETCOM CETCOM | Haon Hafey Haon Hafey | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick
Foes: Bashir Bashir | Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause | Constantine Oliva Constantine Oliva | Cruanless Orcash Cruanless Orcash | Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto | Syndulla Command Syndulla Command

  • The Fatalis is temporarily trapped by the City of Ashes's last tractor beam attack
  • It must await rescue by Sularen's relief group


In the midst of the deadly confrontation, new signals blared across the sensors. Mawite signals.

Tu'teggacha let out an Ebruchi sigh of relief, a sound that resembled nothing so much as a child blowing bubbles in the bath. It was Sularen's fourth group, coming to the rescue of the beleaguered Fatalis. The Taskmaster would hardly have believed it possible that a ship the size of the City of Ashes could wreak such havoc on the Mawite dreadnought, but the commander of the Alliance had proven him wrong. Admittedly his rival had used the circumstances of the battle cleverly; in a straight fight the City would have had no chance, but with the aid of the debris storm and excellent maneuvering, it had turned the tables on the Brotherhood.

But all that was coming to an end now. The Fatalis carried a far larger fighter complement than its foe, and the enemy's anti-fighter corvettes could be overwhelmed with sheer numbers - and the remaining rear-facing guns of the Mawite flagship. When they went down, the City would be helpless against the Brotherhood's bombing runs. Tu'teggacha's losses in this battle, ships damaged or destroyed, had been wildly out of proportion to those of his foe, so that was a significant win for them, but they still could not fully triumph in the end. For his part, the Ebruchi hardly cared. He would sacrifice anything to ensure his own survival.

Life pods began to streak away from the City of Ashes as Alliance personnel fled the crippled ship, not wanting to be aboard a vessel with no functional engines (and virtually no functional guns) when the Mawite relief force arrived. "Should we target their pods, Taskmaster?" one of the bridge officers asked. Tu'teggacha shook his blubbery head, spraying viscous spittle from his writhing tentacles. "Let them take their chances in the debris storm. Sularen can waste his time hunting them if he wants. Our priority is preserving the Fatalis and evading further damage from the Alliance fleet. Recall our fighters."

But as the Brotherhood craft streaked back to their mothership, the Fatalis suddenly lurched. Hard. Something was wrong; there ought not to have been anything left in their sector to fire on them! "Taskmaster, the City of Ashes has locked onto us with its remaining tractor beams!" the same bridge officer reported. "With our engines damaged, it's managing to hold us in place!" Panic leapt back into the Ebruchi's heart; that would pin them in the center of the debris storm! "Cut engine power," he ordered, forced to prioritize the most essential systems. "Boost our shields and point defense. Keep us intact until Sularen arrives!"

And so the Fatalis sat, pinned like an insect in some museum collection, waiting for rescue.

Desperately it fended off the debris of a planet it had helped so greatly to destroy...

Location: Adrathorpe System, the Momentous Triumph
Allies: Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr
Foes: Syndulla Command Syndulla Command | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau

  • The Mongrel (mostly) loses his head to Seto's aerial strike
  • The sabotage charges detonate, creating a wall of fire between them
  • The Mongrel flees the scene, heading for an escape craft

As usual, Jedi tricks saved The Mongrel's foe.

Seto leapt back an instant before the flames would have taken him full in the face, forewarned of the danger by his mystical Force. With a raised hand he projected an invisible barrier, deflecting the fire in a strange pattern as the stream of burning fuel appeared to spatter on impact with thin air. He didn't entirely escape harm, however, his fine clothes singed... along with some of the flesh beneath. Good; perhaps that would slow him down or, better yet, make it harder for him to concentrate on his sorcery. The Mongrel needed every advantage.

He was, as always, outclassed by the Force Master.

The youth joked back at the warlord, playing into his remarks about fancy clothes... but it was all just a cover as he gathered strength for his next attack. With speed that could only be explained by powerful cybernetics (which seemed unlikely) or mastery of magic, Seto shot forward and upward, a sphere of invisible energy enveloping him so that he could endure the flames. His blade lashed out in a downward swing, one that was at an angle almost impossible to parry. The Mongrel tried nonetheless, scrambling to get his sword into position...

... but he was too late, his block too off-kilter.

Seto's blade, driven by Force-empowered muscles, bit deep into The Mongrel's neck. On an organic target, it would have been a deathblow, severing the jugular and probably the spine (if it didn't take the head off entirely). But the cyborg warlord no longer had arteries or a spinal column, and did not need to worry about exsanguination or shock. The blade ripped three quarters of the way through his neck, leaving a shower of sparks in its wake. His brain case flopped to the side, sitting on his shoulder like a tired lover laying down her head.

He had nearly been decapitated. Broken wires sparked.

But that was not enough to stop the cyborg, not anymore. What followed was a gruesome sight, something out of a horror holovid. The Mongrel turned to face Seto, his brain case flopping at the ends of the intact wires, his sword still in hand. Though his chassis was badly damaged, his limbs now slow to respond to his commands as impulses struggled to reroute around shattered connections, he had not yet been destroyed. As if he was one of the sinister Perished, he fought on despite a deathblow, preparing to face the Force Master again.

"I win," Seto declared. "Not. Quite." The Mongrel replied.

At that moment, Ignatius pressed the detonator. The Momentous Triumph rocked as the missile bay, packed with even more explosives than the ship usually carried there, blew apart. Flame raced down its corridors. Bulkheads twisted and deformed. Subsystems lost power. Internally, The Mongrel grinned. Iggy couldn't help himself, could he? Here was the moment of glory-seeking betrayal the warlord has suspected all along, the auxiliary deliberately failing to wait for the rest of the Mawite forces to get clear. And yet it was perfectly timed.

A wave of pressure and fire raced up the corridor, creating a raging inferno between Seto and The Mongrel. "Well fought," the warlord told his foe, "but too little, too late. You'll have to avenge your pretty clothes another day." With that he turned and ran, his near-severed head flopping against his dented chassis. There was no purpose in dying here in some bulkhead explosion; the Avatars would not honor it unless he was giving his all, and he had no intention of going to meet them as a result of someone else's masterstroke.

It was time to get out of here, before Iggy got him killed. Mercy, at least, would hold the escape ship for him. She was loyal.
Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw
Objective III.: Steel and Bone | Sabotage the ship
Location: Aboard the Triumph
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Open
Enemies: Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Syndulla Command Syndulla Command | Open
[ Mitternacht ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Come on! What are they doing?! Where are you? I asked again and again in a low voice, mostly from myself because there was no answer. My troops have re-checked to me that they are at a safe distance and on a road whereas as few enemy cannons as possible can see them or be able to target them. This ship will definitely not catch them anymore. I looked at the countdown again, five and a half minutes left. Where are you already?! I played with the thought of ask them on the comm. channel, but it was only a moment, because I know they were also aware of how much time was left.

I mean, they had to be aware. There were five minutes left when the ship suddenly shook. I felt the tremble before I heard the sound. Explosion. Rausgeber! The wretched! It was my fireworks, not his! I had a hard time standing on my feet, though I had to cling to it in the hallway wall. MANIAC indicated when and where the corridors would close due to the explosions. I seemed to have chosen a lucky path and we made a good decision to close the corridors because the escape route was not reached by the explosion.

I could have screamed with nervousness, I’m going to kill that wretched bastard! Just come in front of my eyes. Scanners indicated that someone was approaching. I picked up my rifle; it was just one moving target. I knelt down so I could target better. It took a few moments, my finger already on the trigger when that someone stepped out of the corner into the hallway where I was. It only took a moment to get to know me, I didn’t pull the trigger, I just lifted my finger off it.

"Warlord!" I shouted.

I rushed there immediately, if he needed help, I would support him. If I needed to, I would escort me all the way to the Bunghole, if not, I would just open the hangar door and then cover him until he got there. I would have loved to mention what Ignatius had done, but until the man brings it up, I won’t do it. I'm not such a vile informant. I saw the injury on the cyborg body, I just shook my head. He still didn't take care of himself. Next time, he's really going to lose his head.

"Call an engineer!" I told my people when we were already on the ship, I almost called a doctor. It would have been ironic, I turned to the man as I took off my helmet. "I know you don't care how many body parts or mechanical parts you lose, but try to stay in one piece, Warlord! We need you!"

I stepped closer to him, and if he didn't step in and let me do, I pressed a quick kiss to the transparent armour area at his head.

"If you still had a body, warlord, this would have been a normal kiss!" I winked at him and then my golden eyes flashed angrily. "And I want you to know, I'm going to kill your dog for what he did minutes ago!"




Onboard the Predator
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Valery Noble Valery Noble



The turbo lift came to a halt, the hex markers fading from view until only one remained above the elevator doorway.


The doors to the vertical lift parted open before him with a wave of his hand. A static pressure began to build within the corridor, it grew in intensity with each passing step he took as he stalked forward. Lights began to crack, wiring sparked loose, and panels groaned as they buckled under the weight of the Dark Lord’s presence. As the lights finally gave out, flooding the corridor in darkness, his daughter met his gaze as she emerged from around the corner. Startled, frozen.


Kaigann’s stained eyes met with his daughter’s, locked in the briefest of moments before being ripped away by the Jedi Knight Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze .

His face scrunched in, his eyes burning bright hot as they flowed ominously in the dark. Pressing forward the Dark Lord advanced, his form outlines in the oppressive glow of the crimson saber crackling forth within his grasp. Squeezing his clenched fist, the Sith’ari began to crush in the very walls around him as a titular wave of destruction followed his stern march toward his daughter and the Jedi.

The lights began to flicker, the pressure began to spread. Panels, wiring, tiles, hell even the ceiling collapsed as the corridor imploded under the weight of the unbridled hatred of the Dark Lord. He was coming for them, there was no halting his advance. He would kill every last one of them.

His lips parted as he neared the corner, a sinister tongue wretched from the ancient Sith themselves.

“Tsyokintik Saaratash.”
(To squeeze with the blackest hand the truest lie)
Darkness fell. The floor vanishing before all those under the spell’s thrall. In the shadow, only they would remain visible as everything else was blocked out from the oubliette of the Dark Lord.

An inaudible whisper.

A malicious invasion of the psyche as the Dark Lord’s malevolent voice spoke in hushed words to each of them independently from the other. To Valery Noble Valery Noble he whispered out.


The ground would appear bloody, a lifeless child laying in the midst of the shallow waters. Not all was as it appeared, to her apprentice Iris Arani Iris Arani the voice spat venom.


The illusion molded forth into a bright chamber round and full of despair. Caught within the confines of the Vong Embrace of Pain as the Taskmaster Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha prepared to begin his work with sultry tendrils writhing in delight.

And of course, the Jedi Knight Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze . How he had become such a bothersome insect, such a infestation upon his bloodline with his corruption of his very own flesh and blood. His voice contorted.


The Dark Lord came into view, lightsaber roaring through the darkened void as Denon cracked open like an egg above their heads. His eyes fell upon Jem Fossk Jem Fossk .


He extended his lightsaber out towards Dagon,

“I gave you a new life, a chance to start anew. Why do you squander my gift? Perhaps it’s these weak teachings… this can be corrected.”



Objective: Follow Master Noble
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

It was chaos. Iris kept close to her master, letting the much more experienced Jedi take the lead. Then.. Turrets. Iris blinked in surprise as she was yanked back, turning her gaze to where the disk impacted. Were Jedi that much of a danger? .. No, they were. That was something she'd started to realize as she watched Valery round the corner to deal with the turrets that had opened fired. Had Iris not been stopped before going around the corner, she'd likely have been torn to shreds.

Was this the threat a Jedi truly posed? It was.. Frightening.

No time to think on it though. A panel was cut, and the smaller girl certainly wasn't going to argue. Into the vents, and hopefully away from too much danger before they could regroup with the other Jedi.


If only they could've stayed in the vents. The cramped space wasn't something she really appreciated, but as they emerged the sense of constant danger had returned. Iris frowned. This wasn't like anything Valery had taken her along on before. Constant danger, everywhere. With only each other to trust to keep each other safe. At least she could trust her master to protect her if things got too overwhelming.

But could she trust herself to help her master?


The warning flashed through Iris's mind, causing her eyes to widen. Her saber reignited, the pink colored blade barely catching the strike of something far worse than the troopers or turrets thus far. Yet already she could feel a weight behind the blow that threatened to overwhelm her. She skirted back, trying to make space. Only for the figure to continue forward. Their moves were precise, agile. Easily battering the comparably clumsy stance of the Padawan. There was no time to react or counter, just try not to get killed.

If it wasn't for the gem in her blade helping her to stay calm, she'd likely panicked and ended up skewered or hacked apart by the honor guard's blade. It was enough, barely, to survive until her Master could come and help her take down the last obstacle.

Her arms burned. The force behind the blows were enough to rattle the bones in her forearms. All this training she'd had was never for saber combat, not like this. Her gaze lifted towards her master as she nodded.

They needed to keep moving.


Finally they were getting near the other two Jedi. Who were.. Also running? Iris blinked in surprise as they came face to face with Dagon and his own Padawan. She just squinted at the man. ".. Kai?" There were too many similarities for that doppelganger not to come to mind. But different enough that Iris could tell they weren't one in the same. What was his relation to the Sithspawn gem being?

Not that she had time to think about it.

Colors faded around her. It'd been something she noticed earlier, a pit of black consuming the light. It was frequent throughout the ship, but this was..


Cold filled her very soul as everything around her faded. Darkness, clawing at the colors emanating from Iris. And yet, she didn't feel fear. Not this time. Her eyes fell upon the creature before her, the device around her. Despite how tired and exhausted she was through the grueling battles to get here, she was calm. The meld she kept with her crystal had her aware of what was reality.

What wasn't.

Iris was a nobody amongst this group, all things considered. She'd only just started her path as a Jedi, only just learned what it meant to help others. She hadn't even realized it was the Sith'ari they faced. But she could still help. Like before, when the darkness tried to consume the light of others, she let herself become the barrier. The shield. The illusion around her twisted. Shades of color were reintroduced to the black.


She focused on this alone, using Domxite and her own power to reach out to the others. To help them break through the illusions. To protect them in the swirl of colors. To remind them of the light before it took them too deep into the dark. It didn't matter that she was exposed, an easy target. She could help those she cared about, and those that needed her.
The Corellian Sharpshooter
Engaging: Valery Noble Valery Noble , Iris Arani Iris Arani
Nearby: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Jem Fossk Jem Fossk

Dan followed the trooper's finger to the end of the hallway, and then turned left, towards the bridge. Dan had hypothesized that the Jedi would be heading to the bridge, because of the direction that they were already moving in, and because they would certainly want to confront Sularen. Taking out Sularen would probably cause the Brotherhood of the Maw Fleet to retreat. Cut off the snake's head, and the body dies. The Grand Overseer would likely have many personnel protecting him, but he would be up against two Jedi. And from Dan's experience, those Jedi were nothing to laugh at.

As he rounded a corner, he saw two more dead Elite Raptor Commandos. Another one of his checkpoints gone. Dan sighed. He was slowly losing soldiers as the Jedi slowly chipped away at his advantage, numbers. Well, no matter. With one Jedi injured and the other near crippled from a shoulder wound, he still had the upper hand. As he continued his sprint towards the bridge, he heard a hum in the ceiling and walls. Guns began to extricate themselves from concealed compartments aboard the ship.

"Looks like Sularen had somewhat of a secret weapon after all" remarked Dan to himself.

He decided to test the gun. He pulled a rag out of one of his pockets, and lightly tossed it into the air. It was instantly intercepted and embedded in the wall. Dan whistled in approval and awe. The Grand Overseer wasn't fooling around, nor taking any chances. The Jedi would have another problem on their hands. Dan kept sprinting until he was almost at the bridge, remembering to be wary of the guns. Then he saw them: The Master and the Apprentice, facing off against two formidable-looking lightsaber wielders. Here was his chance to settle his score. He drew his laser-edged knife and eagerly lept into the fray.
ALLIES: Galactic Alliance | Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor | Open
ENEMIES: Maw | Open
ENGAGING: Dimitri Voltura
GEAR: In bio​

Yenna’s gaze returned to Dimitri at his curious words. It was a rather simple sentence, nothing to it… but the way he said it was odd. ”Your aim, what is?” She asked him with concern. It was a silly question, no warrior or soldier with a brain cell between their ears would give anything up unless it was far too late to stop them. Even then, she doubted that Dimitri would say anything.

The man then turned his attention to Osarla and Yenna knew that they passed the point of no return. With a long swig of her flask she readied herself for the fight to come. ”Thicker skin, you must get.” She quipped right back at the man before he made his move.

His focus was on Osarla, no doubt the stronger Jedi between them, though Yenna at least received some attention as well. The force push shoved her back, though her lightsaber stabbed into the ground did a decent job of slowing her down. Using it as leverage, she propelled herself through the air and reached out with the Force, hoping to yank him back for Osarla to get a decent hit in. At least killing him would be harder than simply maiming him.

But something else drew her attention. Touching down close to the two taller combatants, Yenna was nearly thrown off her feet when the enormous ship lurched and shuddered, with a massive explosion echoing through the corridors. ”What was that?!” She shouted, sparing a quick glance before her attention turned to Dimitri.

His pilot didn’t seem to want to stick around either. The shuttle lifted off and flew out of the nearest and biggest exit it could find from the hangar while the three of them fought.

With her momentum broken, Yenna had to get back into it. She leapt through the air and swung at his back in an attempt to weaken him, or at least distract him.



Issue #11 w/ Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani

Out of the frying pan...

"You said-- 10pm, market street. You promised."
I say a lot of things." he put the blaster away on his belt. Guns were hardly his forte, but fits and kicks - now we're talking.
"Do you know what day it is? It's Wednesday!"
"I know--"
"Like-- the second one!"
"--I counted."

... and into the fire.

Two weeks of torture should've drained the last drop of energy, should've been too worn out to react in shock to anything. But Solipsis' horror animated his instincts to a whole new level. Without even a word, the raven-haired Jedi was yanking Jem away. His mind was blank, unwilling to assimilate the fact the Sith'ari had caught up to them. Run. Run until your soles peel off.

"Val?!" he gasped, blinking as if it was a stubborn hallucination he couldn't get rid of. Val and her padawan Iris. In the midst of a scuffle with the Sith'ari's elite honor guard.

"Hey, can I kill these guys?"

The raven-haired Jedi didn't hear the question. He didn't even hear Iris mistaking him for Kai. The storm of darkness howled from behind. Panels and tiles shattered under its weight, flying about recklessly as the lights flickered on and off heralding Solipsis' arrival. Then there was silence. Grave silence as if the air itself was sucked away and with it the light.


The void.




He strode through the darkness, cautious and wary. The voices disappeared, the deafening silence befalling him once more. He reached for his hilt to light the way but there was nothing on the side of his hip. Crunch! Something cracked beneath his feet and Dag halted, cold, ominous sweat running down his spine. Suddenly, one by one, the city lights of Denon lit up like a stadium's floodlights. They were distant, far off. The Jedi squinted to make them out only for his gut to tie into a knot. The lights were no ordinary lights. Flames. The world he'd sworn to protect ablaze.

Cold digits wrapped around his ankle and his head snapped down to witness what he had sowed. A hundred faces, a hundred glares debauched with stupor and blame staring at him. Aeric, Ryv, Yula, Jem, Aeris, Djonas, Valery, Aelys, Kai, Damsy, and on and on.

He wanted to scream but he had no mouth. He tried to bite his tongue but there was no tongue to bite.

Eternal damnation.


The blackest night.

And a wicked cackle he had once mistaken for an old Jedi's worn-out smile on Gehinomm.

The dark ceiling broke, cracked and all the colors in the galaxy poured through until there was nothing but the flickering lights and steel walls of the Predator.

"Jem... get... outta here." he ordered through gritted teeth and in between lapses of breaths as soon as the first fragments of his senses returned. ​
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Seto Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Steel and Bone
Location: Onboard the Momentous Triumph
Action: Pushed Past The Mongrel, but activated their Trap Card
Weapon: REC-EVS/01 "Sohei" - Pattern Electro-Vibrosword


Seto continued forward with his momentum, having launched himself past the Cyborg, but what surprised him was the effectiveness of his attack. He had not put much optimism in his attack succeeding, if anything the intensity of his attack was to simply disguise his true intention of trying to simply go around the Cyborg instead of through. The young Du Couteau heir wasn’t sure if it was a simple miscalculation of overestimation of his enemy, or underestimation of his own talents, but the Cyborg looked rather horrific. It unsettled the Senator to the point of taking a single step back.

When the Cyborg gave a reply, Seto opened his mouth “You’re no longer blocking my path to stop the other-”

A shudder followed by an intense wave of heat and explosive force rocked Seto, cutting off his response. He instinctively projected a Force shield in front of him to absorb the explosive force and heat but it was far too much and had launched him upwards slamming up against the ceiling of the hallway. He felt the wind knocked out of his as he fell back down to the floor, he gasped for his next breath as he attempted to stand back up.

The Mawite Cyborg uttered words that struck Seto in a matter that angered him, but he had no way to renege in time. His enemy bolted away, while the inferno of a massive explosive threatened to consume the Senator. Seto slowly began to breathe much more evenly, regaining his feet beneath him and moving away from the present danger. I need to find someone. . . Seto looked to see where his data-slate had been but only saw a sorry state of broken metal and wires. The fires behind him grew in intensity and another smaller explosion erupted, it encouraged him to keep running.

Seto rounded a few corners before finally running into several squadrons of Alliance crew members and soldiers scrambling to get an assessment of the situation. One of the Officers turned and aimed a blaster at Seto but quickly lowered it when he recognized the Senator’s cape. Another Crewman went to his side to help him, while Seto quickly exchanged information of a Mawite group of sabotagers some hallways down that was the cause of the explosion.

“How did you manage to escape?”

“I was, I guess unlucky or lucky, when I arrived, they had pulled the trigger on whatever caused the explosion and created a gap between me and them.” Seto explained, he shrugged, his soot face and body with burn injuries suggested no signs of combat. “Anyways, they’re probably still running around.” Seto concluded.

The Officer nodded in agreement and quickly Commed the situation to his superiors as more Engineers marched past them to get a handle of the devastation being wrought from the sabotage.

"I think I'd rather go back to Coruscant and finish those Committee reports for GAMA. . ." Seto muttered as he coughed into his arms.

Hostiles: || Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | The Mongrel The Mongrel | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber ||
Allies: || Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor | Yenna Yenna ||

Dimitri Voltura





ALLIES: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Ignatius Rausgeber Ignatius Rausgeber | Rannan Kol | NSO | BOTM
Enyo Typhos | Jax Thio Jax Thio | Traden Avarice | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Iris Arani Iris Arani | GA | NJO
Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor | Yenna Yenna
GEAR: In Bio.


"You're fast for someone so elderly." S
The Dragon gave a calm, gentlemanly smile at her words.
"Indeed. It gets better with age." he said as he deftly deflected her testing jabs.

But the Togruta had a smarter card up her sleeve.

She baited a deflect from him with an overarching strike and he made the mistake of falling for it. The kick came his way faster than he expected her to move. He sent a Force Pulse at her but not before the kick planted on his side. The force of it forced him to take a few steps back, almost winded.

Then the floor shook beneath their feet.

A shudder went through the ship as explosions echoed through the halls. It shook through the Sith Lord's bones where he spread his legs to keep his balance.
"What was that?!"
"Clearly an explosion." Dimitri clenched as he got his breath back.

At the same time, the engines on the shuttle started up just as some soldiers filed out of the ship. But Dimitri didn't have time to pay attention as Yenna jumped toward his blind side. Eyes burning bright crimson, Dimitri sped forward in a blur just to get space between the two Jedi.

In a split second he spun around again, blade at the ready, just as the shuttle took off into the void of space without him. For a second, the Dragon felt abandoned. But then he realised how crucial that would be to at least have someone with knowledge out and somewhat safe and able to take messages back home.

In the end, he was alone facing two strong Jedi. The Togruta was slow but powerful nonetheless. Yenna, on the other hand was biting with fast jabs.

He stood his ground once more, waiting for the two of them. But the age-old warrior knew that he had his work cut out for him - especially after the kick had landed. He already knew what to expect from the green gremlin. Dimitri was no fool. He knew when he was outnumbered. Whether he would conform towards it, however, was a different matter.

A Dragon never bowed. Never stopped fighting.


Jem stepped forward, the fear in her heart vanishing when her father extended a hand towards her friends. No. Not her father. This was nothing like the man that found her at the ruins of their family estate.

Darth Solipsis.

Jem put herself between them all, her saber fighting against the inky black that swallowed them all.

"Jem... get... outta here."


Color wrapped around her, combatting the dread with sparks of life in her chest. It had been so hard to remember the light on Ponemah. With her peer's lives behind her, it was clear as day.

"Master Noble, get him out of here." Dagon was too weak and injured to be any good to them now. Valery was pregnant, the other was just a girl. It wasn't bravado that had Jem put herself at the front, it was common sense. Valery must of found her note and followed her in.

This was on Jem.

She raised her blade to her father and cut any protests with even voice. "I will get out. Trust in the force." She said the words without believing them. A war cry left her lips and she charged forward, into the darkness with her saber alight.

A flurry of blue plasma went for his wrists.

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis




Many a Sith had wagged their tongue at the captain over the years. Snide remarks here, undercutting of the light there, misdemeanours a-plenty. But this fellow, with his smooth talk and manners at the fore, was unsettling.

Action for action, the two warriors exchanged jabs and parries and tests of one another’s reflexes until the brunt of her boot caught his oblique. In response, or even just factions of an instant before, an invisible wave rolled from his person. The ripple of the empyrean ballooned against her, popping with a force that slid her back on her heels, requiring a crouch to balance her weight and not topple back.

With a lower centre of gravity, she felt the tremors through her feet much sooner than if she’d still been fighting. In the corner of her eye, she saw Tech busily beeping away on his hand terminal. The heightened stress from her crew was palpable.

”What was that?!”

"Clearly an explosion."

The conversation between the two frenemies, or otherwise complicated pair, drowned beneath the din of the engines firing up again against the backdrop of space. Painted helmets filed out, poised still to fire or engage as directed. The takeoff was surprising, and further convoluted the rationale behind the vampire’s appearance on the primary defence ship.

How did energy vampires work?

Was it sentient energy that he drained only? Or was it weaponry, too? Maybe The Force itself, any sort of motion generating a tangible delicacy for the demon?

The worst thing Osarla could do was find out.

With another silent pair of gestures, only the sound of leather against leather as her fingers snapped and pointed signs to her company, Osarla gave the command. They waited a handful of seconds for her to move before they obeyed.

Osarla’s heavy footing, and the resonating echoes of her soles, were but whispers to the metallic moans elsewhere. The ship groaned all over, tens of hundreds of personnel deploying to douse, constrict, or begin premature evacuations. Everyone was busy. This was but a drop in the durasteel ocean in the stars.

In the one-two-three-four-five steps it took the Togruta to close the distance between where she’d been, to where she needed to be, Reporter had passed along the requirements to open fire — concentrated on the target. Volleys of emerald scorched through the hangar’s space all for the audacious, but well-mannered, Sith Lord.

An open palm stretched out from Osarla, a grip tensed through her digits. The Force’s ebb tightened around the Sith Lord, becoming heavy, constrictive in nature. As if The Force itself had shifted to become matter in its most dense form, curling all around The Sith Lord as if it were a blanket.

“Take a side, hun.” The captain boomed over the sounds of the ship’s agony, and maintaining her vice-grip on the Force, she thundered in to prepare a strike for the Sith’s left side.

ALLIES | GA | NJO | Yenna Yenna
FOES | BOTM | Dimitri Voltura

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The Corellian Sharpshooter
Allies: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen , Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , BoTM
Enemies: Jem Fossk Jem Fossk , Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Valery Noble Valery Noble , Iris Arani Iris Arani , GA

Dan raced down the hallway, trying to make his footsteps as silent as possible. He was no Force-user, but nevertheless he had felt some sort of a presence... one that he didn't like. And besides, he would want to have the element of surprise when he engaged the Jedi. Then, he could quickly land a blow before they even knew what was coming. As he rounded the corner, he saw one of the disk-firing turrets take aim at him and shoot a shard of metal in his direction. Dan ducked back around the corner, and then just as speedily reappeared and took out the ceiling-mounted turret with his sniper. Not too hard to deal with, but still a minor inconvenience. He would have to radio the bridge to see if they could do anything about it. Dan opened up his comlink:

"Is this the bridge? Can you guys do something about the guns? I'm on your side, y'know."

He got no response back- only static. He tried once more.

"Bridge, is everything alright up there?"

Nothing but static. Everything was definitely not alright up there. Dan would have to reach the bridge- and fast. He sprinted through the last couple hallways, wary of the guns, but no longer wary of his footsteps. Speed was now essential for this operation. Finally, he reached the last corridor before the bridge and saw the Jedi dueling some intimidating-looking beings with red lightsabers, attempting to land killing blows and using the Force to injure each other. Dan watched as one of the Jedi maimed their opponent, killing whatever it was. Both sides were harnessing the full extent of their power, and to make matters worse, the presence Dan had felt was growing even stronger and more ominous. Another disk shooter popped out of the ceiling and fired at the bounty hunter. As Dan dodged the stream of shrapnel, he realized that this situation was rapidly escalating out of his competence level. His best bet now was to make for the bridge.

Dan silently slipped past the dueling Force-users, and opened the door leading to the bridge. No training could have prepared him for what he saw next. The bridge was littered with dead bodies, there was a hole in the viewports that was causing a vacuum, barely contained by a ray-shield, two Jedi writhing in pain, Marlon Sularen standing ready with a rail gun, and the embodiment of the presence he had felt before... an immensely powerful being, swathed in darkness. Dan watched in horror as the monster turned its face towards him, eyes burning with anger and hatred, its whole body emitting a dark energy. Their eyes met. Instantaneously, Dan was consumed with terror. It took over his body, blurred his senses. He could see nothing but those eyes, those eyes, emanating pain and rage and suffering. His brain screamed at his, screamed at him to leave this place of darkness, and Dan complied without even realizing it. He was barely in control of his own body. His head pulsed and throbbed, threatening to explode. He was slowly going insane. With the last ounce of his strength, the bounty hunter dragged himself away from the terror, the hatred, the suffering, but didn't make it. Overcome by the wave of horrifying visions and emotions, he collapsed senseless in a corner of the bridge, shaking and convulsing with dread, the horrid visions dominating his consciousness and unconsciousness. Was he even alive? Then his head once more throbbed unbearably as another wave of emotions and visions hit him and a searing pain knocked him out.

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