Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Life Day Extravaganza (The Sith Order/Allies)

She approached Kadann Kadann Kadann Kadann in full expectation that he wanted to talk.

"Ashin Varanin," she said. "Have we met? My memory isn't what it was."

"Neither is mine," he acknowledged with a slight tilt of his head. He managed to convey a hint of a smile without his lips moving.

"I think I caught a glimpse of you once, so the fault is not yours. I was much younger then."

He cast his gaze around the room.

"Then again, most of these were still children back then."

Even Carnifex on his throne had been a smaller player in those wars.

"I was just a padawan on the field where everyone thought you had died. I had just been thinking, that in a place like this, everyone needs a plan - or five - to dissappear."

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
"I was just a padawan on the field where everyone thought you had died. I had just been thinking, that in a place like this, everyone needs a plan - or five - to dissappear."

Half a dozen deaths across a century-long life had blurred plenty of memories, but the Battle of Roche was still clear as day. By objective clock that was perhaps sixty-five years ago, and the man across from her looked about that old, but age was a mutable thing.

Ahh, Roche, culmination of her march down the Perlemian. Her forces had secured an experimental reactor that still powered her precious Chimaera. She'd impaled the Grandmaster of the time, Darron Wraith, and lost her arm in the process. Then her Dark Council had fired on their asteroid battlefield, a coup that replaced her with a short-lived triumvirate. Her first reincarnation had been only months later, during the wandering times, the first Vagrant Fleet, before the birth of the Lords of the Fringe.

Fond memories all, but she didn't remember the other combatants on that specific asteroid in any detail. She hadn't thought any escaped the bombardment.

"Roche was the last time I disappeared on anyone's terms but my own," she agreed. "It comes down to compatible contingencies, setting things up to go right when they go wrong."

She gestured around at the crowd.

"And about precision of goals. Deciding what you most specifically want, and cutting away everything else - even pride - to get it. That kind of victory isn't possible for most of those here tonight, for the simple reason that everything is what they all want most."

// LOCATION //: The Golden Palace :|: Eliad
// OBJECTIVE //: Secure Political Support
// TAGS //:
Vazz Vazz Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano

D I R E C T O R _ G E N E R A L

The provided opinion was accepted without much recourse by the Defel, who simply contemplated the words spoken after a soft laugh, with careful regard as any lesser sith would prove temperamental when given the cold harsh reality of the Sith Order. The political conversation between the pair would end with the arrival of Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano , who had gotten through the mundane task of speaking with every tin pot dictator and foreign delegate to arrive within the Golden Halls of Eliad and made their way over to them. Xyrah controlled the Sith-Imperial Banking Clan now that the original leadership was forced out by the Golden Covenant during their siege of Mustafar, and thus controlled the entire economy of the sith order and its territories. They were more important than even Darth Empyrean, The Sith Emperor in the eyes of the Trade Federation of Planets.

Xyrah would apologize for the delay in speaking with him, despite his importance within the Galactic Trade Networks which was understandable given the size of the gathering and the amount of people here. Vazz introduced himself to Xyrah with a simple reply, and further greeting. But the conversation they were about to have was private to some extent. Gesturing towards a less occupied area of the room to actually converse.

"Pardon our exit, Mister Vazz but I believe this conversation is of great private significance . Lord Xyrah, if you would not mind moving this way." The Skakoan explained wanting to exit the conversation with Vazz to focus solely on the conversation about economics. Moving towards said less occupied area, followed by the combat engineer for protection purposes.

"No need to apologize, Lord Xyrah. The gathering is quite important to show unity to potential investors such as myself and potentially the Commerce Guild. I take it you have been wanting to speak to me for some time now?" An inquiry made, simple and straight to the point.


"And about precision of goals. Deciding what you most specifically want, and cutting away everything else - even pride - to get it. That kind of victory isn't possible for most of those here tonight, for the simple reason that everything is what they all want most."

"So you did not dissappear on your own terms, I had wondered since I heard that you survived."

Given the games going on around them, he would not have begrudged anyone who simply wished to vanish when all the knives were out.

"The One Sith, now there was a focused organisation," Kadann said. "Ruthless, single minded."

The One Sith had torn apart the Order he served as a Jedi Master. He had been sent into hiding. A few years ago he had returned and tracked down every person still bearing a Dark Mark. He had been ruthless in enacting his revenge. He had been perfectly single-minded in pursuing his goals and he had destroyed himself to achieve them.

"And what do you do when there is nothing left that you want?"

This time the smile was visible on his lips through the stark white beard. This time it was visible nowhere else.

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
"The One Sith, now there was a focused organisation," Kadann said. "Ruthless, single minded."

The temperature dropped a few degrees.

"Their Dark Lord had vision. Lady Arcanix too. The rest were nothing but followers. One of their notable faces tortured my wife; my patience evaporated." She'd had her revenge on Selvaris, Lujo, Crina, Fresia, and elsewhere.

"And what do you do when there is nothing left that you want?"

"Then you likely picked the wrong desire in the first place. But I shouldn't be so flippant: the real answer is that sooner or later, circumstances will always conspire to take what matters most to you. Sometimes they do it for jealousy's sake, sometimes out of disrespect or vanity. And then, no matter how perfect your end state and no matter the cost, you rouse yourself and reclaim it."
Last edited:
Prophet of Bogan

Equipment: Robes
Tags: Revna Revna / Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru / Open!

A smirk slid onto his face at Revna's remark, however joking it may be, about handling any issues herself before he had the time to respond. The thought of an Acolyte so early in her training having to fend off her fellow Sith idly reminded him of himself back in those days. Despite being long before the real internal strife of the Sith began in earnest, there was no shortage of deadly competition for favor and attention from Sith of higher stations. Thankfully Revna needn't worry about such things as he had, his attention was unwanted and she was likewise already established with a Sith Lord in turn. He had no doubt that she would stay out of trouble, it was trouble finding her that he was concerned with.

"The only thing I've come to understand," Darth Strosius sighed as his glare diminished slightly, the venom in his words paling for a few moments as he spoke. Perhaps a hint of remorse in some form? ", is that I will be the lone Sith standing against the true enemies of our order. But no matter who will stand at their side, they must fall all the same. There is no other option." While his words may have lacked their usual aggression given his more casual tone, they were no less interlaced with the same zealous determination. His mind was set and the path was clear and nothing would change that.

"The Jedi are only as much of a threat to us as the Galactic Alliance itself is, and said Alliance is currently preoccupied with pretending to care about the worlds of the Outer Rim in order to justify their conflict with the Mandalorians to themselves." As expected the brief respite from the masked man's harsh words didn't last long. "So long as you Kainites don't attract too much attention to the Holy Worlds with your little expansions and expeditions then the Jedi aren't even a factor. Just make sure not to ruin them as your lot did the first time, I'd hate to have to do extensive rebuilding again once I've extinguished the last of Carnifex's horrid lackeys." A dark chuckle accompanied his prideful words but he paused once more as he sensed something odd. Something piercing and foreign that threatened to bore a hole right through him both physically and spiritually.

Darth Strosius cocked his head to the side just in time to catch the last the last moment of the one and only Srina Talon Srina Talon 's gaze upon him. His teeth gritted together and his shoulders rolled as he banished the brief feeling of unease, although it could have just as well dissipated alongside her attention on him. "Fething Eternalists." He muttered under his breath before fixing Alina with his full attention once more. "Speaking of which, how is Dromund Kaas doing these days? I hope your allegiance with the Sith's enemies and their vile schemes hasn't spread into your governance of such a sacred world."



"You are a very bitter and sad man, Alisteri."

Alina let out a heavy sigh as the renewed venom returned. It didn't matter what she said. He had his opinions, and he wasn't going to bend or change them. It was good for a Sith to have such focus to use their hate on, but she was growing weary of being the target of his wrath and indignation. "You're the one who killed me, and yet you can't stop spitting your anger at the others at me, as if I'm actually part of that. I can't take the world from the Kainite's, and I enjoy Lord Xyrah's friendship. But I am not one of them, and when the time comes even friendships won't stop ambition."

She paused at that, having turned to step away from him. The conversation wasn't something she could enjoy any longer, not without truly getting angry.

"You should at least be able to understand that much, no?"

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius


"Of course, Rulonom. Never let it be said I would further interrupt important conversations." Vazz dipped his head in a bow, though given how much taller he was than the other two it looked more he was leaning over them. He flashed a smile, kind and fake as ever, before stepping away. Information was important. He'd have to pick up on what this private conversation was later.

Just not now.

Asides, there was another that had peeked in his direction. The Defel faded from view, obscuring himself in the natural invisibility of his people to weave through the crowd. Find his way to the food line and towards the girl who looked so curious on their surroundings. He was too, of course. The apprentice of the Tsis'kar traitor Strosius was always going to be an interest to Vazz and those he worked with.

He appeared in the line, gathered himself up a plate, then casually took a far too quiet step to stand beside Revna and similarly looked out at the crowd before leaning over.

"Have you tried the crab yet? It's to die for."

Revna Revna | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano
Revna’s perceptive gaze noticed many things, but not everything. She didn’t notice the wolf-man literally disappear, but she did notice him reappear in the line to get some food, as he wasn’t too far from where she was at now. She was rather curious and interested in how he managed to do that. She watched him from the corner of her eye, her wariness rising a bit more, but she resisted the urge to retreat back to her teacher's side. She cast a glance in the direction of her Sith mentor, and saw him still conversing with Lady Tremiru…or rather, giving her a piece of his mind no doubt. She couldn’t help but give a small snort and a slight smirk curled on her lips. His rather heated discussion with the Sith woman had only increased her growing curiosity of their past together, and truth be told…she actually liked the lady, despite the initial tense meeting Revna had had with her. She caught herself thinking that she wouldn’t mind getting to know the Sith woman a little more.

Movement caught her gaze and she watched, and tensed, as the wolf-man stepped right up beside her and faced the crowd like she was. He was tall, much taller than her, and something about him put her immediately on edge, though she tried to hide this fact. It was still something she was working on.

Interesting choice of words.” She replied to his statement about the crab meat. “No I have not, actually.

She picked up a delicate pastry filled with some sort of fluffy, creamy frosting from her now mostly empty plate and devoured it, before turning her gaze to look up at the individual beside her, a cautious but curious glint in her stormy gray eyes.

So…what brings you over to my humble little corner?

Vazz Vazz
"Then you likely picked the wrong desire in the first place. But I shouldn't be so flippant: the real answer is that sooner or later, circumstances will always conspire to take what matters most to you. Sometimes they do it for jealousy's sake, sometimes out of disrespect or vanity. And then, no matter how perfect your end state and no matter the cost, you rouse yourself and reclaim it."

Kadann glanced down at the floor. Without truly looking, his gaze passed across the room. It lingered only briefly only their quite effortlessly beautiful host on their throne.

"I don't know if you have perfect insight or generic advice that just happens to be quite painful to hear," Kadann mused.

"Several faces murdered most of my students in front of me. I can't get them back. Decades later I chose revenge instead. I took that."

He didn't need to say that left him with nothing else to take. It was like grasping sand. He had taken all of it, but now he had nothing at all.

"I met your daughter - or perhaps one of them - at once of these little gatherings. She seemed well."

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
"I don't know if you have perfect insight or generic advice that just happens to be quite painful to hear," Kadann mused.

"Several faces murdered most of my students in front of me. I can't get them back. Decades later I chose revenge instead. I took that."

"I had no special insight. I was speaking of myself and projecting that on you, like most advice."

There was a time when she'd done similar things for similar reasons, and had similar cause against some of those here. But Kadann was treading close to unwise conversational territory.

"I met your daughter - or perhaps one of them - at once of these little gatherings. She seemed well."

"I have three. Ibaris is a beastmaster and traveller, Noelle is Queen of Eshan, and Quinn is a Sith Lord of the Order. Tell me — what's your name, and exactly how much teaching experience do you have?"
"Without me, there is no force." - Darth Valor

Darth Valor

Darth Valor stood in the midst of it all, employing the Force to eavesdrop on conversations. Some discussed politics, others pursued selfish gains. Valor grew weary of standing like an outcast. Zarael, a member of Darth Valor's crew and Chief Advisor to the Dark Vanguard, approached him.

"Sir, as you ordered, we recruited members to join our cause, both on this planet and others. We now have 10 strong warriors willing to fight and die for you," reported Zarael.

"Good. My next order is to secure this place. Be on standby in case someone tries to pick a fight or if we are being attacked," commanded Valor in a dark, authoritative tone. Valor, a figure evoking fear, was often a surprising presence—why he wasn't the leader of the Sith Order was a question on many minds. Understandable, for Valor's deeds were obscured; he sought more power and was willing to do anything to achieve it.

"I have three. Ibaris is a beastmaster and traveller, Noelle is Queen of Eshan, and Quinn is a Sith Lord of the Order. Tell me — what's your name, and exactly how much teaching experience do you have?"

His chest shifted as if he was about to laugh, but no sound came out. She'd survived the betrayal and now her children were quite well placed.

"It was Quin, I don't get to rub shoulders with Queens. I am Kadann Farler of no titles."

"I taught for quite a few years. I like to think I'll teach a good few more lessons before I'm done. One way or another."
Prophet of Bogan

Equipment: Robes
Tags: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru / Open!
Am almost feral growl escaped his mask as his glare burned with real anger for a moment, her condescending words sparking up what were otherwise mere embers. Bitter he might have been, for such a thing was understandable given the turbulent state of affairs regarding the Sith in his lifetime, but sad? That sounded far too close to pity in his mind, and that wounded his pride more than anything else that had been said thus far.

"You bent the knee to the enemies of the Sith." His barely concealed hatred seeped into every word, each syllable made from spite. "You even go so far as to label them with honorifics! They've earned no respect, no authority, nothing but a painful and terrible death for all their crimes and betrayal!" He took a breath to try and steady himself as he realized that he had started quivering, his hands twitching and twisted to resemble the grasping talons of a predator. He quickly stuffed his hands into his robes and turned from Alina not long after her own step away. "No matter how fleeting and temporary you may claim your adherence to their wills to be, you've betrayed the Sith by siding with them at all. You should be able to understand the inevitable fate of traitors Alina, no?"

With that he stormed away as his fingers dug into his gloves with a force that threatened to bruise his palms at the very least. On second thought, he was going to track down something to drink after all. Alcohol may not have done much for his system these days given his biology, but the taste would give his mind something else to dwell on aside from this wretched party.



"Curiosity, of course. Not mine, though. You look far too curious of your surroundings to know much. Makes you new. New Sith are always fun."

New to here or new in general was still up in the air, but he was leaning towards the later. Strosious seemed like the type to pick up a stray for an apprentice than any of the already indoctrinated acolytes running around.

He plucked up a crab claw, which had it's shell break cleanly by a slight twist if the force before he plopped the soft meat into his mouth.

"Ahh. There's nothing quite like shellfish. Just gives that primal feeling. Working for your food. You should really try some, pretty sure they've got some citrus mixed in with the butter."

Revna Revna
Revna finished off the last of the items on her plate before glancing sideways at the wolf-man looming beside her. She still didn’t know what to make of him, but she was guarded. Some instinct told her to be careful with what she said to him, especially as the words of her mentor drifted back through her mind-that there were few allies here and most were to be considered enemies.

She wanted to make that judgment for herself however, but she knew it was still wise to remain alert. She noticed that Darth Strosius had parted ways with Lady Tremiru, and was stalking towards one of the servants that carried trays of alcoholic beverages around to the various guests in attendance. She could tell by the way he was walking that he was not happy, and she could have sworn she felt a twinge of his simmering anger as though he was standing right next to her-even though they were separated. She didn’t know how that was possible, and she made a mental note to maybe ask him about it later.

Of course I’m curious.” she said in a brighter tone of voice, turning her attention back to the wolf-man who had struck up a conversation with her. “I’ve never been to an extravagant event such as this. There is much that someone new like me can learn simply by observing others. And I can put faces to names, and get to know others of the Order I decided to join.

Revna let her usual half smile drift across her face in amusement to his words, watching as he cracked the shell of the crab with little effort. She considered going back to the tables lined with food for a second helping. Maybe she’d try the crab if she did.

You said new Sith are always fun. What makes you say that?

Vazz Vazz

"The world of men...", he repeated ,though with annoyance. Not at Srina, of course, he could never feel such nuisances of emotion towards her - but to the concept she flayed bare. Men were greedy in the wrong ways, ambitious for the gutter, always wanting to give off the appearence of influence than truly have it. There was a fairly open reason he had never cared to tell Srina of how deep his wealth actually went - because in the end, it didn't matter. A true prize isn't gained from the bragging of strength, but the expression of it in its most undiluted form.​
A lesson more than a few men had failed to learn in their own attempts to woo his wife, even as she was his wife.​
When he felt her attention waver to something in the distance, a person, he narrowed his attention and eternal sight for only a moment to see what had spurred her ire. Darth Strosius Darth Strosius had said something, done something to garner her attention; and for the briefest moment he considered in turn letting their combined gaze fall upon him. Others would notice, it would make a target out of the man for better or worse - but before Empyrean had the sense to do so, Srina turned back with a pale smile. It was message enough she had it under control - so he played the fool, as though he too didn't feel all that could be felt.​
"I consider it daily.", he mused to her in a dry tone. "One good kindling may yet set our Empire ablaze."​
Were he capable of a true laugh, he would've offered it to her - but that wasn't the man he was anymore. He would offer her the next best thing, a thing his body was still capable of - a glance to the floor and a crooked, broken smile. He rested his mortal hand ever close to her back, distant for a moment before slowly pressing into it - not enough to force her close to his cold form, but close enough for a slight dance through the crowd who had made sure to leave them some space amidst the dance floor.​
"And you've doubted your skill as an Empress. How would I ever survive this labor, were it not for my rock and stone? My moon and stars.", he beamed in the unsettling way he did.​
"If it were only me, jaded ambition would have seen the Sith all the worse for."​



"It is very important to put names to faces, true. Of course in general, but ever so more with the Sith. Never know when you might upset the wrong person, or appease someone you shouldn't have." Politics were brutal with the Sith, but in a way that just made it more fun. The Defel chuckled just a bit before widening a grin towards her next question. Why were new Sith fun?

"There are so many different kinds of new Sith. Some flounder, some don't. That's what I like about them. Not knowing. It's fun to learn who they are, what they do, and if they're going to die sooner than most or not."

Revna Revna


Tag: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean [Also OPEN to Interact]
Wearing: Blue

Location:The Golden Palace, Eliad

She listened to her husband with an untouchable air. It was one of intrigue, slashed, with quiet amusement that barely let itself breathe. The Empress often buried her emotions beneath a sea of tranquility that had frozen over. None could shatter the surface. It was her legendary iron will and impenetrable calm that had left her standing, but it was Empyrean, Maliphant who held the sole claim toward bringing her back to life. Even in death, gruesome and ghoulish, she was captivated by him.

By his mind and complexities. By his unique perspective—By the fire and depth that lay beneath a stoic exterior. Her every thought in his regard was akin to an unspoken adulation of love. More than that…It was loyalty. Endlessly and ever on his side, even, if his side required that she plunge a blade through his heart. As she had once told Kaine…If Empyrean lost control? If he became a true danger, a maelstrom, that could not be contained? A force that her affection could not quell?

If anyone was going to kill the Emperor…It would be her.

Not with hate. Not with a need for vengeance. Only…With a need to return him to himself. To protect the legacy they had left behind, to save, the children he might never have the chance to know.

Empyrean's attention shifted momentarily as he sensed might move within his wife. His eternal sight followed her own, honing in on Darth Strosius Darth Strosius , who had attracted her consideration for the briefest of moments. She was certain that the Knight felt the weight, the consequences, of his nigh traitorous tongue wagging in the shadows. The fit she felt brewing in response was akin to a youngling throwing a fit about a curfew or some otherwise unfair parental policy. His defiance, like all things, would pass.

Her silence on the matter told her husband that she had the matter well in hand, however, and her seemingly delicate form shifted nearer to the Emperor while his mostly human hand found the small of her back. They communicated on the matter without words, truly, a silent understanding that had been cultivated over years of living in the halls of each other's minds. Of breathing one another in to the point that one…Scarcely existed without the other.

Some called it toxic codependence.

Srina called it marriage.

Empyrean returned to the conversation and his dry humor drew a soft laugh. It was a silvery sound that blended with the subtle playfulness of their banter, barely there, but hauntingly beautiful all the same. "One good kindling indeed…But there is the cycle of the phoenix to consider. Immortality, resurrection, transformation. Is not barren soil enriched after a blaze?"

The pale Echani didn't think that the Sith Order had reached that point, not yet, but she understood the controversial theory all the same. Fire brought passion, ambition, and was the lifesblood for any Sith worth their salt. Srina was silent for a moment while they slowly danced through the crowd. Falling into familiar steps where her hands could twin around his neck and blood-red hair tickled the backs of her knuckles. They were close. But, not too close.

Part of his physical manifestation would kill her. No matter, how he cherished her.

She moved with the refinement and confidence befitting her upbringing. No wasted movements. No uncertainty. Keen eyes knew how her husband would move before the instinct even percolated to become a true thought. In the same way Echani could rather accurately predict the outcome of battles long before they happened, in the same vein, that she had determined the eventual passing of a third of the Triumvirate—She navigated the steps of a languid waltz. His words about her presence in his reign caused golden eyes to momentarily soften. Many, including his council, would likely disagree.

Her lack of nobility and her unwillingness to wield the Emperor as a weapon drove the Sepulcher to the brink of madness. She was not the Empress the Sith had asked for—But she would do what was necessary. What was required.

"You give me too much credit, meldanya.", her voice was low and filled with surprising sincerity as deliberate footsteps traversed a den of snakes and supplicants. The smile that he attempted for her benefit reminded her of her Maliphant, more, than he knew. The temptation to draw nearer to the Corpse King was stifled by their audience. By…Limitations his current state required that they observe. Still—Everything she was metaphysically reached for him. "…You would find a way."

"You are my constant."

The familiar affectionate term that he used, moon and stars, meant more than it had any right to. It reminded her that Maliphant was not entirely gone, that he, and Empyrean were one and the same. Still there. Still…Hers. They had weathered countless storms merely by leaning on one another when the situation called for it. Their unity, sameness, allowed them the ability to offer relative stability. His strength and resilience complemented her need for strategy and subtlety. "Without you to scare, infuriate, inspire, or provide a line they dare not cross……"

"The Order would have likely been consumed by its own ambition long ago. Our people might seem unruly...But they are, for better or worse,
our people. Our younglings. They thrive at your boundary."

Empyrean knew how she felt in that regard.

Their children came first.

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