Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Lions And Jedis And Stations... (Elysium | SJC - Empty Hex South of Anvil | Hoylin)

Caedyn Arenais


Objective 3: Protect the Dobsons from getting apprehended by bounty hunters.
Inventory: Spacer Attire, CS.38 Tactical Side-Arm, Armistice Staff Lightsaber.
Tags: Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch , Haon Hafey Haon Hafey , Tsubasa Kira-Taiyou Tsubasa Kira-Taiyou , Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun , Juno Wren Juno Wren , Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson .

Walking through the civilian market district of the Space Station, Caedyn reached for his comlink and dialled in on Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun 's frequency. "Lori, it's Caedyn. I'm on Crucible Station. I've heard the Dobson's are somewhere on board, and there's a bounty gone out on their heads. Let me know where you're at so we can meet up," Caedyn spoke quickly and quietly, his eyes scanning those around him in case he'd already attracted unwanted attention.

Attaching the comlink to the chest pocket of his spacer jacket, Caedyn kept the comlink active while turning his attention to his datapad and looking to glance over the intel on the Dobsons that Loreena had sent him previously, alongside the Elysium Imperium and Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun . His Sister suspected Rex of possibly having embraced the Dark Side of the Force, yet from their last meeting, Caedyn had yet to see evidence that the Elysium Emperor had lost himself entirely to it.

Having originally trained with the Je'daii, Caedyn had learned how close one could get to the Dark Side before becoming clouded and disillusioned by its malevolent lure. For example, he knew how to practice certain abilities known to the Sith, yet he refrained from doing so out of caution that he might lose his way just as his father had so long ago. Caedyn hoped that Rex hadn't decided to explore the ways of bogan, and that Loreena's fears to that end were simply fear without coming to fruition.
Objective 3: Protect the Dobsons (Minus Brodan). Objective 1 if convenient.
Post 1

Nearby: Haon Hafey Haon Hafey Mig Gred Mig Gred Hayde Torve Hayde Torve Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Hachi X-0 Hachi X-0

Cruk Tuk stared at the bounty a clicking noise echoing from him untranslated. This was problematic. The Dobsons were some of his first allies, at least Arken was. His relative Brodan was a nuisance at best in his mind. And should have been sent to an arena execution had it been up to him. Maybe at least he could prove his value in entertainment. The others had potential to him. Arken mainly, Omar seemed a good choice but his presence on the battlefield inherently boost his reputation to Cruk, Severus perhaps even though he was the legal opposition in the Brodan case. He wasn't sure about the rest.

He did not come alone, naturally. But he hardly brought an army with him either. If an army were necessary, then it wouldn't be worth the cost. However useful as allies they may be. Two elites and some battle droids. Fodder really, they were effective at that size certainly but were hardly meant as capable warriors. The elites however would prove very useful, they were battle-hardened and well armed. Their beam weapons were more than a match for most materials and even shields.

His guard kept their distance from him. Staying behind so as to ensure there was minimal issues. An acceptable problem as in his entrance he heard Haon Hafey Haon Hafey and his words. Well, it had already begun then. Indeed it would seem unnecessary to get involved in the politics that he was more formally present for. However he was not the first there, nor the first to act. Hayde Torve Hayde Torve beat him to it. Mig Gred Mig Gred arrived soon as well. He wasn't actually sure if whatever she was doing would work. But if he acted, it was sure to cause damages. So he waited speaking quickly, his vocodor translating. "Dorthea Dobson. You and most of your relatives may have my assistance in protection should you choose to take it, for now." he had already activated his shield generator and the elites with him as well, while seemingly very still, were also very eager to just start shooting down anything that posed a threat. They were warned not to be careless and restrict only to sufficiently proven targets. But Haon was one. And the only thing keeping them from firing was unclear ramifications and if the situation was already resolved.

2x Katitik Hive Elites
12x Common Battle Droids equipped with KS-5R sonic blaster rifles

Beam weapon (on his back)
Personal Energy Shield
Translating Vocoder (around his neck)
Static Pike

Ship (probably won't come into play but adding it for convenience on departure from thread): Val Khar B Class Corvette with 4x Saberdroids
Operated mostly by Common Battle Droids with and geonosians.

Viken Dobson

Head Engineer of Dar'manda Industries
Objective: 3

By the time Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun and Arla arrived in the ship's lounge, Viken was indeed brooding. But while he was doing that, he was also working. A holo-projector was turned on, displaying a hyper-drive core that was a work-in-progress. The man appeared a tad frustrated with some of the math as he worked on his dstapad, but just barely. Once the others appeared, he powered everything down and got to his feet, placing the holoprojector and datapad into a secure compartment in the lounge.

"We both know that it'd be better if I stayed on board."

Lori shook her head before responding. "I need you close, and Dorthea. I don't need Rex to take my absense from Damascus as an excuse to try to nab you both. That's why I have you both here with me. And with bounties on you now, well, he's just ensuring that others are looking for you too. At least during this meeting, there'll be plenty of security."

Viken hated to admit it, but her idea had logic to it. Whether or not it'd work in the manner she expected, he had no idea. Instead he merely nodded and moved to follow behind her, with Arla in tow.

And as they walked, Lori's commlink came to life with the voice of Caedyn Arenais on the other end. It was quick and hushed. She clicked the button and responded. "We're just getting out of my ship in hanger 3e-12. I have Viken and Arla with me, and Dorthea should be heading to the meeting here too. I know about the bounties...It's unfortunate. We're going straight to the meeting hall where the Silvers are to be. See you soon."

Once they stepped into the hanger, Viken's eyes scanned the people for Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun or anyone that could be a bounty hunter. He was sure that Arla was doing the same, not that that put him at ease. Hopefully his sister Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson was safe at the meeting already.

Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station

Body armor
Energy Shield
Hold out blaster
x4 Holy Knight Infantrymen
-Two knights are assigned 1 Garmr Battle Dog mk1 each.​
-one ECP droid has been assigned to this unit​
-under the command of the wookie, Knight Bacceercha.​

Objective 1 & 3 (only for herself and Viken Dobson Viken Dobson )

“Haon???” Was all Dorthea could say as the man stood in front of her with a massive firearm making threats. She was baffled by many things. For one, her guards should have seen him coming on their sensors, and two, Dorthea actually thought Haon was dead. Not that Dorthea was complaining, as she believed Haon to be something of a hero after his sacrifices to drive out the pirates of the Spindle system. She didn’t even quite register what he had said in her head just yet, being surprised to see him alive… “Hey! Somebody said you were dead! You look good! Boys, stand down!” To Dorthea’s surprise, her guards did not step off, but held their ground and began to encircle the two of them.

Then her eyes fell on the massive weapon that the man was carrying and the words he had just spoken clicked into her conscious mind. Irritation welled up within her and she struggled to keep her temper, “Ok… seriously… put that stupid thing away. Do you not know me at all? With the exception of my brother Viken Dobson Viken Dobson , I don’t have any interest in protecting my family. I even handled the logistics of the aftermath of Brodan Dobson Brodan Dobson ’s failure, and I know how much damage your forces took in that battle… Intimately. If you wanna track down Brodan or Omar Dobson, all you have to do is —“

Suddenly, several things began to unfold all at once. One of her guards, a trandoshan, leapt forward to grab Dorthea away from harm and was suddenly frozen in place, right beside Haon Hafey Haon Hafey . Then, the trandoshan knight began to convulse and shake violently, as a loud, electronic hum punished Dorthea’s eardrums. She winced and went to cover her ears, but Bacceercha, the wookie unit commander, grabbed her by the shoulder hand yanked her away from the scene, taking advantage of the distraction. The other two remaining knights activated their arm shields and moved to form a barrier to protect Dorthea and Bacceercha as they moved back towards where the Gospel Class Dropship was docked, the two dogs staying close by. The Garmr Battle Dogs began scanning the area with their sensors, and running a data feed straight to their knight masters. If anyone else was nearby with any weapons, they would soon know about it…

A Mon Cal Knight by the name of Narkeem began shouting into his helmet comm, “Crucible Station security, this is Dorthea Dobson’s security detail! We are under attack and need immediate assistance! Enemy has engaged us and appears to have brought reinforcements!”

Then, suddenly, as they drew closer to the docks, the encountered a familiar face:

So he waited speaking quickly, his vocodor translating. "Dorthea Dobson. You and most of your relatives may have my assistance in protection should you choose to take it, for now."

“Oh thank the Force! I never thought I’d be so happy to see you, Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk !” The droids and elites were also a welcome sight…


Haon Hafey Haon Hafey | Hayde Torve Hayde Torve | Hachi X-0 Hachi X-0 | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk

(OOC: Dorthea did not notice Mig Gred Mig Gred yet. Also, Dorthea is running from the people that are trying to help her because she doesn’t know that they are there to help, given context, with the exception of Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk whom she recognizes)
The Reaper of Won Shasot
SIN Nagato
Objective 1 (maybe 3 as well?)
Tags: Tsubasa Kira-Taiyou Tsubasa Kira-Taiyou , Brodan Dobson Brodan Dobson , Felix Dobson Felix Dobson

............When was the last time Dax had actually set foot on the Nagato? Years, perhaps decades. Saya and Ojo had been infants still. Oji hadn't even come into his and Kimiko's life yet. She hadn't even been a thought then. It was strange, being on this vessel again after so long, and with someone else helming it. And yet, when Dax watched Tsubasa command her crew, he saw a bit of her mother in her. Much like she'd been when they first met, confident. Eager. Ki was proud. Dax might not have been able to speak to those in afterlife, but this he knew.

............The time came for the party to depart, and Dax, who had been pouring over some old tomes, noting down points that might prove useful in his investigations, set down his pen, and went to join the others. Along the way, Dax ran into Nozomi. The elder fox was, as always, a tad bit peculiar, but at the very least, a breath of fresh air. The two chatted idly (mostly about the children) as the moved towards the hanger, and arriving just in time to watch one of the Dobson boys faceplant into the cold durasteel floor, the contents in his arms scattering across the surface.

I’m so so sorry Lady Kira-Taiyou! Please forgive me! This won’t happen again, I swear!

'This is one of the infamous Dobson boys?' Dax thought to himself as approached the two.

"What in the hell did you do to the poor guy, Your Grace?" Dax asked his daughter, as usual sticking only to the bare minimum when it came to formalities. Offering a hand to the floor strewn boy, Dax would give him a sharp examining gaze, regardless of whether or not he would accept his help. It was just a feeling but...

"I think I'll be sticking with you to the negotiations, if you don't mind," Dax said, looking over at Tsubasa. "I'll let you do all the talking, I'd like to just watch. Money was always Brill's thing, not mine."

Something was telling him he should stay by the Dobsons...
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Second King of The Elysium Empire

Objective: 1
Post: 2
Tags: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Caedyn Arenais Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Haon Hafey Haon Hafey Gir Quee Gir Quee

He had arrived at the meeting room without issue. As he found his seat he saw several familiar faces, be it members of his own government, or members of The Nomadic Peoples Coalition, or even members of The Silver Jedi that he recognized from the last meeting. It was a sad state when people from another nation, that he had met once, felt more like allies to him than people in his own nation. But that was resolving itself. The weeds would be pulled from the garden soon. The swamp would be drained.

Until then, these negotiations were the focus. He needed to ensure this trade deal would benefit all parties, and preferably it'd force the Nomadic Peoples to rely on The Imperium. If they were too self-sufficient, they could just break free entirely. They needed a symbiotic relationship, because frankly The Imperium had its' own needs from The Nomadic Peoples. For example the shipyards, which produced and repaired Imperial ships. It also brought many people to Imperial territory, and while The Station itself was not taxed, tariffs on trade outside the station were a great source of income.

As he awaited the rest of the attendees, he checked his holo device, making sure he had no urgent messages. Then he checked the bounties he had put on The Dobsons. No luck yet. Finally he checked the news, hoping for a story from The Imperial News Network, or even The Republican, but again, no luck. Just old stories. Strange that they hadn't covered recent events. Surely an article would be up after this meeting....

Post: 2
Objective: 3
Tags: Haon Hafey Haon Hafey Juno Wren Juno Wren Saff Saff

Severus made his way into the meeting room. No familiar faces inside, yet. This was actually a good thing, because the people he would recognize were either freaks, or people that wanted him and his family dead. However it also meant he had nothing to do but stand and wait for The N.P. Coalition Representatives to enter. But then there was The King. Severus had overlooked him somehow. As he stood and waited, he continued to eye The King. The man was a complete Tyrant. How dare he order the arrest and execution of Arken, Omar, and of course Severus himself!? The family was doing nothing but good for The Empire...and making a profit while doing it.

The man had even ordered the arrest of Dorthea and Viken...and they were certainly not friends of the rest of the family. They were sellouts, helping Loreena Arenais and her Dar'Manda Industries rather than help Arken and The Family. It was sick, really.

Where were the Nomadic Peoples Representatives? Usually it was Severus who was late to a party. He was beginning to grow nervous. No familiar faces, and he had bounties on his head...he was surrounded by potential hunters looking for a quick credit chip. He was sure the Silver Jedi Concord wasn't as innocent as they appeared to be...
Objective II

Droid Body: HRU Haon No.2
Equipment: Haon's Twin Mandalorian Heavy Blasters, Cross Cyro Projector, Bouncing Multi-Purpose Grenade 3x, Blinding Dust Grenade 2x

The registered suprise was different from expected. A droid, a known shipmaker that been through hell is holding a cyroban weapon and the first response was...he was alive?! There was almost an instant frown at that, how in the hell did they forget about him that quickly to not even ring a doorbell and ask the company how it is doing?! Hearing her words, it was strange but he seemed to understand them, believe them even. Dorthea had always sided with alot of crap people been through but she had been, at least in his droid mind, honest. In the motion of lowering the weapon, the distinct noise of a Tensor weapon erupted from nearby.

A Trandoshan seemed to have been luckily beside him, there was a lot of convulsing and the individual did not seem to soon be in the land of the living. Glancing upwards, did he register what just happened as time seemed to slow down in his droid mind. Individuals were arriving in mass, a large force of Geonosians had just shown up, a woman having a strange tensor weapon on her wrist that just shot a body guard, a Mandalorian he presumed also just popped up and finally, the target he was going to interrogate just started to back off and screaming for reinforcements.

This was bad and his left hands synthflesh was barely there, the Cross Cryo Projector having been hit and shook violently from the pressure. There was very little time, he had worked with Cryoban for months before producing such a weapon and he knew the limits. There was very little time, he had to shut off all emotional inhibitors, all forms of cognitive process. He had to use memory processes, all forms and recite the rooms fixture from photographic memory. The Cross Cyro Projector will soon explode in eight seconds when this started, he needed to act quickly.

All this, was only half a second.

Multiple options presented itself, all proving fatal. Approaching the Dorthea would result in catastrophic failure, cut down quickly and having no option to interrogate. Dropship is out of the question, station would use the tractor beam systems. Blaster mode outside of combat, three sections of enemies. Tensor weapon lady, it would prove wildly ineffective against his own droid body, it would tear the Synthflesh off in a second. Low Priority. Mandalorian, unknown abilities but assume reputational status, be expert in hand to hand fighting. While blaster proof, would notice the issue and close in, High Priority. Then there was the Geonosians, classical sonic weaponry. While Tensor did not give much threat, sonic weaponry did, it had enough firepower to disrupt the weapon systems. Two hulking guards, along with twelve droids. Very High Priority. Use of current weaponry against all foes is ill advised along with unknown reinforcements in current response time of half a minute.

Probability of Survival: Four Percent.
One and a half seconds have passed.

Distraction into leaving through normal station means, extremely unlikely. Tensor Weaponry along with Sonic Weaponry designed to slow down all enemies quickly. Cyroban when exploded can freeze a section of individuals quickly, generally recommended against the Mandalorian, however due to weaponry presented from other parties, much more difficult. While it would be more recommended afterwards towards Geonosians to slow down the assault, droids were now present and are naturally more resistant, along with the Mandalorian now having the use of a utility belt function of unknown tools to trap Haon. Blinding Dust grenades work considerably with all parties involved save for the Mandalorian. Along with reinforcements, it would be extremely unlikely that one could escape quickly without detection.

Probability of Survival: Three Percent
Three seconds have passed.

Environmental distractions, lights ineffective against Geonosians and Mandalorian. Hacking protocols, unavailable, ticking time bomb in hand. Viewports to the outside. Transparitsteel windows, four detected. Two towards Dorthea on each side, one closer to himself and the Geonosian group, another closer to the Mandalorian and Tensor Lady. Extensive research, most starship designs created have them, blaster proof but sudden extreme temperature difference can cause structural weakness. Weakness good for very short period of time, mere seconds. Station will shut off after a mere second and a half, pull not good enough at the distance any of them were at on a standing still basis and brace.

Four Seconds have passed.

How to make this work? Possibility of escape miniscule, possibility of attack proving fatal, environmental use non-effective in combat. Combination of all three methods, processor warning of interment detonation from Cyroban.

Probability of Survival: Forty-Three Percent
Probability of Retrieval: Twelve Percent
Five Seconds have Passed, Returning Cognitive Processing Power and all Normal Functions.

The scattering of multiple individuals would mask just enough time for Haon to make his move, flinging his weapon harshly with his arms towards the window near the Mandalorian. The weapon was spewing harshly near them as it hit towards the window on the seventh second mark. Haon quickly during the sixth and half second mark with a gunslingers speed, flick two grenades from his pouch. One of them was Bouncing Multi-Purpose Grenade and set the bounce to maximum of five and threw it towards the Mandalorian and Tensor Lady. It would bounce rapidly and was made to scare was only filled with Blinding Dust but he needed them scared to make it work. The other grenade was the actual Blinding Dust grenade, thrown directly towards the large hulk like guards of the Geonosians. Risk of Sonic Damage was within acceptable levels as he started to run.

On the eighth second, the Cross Cyro Projector exploded. The blast radius was quite large, almost ten feet in diameter as it would cover the majority of the viewport and possibly the pair he threw it at if they were not far away from the grenade at this point. Haon was now on the ninth and half second mark at a full sprint. He felt something hit him but it did not register damage to the droids mind, possibly Synthflesh being torn off from various weaponry. Haon sent a signal from his processing unit towards his holsters, activating them.

A pair of ancient Mandalorian Heavy Blasters started to come out, embellished in old songsteel and some shades of gold. Gripping them tightly as the pistol braces had a magnetic pull to them. It was the twelfth second mark, the viewport was cracking from the structural damage and letting the whine of the twin Heavy Blasters power up, on the thirteenth second, both fired at once in the droids hands.

A massive shattering of glass erupted and a swift suction of everything nearby would erupt. Plants flew from nearby, portraits would be flown from the room, sitting benches and tables were being pulled. Alarm would be blaring over the breach as probably it being Klaxon, was incredibly loud and annoying to listen to with a red light. Haon had leaped forward towards the now partially destroyed viewport, just a bit further than before and was sucked violently through the window before the energy field turned back on.

Right on his right leg which cut off instantly at the knee.

There was no registering damage, he was now floating through space itself. Thankfully he did not need to breath...but there was now a new issue. He was floating in space...quickly, in one direction. Noise is inaudible, gripping on-BANG! The droid hit the side of the station as he was flung back towards another side of the station, he felt the left arm now being unusually bent. The synthflesh was now a sky blue color.

Probability of-BANG, he flew off another section of the station before his other hand could grip part of the station, some antenna of some...communications or whatever kind as his vice grip tore some of the metal off to slow himself down to a grinding halt. The left side and part of his own face seemed to been damaged, having no facial features now and his own hat now floating off into space.

In short, right leg gone, left arm disabled in clutching blaster motion, right arm clinging to antenna, face damaged and photoreceptors receiving only in black and white color. Communications system still operational, cloaked cruiser still nearby, support craft still operational, right arm still gripping antenna.

Probability of Survival: Forty-One Percent. Acceptable Odds
Probabilty of Search Party Finding: Eighty-Six Percent, Acceptable Odds
Probability of New H.R.U. Unit: Damn Straight

Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk Mig Gred Mig Gred Hayde Torve Hayde Torve Hachi X-0 Hachi X-0

Omar Dobson

Objective: 4

Omar was enjoying this. As trainer for the Holy Knights such as Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn and Andrew Lonek Andrew Lonek of the Nomadic People's Coalition, it was his duty to be there among them to protect Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy on this diplomatic mission. He and his team had arrived ahead of the twins and were near the meeting room when Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun had walked through the corridor to go inside. Sure he wanted to gut the King, but now wasn't the time. And there were plenty of others that would do so while he watched.

All good things come in time....

Neutral ground, diplomatic meetings; all of that was a part of strategic game set out by the big players behind the scenes. It drew in peoples of all kinds. Even his nephew Severus Dobson Severus Dobson found something to be gained here. And of that there was plenty.

Omar spotted the twins as they made their way to the meeting room, chatting amongst themselves as they always did. They were freaks, but of the useful sort. And so far they were on the right side. Both him and his team followed them in. His cold stare fell on Rex, but he both said and did nothing. Merely taking his place behind his charges.
Burtch's gear
Roz'yrn's Gear
Krristaa's gear
Chiss Admiral; negotiator.Dornean Soldier; Burtch’s BodyguardTrandoshan Female; Burtch’s assistant

Objective 1

Burtch, Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn , Lieutenant Krristaa, and their respective droids, all arrived at the meeting in reasonable time. Judging by the feel of the room, it seemed as though Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy had only just arrived, with Omar Dobson acting as a sort of escort. Their two custom droid dogs were hanging close by.

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun was no where to be seen, but Burtch knew her well enough to know that she was likely on her way. Even if she was usually late for these things…

Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun , King of the Elysium Imperium was already seated at the table, eyes glued to his datapad. Burtch knew that social skills was not Rex's strong suit, so keeping himself preoccupied until the meeting started was probably for the best. Plus, the man was gaining notoriety of the harmful sort of late. Keeping to himself might be the best way to keep from getting cornered, socially speaking. Burtch offered the robed King a polite nod and a half-salute and moved on.

Burtch looked to where the Concord delegation was assembled and standing and he thought he saw an opening to introduce himself and the only other representatives of the Nomadic Peoples Coalition that had arrived. He shot a quick look at Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy and jerked his head sideways as if to say, "come join me" and he strode over to Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , Gir Quee Gir Quee and Sor-Jan Xantha as purposefully and conspicuously as possible to grab attention. He then stopped before the group, and resisted the urge to stomp at attention in a military fashion, but he did formally introduce himself, "Greetings. My Name is Admiral Burtch. I came here on behalf of the Elysium Imperium and the Nomadic Peoples Coalition to negotiate military arrangements for protecting the new route in question. With me, I have Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy , a notable figurehead of the Nomadic Peoples Coalition. I believe Admiral Quee and I have met before, but I believe I'm not too familiar with some faces I see here," he looked to Matsu Ike Matsu Ike and Sor-Jan Xantha conversationally.

Suddenly, he felt as though he was missing tact somehow once again, although he couldn't quite place it. He wished Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson was here to help him. She was, by far, much better at public affairs like this than he was.

Where the hell is she, anyways???
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Post: 1
Objective: 3
Tags: Tsubasa Kira-Taiyou Tsubasa Kira-Taiyou
Note to Bounty Hunters: Felix has no bounty on him, and it is not yet known that he is a Dobson.

Here he was, following a girl he barely knew. She wasn't the only thing he didn't know. He had absolutely no memory of how he got here, or even where "here" is. Had he been drugged? Seemed to be the case. At this point he was just rolling with the punches. He had been a simple mechanic, staying away from his family and their dealings. When he left Confederate Space, their government collapsed after some massive invasion. He had made it as far as Damascus Station where he was going to watch an arena fight, but that was all he remembered. Now he was walking with...wait...was it?


Brodan Dobson, one of his relatives! At least there was a familiar face. How did he get here? Was the boy kidnapped as well? Felix wanted to ask questions but after a quick look around, he decided this was neither the time nor the place. He could ask Brodan the questions later. Of course Brodan probably wouldn't even remember him. It had been years since he left the family, and their crimes, far behind....
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Objective 1

The jedi master looked at Gir and then at Sor-Jan as he entered and she offered a small smile... her mind thinking in a flash of Alli Vern Alli Vern who was also a business one she welcomed for things like this endeavor. She looked up at the man who approached and bowed her head. professionalism was important after all and her words came out. "Greetings Admiral Burtch. I am the new Grandmaster Matsu Ike." She said it and the small indicator on the kirano flashed as she stilled for a moment bringing up infomration from the controller biot of the station moments before the collected stars image appeared. Slim and of hardlight. "It seems there is.... excitement on the station with blasters already." The stations voice came out and the advanced AI remained there. "I have deployed rhion repair measures on the sections and we have security ready for these bounty hunters." The AI spoke ass the jedi master motioned for Gir and Sor-Jan to go and sit. "Good, keep us informed if they get close." She said it and the AI disappeared as the jedi master went to sit down looking at the others. "We should talk, the station has measures o handle problems like this."
Objective: 1

Willow and Ivy smiled as they saw Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch and Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn . Both had played intregal parts in not only their freedom from the Hutts, but also in their budding religion and people that they lead.

It didn't take much for him to get them to follow him, and they did so. Along with Chopper and Chappie. The two dogs were ever faithful and protective.

The twins walked in pace with the others, intertwining their fingers of their nearest hands as they approached Gir Quee Gir Quee , Sor-Jan Xantha and Matsu Ike Matsu Ike . And as Burtch introduced himself and them, both twins looked at him with a hint of fear in their eyes. He had referred to them as a singular being when they were two. Surely they told him of their visions of Willow dying? That was their greatest fear and everything that they have done was in a bid to avoid that vision of coming true. Was it some strange slip of the tongue brought on by nerves? Perhaps it was due to the fact that it seemed as though bounty hunters were on board. Hopefully they weren't the targets again.

The twins turned their attention back to the Silvers. "We are prophets for those of the Navis Sacra faith. They are the protectors of the Nomadic People's Coalition with their Steel Angels."

"It is lovely to meet you. We wore silver robes in your honour. Do you like them?""

Objective 2
“Just be patient, Saff Saff . We’ll have eyes on them soon enough.”

Her words were prophetic. Hardly a few minutes had passed when her comms picked up on the station’s poorly coded emergency channel, full of static and white noise- she switched frequencies and the voice cleared.

“Crucible Station security, this is Dorthea Dobson’s security detail! We are under attack and need immediate assistance! Enemy has engaged us and appears to have brought reinforcements!”

“This is exactly what I meant by ‘messy’. Fething amateurs.” She scoffed, even as she led them on a route down the second-level concourse that would take them over the scene of the skirmish.

They arrived in time to witness Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson fleeing from a relatively large crowd of dangerous individuals, her security detail in tow. The scene was chaos- absolute madness. Words wouldn’t do it justice.

The young Mando sighed. Her job just got that much harder. “Security’s gonna be extra tight after this.” Another sigh. She liked difficult jobs, but this was turning into something else. “There’s only gonna be one viable place left to claim the bounties with minimal interference… the only place any of them will let their guards down, after this sithshow. Go check out the hangar and see who arrived and what ship they arrived in, and let me know what you find. I’ll get eyes on the meeting place. And try and stay away from Dorthea. She’s spooked enough as is.”

This one was going to take finesse.

Objective III
Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson | Mig Gred Mig Gred
Enemies: Haon Hafey Haon Hafey | Hachi X-0 Hachi X-0 | Juno Wren Juno Wren
Things unfolded fast.

Her attempt at neutralizing the immediate threat posed by the apparent human gunslinger didn't go exactly as planned.

Unrefined as her sense of the Force was, she couldn't help but feel like something about that intruder wasn't natural. He moved with far better precision, timing, and logic than any normal human. And he seemed to have an innate understanding of what had just happened to his weapon. She would have guessed that he too had some Force sensitivity of some sort...but she couldn't feel his presence in the Force at all. That troubled her and made her more interested in who he just was.

But she didn't really have time to think - not with the sudden decompression occurring. She paid little attention to the Dobson woman - her guards appeared to be moving her back to the safety - the other woman was probably better off in this situation than Hayde. As the glass shattered outward and Haon plunged into the depths of space, she instinctively dashed several meters away and clung onto a support beam, just in time before an energy field - apparently some sort of mag-con field - appeared to at least stabilize the nearby environment. She was quick to make her own getaway in the depths of the station, but not before trying to memorize the presence of some of the faces she saw.

The woman quickly toggled her comlink as she slipped through several winding corridors, hoping to lose track of anyone who might be following her.

"Possible assailant just went through the viewport voluntarily. Not wearing a vac suit or any sort of life support equipment that I could see."

"What?" came back the voice of mission control.

The degree of incredulity in that voice was high. She almost wouldn't believe it herself. But in her line of work, she had come to realize two truths or explanations. Some people were crazy. Some people had tricks up their sleeves that no-one could see coming. She wasn't sure which one this person had been, but she doubted that she had seen the last of him.

"Not sure if I've been outed," said the woman, "going to look for a simple cover disguise. Let me know if you can find an identity to match the person who decided to EVA on us."


"Please," repeated Hayde, managing to just hide her irritation at the request.
Objective 2

Tags: Juno Wren Juno Wren Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Viken Dobson Viken Dobson

This kind of chaos suited her, it was fun, exhilerating and oh man did it get the blood pumping and her muscles itching. But, loathe as she was to ignore it, her partner was right, this was chaos at its most diluted and refined form, a little too much for jumped up force user to tackle, so, she slung her weapon's platform over her shoulder, gave a half salute and jogged off. The flight decks and what would wait there was more her style of not caring at all about stealth, after all, she was just another traveler. Though... no, that would be hard to pass as, as such, the large woman sighed and continued her run. Some stealth was needed. Not that her specialty lay in it.

Amongst starships and lounges surrounding hangars though, she stood out somehow more and less. Those who came off their ships out here seemed to fit her type, but few had her armaments, and no doubt, that set her apart in profession.

It was tedious work however, she walked up and down catwalks, spying on everything and anything that caught her one remaining eye. Every so often a marine or guard passed her and queried her intentions, but to them she waved them off and with a nudge of the force, they went on their way, assuming she was some very heavily armed contractor, here to fix an awning, the catwalks or service a ship.

spying a spill at one point and a profusely apologizing man in uniform as the cause, she filed it away as -
there's a chance. It vaguely matched something she'd spied on the family they were hunting. Perhaps it was Brodan Dobson Brodan Dobson but perhaps it wasn't, but around him was a growing group of onlookers and then there was a joking man and the word that sent her on her merry way, your grace.

Not alone, she thought, looking over Dax Perl Dax Perl . Moving on, hunting along the Durasteel hangers for something a little more... clandestine.

While that wasn't quite what she found, she saw something a whole lot more secretive down the line. A man, led almost by his sleeve in the wake of a woman with eyes peeled. Both of them seemed poised to act, or perhaps ready to run at the next sign of trouble, but departing a rather nice ship in a party of three spooked individuals, was enough to spark Saffron's interest. Of course, it helped that briefings had told her of one particular person of interest in the group.

"Bingo," she said, stalking along the hanger, shadowing the group, eyes only for Viken Dobson Viken Dobson

"Got one possible mark," she said into her comms, "but I've got eyes and a route on a definite target, happy hunting. I'll see what i can get done here." She finished, hoping her partner's activities would be as smooth as ever.

With a huff, Saffron straightened up, tightened her grip on her blaster's strap, and set a hand ready to summon her other tools as she made to close on the group she spied, stealth unintentionally thrown out the window - not that it was her style. No, now it was time for the enormous woman to put on a show befitting her stature and towards the group she marched.

Post: 3
Objective: 3
Tags: Haon Hafey Haon Hafey Juno Wren Juno Wren Saff Saff

Severus looked around again, and this time he spotted some familiar faces. Grand Admiral Burtch, a Blue-faced emotionless alien, and then, oh yes, then he saw them. Those freaks. The twins...they were very influential in The Nomadic Peoples Coalition. Some kind of guides, using their "Force" powers to see the future. Or so the briefing that he skimmed over said. Nothing like some force-wielding, future-seeing, conjoined freak-os to have to deal with.

He sighed again. Maybe he was being too harsh. Maybe they'd be awesome people. Their silver robes certainly looked expensive. Just maybe they'd be people of culture and not some weirdos.

The people the trio were speaking to looked decent, at least. Maybe he'd luck out this time. Severus stood up straight, walked to the group, put on his infamous smile, and said "Hello there! I'm Severus Dobson, you may know me from my sister Dorthea, or brother Viken. I'm here to express my family's goodwill toward both The Silver Jedi Concord and The Nomadic Peoples. How can I help today?"
Gir was largely content to let Matsu Ike Matsu Ike to take the lead in the talks - it did seem most appropriate, given her role within the Concord as the Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi Order and as one so intimately involved with the Crucible Station itself. He guessed that she had several tricks up her sleeve when it came to security onboard the station, as she hinted to others. In many ways, Sor-Jan Xantha brought was better connected to different regions of space (especially Core ward) than he was through business connections, so the admiral viewed him, which combined with the different focuses of their companies, tended to lead Gir to view the anzat as more complementary than competition. The admiral offered polite if curt nods to the Elysium Empire delegates as they spoke each in turn.

He briefly held eye contact with Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch , more of a nonverbal signal not only of acknowledgement, but a hint that he wanted to talk a little bit more in private later on. Military matters were an area where he preferred to hold as many cards close to the chest as possible, and there were simply more people here that he didn't know enough about - especially the Dobsons - that he was hesitant to let much sensitive information slip. But he turned his focus to the silver robed twins as they spoke.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," said the blonde man to the twins, briefly recalling about the first time he had heard about the sect, during a trade show on a space station that almost went violent when a biological weapon was used to destroy an old ship, "I regret that I know very little about your faith, though I have heard of it, but I do appreciate the gesture of your clothing choice."

He turned his attention to the other delegates present. He had met several of them before at the last meeting between the two nations on Glastros, notably Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun , Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun , and Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson . All important people, especially the King and Queen, though he found himself curious about the members of the Dobson family present. Some of them were clearly not in the greatest favor fo the royal family, yet here clearly were several of the same family. Just what was going on inside the Empire? He held his tongue, wondering if it was something he should talk to the Chiss admiral latter on. But one of them, Severus Dobson Severus Dobson was quick to speak before his mind could linger longer.

"Hello there! I'm Severus Dobson, you may know me from my sister Dorthea, or brother Viken. I'm here to express my family's goodwill toward both The Silver Jedi Concord and The Nomadic Peoples. How can I help today?"

The admiral offered a polite, practiced smile to the other man, attempting to remain cordial if distant lest he somehow manage to offend the King or Queen.

"Admiral Quee," stated the officer plainly, "of the Silver Jedi Concord's Fourth Fleet. I have met your sister Dorthea before on Bimmisaari, though I haven't met your brother Viken."

He hoped he had managed to keep the right balance of not offending anyone, but he was afraid that he might very easily accidentally veer off into just doing that if he wasn't careful. The man from Hast swept his eyes across the assembled people.

"I suspect that Grand Admiral Burtch and I will have some private talks to conduct later on regarding our nations militaries, though I am pleased to meet you all and discuss any matter of interest that I can with any of you, though I'll readily admit that my expertise is primary in military and corporate matters, rather than politics..."

Viken Dobson Viken Dobson

Sor-Jan Xantha

Objective 1
Wearing: Cloak of Sor-Jan Xantha | HoloLink XJ9
Tags: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Gir Quee Gir Quee Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy

Matsu motioned for the Silver delegation -- such as it was -- to sit.

As a matter of preference, the Anzat typically avoided sitting for meetings. Corellia Digital events usually used high tops and spaces designed for people to mingle around. Anything requiring paperwork to be discussed or reviewed was typically done via Holonet or to minimize being seated. The reason being was simple. By Anzat standards, Sor-Jan was a child. And appeared as such. That appearance of youth and the perception it ushered of inexperience was hard enough to dispel for the fact that he was already the shortest person in the room.

Taking a seat in a chair at a table designed around humanocentric norms of height only amplified his feeling... small.

Once a Jedi Master, several times the commander of a ship or fleets of ships in battle, now the president of a large corporation, one thing that the Anzat was not comfortable with was the notion of diminished power.

So, he took his seat, as Matsu bid. But he didn't like it. He sat forward, folding his arms down on the table. Gray eyes moved to take in the different faces. An inherently telepathic species, he did his best to keep his empathic senses restrained.

Nonetheless, there seemed an air of anxiousness about. Theirs? The Silvers?

The comment provided by the twins supplied a much needed distraction to help break that ice. Thankfully, Gir seemed to take point on engaging the other side. That was good. It allowed the boy to do what he did best; sit back and read the room. Contemplate. Consider. Be in receive mode, so he could try to digest what the other side was seeking.

A man -- Severus -- spoke then, engaging Gir in an open-ended gesture of goodwill.

Gir, for his part, seemed to hedge. Leave room for military talks outside the meeting room. Already planning for a secret Visiting Forces Agreement? It seemed that while Sor-Jan had been away, wining and dining the Core or the various governments out in the Rim, that Gir Quee hadn't changed.

When there seemed an opportune time to introduce himself, the boy was brief. "Sor-Jan Xantha," he supplied simply, before elaborating a moment later. "Of the Corellia Digital Corporation."

"My specialty is subspace communications and finance,"
the tow-headed Anzat added, least they wonder why a company most famous for the Holostation 5 gaming console or Holoflix was at the table.

"I'm certain that there may be some interest in accelerating the rate of information from the Coreward sectors to your home space. If I'm correct in that assumption, I'd love to have a talk about that."

Yes, they were at the hello part and he'd already jumped to why he was there. Too soon? Maybe, but no time like the present to just get all agendas out on the table. After all, he was running a business, not a charity or a government agency. He would be just as eager to talk to the Elysium Imperium without the Silvers in the room.

Maybe not as eager, given he was here at Matsu's invitation. But, he was still looking to shake some hands, pass out some business cards, and try to sell some Holonet service contracts.

And if any such future arrangement also benefitted the Silvers... then everybody won.
Burtch's gear
Roz'yrn's Gear
Krristaa's gear
Chiss Admiral; negotiator.Dornean Soldier; Burtch’s BodyguardTrandoshan Female; Burtch’s assistant

Objective 1

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike was formal and friendly in her greeting as she introduced herself as the new grand master of the Silver Jedi Concord. Burtch felt a small pang of embarrassment as he wasn't entirely sure about the implications of a new grand master being elevated within the concord. For all Burtch knew it could be a simple proceeding of politics, but it could also indicate power struggles. Burtch berated himself inwardly for not knowing more about the greatest allies of the Elysium Imperium. He simply said "thank you, and I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm looking forward to working this trade route out and expanding both our economies." and kept his smile small and thin. In Burtch's mind, less was more when one didn't know what they were doing. Again, he found himself wishing that Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson was here.

Just then, Grandmaster Ike received a call and began talking to her AI about an attack somewhere in the station! Burtch noted that the details had been kept vague, but his stomach tied in a knot as deep down, he knew that something terrible had happened — most likely to someone he knew… potentially Dorthea.

He felt a large, strong hand grip his shoulder and Burtch craned his head to look at Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn ‘s helmeted face. The old Dornean simply nodded an assurance, wordlessly along the lines of "everything is fine" or "I got this". Roz'yrn then released Burtch's shoulder and then seemed to tend to his Garmr Battle Dog. It took Burtch a moment to clue in, but he remembered that Daro's Battle Dog was actually a custom model with a highly advanced sensor suite that could detect things that most systems could not. Burtch decided to leave Daro to his work while Burtch handled the diplomatic stuff to the best of his ability. He hoped he could do his best until Dorthea got here…

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike then gestured for Sor-Jan Xantha and Gir Quee Gir Quee to sit, but only Sor-Jan seemed to notice the gesture as Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy entered the conversation and made their introductions, seemingly distracting Gir for a moment. The three of them exchanged greetings and Gir acknowledged the sentiment intended by their choice of clothing with favour. Burtch was pleased to see that the Holy Prophets were being graciously received by the silver delegation, and Gir gained favour in Burtch's eyes by acknowledging them warmly. Burtch was rather protective of them, as they were the prophets that could bond him more properly to the The Lady Shii-Cho.

@Severous Dobson made his entrance, arriving at the standing gaggle just as Matsu Ike Matsu Ike attempted to get people to sit down. Burtch softly snorted in amusement, figuring the famous party boy, millionaire heir would likely irritate the new grandmaster. Dobsons had a habit of irritating people with their ignorance. Burtch had a lot of experience with this… he shot Severus a small, half amused nod, but said nothing else to the man.

A look from @Gir Guee caught Burtch's eye and Burtch peered at the man. Burtch immediately recognized a human "need to talk later" expression from him. It was a look that Burtch knew quite well after many years of working with humans in the navy. Such interactions were common amongst humans, so Burtch reciprocated the look with a short, furtive nod. He was certainly more than happy to talk later.

Gir was then pulled into an exchange with Severus Dobson Severus Dobson , and Burtch took advantage of the moment to touch base with Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn . When he looked at the Dornean man, he was standing up and strode quickly over to Matsu Ike Matsu Ike . Daro then leaned in to quietly ask Matsu — although Burtch's Chiss ears could still hear — "Is there an airlock nearby?"

Burtch decided that they couldn't afford to wait for Dorthea any longer. But they still needed Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun at least… Was she ever on time for anything?

Burtch decided to kill the time and talk to Sor-Jan Xantha. He would have tried to pull Gir Quee Gir Quee , but the military man seemed to have something of great importance to discuss, and starting a conversation with him right now would likely result in getting interrupted. Burtch wanted his undivided attention for when that happened, so he walked over and sat down beside Sor-Jan Xantha before speaking, "so, communications and finance is your business, you say, correct? Do you deal in commodities and securities trading?" Commodity and security exchanges would be highly beneficial to Damascus Station, since it had a lot of liquid capital to work with. Opening a discussion about this might get something started that benefited both parties here.

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