Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Liberty's Gate | GA Invasion of BOTM Held Adrathorpe

Objective: Reaching the other Jedi
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Link!
Post: #8
Valery took a deep breath as her eyes looked between the two bodies of the Honor Guards. While she had been able to take out the first alone, Iris had done an amazing job at keeping the other busy, allowing them to take the second guard out together. They had been formidable fighters, full of rage and well-trained, but this clash was over and the Master and Padawan had to keep moving.
As they began to move, she could feel Dagon and his Padawan — they were getting closer and as they came around the corner, she stood face-to-face with him again. Part of her was surprised to see him here, of all places, but she could also find strength in the fact that they regrouped with some familiar faces.
"Here to get you out, Dag-" she had much more to say, but something interrupted their meeting.
Something incredibly dark.
Valery's gaze turned to see Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis approaching, and instinctively she placed herself between her Padawan and the greatest threat she had faced thus far on this vessel. But as all the Jedi's eyes turned towards this one figure, a dark void expanded out from him, enveloping the group and blocking them out from reality around them.
"You are bold fone one carrying such a gift inside of you. It would be a shame if someone took it away."
These invasive words of this Dark Lord bounced between the edges of her mind, awakening a deeply buried turmoil within the woman that began to show through her expression. Even though she often appeared intimidating in appearance, Valery was always calm and collected. But now, a fire had been lit inside her that set her gaze ablaze and allowed the Force to explode throughout her being.
The mere thought that someone would dare hurt her child caused her usual self to wash away, but she remained in control.
The darkness around her began to crack as her strength in the Light became her shield once again, but before she had the chance to act or coordinate, she spotted Jem Fossk Jem Fossk charging towards him with her blade drawn. Valery's eyes widened and with all the speed she could generate, she moved after the girl. She wasn't going to allow another Padawan to get hurt on her watch.
But before Valery could reach the Padawan, a group of Dantum Kryszar Dantum Kryszar 's raptors positioned themselves between the two and began to open fire. Her violet blades were drawn in response, and several were cut down by the empowered blades but there were simply too many of them.
"No!" She called out as Jem disappeared on the other side of these soldiers
Quickly, Valery made her way back with several jumps in retreat, and her gaze shifted to Dagon and Iris. "I need to get you two out of here — you are both hurt!" she then looked at Dagon. "But I promise you, I'm not leaving this ship before I get your Padawan out of here." Valery seemed incredibly serious about this.
"But I have to get you both to safety first."


Onboard the Predator
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Valery Noble Valery Noble


Darkness. An Oubliette of PAIN, the Dark Lord’s chosen weapon made ready to cast doubt and obscure the fanatical delusion that was.. hope. As the shadow of illusion consumed those in it’s midst a lone Padawan stepped forward, becoming a bulkhead upon which the encroaching weight of the Dark Side slammed against. The illusion around her twisted. Shades of color reintroduced to the umbra that was the wicked shadow.

The Dark Lord could feel her push back against the tidal wave unleashed, his spell momentarily stunted by the Light of one Padawan who embodied said hope on that moment. His stained eyes glistened in the darkness as they fell upon Iris Arani Iris Arani with his most terrible glare. As light stripped away the obscure veil separating them from reality, the Dark Lord lifted his hand casually..

..and squeezed.

Clenching his hand slowly into a fist, the Dark Voice tightened his grip in attempts to choke and ultimately crush the windpipe of the troublesome Padawan.

"Jem... get... outta here."

Eyes wide open. The hateful gaze of the Sith’ari snapped away toward the Jedi Knight Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze . Oh how he would enjoy this moment.

His already extended saber, once aimed at the Jedi Knight, now found itself pointing directly at his daughter who had so valiantly stood between him and his prey.

"Master Noble, get him out of here."

The Dark Lord held his saber still, his eyes glaring intently upon his daughter in a whirlwind of confusion and barely restrained anger.

“You would die for THEM?”

She raised her blade to her father and cut any protests with even voice.

"I will get out. Trust in the force."

The Dark Voice raged internally. His eyes became like a feral animal’s, his teeth grit together harshly as his aura violently exploded like a collapsing star, a void threatening to devour everything within it’s reach.


The Dark Lord raised his free hand, grasping to try and take a telekinetic hold over his daughter. He sought to spirit her away, lift her into the air where she’d meet the ceiling and stay there under his grasp.

“Shackled to obedience, crippled by empathy. What can THEY teach you other than to SERVE? To DIE for the rich and corrupt, to fight a war they have little understanding of?”



Objective: Follow Master Noble
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Freedom from the illusion.

Only for reality to be worse. No sooner did she make it back to her feet then a pressure formed around her throat. Suddenly helpless the Padawan was lifted in the air. To most it was an invisible grip. In her wide, horror filled eyes she could see the dark claw extending from the Sith'ari, biting into her flesh. Consuming what color she'd tried to bring back to the flow of the Force. Her colors dimmed.

No, it wasn't her colors that were dimming. It was her. The lack of air, of blood flow. She struggled desperately to breath, kicking her feet, clawing at the darkness around her. All to no avail. The only reason she was still conscious was Domxite. Her companion, her friend. The gem struggled against the grip, stopping the girl from being outright killed by the Sith Lord before her. All to hopefully give someone enough time to pull Darth Solipsis' attention enough to break the hold.

Jem did. Whatever connection there was between the Sith and the other Padawan was enough. The pressure was shredded, and Iris hit the ground with a dull thud. She heaved and coughed, desperate to get air as her vision continued to swim. Her hands held her slowly bruising throat as she turned her gaze up, trying to stay aware of what was happening.


Lieutenant Cynthia "The Pixie" Alucard
Hard Six
Actions: Destroying advancing enemy starfighters engaging on Alliance B-Wings // Check up on Talon One Two

<<"This is High Admiral Minlov to all GADF units -- avoid the debris field, and shoot down anything coming towards you. We've got enough trouble with these discount Imperials, I don't want Csilla's last crap ruining my day any more than it already has.">>

Cyn twitched as she listened to the message being relayed across all Alliance channels, her eyes zeroed in on the seemingly dead wing-mate. Such a warning was perhaps a credit short and a parsec late. Most space battlefields had quite an open area to engage, if anything the difficulty for most fleet engagements came down to not having enough ships to secure flanks. How vastly open space was presented issues that rook special attention and thought. But at the moment with large pieces of a celestial body, formerly known as Csilla, emerging out of hyperspace; Space was beginning to feel more crowded.​
Cyn’s impatience was beginning to get the better of her, fingers tapped along the console but as seconds ticked into minutes her hands itched to get closer to her controls. She was once called a heartless witch, Well perhaps more than just once, and at the moment Cyn felt the urge to prove such claims correct. But perhaps the galaxy wasn’t as cruel or unforgiving as the ex-Imperial had initially believed, the silence was broken by a static from the Comms. Talon One Two finally answered and on Cyn’s HUD the starfighter actually blipped back to life. She could almost hear the sigh of relief coming from her rear gunner as the other pilot’s voice broke their silence.​
“Talon One Two, this is Talon One One. We Copy, we’ll provide cover and keep any bandits off your tail.” Cyn responded, already she adjusted her controls and speeds to better provide overwatch for her injured wing-mate. The battle certainly was not losing any of its intensity, but Cyn felt her initial blood lust lessen quite tremendously. Perhaps it’s. . . She quickly shook her head, clearing her mind to focus on the mission at hand.​
Carefully escorting an injured ship made them primed targets for any eager glory seekers to pad their kill marks. So let’s make it harder to eliminate the both of us. Cyn slowed her speed, but kept a healthy distance close to Talon One Two. She had a certain degree of trust in her rear-gunner, but at the same time Cyn readied her SLAM systems along with her EM probes in case of any long distance missile tracking. If she intended to make herself out as bait instead of the injured R Wing ahead of her, Cyn would make sure she was a heavily barbed and poisonous bait.​

Allies: || Elena Lowe | Syndulla Command Syndulla Command ||


Issue #11 w/ Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis Valery Noble Valery Noble Iris Arani Iris Arani


No?--" he coughed crimson, blood spilling down his lip. "This... is... a damn.... order!" each blink, each lapse of focus was a brief blackout. Every part of him wanted to shut down, death felt like a welcome embrace. It wasn't the will to live that kept him up on his feet no more, it was the dread, the anger, the despair of bearing witness to the end of his apprentice. To yet another failure.

"Master Noble, get him out of here."


"I will get out. Trust in the force."

Valery was having none of it either. She surged forward for the Knight's padawan, only for troopers to flood her way ahead. She retraced her steps back to where Dagon and Iris barely stood alive.

"I need to get you two out of here — you are both hurt!"

"No.. no.. no.. no.. no.." there was no acceptance, no reconciliation with reality but there was no fighting off Valery's grip. "FOSSK!! I SWEAR--" he helplessly yelled out a hoarse cry as he was pulled away from the scene. Whatever threats he wanted to utter were voiceless, lost to his fragile state. Everything against the SIth'ari, once again, seemed in vain. Futile.


"But I promise you, I'm not leaving this ship before I get your Padawan out of here." Valery seemed incredibly serious about this. "But I have to get you both to safety first."

His jaw clenched tight near the breaking point as his connection to the Light began to falter. Dag had learned to control it well but as well as Valery. An old ghost of the past whispered a solution in the back of his mind. Break your chains, son. Helpless, like a caged animal, the Knight's blood boiled, despair turning to rage as his psyche walked the line. On the precipice, willing to cross what should never even be neared.

With no strength left to draw from and a feeble link with the Light, he growled through his teeth, "You better, Valery." ​
Warmth left her body.

Jem stood resolute, mildly concerned she had pissed herself as darkness swallowed her whole. She felt herself go flying and the ceiling press into her back. Its hard, steely presence was the only thing that grounded her as her father's anger took control. He was unrecognizable-- a pit of darkness that moved with an unstoppable force. She couldn't breathe. This was not the same man that had met her at the lake. This was not the same person that had been compelled to explain. There was no warmth. No regret, no empathy... nothing human about him at all. She should have taken the chance to reach him when it had been given.

She realized with startling clarity that it was now too late. She couldn't move a muscle and she was no longer confident that he wouldn't kill her.

A drop of fear hit her stomach.

“You would die for THEM?”

She could feel them escape-- the little light they provided trailing away. She was alone but they had survived. Jem managed a grim, defiant smile.

“Shackled to obedience, crippled by empathy. What can THEY teach you other than to SERVE? To DIE for the rich and corrupt, to fight a war they have little understanding of?”

Sacrifice-- Yula giving her a home. Care-- Valery tending to her. Faith- Dagon trusting her to overcome. It all amounted to one thing, and she felt foolish for never seeing it before. Warmth swelled within her.

"They've taught me love."

Light pulsed off her in a soft burst, chasing away the darkness in a fine mist. The pressure on her body faltered and she caught herself as she fell. The distraction on bought her a moment, but it was all she needed to slam him with a pulse of the force and run.

One day she would confront him, but today was about survival. She slashed open a trash chute and tried to jump in.
Last edited:


Onboard the Predator
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Valery Noble Valery Noble


He could hear the painful cry of the struggling master as he was ripped away. The concern in his voice, the hoarse threat, and the drop off as all hope was reduced to naught. As his daughter was whisked into the air, meeting the ceiling with her back glued against its smooth surface.

A drop of fear fell forth and rippled into the pool of empyrean touch, he could sense it clearly. He felt the betrayer’s sting, she had chosen to abandon his gift freely and risk her life for a Jedi. For a future that would not be.

Jem managed a grim, defiant smile.

The Dark Lord looked upon her puzzled, the feeling of anger and betrayal welling up from deep within.

"They've taught me love."

A flash of brilliant light, purity emergent. The Force Light blinded the Voice momentarily, searing away at his eyes and his flesh as the power of the Ashla burned away the darkness that was the Bogan. The Dark Lord of the Sith stumbled back, grasping hold of his face giving his offspring all the time she needed to run.

Slashing open a trash chute, Jem escaped from the immediate reach of her Dark Father as he came too. Shaking off the waking pain, he stride forward towards the trash chute in her wake. The walls began to peel back, panels crushing under an invisible weight revealing wiring and electrical components that sparked out with sudden force.


The Sith’ari waved his hand violently, tearing away the surface layer of the wall before him holding the trash chute. The Dark Voice growled audibly in a bellowing roar, his eyes glistening with unholy stain.

“Lock down the ship, NOW!”


Objective: Reaching the other Jedi
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
Ship: Link!
Post: #8
"You better, Valery."
Valery nodded and placed both her hands on his shoulders, squeezing them gently and hoping to pull him out of his anger somewhat. She knew what it was like to lose Padawans, and understood the emotions that came with it. But for them all to get out of here in one piece, she needed him to at least be focused on escaping. And for him to trust her.
Her gaze then turned rapidly towards her own Padawan as she felt the Darkness take hold over the girl's throat. Her eyes widened and she began to move quickly. But before she was able to help Iris, Jem interfered with the attack, causing Iris to fall back down to the floor.
"Are you alright? Can you walk?" she asked, clearly worried as she worked to help Iris get back up to her feet. If necessary, she would carry her Padawan but if she could walk, Valery would begin guiding both her and Dagon down the hallway, towards the maintenance shaft she had taken to get up to this level.
"Go down the shaft, the turret on the path there is destroyed," Valery said, not wanting them to run into the powerful turrets that had injured her arm. They were badly injured compared to her, so avoiding fights was crucial right now. The path through these tunnels would also keep them clear of cameras and other defenses.
With the two other Jedi close, they began to move down towards one of the smaller hangers Iris and she had left behind, hoping to find a ship of any kind to get out. Or if necessary, she'd launch them off the Predator in an escape pod while she went back to find Jem.
But as they drew closer to the Hangar area, a loud alarm suddenly went off, followed by voices calling for the ship's lockdown. Valery blinked and looked at the others, "I need you two to get off this ship now — the Hangar is right there, and escape pods are close." she said with a frown.
"I'm going back to find Jem if she hasn't escaped already." her eyes shifted to Dagon.
"I'll be right behind you two."


Objective: Follow Master Noble
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Iris was still gulping down air as Valery spoke to her. She only nodded in response before taking off after them in a run. There was only escape now. A Sith that powerful? No. The Padawan shook the thought from her mind. She needed to not think right now. Any actual thoughts would only fill her with fear. The run towards the hanger was a blur for her. Still dazed by the lack of oxygen it was more Domxite through their meld that kept her focused and able to keep up with her Master and notKai.

Yet when they stopped and she took a moment to breath, confusion filled her mind. Valery was running back? For the other Padawan?

She said nothing, instead watching as Valery ran off, presumably to go towards Jem's direction. Then her gaze shifted towards Dagon. She watched the Knight for a moment, then reached into her pack to pull out several more of her paint cans. A couple of which she offered to him.

"We're going to go make sure everyone comes home, right?" It wasn't a question about what they were going to do as a question on if he wanted one of her signature paint bombs. Iris would never leave Valery, even though the older woman had literally just told them to do just that. "We can make a trail."

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