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List of Planetary Catastrophes

Well-Known Member
Inspired by this question and the success of the Map Index, I've decided to take the first step and just list a few of the numerous global catastrophes that have occurred across the galaxy here on Chaos. So, once I add a few here, it would be appreciated if you all participated and nominated worlds who have genuinely suffered since the Timeline started.

Here are the nominations I have so far:


  • "Brokellia" - See also, "Corellia".

  • Corellia - There are few words that can describe the terrifying condition of the planet once known as Corellia. No small amount of words can describe the level of destruction this world faced just prior, and during the infamous "Netherworld Crisis", circa 844 ABY. However, in short, the world was ripped in half and smashed into an alien world from another Galaxy. A portal to the Netherworld of the force still remains as a consequence of that crisis above the planet. For a comprehensive analysis of the world, see the following link.
  • Christophsis - The planet has in recent years suffered major damages to orbital bombardment and slaughtering of the population in quick succession. The CIS ordered an Orbital Bombardment of all military bases on Christophsis, killing 80,000 (estimated). The Imperial Remnant (this era's variant) arrived, where a conflict broke out between the two factions resulting in the CIS fleeing and the Imperial Remnant taking control, with all the military bases completely decimated, and 80k dead. Then the Black Tie Syndicate came one week later and invaded, sending troops down, attacking all the police forces and remaining military, but initially avoided civilians. Ultimately, the order came down to kill civilians. The entire capital city was destroyed (Chaleydonia), with somewhere between hundreds of thousands and millions being killed. The Imperial Remnant managed to drive the Syndicate back. The surface likely still bars the scars of the orbital bombardments, and the consequences of the massacre likely still exist today. Link, Link.
  • Coruscant: Directive 12 resulted in wanton devastation perpetrated by the One Sith in the defense of its capital in the face of advancing Galactic Alliance forces, causing the deaths of dozens of millions of civilians (primarily in the Financial District, Valley of the Lords) in an attempt to cover the retreat of the One Sith armies. Darth Centax is rumored to be involved in the widespread destruction. Link

  • ​Dantooine - A lesser known tragedy occurring just prior to the Genocide of Mirial (See below; Mirial) between the years 844 ABY and 849 ABY, and one with fewer repercussions - likely in part that it was eclipsed by the Genocide on Mirial which followed it. Nonetheless, despite its lack of importance, it should be noted that the environment of Dantooine has been significantly altered to a degree. The madman, Warlord Zambrano the Hutt, came to Raze Dantooine, but not through traditional orbital bombardment... but by crashing dozens and dozens of star destroyers directly into its surface. The surface still remains as farming planes, but on the horizon there are a significantly larger number of Starship ruins than there were years before. Link.
  • Donanyd - A planet utterly destroyed by Darth Apparatus in early 835 ABY. No further information, no other links. Consequences included the motivation of the Omega Pyre transitioning into a formal Omega Protectorate with a slogan of "Never Forget Donanyd". Eventually the movement waned, but by that time it was no longer needed.
  • Dromund Kaas - During the Mandalorian invasion of the Sith Empire between the years 837 ABY and 844 ABY, to avenge the fallen of Keldabe, @Captain Laarq toed a number of asteroids into the system in the middle of the engagement and unleashed them onto the surface of the Sith Capital. The planet would suffer something akin to a "nuclear winter" in the atmosphere as a result of the harrowing impacts. The ruins of the capital city, and the icy wastelands that cover the former jungle world, still leave their mark to this day, though there are many accounts recording the recovery of its vegetation. Link.
  • Druckenwell - A planet which fell under siege by the Omega Protectorate about the year 825 ABY against the Confederacy of Independent Systems (wholly separate from the Clone Wars era variant, though with similar themes). Once it became clear the battle was to be lost to the Omega Protectorate, elements of the CIS sabotaged their own orbital shipyards, which crashed into the planet killing an untold number of people, causing lasting surface damage to the planet in the debris field. The event would be long remembered and commemorate in honor of all the innocent lost to that battle, and further strengthened the Omega Protectorates resolve. Link.


  • Friesa - The site of a massive slaughter conducted by the One Sith war machine, followed by the population being turned into a "giant alchemic basin". Link.





  • Kaeshana: The once prosperous homeworld of the Eldorai was devastated by an asteroid impact. Although many of the civilians had been evacuated there were many millions of killed, and many more forced to fend for themselves. These 'Forsaken' resent the Eldorai who escaped the planet yet left them to their fate. The planet itself is now a shattered husk of its former glory, and even worse is now being fought over by the Galactic Alliance and First Order. Link.
  • Korriban: As the Silver Jedi occupation of the Stygium Caldera came to an abrupt end, Korriban City found itself obliterated via the orbital bombardment of a wayward military officer, killing tens of thousands and leaving the city little more than a desolate ruin. This action prompted the Jedi to withdraw, leaving the planet in Sith hands once more. They have re-established a training academy there, beneath the ruins of the former Temple. No other damages are recorded to the graveyard world as a direct result of the orbital bombardment, though more damage is likely to have occured. Link.


  • Mandalore -
  • Mirial - As the Netherworld Crisis waned, the emergent empire known as the "Primeval" had gained particular notoriety in the galaxy... however, their hierarchy of power was a tenuous one, and when their Host Anja Aj'Rou died, the infamous Warlord Zambrano the Hutt, twisted and maddened by the dark side of the force, was the only one mad enough to call upon its awesome resources. He then came to Mirial to conduct a sick ritual in the name of his god Balagoth. He began a systematic genocide of the Mirialan population, and brought death to the world in an epic display. A number of Mirialan Zoudou Shades still wander the surface. Fortunately, not all Mirialans were caught in the massacre, and were able to flee the world to the Silver Sanctum, who launched a relief effort on the planet when the Primeval Civil War resulted in its complete fragmentation and collapse between the years 844 ABY and 849 ABY. Link.
  • Mindabaal: Perpetrated at the height of the civil war between the One Sith and what ultimately became the Sith Order, the battle between these two Sith groups resulted in planet-wide devastation that left most cities of Mindabaal in ruins and both parties being equally complicit in destruction, amounting to a genocide. Link






  • Surron: The planet was invaded by a strain of the undead transplanted from Mimban. The populace was decimated until a group calling itself "The Reformation" intervened and rescued a few thousand civilians from devastation, which had destroyed nearly half the population of the planet or more. In addition, there was an orbital bombardment issued upon the planet by The Reformation to destroy the horde, scaring a large portion of the surface. [Link]

  • Togoria: The planet was ravaged in three waves throughout the years. The first wave was when Hauntruss and Kaine harvested a good portion of the population to power a Sith ritual, the second wave came when Emperor Kaine returned to the planet to enslave the native Togorians and prevent them from joining the errant Mandalorian neighbors and eventually just saturation bombed the entire planet to a wasteland, and the final wave came during the One Sith invasion of Galactic Republic controlled Togoria which resulted in a Sith victory and Kaine finished what he had started by corralling the surviving Togorians into a massive city-prison and systematically killed them off through torture, starvation, and other insidious means. Then he had the entire complex bombarded from orbit when he left the One Sith. Very few Togorian's survive today, if any.
  • Tython - A specific portion of this world was heavily tainted by the darkside, by the One Sith. They came and rose mountains and volcanoes around a plot of five square kilometers, surrounding an "Oracle Tower". The nexuses of the force were heavily corrupted, as surrounding Jedi Temples were torn down or refurbished into new Sith Temples. The entire planet has become tainted by their darkside presence. Whether or not this world remains in this sunken state, or if is making a recovering, remains undocumented since. Link.






Well-Known Member
I have a few blanks because I'm not 100% privy on the details, but I know something happened to them.

[member="Darth Carnifex"], was it Togoria or Toydaria that you committed genocide on?

Anyone else got anything to add? I KNOW there are more I don't have listed :p
Kaeshana: The once prosperous homeworld of the Eldorai was devastated by an asteroid impact. Although many of the civilians had been evacuated there were many millions of killed, and many more forced to fend for themselves. These 'Forsaken' resent the Eldorai who escaped the planet yet left them to their fate. The planet itself is now a shattered husk of its former glory, and even worse is now being fought over by the Galactic Alliance and First Order.

This is a good idea, and good preparation for later. Well done.


Disney's Princess

Every fleet battle ever times the number of crewmen killed = An unsustainable galactic population and system of naval education for the past 15 IC years

You can, um... Slot that one under F, I suppose. :)
Well-Known Member
[member="Krest"], any specific details? A link would be incredibly helpful, but if you can name the thread title I can probably find it on my own.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] added :)

[member="Darth Carnifex"] you and Hauntress killed them right? Got a thread you can name or any specific details?

[member="Vilaz Munin"] did this event change the environment, or significantly alter its normal population to a severe degree? I'm just recording the catastrophes that alter the environment of a planet, it'd be too much to go into every isolated massacre... one happens practically every thread ;P

[member="Dish"] I can probably find it on my own, but do you got a name to the thread, or a link (even better)? Do you recall how exactly it became inhospitable?

[member="Jay Scott Clark"] in case it wasn't clear, this is more of a list of planetary catastrophes. So unless you can name a specific fleet battle that resulted in wide spread destruction of the surface and/or culling of large populations, I'll reserve all of those for someone to come along crazy enough to list all of the space battles ever. ;)
Well-Known Member
Also, I'm looking for information on the following recent events:

  • Korriban - I heard that a city got blown up or something along those lines. Was the over all environment changed, at the very least within a specific region of the planet, or was it more of an isolated massacre?
  • Mandalore - I heard that Mandalore got karked up bad... like way bad. Several orders of magnitude greater than Keldabe getting nuked, bad. Anyone care to elaborate?
[member="Fatty"] we lost it in the big purge right after Dark Harvest, the purge happened like mid thread and we lost it all. I believe it was simply due to massive use of ordinance as well as Matsu Ike doing some stuff with force storms.
Well-Known Member
[member="Dish"] Hmm, that is unfortunate. I suppose I could add a mention of something in there, but without specific details it'll be more difficult. Hopefully some Veterans of that battle will see this list and comment.

John Ash

Only by Fire do we become Ash.

Christophsis got orbital bombarded and attacked by battle droids by the CIS. Then after they captured Jessica Med Bay and Nak Khamgul, Miss Blonde came in with a bunch more troops and ships. The planet was attacked once again as well as raided for things of value. I will try to hunt down the threads where this happened later.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

I would put at least mention of Keldabe getting nuked by RC 212, for the other Mandalore getting karked up think you can ask @Ijaat Martell or however the name is spelled, [member="Verz Horak"], and [member="Mia Monroe"]

There was also one planet either within or by Protectorate that got totally destroyed Alderaan style, Donyanyd or something like that [member="Cira"], [member="Ayden"] Carter, and maybe [member="Sarge Potteiger"] maybe know or remember more

And then there was the Siege of Druckenwell when CIS 2.0/ASA sabotaged their own orbital shipyard ring to drop it on the planet when it became clear they were going to lose it to the Protectorate
Well-Known Member
[member="HK-36"] Ah yes, how could I forget Donyand or whatever, or dearest me Druckenwell!

I will mark them in sometime today :p

As for Keldabe, didn't the Mandalorians clean it up after wards? I'm not sure if it still needs a mention or not, considering what I've heard has become of Mandalore recently. I fear it would be completely overshadowed as to become irrelevant. Of course, without the pertinent information, I have no idea if that thought is valid or not.

Liking this one a lot :)

Korriban: As the Silver Jedi occupation of the Stygium Caldera came to an abrupt end, Korriban City found itself obliterated via the orbital bombardment of a wayward military officer, killing tens of thousands and leaving the city little more than a desolate ruin. This action prompted the Jedi to withdraw, leaving the planet in Sith hands once more. They have re-established a training academy there, beneath the ruins of the former Temple.
Here are the two threads in order:

To explain it in a paragraph:

The CIS came in, ordered an Orbital Bombardment of all military bases on Christophsis, killing 80,000 (estimated). The Imperial Remnant arrived, they left (After their faciton ebing destroyed as most of their fleet was), all the military bases completely decimated, and 80k dead. Then the Black Tie Syndicate came one week (IC) later and invaded, sent troops down, attacked all the polices forces and remaining military, but avoided civilians, then were given orders to attack civilians. They also targeted the capital mainly, so the entire capital city was destroyed (Chaleydonia), with somewhere between hundreds of thousands and millions being killed. I don't know if this qualifies enough, but thats the story.

Togoria: The planet was ravaged in three waves throughout the years. The first wave was when Hauntruss and Kaine harvested a good portion of the population to power a Sith ritual, the second wave came when Emperor Kaine returned to the planet to enslave the native Togorians and prevent them from joining the errant Mandalorian neighbors and eventually just saturation bombed the entire planet to a wasteland, and the final wave came during the OS invasion of GR Togoria which resulting in a Sith victory and Kaine finished what he had started by corralling the surviving Togorians into a massive city-prison and systematically killed them off through torture, starvation, and other insidious means. Then he had the entire complex bombarded from orbit when he left the OS.

[member="Darth Voracitos"]

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