She'd blinked, tilted her head and watched the other girl curiously when she heard she was stronger than she looked. Katrine didn't really know what she was talking about but she was really like a grown up pup who sometimes thought she was still small, as pups did. Even in her human form, she didn't think about it much, even as she'd just turned twenty, thinking she hadn't changed much in years. A tiny bit taller, a little bit more developed but hardly a grown up in her own mind. "If you say so, I guess," she finally conceded to the words, letting the remainder of the the statement stick in. She could apparently tear it up in a boxing ring. "That's Father's thing," she'd just dropped without thinking about it. Not a ring, more like a cage but still, he'd been more a fighter in that regard than Katrine.
Her new friend accepted being called Jaya, apparently the formal was bragging. Kat's eyes as she shrugged and nodded carelessly. "Sure, that too," Not really. She didn't see the bragging part about Captain but then she'd never been anywhere to actually earn the title captain. There were people who called themselves captain, people who said they had a ship so therefor they were captains and then there was something else she wasn't really paying too much attention to know. But really, it sounded super formal. "Formal mostly. Even if Chloe didn't become Lady after Father and it fell to me, I think I'd still prefer not the formal about it." That was Katrine in the now, she preferred Kat or Katrine. She didn't really know what to expect from her future self, especially when she'd met one version of her that liked ridiculous titles but none of them real. They were essential nicknames and bad names or probably even her masking her true identity from her child-self but either way, Katrine found it silly all together. She was Katrine, that was the unique part of her. Well, that and being the firstborn pure blood of her parents, born to them both being Lupines unlike her big sister but this seemed hardly like the time to bore Jaya with all the fun details of her life.
Maybe next time, maybe in an hour... she'd see.
Her face shifted into what could be described as a serious frown, though it was more just a confused expression to Kat, as she was asked suddenly if she'd been dying her hair for so long that she couldn't remember her natural hair color. "Oh no no. I was born with purple. Like darker than this purple. It's just lighter recently, I think it's kinda washing away," she explained, not understanding she probably wasn't making much sense but continued anyway, "Purple isn't common at all in my family anymore. Red's been a thing for a long time. But like my fur is white so maybe I'll go even lighter than Mother has. I don't know." Did Kat just reveal something about being a Lupine to a complete stranger? Yes, she did. Did Katrine realize she'd actually talked about her fur? Not at all. It never actually came up in a conversation, she'd only ever changed in front of Aston. Generally people assumed she was humanoid and Katrine didn't correct them. Not that she was ashamed, it was who she was after all, but hey, not everyone had to know your business, right? Besides, the expression on Aston face when she'd changed had been awesome, Katrine loved it, she'd gladly do that again to anyone.
Whatever Jaya was drinking, she didn't know. Might have been brandy, looked like it, apparently. Katrine didn't really spent too much time studying. Prompting herself over the bar just a little bit, she grabbed an upside glass and turning in her hand before Jaya had even finished asking if she wanted to try it. "Absolutely!" Kat declared, putting the glass in front of the other girl, waiting to find out what it was.
Jaya complimented her name, making Kat grinned. "I think it's Mother's play on words. I'm Kat, my Father's Ket. Or something. She doesn't like his long name much so she usually said she fixed it." That's what Mother said when she asked. Katrine wasn't a name within the Hawks, she'd asked. She loved it though. The suddenly change in the conversation once Kat had complimented the girl's eyes made the girl's eyes go wide. Forget? "Forget what?" She spat out immediately before Jaya chuckled, revealing she was wearing contacts. "Well, I like that," Katrine insisted none the less. "What's your natural eye color?" She still blurted out, curious. Kat needed answers to questions, even before she'd even come up with it, she was dependent on that sort of knowledge. She also didn't know how to stop asking when she didn't get a straight answer. Lot of people disliked that but Katrine couldn't change herself for anyone really.
Her sapphire blue gaze curiously followed the other girl as she moved to the bar, getting another bottle. Jaya was super nice, Katrine decided, as she was once again asked if she wanted someone. "I'll try that too," she quickly said, pointing straight for the bottle Jaya had chosen. Mother didn't drink too much and she was far too young to learn some basic rules about drinking so really, Katrine just wanted to try anything and everything. And she definitely planned on it.
[member="Jaya Tandris"]