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Luminara Rikanati


Name: Luminara Rikanati
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Species: Twi'lek
Eyes: Sith Gold-Red
Skin: White
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 130 Lbs.
Build: Curvy
Force Sensitive: VERY

Lightning- A natural talent of hers.
Telepathic illusions- Luminara can make you see whatever she wants you to see.

Sparring abilities- Luminara still needs a little work when it comes to lightsaber combat.
Hubris- She will occasionally get a little full of herself.
Physical strength- Her Force power is usually the majority of her strength. She isn't the best at heavy lifting.

Luminara is a professional kind of Sith. She doesn't indulge in simple pleasures as much as most people. Her favorite form of entertainment is hunting down "prey", or those she decides to target. It amuses her when she uses her illusions to fool the unwary and ultimately lead them to their deaths. She does not like to be double-crossed. If you do, she will become one hell of an enemy. She can seduce many men and/or women, and will use this to her advantage when in a risky situation.

Luminara was a slave dancer for a Hutt until the age of sixteen. She would've been sold long before this if she hadn't already learned that she could create illusions in the eyes of others. Her caretakers, being tricked by her power, convinced the Hutt that she was better than all of his other dancers. The Hutt made her rich for slave standards, and she began living a slave's dream at the age of thirteen. Eventually, Luminara was discovered by a Sith. He saw the raw potential within her, and stolde her from the Hutt. He trained her, helping her master her illusion skills, and unlock her telekinesis. He also helped her discover her natural talent with Force Lightning. After three years with him, the Sith became more aware of her beauty. He believed that he had fallen in love with her. But, what he didn't realize was that that was exactly what Luminara wanted him to think. After a single night of passion, Luminara slayed her master. Killing him sparked a new feeling inside Luminara that nearly consumed her: Bloodlust. She has been alone ever since.
In Umbris Potestas Est
I'd be willing to train you, if only for the fact that I quite literally can empathize with your background almost word for word.

[member="Luminara Rikanati"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Luminara Rikanati"]

Not yet, not yet, but i plan to be there when he dies. :D

[member="Darth Vornskr"]

As for you, Just stay dead when it happens and i think you will find it is a rewarding experience.... or give me Balaya to torture and were clear of all debts. Hehehe
[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Not true. I've killed plenty of beings in my time, and I made sure that they never came back. It was lots of fun, too... :devil:
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Luminara Rikanati"]

More illusions and Sith Sorcery from me. The sort of stuff every good Sith needs to know. Besides, the worms don't exist.

Not to mention we all know why you're being that way, [member="Krest"].
So, you have a lekku fetich, do you? ;)
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Which forms, exactly?

Don't you have a lot of apprentices right now too?


Anyway, sense I can't poke fun anymore ( :< ) I'll still train you. Force telekinesis, Alter Elements, Lightsaber Forms, speed/jump. All the good core stuff everyone should know.

Juyo/Vapaad, Ataru.

[member="Luminara Rikanati"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Luminara Rikanati"]

Truthfully, no. And I would watch out for [member="Darth Vornskr"]. He isn't exactly the nicest to apprentices who make even the slightest mistake. >_>
*shakes head slightly, letting lekku wave slowly* :p
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Oh, I don't mind harsh masters. They make the lessons sink in so much better.

Interesting. I am most intrigued...

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