Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lost Causes

Oh the little devil in shorts had disappeared beneath the waves, and while she could for a few months see his shadow moving through the water the playful splashing of a few nearby clouded the water and now she was at his mercy.

She laughed nervously looking for him, he's going to get me isn't he she thought.

The she thought she saw him but too late, he reached out grabbed her and lifted while she screamed happily. She put her hands down on her shoulders to assure herself she was stead, she looked down, "You're a sithspawn Orick T'ane' All this supposed anger at him for scaring her turned into laughter.

His hair was all wet now too and his skin so tan compared to hers they were a contrast of color and now she realized that she was all pink. No wonder everyone stared. Eh who cared some out there had on quite a bit less and..received the stares they wished to garner. Bree needed only on persons attention right now, and he had just scared her.

She began to try and shift her weight, leaning back, then leaning forward in his arms. He was strong but could she knock him off balance.

"Payback will be coming" She playfully snarled at him and she tried to arch her back..

[member="Orick T'ane"]
He laughed as she squirmed in his arms. He tried to shift his weight in the water, but the sand was soft and as he tilted back; he fell backwards into the water, dropping her on top of him. Her laughter was melodic and he could feel the happiness inside her. " There's nothing that you can do to me that I can't handle" he said back after he resurfaced. It was easy to spot her because of her skin, and with the water glistening around her she was a gem in the sand.

He swam back a bit and closed his eyes as he let the water support his weight. " This was a great idea, Bree. I'm not sure I have ever been to a beach this nice before." He said to her as he drifted in the water. It was a perfect day, the sun was shinning and the water was warm and inviting. He could stay here forever, but she had a mission to complete, and he gave his word that he would make that mission happen. Time on Naboo was short and by the end of this stop he may end up losing one of his good friends and contacts.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
She laughed so hard "oh gosh" she was flat against him for a moment but in that moment she felt warmth and then he disappeared as she gained her footing to stand on her own. She thought something there are some things that I can do that will have you slapping your bottom and yelling whose my Daddy " She laughed at the vision well maybe he wouldn't do that but he'd be spent and sleep well.

She watched him as he actually let himself relax he did not have any tension in his body as he floated on the surface. It was all worth it right now to see him like this. Their whole flight he seemed tight as a spring even in those light moments. Contentment.

"It as a great idea" she repeated, ane did a slow dive towards him till she came even to her keeping her balance on the top of the water. How long since she had days like this?

Life changed too quickly. One moment to the next she did not know what would happen. Her life in the last two years had proven that. There were times it felt like forever, and then there were times it was a blink.

"I'm glad you decided to help me Orick we've had a lot of fun today" She had a lot of fun since the moment she met him, teasing him as she had watching his reactions. Humans, she didn't understand them all the time.

"You will miss me when I am gone you know. You will wonder if I'm alright. You might even want to see me again" She rolled over to her back looking up, smiling at the sky.

Course all this depended on what his "friend" did when they went to claim the ship.

[member="Orick T'ane"]
He opened his eyes and gave her a friendly look." Yes I think that in the end I will wonder about you, and I probably will miss you. But you have important family business to deal with after our job, and that's not something I'm good at." He was going to miss her company, she was a good person at her core and she had tried to be his friend and make sure he was happy.

He couldn't just let it happen because her way of making him happy would put him in a position that he couldn't afford to be in right now. Emotional attachment compromises how I work. If she becomes more than the job then I won't think with my head when it matters most. He took a deep breath hand smiled, closing his eyes again.

" Will you wonder what has happened to me when this is all over? When you're famous for whatever it is that you end up doing?"

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
She took a deep breath filling her lungs with the air of freedom, "I will miss you and think of you often as you have given me a great gift."

She was just who she was in her ways of tempting him sometimes she did not even think of the words that came out of her mouth. Famous. She laughed. That was never her intention.

What he didn't know was the job she had to do, this important family job. Some would say folly, others would say ridiculous, but to her parents this was a task that HAD to be done. So, here she was.

But what would happen to her once this was done, she'd go back to hanging out in cantinas hiding from the Shadows. But who knew maybe they had forgotten her. But then again maybe they had not.

Betrayal was not looked upon favorably.

She floated there for as long as the sun would shine.

Bree smiled and then flicked water at Orick, they were getting melancholy. Ugh.

[member="Orick T'ane"]
He glanced over at her as he turned in the water and floated there. " I haven't done anything for you yet. I only help where i can." And that's not often. He smiled as he replied to her. He splashed a bit of water back at her, knowing that she would take the bait. He looked out at the water and say a small buoy bobbing in the water not so far away.

" I bet I can beat you to that buoy. Lets see of this athletic body you're always talking about is more than just talk." he laughs slightly as he dove forward and began to swim as fast as he could towards the buoy in the distance. He had been trained when he was in the Republic marines on how to swim fast and he was hoping that it would help him beat her now. She was in perfect shape, He had seen enough of her to know that, he only hoped that she wasn't as good in the water as she was with everything else she did.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
Swimming to the buoy she laughed she had not even gotten to give him the answer he was on his way, well...ok.

She dove under extending her arms began pulling back the water, and kicking her feet in a steady rhythm she put her face into the water, every other stroke she turned her head to take a breath. She had no idea where Orick was at, before her after her she knew he was around her the slap of his hands on the water told her.

If she took time to pick up her head to look around she'd miss a stroke. She wished for a moment she could, her competitive nature just wouldn't let her not look. She picked up and saw he was a few strokes ahead.

She pushed herself to try and go faster

Who would win..

[member="Orick T'ane"]
He was pushing himself as much as he could, his form was a bit sloppy but his arms were ready in their overhead stroke. His head was turned to the side to allow him air as he swam, he saw her out of the corner of his eyes and he had to concentrate to not laugh as she quickly closed the gap between them.

That girl can swim, he thought ads he watched her slide up to him and he noticed that she was not next to him totally. Her stroke was perfect, her body was more like a bullet in the water than someone swimming. He pushed himself more so that he could keep up, he wanted to beat her at least once before they parted ways. He was having a good time regardless, she had brought out the life in him that he had locked away for a long time. The buoy was closing fast, it would only be a matter of seconds before one of them touched it.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
She was kicking really working her body then she felt something, no she thought and kept going. There it was again. Her eyes went wide.

"OHHH!" She stopped for a second just second just as soon as Orick touched the buoy she didn't go near it. She was keeping afloat, her cheeks apple red. She smiled uneasily.

He had beaten her, she laughed, "You win!" Then she narrowed her gaze, "I want a rematch" She said calmly, perhaps too calmly.

She looked around now. "Orick...I favor.." She fluttered her eyes at him to hide her embarrassment.

[member="Orick T'ane"]
He laughed as he touched the buoy, he was frailty certain that she had pulled up at the last second, but he was willing to take the win however he could. He turned in the water and began the motions needed to stay in place. " I will gladly give you a rematch any time you want one." he said to her. He noticed her complexion change a bit and he tilted his head.

" What's the problem, Bree. What happened?" he moved a bit closer to her, hoping that she was OK. It would be a long swim back to the beach if he had to bring her back but he wouldn't even think of doing anything less than that if she needed it. he smiled at her and hopped that it would help her calm down a bit.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
She went wide eyed, "NO, please..stay there." She shook her head, "I lost.." her shoulders dropped, "I lost my top it kinda shimmied right down and off" She frowned and tried not to laugh it was typical.

"I need to find it and well put it on before I can get out." She looked around, "It should be floating close by, I hope" Yes she flirted with him endless, with all kinds of innuendo but remember she wasn't forcing herself on him, and now she was just embarassed.

"Do you see it" She looked around where they were it should be there..

[member="Orick T'ane"]
He laughed loudly and was very glad that they were as far from everyone else as they were. "I'm not even going to ask how that happened." He said, in a teasing voice. He did stop moving towards her and looked around for her top. it was almost the same color as she was, so it should have been easy to spot in the water.

" You really should have picked something that would have stayed on. Is this another excuse to take your clothes off around me? " he wasn't done teasing her as he started to slowly swim back along the path that they took to reach the buoy. He finally saw the top a few meters away and as he swam toward it he couldn't help but laugh at the entire situation. Had she not had this malfunction she would have smoked me in this race. He couldn't help but laugh at the whole thing. She won because she wanted to wear something sexy. He would happily take the win, no matter how it happened.

He got close enough to the top to snatch it out of the water and turned to smile at her, " Hey I found your top. How much is it worth to you?" He teased again

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
It was her turn to laugh, OH she knew the shoe was now on the other foot she looked over at him think Bree. "I'm top heavy and all the water and swimming made it..slip off" sounded good right. She hoped her voice holding that hint of believe me or don't tone. Even she couldn't believe it had come off, was she so well endowed that a little movement she wouldn't think on it.

Oh was it a reason to take her clothes off, she tilted her head to the right and looked at him, Absolutely I want you to see what you are turning down, do you see it yet or are you delaying in order to catch a glimpse she squeezed her eyes shut and made a face. She was glad to see him moving back to see where it was, it certainly should not be too far.

Oh he wanted to play that game with her, she moved towards him now, I think the question is how much is it worth to you? She swam a little closer, ok this was now a game of chicken, who would give in first?

[member="Orick T'ane"]
He saw her swimming towards him and he stopped. This had been a good idea when he thought of it, but she was the kind of person that teasing wasn't just teasing, it was an invitation. He paddled back a bit, trying to get some distance between them. " Bree, that's close enough, I'm sure I can just toss it to you from here. You know that I want to, but not now." He continued to move backwards.

She was closing in on him and he knew that he couldn't out swim her, but he had her top and he oped that would be enough to get her to stop. He was having a great time and wanted to spend the rest of the day doing just that. " Come on Bree, seriously. You know that I was just teasing you." He says again.

She's getting closer now, just another foot or two and she should be close enough. He thinks as she moves forward. As soon as the gap closes a bit more he takes the small bits of fabtic and tosses them right at her. He hoped she wouldn't be to mad at him for it.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
She laughed and stopped taking her top from her face "Be right back" She slipped under the water and with a few shakes, her hands breaking the surface as if she were putting something over her head, the water rippling as she moved, she came back up.

"I don't know that you want to do anything" She was being sarcastic she knew he would if the rule didn't exist. And she knew was testing his limitations at times. She swam a little closer to him, "you did win fairly and now that I am dressed again" She got closer all she had to do was reach out and touch him.

She wasn't mad at all it took a bit more than this to get her mad. "What's next?"

[member="Orick T'ane"]
He watched her disappear under the water to put her top back on. It was an odd thing to see, but he was glad for it, he didn't want or need any more reasons to question his rules.

He grinned and splashed a bit of water at her, " I only won because you bought the kind of top that comes off when you try to swim in it. You could, and should have won that race." He said, treading water in place, not really worrying about how close she was now that she was dressed. He wondered how long she wanted to stay in the water, it was a beautiful day and there were many things to see, but he had promised her a day to do whatever she wished and he would gladly keep that promise if it kept her smiling.

" What's next is totally up to you, this is your day and I won't push you to do anything at all that you don't want to do."

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
[member="Orick T'ane"]

Close enough she put her arms around his neck as they both tread water, she tilted her head back looking up at the blue sky. She held on lightly she could now feel the strength he possessed. He was a stunning sexy virulent male that she wanted to be close to. The rules, her promise.

She brought her head back up looking into eyes that were as blue as her own. "I just want to spend time with you. " It was sincere they were getting along well, she found he had a sense of humour, and she enjoyed watching his face when she said something tempting, or how his eyes travelled across her body showing a want that he refused to act on.

"Walk then dinner. Then we should go." She couldn't put it off.
He didn't move as she put her arms around him, he swam backwards for a few meters, the motion pulling her closer to him. He enjoyed the silence and the moment, just letting the water, the wind, the sun and her closeness surround him.

He nodded as she finally spoke, " I would like that as well. A walk and dinner sounds like a wonderful idea. One last moment of fun before we get back to business."

He sighed deeply, he knew what the next step on their journey meant. He wished he had time to get a few more supplies for what was to come, but he couldn't worry about it now, if I stop and think about everything I would want for this job, I'd end up trying to hire a warship just to be sure.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]
Business. Why should such a word cause such a feeling of angst within her. She had promised not to fret but she could not help it at times. She did not want Orick to lose jobs because of her. Her fingers lay flat now against the nape of his neck as they floated back towards the beach, back towards reality and responsiblity.

"A nice leisurely walk with dinner, sounds like the very thing we need for this day" She envisioned a lot but that was just they way she thought, not that it happened only that she could see it. that was the romantic in her.

Slowly they were approaching the shore she could see that many were packing up heading home, heading off to whatever their destinations were to be. The simple pleasure of heading to a place where you knew you were always welcome, always needed, and looked forward to going go.

She could feel the shallows now as the water level dropped. She had to let go now, she smiled at him leaned forward and brushed her lips against his for a moments pleasure. Not quite a friend, but not the depth of a lover either, somewhere in between.

She slowly dropped her arms from his neck, and then pulled away. "Zeltrons are romantics at heart too"

[member="Orick T'ane"]
He didn't want the day to end, but he knew that eventually it would, and he hoped that it would end without any troubles. He was prepared in case something did happen, his hold out pistol was never far from him, well it was right now, it was in a storage locker on the beach. He nodded as she suggested dinner and a walk. " That sounds great, beating you in that race had made me hungry, " He smiled at her as he teased her a bit.

He sighed heavily as he turned and began to slowly walk out of the water. The breeze was light and it felt amazing on his chest and back. He turned and saw her walking out of the water and almost fell over at the sight, she still had no idea exactly what she was capable of doing when she was doing simple things. He turned and saw that almost the entire beach was watching her get out of the water and he chuckled to himself. She could make a ton of money just doing that all day.

He looked around to try to reorient himself to where they had stashed their clothes, he was beginning to feel a bit naked without a weapon on him.

[member="Breanna Volsh"]

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