Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Lions And Jedis And Stations... (Elysium | SJC - Empty Hex South of Anvil | Hoylin)

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She looked at Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch as he spoke. "Economics will be beneficial to our endeavors it has proven one of the better ways to make a middle ground." She said it and well didn't know much, grand admirals were usually used by imperial groups which could be either straight or terrible and want to rule everythign through violence and fear or reasonable and present a differing ideology... and then there were two women that she didn't know but bowed her head. The comment about their outfit was something she wasn't sure how to respond with... Hanna Ike Hanna Ike was the only one who asked her if she liked her dresses and it was partially a trap. Still she looked at Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy offering her bowed head and a smile. "You both look lovely." She wasn't certain about their order... it was different to her which was in itself a surprise that she didn't let go across her face or her mind enough. MOtioning for them to join at the table and someone asked a question. "There is two maintenance airlocks for repair drones located between this room and the ones next to it." She said it and held out a hand for the AI to work and direct it as hardlight overlayed the walls to show. "I would recommend being careful, the repair ways are a tight fit and only really for drones or the biots to move around."
Objective: 3

"Captain, we've got incoming..." Arla nodded her head towards Saff Saff and immediately adjusted her position to be in front of Viken Dobson Viken Dobson and her charge. She pulled one of her blasters out of it's holster and held it barrel down with her finger on the trigger.

Lori spotted the tall woman heading right towards them before they could even get out of the hanger. This was unfortunate. Now she was really going to be late for the meeting when normally she tended to be early! It just wasn't fair! And it was all Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun 's fault for putting arrest warrants AND bounties on two of her friends and coworkers. "Stall her Arla!" With her commlink still out while she waited for confirmation from Caedyn Arenais , Lori quickly switched the channel to Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch . "Something urgent's come up. I can't get to the meeting as there are hunters intercepting us. You and Dorthea have to go on without me! Lori out."

She placed her hand briefly on Viken's shoulder and began pulling him back the way that they came. Whether or not Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson was already at the meeting, Lori didn't know, but given how much of an interest in this that Dorthea had, she expected as much. "Come on. Let's go..."

Arla kept a close eye on Saff, her gaze unwavering while she kept her blaster at the ready. She just waited for the hunter to make the first move.

Viken Dobson

Head Engineer of Dar'manda Industries
Objective: BYOO

Viken didn't like to be touched. He didn't like being around people. And now he had encountered both.

He shrugged aside Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun 's hand and then caught the gist of her plan as she spoke on her commlink to Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch . They were going back to her ship. All of that was fine and dandy, but what was her plan after that? That was something to question her on later. Viken was certain that this had put her into 'fight or flight' mode and she had chosen the latter. From what he knew of her, that wasn't her style. But then again this was supposed to be a diplmatic meeting of sorts, so it was probably the better option.

Arla took to her task rather quickly, picking up on Saff Saff before both he and Lori had. That was a good thing. He grit his teeth a little, otherwise keeping his expression neutral while he backtracked with Lori, wondering if Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson was facing a similar situation. If she was, he certainly didn't want to be in the hunter's shoes right about now.

Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station

Body armor
Energy Shield
Hold out blaster
x4 Holy Knight Infantrymen
-Two knights are assigned 1 Garmr Battle Dog mk1 each.​
-one ECP droid has been assigned to this unit​
-under the command of the wookie, Knight Bacceercha.​

Objective 1 & 3 (only for herself and Viken Dobson Viken Dobson )

Four humanoids and four droids ran, hoping that Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk and his team were following. They pounced, or hovered for the exit and almost made it, just before the room suddenly depressurized. The Holy Knights and the dogs — being specially trained and programmed for combat on board space structures — were very quick to react appropriately to the pressure change. The three knights and the two dogs immediately activated their mag-boots/feet as their pressure sensors indicated an immediate change. Dorthea — not having any mag-boots of her own — was nearly swept away by the roaring winds. Luckily, Bacceercha instinctively stuck out a big armoured wookie arm and snagged her out of the air before she was launched out of reach. Her ears popped just before the flexicris helmet in her Uniform went off automatically and covered her head completely. The impact from her stomach hitting Bacceercha's arm, combined with the sudden loss of air pressure had knocked the wind out of her, and she struggled to regain her breath, even with the safety helmet activated.

The two hovering protocol droids had no such footing, however. The one was spinning out of control and impacted hard with the wall, while ECP-44 — or "Grunty", as Dorthea had named it — managed to fire its harpoon and towcable at the floor just before it reached the window and held on, flailing in the wind. It just so happened to do this right beside Mig Gred Mig Gred as it accomplished this, as the mandalorian was already pretty close to the broken, ice covered window.

In the heat of life-threatening action, a whole, long second passed and then the winds stopped almost as quickly as they had started. Dorthea hit the ground and fell to her knees, coughing and wheezing to regain her wind. Bacceercha grumbled a protest, imploring her to rise up and start moving again. The two dog droids and two other Knights encircled Dorthea and Bacceercha as she struggled to breath air again. Finally, Bacceercha took the liberty of pressing a button that was hidden in her pendant, and it deactivated the flexicris safety helmet, causing it to collapse back into Dorthea's collar. The flow of fresh air began to enter her lungs again, and her breathing returned.

Her mind began to focus again, and she realized that most of her hyperventilating had been due to panic. She was embarrassed, but pleased that the commander of her security unit had thought to shut down her helmet. She offered him a silent nod of appreciation and then gestured down the hall, "We can't stay here. We either need to get back to the ship or get to the meeting."

Bacceercha grunted his agreement and then warbled something that Dorthea couldn't understand in the wookie tongue. She shook her head apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, captain. I need my droid to understand you. Where is Grunty, anyways?"

Another thought occured to her as she began to take stock of her current losses. She had just lost a guard to some strange weapon. She couldn’t afford to dwell on that right now though. She then looked over to where she thought Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk should be and hoped that him and his troops were ok…


Haon Hafey Haon Hafey (parts of him) | Hayde Torve Hayde Torve | Hachi X-0 Hachi X-0 | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Juno Wren Juno Wren
Objective: 1

Willow and Ivy smiled as Gir Quee Gir Quee complimented them. And their expressions nearly beamed with delight as he gave his title. "An Admiral? With your own Angels?"

"Treat them well, and they will protect you, Admiral."

Their attention turned to Severus Dobson Severus Dobson as he approached and spoke. There was something about his mannerisms which reminded them of meetings that Broka had with those that tried to gain the Hutt's favour. As for what he could help them with, they weren't exactly sure. But perhaps his question was moreso directed towards the Silvers.

Spotting Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch take his seat near Sor-Jan Xantha and Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , the twins pushed together two chairs as close as they could get them. so that they might sit down comfortably at the meeting. Whether or not anyone had noticed that the pair were conjoined twins, Willow and Ivy still tried to be discreet about it, as such a thing had been one of the reasons that they were singled out by the warlords on Nar Shaddaa.

"The Navi can lend support to the hyperspace route."

"Yes with help of the Angels and Flock in the Nomadic People's Coalition."

Willow's eyes turned their focus to Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun . "Your Angels could help too."
Objective 2:
Tags: Viken Dobson Viken Dobson Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun - Juno Wren Juno Wren

It didn't take long for Saff to spy her targets spying her. She could only grin widely as she felt the stab of adrenaline that pumped into her body, as if a release valvae had finally been thrown and she was able to blessedly think with full clarity. No longer did she need stealth - they'd spotted her and she'd spotted them. Though she was a little stuck on if the woman with Viken Dobson Viken Dobson was a target or not.

Oh well, she supposed, every bounty has a guard, right?

Kicking up the pace, she tightened the sling of her weapon's platform against her chest, running it diagonally along her torso to make sure it didn't come loose. She wouldn't need it, not now anyway, her sabers were ready at her hips now, and there was of course an energy pistol if she needed it. A moment of thought overtook her mind as she approached them now, the pace increasing - Can you do it before port authorities arrive? Come on, shouldn't be that difficult. The thought came as if from another mind, though it was most certainly her own. Perhaps it was another offset of the adrenaline as it mounted, the drive to compete against herself as enticing as the hunt itself.

Setting her jaw, she nodded to herself, no point playing dumb -
"Hey. I hope you don't mind the trouble, but I'll be needing your male-lookin' friend!" She called out, letting the tendrils of the force creep through her and down to her fingers, itching towards the lightsabers nestled on her belt.

Post: 4
Objective: 3
Tags: Haon Hafey Haon Hafey Juno Wren Juno Wren Saff Saff Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Gir Quee Gir Quee

Severus nodded as The Admiral, Gir Quee, introduced himself. Then the kid introduced himself and-

"The company that made the Holostation 5 consoles!? I love that thing! A pleasure to meet you, truly!" He gave a quick half bow to the kid, then returned to his more professional stance as the group returned to their negotiations. They were discussing a hyperspace trade route, as expected. How could The Dobson Family help? Severus thought for a moment, then interjected,

"The Dobson Family has experience in logistics management...if this route is a challenge regarding the logistics of it, my family would be honored to help plot it. For example refueling stations should be present throughout since it'll probably be a long route. Hyperspace eats fuel up and there's not always a planet nearby to dock at. Traders would be at risk of floating in empty space."

Severus grinned, proud of himself for this genius idea.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Objective: 3

Mig's eyes went wide under his helmet as he saw the attacker move. He could feel something wasn't right. Then he threw his weapon and.... Osik! Cryoban right at the window! He'd quickly look at the vibrosword before driving it into the floor with some help from the Force, and gripped tightly as the window shattered. Wait did that guy just.... No he had to be.... He did! Mig looked around as the wind finally seemed to calm down, He breathed a bit under his helmet before pulling the blade out of the floor, and turning to the window, attempting to use his eye to spot the guy, but no luck. He didn't have a good look at where the guy wh....

Mig then noticed the droid floating there, seeing the cable that was holding it to the ground.

"Smart. Wouldn't happen to have been with the woman that was attacked would you?" Mig then pointed to his signet on his shoulder pad, and showed his chain code. "I'm here with the jetii, helping run security, and something tells me he wasn't the only one here." He then started getting the door open as the shields began to hold in the atmosphere again.

Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Haon Hafey Haon Hafey Hayde Torve Hayde Torve Hachi X-0 Hachi X-0 Juno Wren Juno Wren
Objective: 3

"He's not available right now. Perhaps you can set up an appointment for later next week." Arla kept her gaze focused on Saff Saff , the barrel of her blaster still pointed downwards for the moment.

Lori continued to pull Viken Dobson Viken Dobson back with her towards her ship, glad in a way that they hadn't gone too far. Just where the heck was security? "We may need to make a run for it. So be ready and stay behind me." She whispered to him, hoping that Arla distracted the hunter enough to give them time. She just didn't want to turn her back on the hunter just yet. Lori just hoped that there weren't more to block them from their escape. Getting to their ship was one thing. But getting away from the station was another.

The galaxy was certainly feeling smaller...

Lori had two options concerning the bounties and arrest warrants. And neither of them were good ones.
Objective 1 (if convenient) and 3: Protect the Dobsons (Minus Brodan). Objective 1 if convenient.
Post 2

Nearby: Haon Hafey Haon Hafey Mig Gred Mig Gred Hayde Torve Hayde Torve Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Hachi X-0 Hachi X-0

Dorthea's response to his presence, as an ally that is, did not surprise him. "A reasonable response." he said simply. However his attention remained on Haon. Unfortunately, his skills in the force did not allow sufficient preemptive measures to ensure their survival. He'd either have to outright act and risk considerable casualties, as he wasn't sure what this individual had on him. Or wait. It didn't take long before he threw his weapons, the droids and geonisians and him all raised their weapons. The grenades flew through the air, grenades flew through the air and their shield generators went active...and were useless. The only one that ha come to them was not a damage focused grenade, but a distraction to blind them. Their wings buzzed with activity to both lift them off the ground and disperse the dust. Unfortunately none were equipped with extra sensors, so Haon had the time to react. Except Cruk thanks to his sensitivity to the force, his orders were given quickly and his whole group followed, given very specific orders on where and how much to fire. This applied only to the droids, the sonic weaponry was powerful. But if they hit something important on a ship it wouldn't be bad. If the Beam weapons hit something...then things would go very wrong.

Worse, the weapon he through had exploded. Cruk and his crew hadn't been as close to the rest of them but it did throw them off guard and force them well out of the way, the droids stumbling over each other and collapsing in the process, though relatively undamaged. A terrible assassination attempt, but an impressive getaway...sort of.

Then he felt the oncoming danger. "Brace. Except 1-6, eliminate." he stated. The geonosians and droids gripped hold of the ship just as the viewport ripped open, forcing them to also use their wings and jetpacks to do their best to hang on until the ship could be sealed. And 6 droids flew out the window after Haon firing at him. They were already equipped with jetpacks and wouldn't be as easily tossed around the ship once the vacuum yanked them out. While not horrible machines, and better prepared for battle, their aim and combat prowess was still limited. They had good aim, but they weren't impressively fast or agile. Cruk hoped their numbers, weapons, and the advantage they'd have in space would be sufficient to either take out the target...or at least make him more cautious.

He turned to see Dorthea was fortunately unharmed. He was really more of a counter-attack than a bodyguard, afterall. With exception of the queen. Everyone should be able to defend themselves in his hive. ."Apologies. Protection is not a practiced occupation. Just attack targets and defend locations." he admitted.

He heard her comment about the communication issue, "If no other options are available, and it is necessary. I can solve that problem." He stated pointing to the vocodor around his neck "My droids can interpret for me in the meantime. We should seek an alternative soon though. It is inconvenient for me to try and speak through translator droids. They do not speak shrywook though, it is not sufficiently common."

2x Katitik Hive Elites
12x Common Battle Droids equipped with KS-5R sonic blaster rifles

Beam weapon (on his back)
Personal Energy Shield
Translating Vocoder (around his neck)
Static Pike

Ship (probably won't come into play but adding it for convenience on departure from thread): Val Khar B Class Corvette with 4x Saberdroids
Operated mostly by Common Battle Droids with and geonosians.
Objective 2:
Tags: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Viken Dobson Viken Dobson - Juno Wren Juno Wren

Saff's eye glowed with delight and her posture relaxed with a fresh pull of adrenaline - the prey was readying to run, and three-on-one wasn't an easy prospect, though she hadn't caught the sensation of the force on them. So perhaps it would be far easier than she suspected it could have been - No point in being careless though, she decided. The way they were lining themselves up, her prey just wanted to flee, and the holding pattern would do her no good. Thus, she reached to her hips and took each of her ornately carved lightsaber hilts from her belt, igniting both.

Now with two vibrant violet blades humming to life, pointing to the ground to either side, she grinned wildly.

"Perhaps I wasn't making the intention clear. I really must borrow him," Saffron called back, gathering the force into her body, readying for a mad dash or to pull against the three of them with all her might. It all depended on if they ran or they stood their ground. She really hoped they tried to fight, one on one was tedious and boring, a challenge would surely invoke some joy in her day.

Sor-Jan Xantha

Objective 1
Wearing: Cloak of Sor-Jan Xantha | HoloLink XJ9
Tags: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Gir Quee Gir Quee Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Severus Dobson Severus Dobson Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
"The company that made the Holostation 5 consoles!? I love that thing!"

Severus' remark brought a smile to the boy's face. Nothing like free advertising. Especially word-of-mouth advertising. Silently, the boy gave an appreciative bow of his head toward the man, even as the boy turned his attention to the Chiss as he appeared about to speak.

"Do you deal in commodities and securities trading?" Burtch asked.

The Elysium Imperium was located in the furthest corner of the galaxy from Chiss space. It made the boy curious how one became a ranking military and political figure so far from home. There had to be a story there. Inclining his head toward the blue-skinned man, the boy's gray eyes met the Chiss' ruddy gaze as he answered, "One of our holdings is Corell Financial. In part, a necessary evil to handle our own commodities and security filings -- particularly as my company expanded across multiple governments in the galaxy," he commented candidly.

All companies dealt in money laundering and tax evasion to some degree. Those who did it on the scale he did were just known as bank holding companies.

Sadly, with both the Confederacy and the First Order governments having collapsed in recent years, he'd lost his more advantageous tax shelters. And with Aerarii Tithe's time in the Chancellorship of the Alliance having come to a close, the boy was worried about what the tax bill from Coruscant was going to look like when it arrived. Tithe had been a banker. He knew the cost of doing business.

More importantly, he knew the cost of attracting businesses to want to do business with the Alliance. Corellia, being a multitude of corporate worlds, had fared well under Tithe's financial policies. With war heating up with the Empire, and the threat of the Maw lingering, he worried Coruscant was apt to try and fund its newfound aggression off the business sector.

"So, the answer is yes," the young Anzat remarked, returning to the question posed to him. "Particularly in the context of what this meeting hopes to achieve. Corellia Digital has experience in handling securities or communications infrastructure for these kinds of ventures. There's a lot of single-planet governments or distant planetary unions that often need help connecting their economy to a hyperlane. Most recently, we did that for the government of Dosuum. But we've also assisted with the Kathol Republic."

Yes, he'd just used an Imperial and a Republic-based government in that example. Purposefully. Hopefully to illustrate that he saw business and opportunity, not politics. And that was without mentioning his secret dealings financing the Resistance or his rather murky financial dealings with the Agents of Chaos or the Corporate Authorities of Denon.

A long time ago, he'd even made the initial investment to rebuild Coruscant's communications infrastructure the Alliance used in its nascent years, following the fall of Sith control of the world. But remarking on that would be digging up ancient history at this point. And the affairs of the Core were likely of little interest to the Imperium, so far from it.

Matsu stepped in then, reminding them that politics was why they were even speaking. "Economics will be beneficial to our endeavors it has proven one of the better ways to make a middle ground."

Severus jumped in, seizing on the business opportunity as well. "The Dobson Family has experience in logistics management...if this route is a challenge regarding the logistics of it, my family would be honored to help plot it. For example refueling stations should be present throughout since it'll probably be a long route. Hyperspace eats fuel up and there's not always a planet nearby to dock at. Traders would be at risk of floating in empty space."

Dobson seemed cut from the same cloth as the Anzat. The boy could appreciate that.

"You'll need subspace relays and hyperspace beacons so that navi-computers can easily find and follow the path," the boy noted simply. "I can help with that."

If Dobson could handle logistics in and out of Elysium space, then this might be a more lucrative venture than he'd thought when he'd agreed to follow his friend Matsu down this rather curious rabbit hole.
Objective IV

Droid Body: HRU Haon No.2
Equipment: Haon's Twin Mandalorian Heavy Blasters

It was quite difficult to see in black and white in space, due to the majority of space being...well, black and white specks with the occasional planet or moon to help figure things out. Holding onto the antenna, he tried to move his other useless limb in an effort to contact one of the Flatwell Cloaked Cruisers he had hidden in the area. While he tried to do this, the photoreceptor eyes of started to notice individuals starting to come closer from afar. The eyes would attempt to focus but when it did, a sonic blast directly impacted onto Haons lower body.

Shattering straight through the Suprasteel, he no longer had a lower body. Pieces of steel shot behind him into the outer darkness of space. The photorecptors started to blink in and out, showing different forms of feed as it became blue and black, then green and red. Another sonic blast impacted as it struck the antenna this time directly, blasting back Haons hold against it as he flew further into the depths of space. Letting go of the antenna, he extended his right hand to retrieve one of the Mandalorian Heavy Blasters he treasured and aimed, his vision flickering between an array of different colors and opened fire. Striking one of the droids, he felt another impact as the left arm was blown off with the blaster flying off.

Attempting to shoot with the left arm, he tried to twist his droid body only for another sonic blast to impact him directly into the torso and shatter several more components, his head being removed from the body and his lower jaw breaking apart into pieces of metal with his left photoreceptor hanging out. There was a moment of realization that he no longer had the ability to open fire anymore and he had finally been cornered. Floating further out into space, his photoreceptors kept malfunctioning as he tried to see what was coming towards it.

I am the Last Metal Lord, I cannot Peri-

That was the final thought process. The last sonic wave impacted directly into the body below but spread upwards and shattered the head into half a dozen pieces. Circuity flew from side to side, broken and fragmented with wires the only thing holding some of the pieces together. Slowly spreading apart in the dark reaches of space, flying outwards into the unknown, was the remains of the Metal Lord of the Void.

Tags: Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk Mig Gred Mig Gred Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson Hayde Torve Hayde Torve Hachi X-0 Hachi X-0
Burtch's gear
Roz'yrn's Gear
Krristaa's gear
Chiss Admiral; negotiator.Dornean Soldier; Burtch’s BodyguardTrandoshan Female; Burtch’s assistant

Objective 1

Burtch nodded respectfully towards Matsu Ike Matsu Ike as she vocally supported the direction that @Sor and Burtch were steering the conversation in. She then offered an obligatory compliment to the holy prophets Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy , which irked Burtch a little. Burtch was one of many people that was beginning to revere the twins as more than mere figureheads, but as people that were shaping his life on a spiritual level. He had to remind himself that people that were outside of the faith were not typically prone to praise and gape at the twins as the Navis did. He shot a guilty look at the twins, hoping that their powers hadn't made them aware of his rude thoughts.

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike then proceeded to give @Daro Roz'yrn directions, and a mere moment later, he was gone without so much as a goodbye, his dog trailing behind him. Burtch briefly wondered what the Dornean man was up to…

His secretary, Lieutenant Krristaa, tapped Burtch on the shoulder and Burtch pivoted in the seat of his chair to look at her. Her ECP droid then wordlessly hovered to within inches of Burtch's face and began quietly playing a message from Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun .

"Something urgent's come up. I can't get to the meeting as there are hunters intercepting us. You and Dorthea have to go on without me! Lori out."

Hunters? As in bounty hunters?

Burtch quickly dissected the message in his head and it was quickly clear to him that Dorthea was clearly not in a good place. If she wasn't with Lori, and she was late for anything it meant that there was a literal army between her and her destination. Dorthea was the kind of woman that you didn't want to get in her way if she was on a mission. Burtch was suddenly very stressed for both Lori and Dorthea… Burtch wondered if this is what @Daro Roz'yrn had discovered with his dog's sensors and why he left in such a hurry.

He quickly peered conspicuously at Matsu Ike Matsu Ike to grab her attention, "please, I know you are addressing certain security matters that have come up, but I worry about the well-being of my other companions for this meeting. Dorthea is quite literally never late for anything, and I just received a distress call from Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun . I'm not sure what is going on on your end, but if there is anything you can do for them, this matter seems quite dire as it develops. One thing I do know is that Lori and Dorthea are not together at this time, so I fear that there are two separate incidents."

After Burtch finished asking for Master Ike's help, he returned his attention to the conversation around him. Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy appeared to have finished a conversation with Gir Quee Gir Quee and had just now sat down at the table with Burtch, Severus Dobson Severus Dobson and Sor-Jan Xantha . Severus and Sor-Jan had been discussing something about… games? And then Sor-Jan grabbed Burtch's full attention by responding to his previous inquiry. He indicated that he held a firm that was experienced in asset management and that he had excellent experience in connecting smaller markets to the galactic market. Burtch was very pleased to hear this. Before he could express his enthusiasm for this information, Severus offered his own contributions to the nature of this deal.

Burtch was iffy about the Dobson family in the political scene, but when it came to economics and logistical management, they were actually pretty damn good at their job. After many years of working directly with Dorthea Dobson, Burtch could attest to that fact. In fact, it was simply a no-brainer that the Dobson Logistical Consulting Firm was the right company for the job on this venture. Burtch resisted the urge to snort in spite of himself. This may actually be a rare chance for Severus Dobson Severus Dobson to shine here, if he's even half as good as his sister or his father at logistics…

The only problem with Dobsons was that whenever they were given an inch, they almost always took a mile. The hard part was keeping them reigned in. Heath Valhoun Heath Valhoun had tried and failed, and Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun was showing a little too much of his desperation in trying to bring them under heel. Burtch was no politician in his own right and Dorthea wasn't here to help him.

Angels help me…

Speaking of Angels, @Willow &Ivy offered the aid of the Navis Angels and suggested that Rex could offer the assistance of his own ships. Burtch quickly realized that this was the part where he was mostly responsible for negotiating. He decided to try his best hand at this wordcraft game. It was all he could do for now, "Yes, it would seem that if Sor-Jan Xantha can provide hyperlanes and communications infrastructure, and Dobsons can provide logistics, then what's left is to provide security. Myself and Admiral Gir Quee Gir Quee have the resources to accomplish this. I am in a unique position to represent both the Elysium Navy and the Nomadic Peoples Defence Force. So I can arrange for Angels — or ships for those who are not Navi — to be assigned to guard these routes. But waystations should be established along the route for added security. Do we have any proposals to supply these stations?"

Burtch cringed inwardly. He felt like he was probably too direct, blunt, or tactless. He found himself looking to Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy for some sort of… validation.

What was happening to him? This wasn't like him to be so concerned with what someone else thought of him. Something was changing inside of Burtch. Somehow, the Shii-Cho, his old ship, entered his thoughts and a terrible sadness filled him without any explanation…
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The jedi master looked at the Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch and nodded. "If you are certain." She rose up and moved as asking for help was one thing but well they had potential here for cooperation. "If you can tell her to stay where she is." The jedi master looked at it and brought back the stations avatar. "Master." The voice came out and Matsu bowed her head. "The situation on the station is... troubling. Connect me with a controller." There was a look but the biot appeared on the screen. "Control, send your MK. III's to protect Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson and escort her here." She said it for a look around at the others while the controller nodded. "UNderstood master." The display cut away and she went back towards the table. ""Control will send biots around the station to aid your companions." She said it while pulling up displays for combat and paladin biots." SHe tapped the table bringing it up. "ATTENTION CRUCIBLE STATION, THIS IS MATSU IKE." Her voice was made to be more booming when she wanted to be fair... as not all of the bounty hunters were here attacking. "YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF MY STATIONS WHOLESOME ATMOSPHERE AND HAVE ATTACKED A GUEST. STOP RIGHT NOW AND LEAVE AND I WILL ONLY BE ANNOYED... PERSIST AND MY SECURITY FORCE WILL BE ENGAGED." She said it and was bringing up the crucibles Internal Security System as it was designed with Supression Systems for Concussion and energy based equipment. Biots had machine strength so could overpower most others and wouldn't need the weapons. The Defensive Pathway Module were made with built in turrets able to fire glop grenades to immobilize and had an AI to control it with battle analysis computer able to predict and counter fleets... all dedicated to sending its forces to stop them. "I make no promises but your companions if you are in contact with them have them say to the stations avatar Paladin. It will identify them as ones to protect and defend.... while the others should start seeing the workers on the station in a different light."


Daro Roz’yrn

“150 years of getting shot at for a living”

Objective 4: BYOO

Daro had indeed seen something on his dog's sensor feed. Specifically, he had seen a detailed feed of Haon Hafey Haon Hafey launched out of a window, and then got stuck to a comm antenna, severely damaged. Daro had sprung into action, without asking for permission, taken the directions from Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , and run out of the meeting with his Dog close behind him. Before clamouring into the service tunnels, he slammed back a Stim Tea and a Root Tea, making sure he had the right juices in his system before he could get stuck in combat.

Getting through the tunnels had been tricky. They were only large enough for small service droids to traverse, and only just barely large enough for an average size human to crawl through. For a Dornean in heavy armour and enough gear to make a mandalorian blush, a little creativity would be needed to make the small journey. Daro had removed his jetpack, tied his wrist mounted whipcord to it, and had his dog attach its own miniature harpoon and towcable to the jetpack. The dog then led the way through the tunnels, dragging the jetpack — and thus, Daro, in a chain behind it. The droid seemed to not even struggle, being extremely strong for its small size, and sporting magnetic feet to secure its footing for every step… but Daro found this to be a bit humiliating as his armoured body was dragged through the tunnels. His face kept deadpan as the armoured spacesuit screeched against the walls with his arm over his head.

He took this short moment to remember his reasons for going through with this. Not many beings had been told, but it had actually been Daro who had "rescued" Haon Hafey Haon Hafey at the battle of the Spindle IV pirates. And by rescue, it meant Daro had recovered the HRD's head. Daro had looked into those flickering, glitching eyes as he and his fellow marines had been on salvage detail after the end results of that bloody battle. He had been relieved when the technicians back in HMS Shii-Cho had diagnosed the head as "saveable". They had taken it away, and Daro had not heard anything about it ever since. The company that Haon ran was still operating, and people had moved on to other parts of salvage and recovery.

For Daro to see Haon on his dog's scopes had come as a shock, and seeing the HRD get launched out a window into space with droids on his tail had sparked a need to take action within Daro. After 150 years as a navy man, Daro knew that some heroes were worth saving, and the man — or machine — that had willingly sacrificed himself for the lives of others at the battle of spindle, was a good man to save in his books.

The Dornean and his battle dog finally reached the airlock, which was a little larger than the tunnels, and Daro proceeded to put his jetpack back on. He then closed the inside door set his dog droid on the metal surface of his jetpack where the dog locked on with magnetic feet. Daro then punched the outer door release button, and the two were launched out into space with the atmosphere.

They started at a bit of a tumble, but he quickly got their flight under control with a couple skilled bursts from his jetpack. He then took stock of the situation around him. His dog also began running scans of the area. With his own eyes he saw threw him off for a moment. A hat. Curious?

He performed a couple short thruster bursts and moved over to catch it in mid spin through the void. It was a nice hat.


Daro wasn't entirely sure where the hat had come from, but he had to admit; he loved the style! Elegant, yet rugged contours, with a nice wide brim for hot environments, and fine leather… This was a hell of a find!

He gently released it from his grasp and gave it a small push so that it would drift up to his dog on his back. His dog, Hal, then dutifully clasped it gently in his teeth for safe keeping.

Then, a ping chimed up from the feed from Hal, and Daro looked at the small window that opened in the display on his HUD. There were coordinates to the location of a small wreckage that was slowly drifting away from the space station. Daro felt his guts twist as he began to fear the worst. He lit up his jetpack for an extended burn until he was on a hasty intercept course with the drifting mass, and then deactivated his pack for the rest of the trip to save fuel. The world inside his helmet was filled with nothing but silent dread as he closed the distance. The wreckage grew as he got closer, turning from a tiny, shifting blob to an undulating tangled mess of wires, fabric, and synth flesh. Daro clamped his eyes shut from the horrific scene, and deep down, he knew exactly what it was, even before Hal could send the technical data to his HUD.

~I'm so sorry, Daro. Did you know him?~

The voice of his suit's Angel Navis Operating System, nicknamed Tin Can echoed in his head through his Holy Communion Neural Implant.

"Nice of you to chime in. I haven't heard from you all day" Daro murmured aloud, so that the microphone in his suit's comm could hear his voice for Tin Can. Daro had the option of speaking with his thoughts through the neural interface, but he preferred it this way when it was convenient.

~I haven't been keen on distracting you. Being a bodyguard takes focus and I have suit functions to keep me busy. Anyways, did you know him well?~ Tin Can repeated the question.

"Not really," Daro admitted, "but he was one of the big-wig heroes that made a real sacrifice to protect the Spindle system. I was the one that found his head when the salvage operations were happening. It never gets easier to watch someone get mutilated like this after you already saved them once from the brink of death. Even as a 170 year old man, these things don't lose their edge."

~I understand. Perhaps you should save what you can of him? Carry his memory?~

"Eh…" Daro hedged, "if I kept mementos of every man, woman, bug, or bot I lost, I'd have to own a storage facility. But this one really stings for some reason. Perhaps it was the ugly nature of the battle of spindle… is there anything worth keeping?"

~I'll get Hal to do a scan~ there was a pause, ~there are a couple refurbished antique blasters, and what looks like an eye with some droid brain circuitry attached still. I wouldn't count on being able to recover any of the sentient software, but it's the closest thing to dog-tags I can find. Is that worthwhile?~

As soon as Tin Can pointed out the blasters and the eye, Daro saw them right away. The one blaster was within reach, and still in a disattached hand. The other was within whipcord range. Daro quickly gathered both in their respective means and inspected the weapons closely through the visor of his helmet.

For a droid, Haon Hafey Haon Hafey had impeccable taste! Old-fashioned heavy mandalorian blasters with extensive updating, made from quality songsteel… they looked like they were from the Revan era! Daro gave the one blaster an appraising twirl on his finger and felt chills run down his spine at the way they balanced.

Oh… I hope he wouldn't mind…

A small pang of guilt hit him as he tossed aside his old regulation blaster and stuffed one into the newly emptied holster. Obviously, the guilt wasn't enough to let Daro ditch these sweet puppies into the void, though. He'd definitely be tinkering around with these later… He didn't have a second pistol holster, so he kept the second blaster gripped in his left hand. Carrying things in space was a pain, but this was totally worth it.

With a small burst of his jetpack, he collected the eye, which was floating nearby. Like Tin Can had said, it was attached to a little morsel of brain circuitry, but it was definitely trashed… there could be some data stored, maybe even memories, but Daro severely doubted that Haon was in there any more. Death of the previous owner of the eye was pretty much confirmed.

He gripped the eye carefully in his right hand and lit his jetpack back up, steering for the station. He decided to make his way to the docks, which would give him a chance to store his finds on the ship he came in on. Maybe there was a loved one out there somewhere that he could send Haon's remains to…

Viken Dobson

Head Engineer of Dar'manda Industries
Objective: BYOO

Viken clenched his jaw as Saff Saff ignited her lightsabers. He stood his ground then, nearly causing Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun to bump into him as she backed them up towards her ship. This was the first time that someone had gone after him this way. And he hoped that Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson wasn't dealing with it as well. Hopefully she was at that meeting.

If only she had let him turn himself in to Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun earlier, this could have been avoided. And doing so now would only have him suffer his sister's wrath and he wasn't about to do that. He'd rather face the hunter than his enraged sister.

"Your intentions are clear. They just can't be fulfilled at this time, so maybe---" He was about to say more, but then stopped as the hanger's crew suddenly stopped moving. Their heads turned and their eyes glowed a deep red. Viken kept his hands out to his sides, fingers spread to show that he wasn't being aggressive. He hadn't known what orders Matsu Ike Matsu Ike or any others had given them. But at least they were a distraction for the hunter and would perhaps provide a hinderance for her.

Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station

Body armor
Energy Shield
Hold out blaster
ECP-44 (separated from Dorthea, now with Mig Gred Mig Gred )
x3 Holy Knight Infantrymen (4, but one has perished)
-Two knights are assigned 1 Garmr Battle Dog mk1 each.​
-one ECP droid has been assigned to this unit (now perished)​
-under the command of the wookie, Knight Bacceercha.​

Objective 1 & 3 (only for herself and Viken Dobson Viken Dobson )

."Apologies. Protection is not a practiced occupation. Just attack targets and defend locations." he admitted.

He heard her comment about the communication issue, "If no other options are available, and it is necessary. I can solve that problem." He stated pointing to the vocodor around his neck "My droids can interpret for me in the meantime. We should seek an alternative soon though. It is inconvenient for me to try and speak through translator droids. They do not speak shrywook though, it is not sufficiently common."

Dorthea smirked at Cruk's unnecessary apology and his reassurance that he could effectively communicate with her. It had been roughly four years ago when Dorthea had assumed Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk had thrown a datapad at her (when he had apparently not done so) and she had attempted to hurt him back. She couldn't help but appreciate the fact that he didn't seem to hold a grudge and was always focused on the task at hand. Her father, Arken Dobson Arken Dobson had always commented on how efficient and sensible Geonocians could be, in spite of their rather… barbaric traditions, and had always seemed to strangely admire them. Begrudgingly, Dorthea was beginning to see why.

She smiled appreciatively at the large bug, "Thank you, Cruk. Since I can't understand my knight captain, no offence, Bacceercha," she winced sheepishly at him and he simply nodded understandingly, "I'm hoping I can count on you to lead my security detail, if you don't mind. Between you, your elites, your droids, and my knights, I think if we stick together, we can finally make it to the meeting safely."

Suddenly, Narkeem, the Mon Calamari member of her guard detail, touched his finger to the side of his helmet as some kind of call must've come in. He murmured inside his helmet for a second and then turned to speak to Dorthea, "Ma'am, Grunty is still inside the station in the other room and is completely fine. He reports that a mandalorian is here to see to your safety and deliver you to the meeting in addition to your current guard detail. Shall I allow him to join us?"

Suddenly, before Dorthea could answer, a klaxon blared and a womans voice boomed over the station-wide intercom.


Suddenly, about a dozen Biots with glowing red eyes seemed to materialize out of various doors to the room they were all in. They came in and surrounded Dorthea and Cruk and their respective troops. Dorthea couldn't help but whistle, impressed.

She then turned to Narkeem, "yeah, tell him ( Mig Gred Mig Gred ) to come along. Might as well add one more to the literal army we're bringing…" she then turned to Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk and snorted a small laugh, "I guess we won't have any problems reaching the meeting now. Care to lead, my friend?" She stuck out her elbow as a lady would.


Haon Hafey Haon Hafey (parts of him) | Hayde Torve Hayde Torve | Hachi X-0 Hachi X-0 | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk | Mig Gred Mig Gred | Juno Wren Juno Wren

Sor-Jan Xantha

Objective 1
Wearing: Cloak of Sor-Jan Xantha | HoloLink XJ9
Tags: Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Gir Quee Gir Quee Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Severus Dobson Severus Dobson Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy
The boy inclined his head respectfully as Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch summarized precisely what the Anzat was envisioning.

Dobson managed the logistics. Corellia Digital could handle the flow of communications. The Imperium and the Concord could handle the security...

If it worked, it should be quite lucrative. For all parties.

The diplomatic talks seemed to derail slightly, however, as Burtch and Matsu seemed to take an aside to tackle. The fact that Burtch was asking for help and Matsu was signaling her security caused the boy to do more than merely take note.

Casually, the boy crossed his arms on the table before him. As he did, he nonchalantly reached over to tap a button on the side of the wristlink that he wore. A moment later, the Venator-class star destroyer in orbit launched a flight of droid starfighters -- which adopted a patrol around the star destroyer.

A minor precaution, to be certain. But his mobile headquarters represented over a billion credits in company assets. If there were a security situation, he'd prefer to have his droids deployed rather than find themselves with shields down and all fighters in hangar storage when the bantha poodoo hit the air recycling unit.

While the Chiss and the Atrisian dealt with that matter, the young Anzat turned toward Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy . "You've mentioned Navi and Angels, and it's made me conscious of the fact that I know very little of the Imperium's faith," he noted, trying to find a topic of conversation that might distract those not involved in responding to the security situation while the others handled their business.

"Is there anything you might be willing to share with an outsider?"
Objective: 1

Willow and Ivy saw the expression that Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch was giving them as the others spoke. It was a continuation of what he had been feeling earlier. The twins gave him a small smile of reassurance. They weren't bothered by the way others treated them, so long as they weren't hurt and still kept their freedom.

As the security breach was being delt with, a tray of treats, Empire coffee and teas was rolled in for the guests to enjoy. Some of the treats were exotic in nature, as well as the teas. Yet it was the coffee that was probably the most expensive of the lot.

Burtch seemed to agree with the twins' suggestion of having the Angels help to protrct the hyperspace lanes. Howevever Willow caught something else from him. She knew what he was feeling and why, so she quietly spoke within his mind; ~You'll be with her soon. Your Lady is almost ready, and she'll have much to share with you. You'll not be parted from her for much longer.~

Ivy on the other hand turned to Sor-Jan Xantha as he requested information on the Navi. She gave him a sweet smile as she corrected him. "The Navis Sacra is not the faith of the Imperium, but of some of the Nomadic People's Coalition that live on Damascus Station near Imperium space."

It was then that Willow chimed in on the conversation. "Angels are ships that protect us all from the dangers of open space. Everything out there wants to kill you and the Angels protect. So we look after them, enhance them with the souls of willing heroes to make them better and more advanced. Only Angels are permitted to harm other Angels. Those that look after the Angels get rewarded. Those that harm them are punished."

"We were rescued by a select few and this is our thanks to them." Burtch and Daro Roz’yrn Daro Roz’yrn were among them. And the twins held them in the highest regard. Especially Burtch. He was as dear to them as a father would be.

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